Another Fine Mess Obama's Gotten Us Into

Oh, and the actual source;

It's fucking hackjob Ezra Klein. You lied and said it was the BOLS

Busted again, you fucking mook.

Okay. I officially give up on you. You're a fucking idiot, and you need to be educated on how things work. Just because it's from a site you don't like doesn't mean that it's not sourced properly you ignorant piece of shit.

The actual data came from the BOLS. That's WHERE THE MOTHERFUCKING FACTS CAME FROM.

Seriously, consider this the absolutely last time I'm going to interact with you. Try and goad me, but I'm not going to play with someone who can't even understand how the world works.

Fuck I hate you.
Obama Says Private Sector Fine But State Governments Need Federal Help -

Leadership: An incoherent press conference and contradictory explanation show that if the president thinks the answer to job-killing federal policies is boosting state and local governments with borrowed money, we're really in trouble.

'Tone deaf" fails to describe President Obama's statement at Friday's press conference that "the private sector is doing fine," when median income is down 10% in three years, family net worth has plunged 39%, 23 million Americans are out of work and the official unemployment rate tops 8% for the 40th month in a row, the longest sustained period at that level since the Great Depression.

So, if we decline public sector jobs and the private sector isnt hiring, what then? Oh, I know, end unemployment and food stamps! (Ok, that last part was snarky but I meant the first part. and the second :D)

You smartly reduce redundant regulatory, job killing policies- something Obama promise to do, but has not done. Then you provide business friendly tax incentives and get rid of Obamacare.
I cant stand this president but this recession would have happened whoever got themselves elected.

It's not the argument against his reelection- The argument is how awful and what a failure his policies are in the face of the recession.
What policies? What policies exactly? Seriously, GOP congressional members won't am even approve infrastructure improvements that are desperately needed, and you're going to blame Obamacare, right? Besides Obamacare, what exactly had Obama done that's so terrible?

Would you say the GOP memebers of Congress have ANY liability for this?
And who's going to talk about the chart I posted showing that every Republican president since Reagan increased public sector jobs in the face of recession? Doesn't that fly right in the face of what you all claim should be done?

I'm really starting to believe the Republicans are indeed tanking the economy on purpose.
What policies? What policies exactly? Seriously, GOP congressional members won't am even approve infrastructure improvements that are desperately needed, and you're going to blame Obamacare, right? Besides Obamacare, what exactly had Obama done that's so terrible?

Would you say the GOP memebers of Congress have ANY liability for this?

Policies from his 2009 stimulus that propped up state governments and supposedly create shovel ready jobs. Did it work? NO- Obama himself admitted there were no shovel ready jobs- and most states continue to run huge deficits...well except those states initiating conservative policies to their budgets. In addition small business is not hiring due to Obama care penalties. These are just two of his jobs killing "bad for the economy" policies.

Ok, since you're the Clever Girl, maybe you can explain this to me. Republicans/Conservatives have been stressing the need for more private jobs and less people working for the government. Right? "Government jobs don't count, it's private jobs that matter." Isn't that right? So if that's the case, looking at the chart you provided, it would seem that private sector employment has been increasing steadily for 2 years now and the size of the federal government workforce has been decreasing for a year. Isn't this a good thing? What am I missing?

So much for your theory on the trends in the chart, uh?

“If the recession has barely touched one sector of the economy, it is government.”

If anyone is “doing fine,” it’s government employees. This goes beyond the far more generous pension and health benefits they enjoy. While the private sector lost 4.6 million jobs (a 3.9 percent drop) since the recession began, government payrolls have only fallen by 240,000 jobs (a 1.1 percent drop). Federal employment has actually grown nearly 12 percent since the end of 2007, and while the country suffers from 8.2 percent unemployment, the unemployment rate for government employees is just 4.2 percent.

Following a flurry of outrage over his Friday comment, the President backtracked, saying what he meant was that “we’ve actually seen some good momentum in the private sector. That has not been the biggest drag on the economy.”

Moving from 8.1 percent unemployment to 8.2 percent can only be considered “good momentum” in this White House. However, he’s correct about one thing: The biggest drag on the economy isn’t the private sector, but Washington.

Morning Bell: The Private Sector is Not “Doing Fine”
And who's going to talk about the chart I posted showing that every Republican president since Reagan increased public sector jobs in the face of recession? Doesn't that fly right in the face of what you all claim should be done?

I'm really starting to believe the Republicans are indeed tanking the economy on purpose.

A better graph: Note during Reagan's first term federal government employment declined.


All Employees: Government (USGOVT) - FRED - St. Louis Fed
Funny, when I went to the Home Page of the link the OP posted, a big ad about China and investing in China came up. Wow, China! Now the right wing loves China. Who knew?
And who's going to talk about the chart I posted showing that every Republican president since Reagan increased public sector jobs in the face of recession? Doesn't that fly right in the face of what you all claim should be done?

I'm really starting to believe the Republicans are indeed tanking the economy on purpose.

A better graph: Note during Reagan's first term federal government employment declined.


