Another Executive Order and the WAR ON COAL CONTINUES!

What's your point? Coal is on its way out.
well if that was to me, the point is, you have no idea what you're talking about and I posted the proof that coal is back in Europe when you and your other bubba joes say it isn't. that's the point, you lie!!!
How about we kill the industry that keeps you alive and feed.. Just for shits and giggles, THEN well see how fast you pull your head from your ass..

Spoken like a true scientist. lol
well a true scientists has a replacement product before putting lives in jeopardy. So I guess it is you speaking like a true libturd to punish the poor.
How about we kill the industry that keeps you alive and feed.. Just for shits and giggles, THEN well see how fast you pull your head from your ass..

Spoken like a true scientist. lol
well a true scientists has a replacement product before putting lives in jeopardy. So I guess it is you speaking like a true libturd to punish the poor.

I'm not concerned about the coal companies going out of business. I suspect that they can remain in the game by switching to tobacco farming....
How about we kill the industry that keeps you alive and feed.. Just for shits and giggles, THEN well see how fast you pull your head from your ass..

Spoken like a true scientist. lol
well a true scientists has a replacement product before putting lives in jeopardy. So I guess it is you speaking like a true libturd to punish the poor.

I'm not concerned about the coal companies going out of business. I suspect that they can remain in the game by switching to tobacco farming....
I'm concerned with my electric at my house, the traffic lights on the street and so on and so on.
President Trump will undo this.

Should auction off the coal mines to the highest bidder, and then pump the runoff water to the nearest Democrat city, make Flint look like Perrier water

No he won't, there isn't going to be President Trump.

Dream on. Only the radical LWNJ openly embrace Socialism, gun control and hate America and both your candidates are just that
President Trump will undo this.

Should auction off the coal mines to the highest bidder, and then pump the runoff water to the nearest Democrat city, make Flint look like Perrier water

No he won't, there isn't going to be President Trump.

Dream on. Only the radical LWNJ openly embrace Socialism, gun control and hate America and both your candidates are just that

This is off topic of course, but I have to know. Just off the top of your head, Frank, what odds would you give that Donald Trump will be elected president this year?
After nearly 8 years Obama still does not grasp how American branches of government work. Lets Review:
  1. Legislative – Makes laws (Congress)
  2. Executive – Carries out laws (President, Vice President, Cabinet)
  3. Judicial – Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and Other Courts)
Notice it is the Congress that makes the laws....
Nowhere is it stated that the Executive branch makes the laws, that would be a Dictatorship
Maybe Obama believes that he is the American Dictator. In which case the Congress should take up another power they have and remove the president from office .
After nearly 8 years Obama still does not grasp how American branches of government work. Lets Review:
  1. Legislative – Makes laws (Congress)
  2. Executive – Carries out laws (President, Vice President, Cabinet)
  3. Judicial – Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and Other Courts)
Notice it is the Congress that makes the laws....
Nowhere is it stated that the Executive branch makes the laws, that would be a Dictatorship
Maybe Obama believes that he is the American Dictator. In which case the Congress should take up another power they have and remove the president from office .

Are you guys going to still be wondering why the republican controlled congress did not impeach Obama, halfway through Hillary's 8 years as president?
After nearly 8 years Obama still does not grasp how American branches of government work. Lets Review:
  1. Legislative – Makes laws (Congress)
  2. Executive – Carries out laws (President, Vice President, Cabinet)
  3. Judicial – Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and Other Courts)
Notice it is the Congress that makes the laws....
Nowhere is it stated that the Executive branch makes the laws, that would be a Dictatorship
Maybe Obama believes that he is the American Dictator. In which case the Congress should take up another power they have and remove the president from office .

Are you guys going to still be wondering why the republican controlled congress did not impeach Obama, halfway through Hillary's 8 years as president?
So I take it you want to redefine the responsibilities of the 3 branches of the American government?
After nearly 8 years Obama still does not grasp how American branches of government work. Lets Review:
  1. Legislative – Makes laws (Congress)
  2. Executive – Carries out laws (President, Vice President, Cabinet)
  3. Judicial – Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and Other Courts)
Notice it is the Congress that makes the laws....
Nowhere is it stated that the Executive branch makes the laws, that would be a Dictatorship
Maybe Obama believes that he is the American Dictator. In which case the Congress should take up another power they have and remove the president from office .

