Another Fine Mess Obama's Gotten Us Into

Those statistics come from the non-partisan Bureau of Labor Statistics, dipshit.

No stupid fuck, they sure don't.


Here's the link. But of course you'll see it's Ezra Klein and call him a hack and parrot and blah blah blah. Only a ConservaDope would argue with non-partisan stats.

So I want to know, is it your claim that less people are on the federal payroll today, than in 1991?

Yes, or no?
Exactly. Systems that don't work very well that cost billions.


You now join the ranks of Mr. Shithead as having zero credibility.

God, that is some fucking great shit - "Hollywood war with Saddam in the role of Hitler."

You stupid fucks are a crackup. Knowing that you believe the shit you post - priceless.

The Patriot missiles never hit a thing.

Good god, the stupid shit you fucks will spew.

DVIDS - Video - Marines Archive: Patriot Missiles Intercepting SCUD Missiles

And SDI is complete bullshit.

Doesn't work.

Does it hurt being as retarded as you are?

I mean, physical pain?


Retarded is posting those piece of shit..expensive weapon

Even the people who fucking designed them, acknowledge they don't work.


Yo stupidfuck - your Messiah® still buys patriots. Does Obama buy them because they don't work (even though you can see video of them working)

Or is it different now that the anointed one is in charge.

Retarded is posting those piece of shit..expensive weapon

Yep, they don't work any more than running water does.

No doubt you're still shitting behind a tree and drinking from the gutter.

Even the people who fucking designed them, acknowledge they don't work.


What stupid fucking fool you are. The lies you tell for your party....

Here are the people who designed, and continue to make them, you complete, fucking moron.

{The combat-proven Patriot is the world’s most advanced air and missile defense system. With over 200 fire units fielded worldwide, it is a system of choice for 12 nations around the globe, including the U.S. and five NATO nations.

Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems is the prime contractor for Patriot — a long-range, high-altitude, all-weather system — and the systems integrator for the PAC-3 missile.}

Raytheon Company: Patriot

Here they are in action, you fucking retard.

[ame=]PATRIOT Intercept Tests - YouTube[/ame]

Goddamn but you're a complete fucktard moron.

Seriously stupid, there is something critically wrong with you, fucktard.


Yo stupidfuck - your Messiah® still buys patriots. Does Obama buy them because they don't work (even though you can see video of them working)

Or is it different now that the anointed one is in charge.

Retarded is posting those piece of shit..expensive weapon

Yep, they don't work any more than running water does.

No doubt you're still shitting behind a tree and drinking from the gutter.

Even the people who fucking designed them, acknowledge they don't work.


What stupid fucking fool you are. The lies you tell for your party....

Here are the people who designed, and continue to make them, you complete, fucking moron.

{The combat-proven Patriot is the world’s most advanced air and missile defense system. With over 200 fire units fielded worldwide, it is a system of choice for 12 nations around the globe, including the U.S. and five NATO nations.

Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems is the prime contractor for Patriot — a long-range, high-altitude, all-weather system — and the systems integrator for the PAC-3 missile.}

Raytheon Company: Patriot

Here they are in action, you fucking retard.

[ame=]PATRIOT Intercept Tests - YouTube[/ame]

Goddamn but you're a complete fucktard moron.

Seriously stupid, there is something critically wrong with you, fucktard.

You can post all the fucking "perfect conditions" testing you want.

They don't work.

Simple as that.

Missile defense doesn't work.

You live in a fucking fantasy world all your own.
You can post all the fucking "perfect conditions" testing you want.

They don't work.


What a fucking asshat.

Electricity is a myth..

Simple as that.

You're simple alright, stupidfuck.

Missile defense doesn't work.


Yeah, neither do internal combustion engines...

When partisanship trumps reality - we get dumbfuckery of your level.

You live in a fucking fantasy world all your own.

Right stupidfuck, objective reality is such a bore - you have a Reagan to hate.

PAC-3 Media Gallery

You're beyond stupid, you're delusional.

True story.
Wow. You are gullible and ignorant to think that just because somebody wrote Source" US GUBMINT' on their chart means that the information as presented is to be believed.

You can post all the fucking "perfect conditions" testing you want.

They don't work.


What a fucking asshat.

Electricity is a myth..

Simple as that.

You're simple alright, stupidfuck.

Missile defense doesn't work.


Yeah, neither do internal combustion engines...

When partisanship trumps reality - we get dumbfuckery of your level.

You live in a fucking fantasy world all your own.

Right stupidfuck, objective reality is such a bore - you have a Reagan to hate.

PAC-3 Media Gallery

You're beyond stupid, you're delusional.

True story.

Not delusional at all.

Delusional is thinking that shit works.

It doesn't.

Shit for brains.

And it was..a huge waste of tax payer money.
Wow. You are gullible and ignorant to think that just because somebody wrote Source" US GUBMINT' on their chart means that the information as presented is to be believed.


He works for the Washington Post you fucking boob. I think they probably have to have some prettttttyyyyy accurate sourcing on that site, don't you, Idiot?
Not delusional at all.

Delusional is thinking that shit works.

I've seen it first hand, stupid fuck. I've seen faucets bring forth water, as well. You're insane. Patriot and running water both indeed work.

The mindless fuck claiming Patriot doesn't work is no different than schizophrenic freak claiming running water is a hoax.

It doesn't.

Shit for brains.

And it was..a huge waste of tax payer money.

You shape reality based on your desire to piss on Reagan - that makes you as a matter of fact, insane. You have no grip on reality.
Hey UncensoredInanity, care to respond to your ass kicking?

Where do those stats come from again, loser?

So stupid, is it your claim that there are less people employed by the federal government today than there were in 1991?

Funny that you won't answer the question, and keep trying to blow smoke.

Why should I answer your question? You won't even cop to where these statistics came from you dumb fuck. I'll answer your question as soon as you tell me where those statistics came from. Take your medicine first, Gramps.
Not delusional at all.

Delusional is thinking that shit works.

I've seen it first hand, stupid fuck. I've seen faucets bring forth water, as well. You're insane. Patriot and running water both indeed work.

The mindless fuck claiming Patriot doesn't work is no different than schizophrenic freak claiming running water is a hoax.

It doesn't.

Shit for brains.

And it was..a huge waste of tax payer money.

You shape reality based on your desire to piss on Reagan - that makes you as a matter of fact, insane. You have no grip on reality.

Seen what first hand?

In any case...I really don't give a shit.

You live in fantasy land.

And Reagan was a treasonous fucking bastard..who supported terrorists that raped nuns in Central America..and another group of camel fuckers that blew the shit out of the WTC.

Pissing on him would be the least of it.
Why should I answer your question? You won't even cop to where these statistics came from you dumb fuck.

The stats came from hack Ezra Klein, you fucking liar. On top of that, I asked the question LONG before you started your little evasion game.

I'll answer your question as soon as you tell me where those statistics came from.

They came from leftist hack, Ezra Klein.

Take your medicine first, Gramps.

Put down the crack pipe, monkey boi.
Seen what first hand?

In any case...I really don't give a shit.

You live in fantasy land.

And Reagan was a treasonous fucking bastard..who supported terrorists that raped nuns in Central America..and another group of camel fuckers that blew the shit out of the WTC.

Pissing on him would be the least of it.

You're insane - seriously.

You are not able to process reality in a rational manner.

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