All Employees: Government (USGOVT) - FRED - St. Louis Fed

What happened in his second term?
What policies? What policies exactly? Seriously, GOP congressional members won't am even approve infrastructure improvements that are desperately needed, and you're going to blame Obamacare, right? Besides Obamacare, what exactly had Obama done that's so terrible?

Would you say the GOP memebers of Congress have ANY liability for this?

Policies from his 2009 stimulus that propped up state governments and supposedly create shovel ready jobs. Did it work? NO- Obama himself admitted there were no shovel ready jobs- and most states continue to run huge deficits...well except those states initiating conservative policies to their budgets. In addition small business is not hiring due to Obama care penalties. These are just two of his jobs killing "bad for the economy" policies.

So you're saying he's bad for business, is that your assertion?
And who's going to talk about the chart I posted showing that every Republican president since Reagan increased public sector jobs in the face of recession? Doesn't that fly right in the face of what you all claim should be done?

I'm really starting to believe the Republicans are indeed tanking the economy on purpose.

A better graph: Note during Reagan's first term federal government employment declined.


All Employees: Government (USGOVT) - FRED - St. Louis Fed

What happened in his second term?

He ended the recession and rebuilt the military.
And who's going to talk about the chart I posted showing that every Republican president since Reagan increased public sector jobs in the face of recession? Doesn't that fly right in the face of what you all claim should be done?

I'm really starting to believe the Republicans are indeed tanking the economy on purpose.

A better graph: Note during Reagan's first term federal government employment declined.


All Employees: Government (USGOVT) - FRED - St. Louis Fed

What exactly is the point of that, again?
What policies? What policies exactly? Seriously, GOP congressional members won't am even approve infrastructure improvements that are desperately needed, and you're going to blame Obamacare, right? Besides Obamacare, what exactly had Obama done that's so terrible?

Would you say the GOP memebers of Congress have ANY liability for this?

Policies from his 2009 stimulus that propped up state governments and supposedly create shovel ready jobs. Did it work? NO- Obama himself admitted there were no shovel ready jobs- and most states continue to run huge deficits...well except those states initiating conservative policies to their budgets. In addition small business is not hiring due to Obama care penalties. These are just two of his jobs killing "bad for the economy" policies.

So you're saying he's bad for business, is that your assertion?

If by "he" you mean his policies-yes.
And who's going to talk about the chart I posted showing that every Republican president since Reagan increased public sector jobs in the face of recession? Doesn't that fly right in the face of what you all claim should be done?

I'm really starting to believe the Republicans are indeed tanking the economy on purpose.

A better graph: Note during Reagan's first term federal government employment declined.


All Employees: Government (USGOVT) - FRED - St. Louis Fed

What exactly is the point of that, again?

You claimed government went up under Reagan during a recession- That recession was his first term- government employment actually went down.
Policies from his 2009 stimulus that propped up state governments and supposedly create shovel ready jobs. Did it work? NO- Obama himself admitted there were no shovel ready jobs- and most states continue to run huge deficits...well except those states initiating conservative policies to their budgets. In addition small business is not hiring due to Obama care penalties. These are just two of his jobs killing "bad for the economy" policies.

So you're saying he's bad for business, is that your assertion?

If by "he" you mean his policies-yes.

Hmm. So the DOW Jones doubling is bad, right? And corporate tax rates being the lowest they've been since 1972 is bad for business too, right? Imagine how much worse for business it would have been if Congress had passed is jobs act and corporate tax rates would be even LOWER than they are now, huh? 25 straight months of jobs growth clearly means business is suffering really badly right now, right?

It would seem like Obama's done a lot of good for business. But then again, I'm not a clever girl.
A better graph: Note during Reagan's first term federal government employment declined.


All Employees: Government (USGOVT) - FRED - St. Louis Fed

What exactly is the point of that, again?

You claimed government went up under Reagan during a recession- That recession was his first term- government employment actually went down.

My graph says total government employment, not just Federal employment. You're looking at Federal Jobs.
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A better graph: Note during Reagan's first term federal government employment declined.


All Employees: Government (USGOVT) - FRED - St. Louis Fed

What happened in his second term?

He ended the recession and rebuilt the military.

Didn't he also turn water into wine?

My favorite Reagan fact was that he was elected to be the head of a Union six times. He said everyone has the right to belong to a union.

Reagan Says Being In A Union Is A Basic Right - YouTube
So you're saying he's bad for business, is that your assertion?

If by "he" you mean his policies-yes.

Hmm. So the DOW Jones doubling is bad, right? And corporate tax rates being the lowest they've been since 1972 is bad for business too, right? Imagine how much worse for business it would have been if Congress had passed is jobs act and corporate tax rates would be even LOWER than they are now, huh? 25 straight months of jobs growth clearly means business is suffering really badly right now, right?

It would seem like Obama's done a lot of good for business. But then again, I'm not a clever girl.

It is quite literally one of the most anemic job growths in our nations history- AND that is thanks in large part to conservatives not budging on Obama's wanting to increase taxes on those earning 250k. We can thank Obama for a downgraded credit rating; business's afraid to hire; and a pessimism not seen in over70 years.

The DOW's ability to maneuver during a recession is an art form. THAT has nothing to do with the state of our economy.

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