Another founding father bites the dust, Thomas Jefferson

How many workers are really essential to the well-being of the super rich? Very few! Workers can be demanding and can be replaced so easily by machines. The billionaires no longer require “the masses” as wage slaves. Soon the billionaires won’t even need the masses as cannon fodder. Drones and robots will replace human soldiers. The billionaires will be happier with a far smaller population. Gates and Soros & Co. can’t wait to cull the human herd.
Now you're just proselytizing. The billionaires right now are begging workers to come back. Provide your evidence that innovation is causing unemployment.
Now you're just proselytizing. The billionaires right now are begging workers to come back. Provide your evidence that innovation is causing unemployment.
What planet are you from?

What planet are you from?

Lol. What boy? You can't use your words? What do those links say other than some jobs may soon be replaced by robots? Does that mean those people can't find other jobs? Nope.
Now you're just proselytizing. The billionaires right now are begging workers to come back. Provide your evidence that innovation is causing unemployment.
Innovation is coming where it will at some point affect employment. And we are totally unprepared for it. I have a difficult time thinking of a job that CANT be replaced by a computer and/or a machine.
Innovation is coming where it will at some point affect employment. And we are totally unprepared for it. I have a difficult time thinking of a job that CANT be replaced by a computer and/or a machine.
Great, so machines can do the work during the pandemic. Isn't socialism wonderful?
Great, so machines can do the work during the pandemic. Isn't socialism wonderful?
I said innovation is coming, not here currently. And yes, you better believe this is going to be an issue going forward. Lots of decisions will need to be made. This will be the biggest thing in industry/workforce since the Industrial Revolution, and we are completely unprepared for it even though everyone knows its coming.
I said innovation is coming, not here currently. And yes, you better believe this is going to be an issue going forward. Lots of decisions will need to be made. This will be the biggest thing in industry/workforce since the Industrial Revolution, and we are completely unprepared for it even though everyone knows its coming.
Equal protection of the laws is already in our Constitutions.
Innovation is coming where it will at some point affect employment. And we are totally unprepared for it. I have a difficult time thinking of a job that CANT be replaced by a computer and/or a machine.
I'm not saying it will never happen, I've just seen no evidence of it yet. There has been plenty of innovation and automation in the 20th and 21st century and again we were at near full employment before the pandemic. If that time ever comes society is going to have to reckon with the fundamental ideas of capitalism and what it means for a small few to own and control vast amounts of resources and land while the vast majority of people only really own their labor. In a world where labor is worthless capitalism becomes worthless as a mechanism for acquiring basic needs and all bets are off.
I'm not saying it will never happen, I've just seen no evidence of it yet. There has been plenty of innovation and automation in the 20th and 21st century and again we were at near full employment before the pandemic. If that time ever comes society is going to have to reckon with the fundamental ideas of capitalism and what it means for a small few to own and control vast amounts of resources and land while the vast majority of people only really own their labor. In a world where labor is worthless capitalism becomes worthless as a mechanism for acquiring basic needs and all bets are off.
Exactly. All bets are off at that point. Only those countries that properly prepare for such an event will have their societies remain intact. Just a pure guess on my part, but I see a complete disaster in the United States. Fortunately, I wont be around to witness it.
Exactly. All bets are off at that point. Only those countries that properly prepare for such an event will have their societies remain intact. Just a pure guess on my part, but I see a complete disaster in the United States. Fortunately, I wont be around to witness it.
I don't subscribe to doom and gloom usually. As I said there are no current indications that innovation will make labor obsolete but I'm of the belief that we should look forward to that day, not dread it.
I don't subscribe to doom and gloom usually. As I said there are no current indications that innovation will make labor obsolete but I'm of the belief that we should look forward to that day, not dread it.
LIke I said, some will look forward to that day, others will ignore it and loathe the day. If political conditions do not improve in this country, America will loathe the day. That isnt being doom and gloom, that is being realistic.
LIke I said, some will look forward to that day, others will ignore it and loathe the day. If political conditions do not improve in this country, America will loathe the day. That isnt being doom and gloom, that is being realistic.
No reason it can't be both. If America does nothing it will be a bad day but I don't assume America will do nothing.
The country is deep red, almost all over. Even a lot of both California and New York are deep red, except for the cities. Come midterms, Republicans will be voted in to run both the House and the Senate. This will all reflect the will of the people and YOU will see how far left you are.
The Only Way for the GOP to Succeed Is to Secede

Never happen again. From the myopic 2020 elections on, the Republicans will be road kill for the Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby.
LOL. There you guys go again, claiming election fraud and questioning legitimate elections.
The Rainbow Is All Bright Colors and No Solid Substance

There's nothing legitimate in the upper class race-traitors overruling the majority on mooching savages being given voting rights and on unwanted backward foreigners being allowed to immigrate here and become voting citizens.
I don't subscribe to doom and gloom usually. As I said there are no current indications that innovation will make labor obsolete but I'm of the belief that we should look forward to that day, not dread it.
Blogs Are Just the Opposite of Logs—They Replace Dead Wood

The Web will take jobs away from the smug but shallow college graduates who are gloating over blue-collar job losses. Those no-talent brown-noses and entitled brats only know "how to do" a job, just like most American boys "know how to" play baseball but can't even make their high-school teams.
The Rainbow Is All Bright Colors and No Solid Substance

There's nothing legitimate in the upper class race-traitors overruling the majority on mooching savages being given voting rights and on unwanted backward foreigners being allowed to immigrate here and become voting citizens.
One of the best things about taking your country from you is laughing in your face as we do it because there is nothing you can do. You lost. You don't have the numbers. I'm not convinced you're done in national elections just yet, the electoral college might keep you hanging in there another decade, but demographically it's just a matter of time. And not just for President. You lost frigging Georgia last election and it won't be long until Texas is purple then blue. Racism lost guy. You know it and I know it. I just want you to know that knowing cucks like you are getting punked in your own country and there's nothing you can do about it amuses me to no end. Lol.
The Only Way for the GOP to Succeed Is to Secede

Never happen again. From the myopic 2020 elections on, the Republicans will be road kill for the Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby.
Where is that kool aide drinking emojie? Even Democrats realize the reality that they will, more than likely, lose both the House and the Senate at midterms. That's one reason so many Democrats are jumping ship and retiring.

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