Another founding father bites the dust, Thomas Jefferson

The country is deep red, almost all over. Even a lot of both California and New York are deep red, except for the cities. Come midterms, Republicans will be voted in to run both the House and the Senate. This will all reflect the will of the people and YOU will see how far left you are.
Except for the cities, where people actually live.

Right wingers in other countries embrace universal healthcare. In America, a supposed left wing President, already said he is not for universal healthcare.
are the number of toes you're born with a social construct? 2 eyes? something we force on people and make them believe it to be true?

you may not like the world you were born into; either the time or who you happen to be. but that alone doesn't change it. you can change who you *are* to a degree, but you can't expect people to accept your views just because you're REALLY MAD and scream a lot.

we called those "kids" long ago. today they're called politicians.
Smug As a Bug Under a Rug, Until They Are Squished

Liberals desperately need the illusion of moral and intellectual superiority because they're so inferior in everything else.

The race card is a Joker. Losers play it in order to make them feel like winners.
It's a Contradiction to Respect These Great Minds But Think They Were Wrong About Slavery

We'll make your demographics grow even more when we secede and deport all feral minorities to the Blue Union.
All these hilarious empty threats. You won't do shit because you can't do shit. Hell in couple more years Texas will be part of that blue union.
And all I've seen from your side is to claim everything is a Marxists conspiracy. Lol. Whatever you want to debate cuck boy, I'll school you in.

I'll try to remember your name, so I can laugh at you, when I see you not do that, or try and fail immediately.
Don't give up yet. Trump won in 2016 because the majority of the country didn't want socialism, wokeness, and political correctness and now that we are getting a taste of it under Biden and the Democratic Congress, Americans are going to show their extreme displeasure come the midterms. In fact, Biden beat Bernie out badly in the 2020 primaries because Americans didn't want that stuff. Now that Biden has turned turncoat to those who voted for him because he was a "moderate", the shit is going to hit the fan.
The majority of the country voted for hillary by over 2 million votes. Trump won only because of the electoral college. Republicans can only win by the electoral college. Biden beat trump electorally and popularly.
My invitation for you to pick any topic you want to be schooled in is an open one.

Here, is a thread about Patriotism. It is mostly bogged down, because the idiot lefties don't have anything real to say, but have to keep replying.

You are welcome to come in their and post your position on hte issue of Patriotism.
Billionaire capitalist need a steady supply of workers, consumers and borrowers, they aren't trying to reduce the population.

Not that you could ever do more than generalized drive by rhetoric but have you seen me defend Obamas economic policy?

They love Republicans too. Biden wasn't my first choice but he's a damn sight better than Trump. I support candidates in primaries that refuse to take corporate donations and pac money. Good luck finding a Republican who fits that description.
So outdated! Capitalists don’t want workers, they have machines to do the work now.
But they don't and Trump isn't a politician, and mispeaking about Jefferson is unimportant anyway except to a moonbat like you. The guy died 200 years ago, moron.
Of course, it's unimportant to a Trumptard, they don't care if their moron dear leader, can't pass a grade school history test.
He deserves to be president.

'Trump isn't a politician'.
Yeah, that's painfully obvious.
4 years as a president makes him a politician, idiot, a very stupid one.

Then Biddum's ten-million awful gaffes must be able to move the Earth out of its orbit. You should focus more on them as Old Joe is actually running things now and he is a dangerous idiot as his first 9 months have proven.

When Biden makes a dumber speech than the orange retard, then I'll worry.

July 5 2019
"In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief," Trump said during his address Thursday.

"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket's red glare it had nothing but victory."

Then the idiot, of course, blames the rain.

"We had a lot of rain. I stood in the rain. The teleprompter went out," he said in response to a question from NBC's Kelly O'Donnell. "It kept going on, and then at the end, it just went out. It went kaput!"

"I do the speech very well, so I was able to do it without a teleprompter, but the teleprompter did go out," he said. "But despite the rain, that was just a fantastic evening."

Sure he did.

Einstein was a stable genius but he had to call people in to help him with some of the math. Maybe we should worry about Albert too? Again, some minor faux pas by a former president should be about #103 on your list of things to worry about unless you are just a TDS-anti-Trumper idiot which you are.
YES I am an anti- Trump Dick Sucker.
How long did you Trumptards carry on about 57 states?
Einstein was never a president or politician.
Nor did he ever claim to be a stable 'genius'.
That would be Trump.
Do some research on Hunter Biden.

The sycophant useless lying leftwing press, Goggle YouTube and the Twitter silencing people? Is that what you think are your good goto sources of information? :lmao: What a schmuck.
Sure beats Q NUT daily.
When are they going to expose the lizard people?
Here, is a thread about Patriotism. It is mostly bogged down, because the idiot lefties don't have anything real to say, but have to keep replying.

You are welcome to come in their and post your position on hte issue of Patriotism.
What is there interesting to say about Patriotism? It has a pretty simple definition. Love and devotion of one's country. What's to argue about?
So outdated! Capitalists don’t want workers, they have machines to do the work now.
Innovation might one day replace the workforce but so far it hasn't. It has replaced some jobs but not the workforce. Before the pandemic we were hovering around 5-7% unemployment which is considered full employment, nearly anyone who wanted a job had a job. Innovation has made our workforce more productive but that hasn't translated into wage increases which is why many businesses now find themselves short of workers as they are choosing to stay home rather than come back to work for shit wages.
Except for the cities, where people actually live.

Right wingers in other countries embrace universal healthcare. In America, a supposed left wing President, already said he is not for universal healthcare.
The words are easy to say. We have had this system engrained in the US for decades and it takes up one third of a multi-trillion dollar economy. Leftists think they can just flip a switch and screw with one third of the US economy. It's not so simple. It would be like passing strict gun control legislation while there are already millions of guns already out there in the public.
Innovation might one day replace the workforce but so far it hasn't. It has replaced some jobs but not the workforce. Before the pandemic we were hovering around 5-7% unemployment which is considered full employment, nearly anyone who wanted a job had a job. Innovation has made our workforce more productive but that hasn't translated into wage increases which is why many businesses now find themselves short of workers as they are choosing to stay home rather than come back to work for shit wages.
How many workers are really essential to the well-being of the super rich? Very few! Workers can be demanding and can be replaced so easily by machines. The billionaires no longer require “the masses” as wage slaves. Soon the billionaires won’t even need the masses as cannon fodder. Drones and robots will replace human soldiers. The billionaires will be happier with a far smaller population. Gates and Soros & Co. can’t wait to cull the human herd.
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The majority of the country voted for hillary by over 2 million votes. Trump won only because of the electoral college. Republicans can only win by the electoral college. Biden beat trump electorally and popularly.
LOL. There you guys go again, claiming election fraud and questioning legitimate elections.

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