Are you guys going to still be wondering why the republican controlled congress did not impeach Obama, halfway through Hillary's 8 years as president?
So I take it you want to redefine the responsibilities of the 3 branches of the American government?
They don't care, and never have. They want their way or the highway. If they get more judges on the Supremes they will do it through Judicial Activism. Constitution need not apply to them.............aka...........THEY SUCK HAIRY BALLS.
Sounds like gaining control of congress is not working out for you guys. Maybe you should through your new Speaker of the House under the bus...
Sounds like gaining control of congress is not working out for you guys. Maybe you should through your new Speaker of the House under the bus...
How about we win the presidential election and do the same thing to you as you have done to the nation...............We have pens and phones too.
Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change..

Well the fucktard has done it again...One more worthless EO to try and kill Coal Mines. The EO halts all new leases and stops lease renewals. This Socialist piece of crap cant get out of office fast enough for me.

The U.S. temporarily halts coal leasing on federal lands to reassess its policy in light of global warming.

The Obama administration on Friday brought a temporary halt to new coal mining leases on federal lands while it conducts a three-year review meant to bring coal leasing in line with U.S. climate policy.

The moratorium comes just days after Obama said in his State of the Union Address that he would push to change the way the government manages its oil and coal resources to reflect the costs they impose on both taxpayers and the planet. The moratorium takes place immediately, but does not halt coal mining and production currently underway.

“How do we manage the program that is consistent with our climate change objective? There is no short answer,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said during a news conference. “It is also clear that we need to take into account the science we have now on the environment and climate change.”

About 40 percent of all the coal produced in the U.S. comes from mines on federal public lands, mainly in the West. As of the end of 2014, there were 308 active coal mining leases on more than 464,000 acres of public lands in Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and Colorado, with an additional 10,500 acres in Kentucky, Alabama and West Virginia.

Burning coal and other fossil fuels for electricity is the largest single source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, accounting for about 31 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gases.
Read more: Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change
I support this 100%. Climate change might be bad for growing pot. Can't let that happen. No sir! Gotta have my weed. Shut down those filthy coal mines and power plants.
Sounds like gaining control of congress is not working out for you guys. Maybe you should through your new Speaker of the House under the bus...
How about we win the presidential election and do the same thing to you as you have done to the nation...............We have pens and phones too.

If electing a president is your game plan, I recommend that you come up with a plan B pretty quick!
Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change..

Well the fucktard has done it again...One more worthless EO to try and kill Coal Mines. The EO halts all new leases and stops lease renewals. This Socialist piece of crap cant get out of office fast enough for me.

The U.S. temporarily halts coal leasing on federal lands to reassess its policy in light of global warming.

The Obama administration on Friday brought a temporary halt to new coal mining leases on federal lands while it conducts a three-year review meant to bring coal leasing in line with U.S. climate policy.

The moratorium comes just days after Obama said in his State of the Union Address that he would push to change the way the government manages its oil and coal resources to reflect the costs they impose on both taxpayers and the planet. The moratorium takes place immediately, but does not halt coal mining and production currently underway.

“How do we manage the program that is consistent with our climate change objective? There is no short answer,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said during a news conference. “It is also clear that we need to take into account the science we have now on the environment and climate change.”

About 40 percent of all the coal produced in the U.S. comes from mines on federal public lands, mainly in the West. As of the end of 2014, there were 308 active coal mining leases on more than 464,000 acres of public lands in Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and Colorado, with an additional 10,500 acres in Kentucky, Alabama and West Virginia.

Burning coal and other fossil fuels for electricity is the largest single source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, accounting for about 31 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gases.
Read more: Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change

I think the bigger issue is.... why do we have "Federal Lands"?

Since when did we trade in our Republic for a modern Feudal system?

BINGO! we have a winner! The fed has no right to any lands, save the district of DC. Its been a theft from the states for a very long time...
Who are the coal folks going to sell coal? Every power company in the US is using cheaper natural gas.

Besides, I was kinda sick hearing about dead miners every week.

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