Another example of Obama giving Congress the finger


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2010
Once again, Obama's enormous ego has him and his minions cracking the books to find a way to bypass Congress. This time on energy policy.
He plans on giving the EPA broad pseudo legislative powers regarding energy. The plan is to cripple the US's energy production capability. This puts us in deeper dependence on foreign countries for energy. Obama has it in his mind that oil and coal can be eliminated as energy sources...Now.
Obama actually believes he can stop the Earth's climate cycles.
» Obama, EPA plan climate change action without Congress » News -- GOPUSA
The guy is out of control.
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Good for the President. We all should give this do-nothing Congress made up of the worst ignoramouses ever to stink up the halls of Congress the finger. And do the same for the insane Teabaggers.
In all fairness; this was liberals giving us the finger more than a century ago when their crony judges ruled that govt. agencies were allowed to pass policies that were de facto law.
Good for the President. We all should give this do-nothing Congress made up of the worst ignoramouses ever to stink up the halls of Congress the finger. And do the same for the insane Teabaggers.

All's I heard is that you're fine with having a king rule you.
Good for the President. We all should give this do-nothing Congress made up of the worst ignoramouses ever to stink up the halls of Congress the finger. And do the same for the insane Teabaggers.

Hey....fuck you....I know you hate that pesky Constitution.
Once again, Obama's enormous ego has him and his minions cracking the books to find a way to bypass Congress. This time on energy policy.
He plans on giving the EPA broad pseudo legislative powers regarding energy. The plan is to cripple the US's energy production capability. This puts us in deeper dependence on foreign countries for energy. Obama has it in his mind that oil and coal can be eliminated as energy sources...Now.
Obama actually believes he can stop the Earth's climate cycles.
» Obama, EPA plan climate change action without Congress » News -- GOPUSA
The guy is out of control.

No, it is you idiots that are out of control. First, you flap-yap and lie about current events concerning the warming of the globe. It is not a natural cycle. It is a man created event. Every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this little planet has policy statements the say that. Yet ignoramouses like you with no scientific education at all believe that you know more than all the scientists in the world.

Second, we have the capability of supplying all of our energy needs with alternatives. And, should we decide to make that a priority, can do so in a single generation. That would not only free us from dependence of foriegn energy, but also clean our skys and waterways of much of the pollution with see today. We will be a healthier and wealthier nation for doing that.
Good for the President. We all should give this do-nothing Congress made up of the worst ignoramouses ever to stink up the halls of Congress the finger. And do the same for the insane Teabaggers.

One of the drawbacks of a republican form of government is that we allow people like you to partake in it.
In all fairness; this was liberals giving us the finger more than a century ago when their crony judges ruled that govt. agencies were allowed to pass policies that were de facto law.

Yup. Been a ball, kicking knownothing butt for over a century:lol:
Good for the President. We all should give this do-nothing Congress made up of the worst ignoramouses ever to stink up the halls of Congress the finger. And do the same for the insane Teabaggers.

One of the drawbacks of a republican form of government is that we allow people like you to partake in it.

Get used to it. You are going to see me for at least another thirty years. Giving 'Conservatives' heartburn by exposing their complete idiocy is a lark.
Good for the President. We all should give this do-nothing Congress made up of the worst ignoramouses ever to stink up the halls of Congress the finger. And do the same for the insane Teabaggers.

One of the drawbacks of a republican form of government is that we allow people like you to partake in it.

Get used to it. You are going to see me for at least another thirty years. Giving 'Conservatives' heartburn by exposing their complete idiocy is a lark.

(smile) You really are quite the ignorant fuck.

Come try and take some of my money ;)
Good for the President. We all should give this do-nothing Congress made up of the worst ignoramouses ever to stink up the halls of Congress the finger. And do the same for the insane Teabaggers.

All's I heard is that you're fine with having a king rule you.


Rocks in the Head and his ilk don't give a crap about the Constitution. They think Obama can change the law by fiat.

It's truly scary to learn what these Obama fluffers believe in.
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Once again, Obama's enormous ego has him and his minions cracking the books to find a way to bypass Congress. This time on energy policy.
He plans on giving the EPA broad pseudo legislative powers regarding energy. The plan is to cripple the US's energy production capability. This puts us in deeper dependence on foreign countries for energy. Obama has it in his mind that oil and coal can be eliminated as energy sources...Now.
Obama actually believes he can stop the Earth's climate cycles.
» Obama, EPA plan climate change action without Congress » News -- GOPUSA
The guy is out of control.

No, it is you idiots that are out of control. First, you flap-yap and lie about current events concerning the warming of the globe. It is not a natural cycle. It is a man created event. Every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this little planet has policy statements the say that. Yet ignoramouses like you with no scientific education at all believe that you know more than all the scientists in the world.

Second, we have the capability of supplying all of our energy needs with alternatives. And, should we decide to make that a priority, can do so in a single generation. That would not only free us from dependence of foriegn energy, but also clean our skys and waterways of much of the pollution with see today. We will be a healthier and wealthier nation for doing that.

Green energy is a joke. Every watt of wind and solar requires 100% backup from a coal fired plant. Germany is building 20 new coal plants. That's how good wind and solar are.
One of the drawbacks of a republican form of government is that we allow people like you to partake in it.

Get used to it. You are going to see me for at least another thirty years. Giving 'Conservatives' heartburn by exposing their complete idiocy is a lark.

(smile) You really are quite the ignorant fuck.

Come try and take some of my money ;)

LOL. Since I am drawing SS while working, I guess I already am doing just that. Of course, the money coming out of my paycheck, and still coming out of my paychecks, supported the prior generation for the 50 years that I have already been paying into the system.
Good for the President. We all should give this do-nothing Congress made up of the worst ignoramouses ever to stink up the halls of Congress the finger. And do the same for the insane Teabaggers.

Naw. We should give tyrannical d-bags like Obama who doesn't want to follow the rules and ram through his marxist policies down peoples throats the middle finger.

And do the same thing for the drone degenerate Traybaggers.
Get used to it. You are going to see me for at least another thirty years. Giving 'Conservatives' heartburn by exposing their complete idiocy is a lark.

(smile) You really are quite the ignorant fuck.

Come try and take some of my money ;)

LOL. Since I am drawing SS while working, I guess I already am doing just that. Of course, the money coming out of my paycheck, and still coming out of my paychecks, supported the prior generation for the 50 years that I have already been paying into the system.

You'll be dead soon, the world will be a better place.

We both know you'd have been fragged in the Nam.

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