Another Georgia county found missing ballots...this time 2700


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Most secure election in history!
What we found out was that 2755 votes were "lost" either by human error, or failure of a memory card to upload vote totals properly. That opens up a whole new can of worms in the 2020 election clusterfu**. The voting machines in contested states should be inspected by experts and the vote tallies from these memory cards repeated. Do we get the same number? I'd bet a lot of money we would not!

Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend
UPDATE!!! This is a SECOND memory card with 2755 votes in addition to the first one with 2600 votes uncounted. This can no longer be dismissed as a "one off". There needs to be an inspection of these machines by INDEPENDENT EXPERTS not state officials!!!!!

No fraud, irregularrities, errors, mistakes, or glitches in this sir.


Hmmm. Pick up of 455 trump votes, eh. Congrats. He is only 12,000 plus behind now.
UPDATE!!! This is a SECOND memory card with 2755 votes in addition to the first one with 2600 votes uncounted. This can no longer be dismissed as a "one off". There needs to be an inspection of these machines by INDEPENDENT EXPERTS not state officials!!!!!

Let's say that happens, and the independent experts say there's no problem with the machines.

Why the fuck would anyone ever think you guys would accept the findings? You guys would just make more accusations that the system was rigged.

I mean, the incessant whining goes on and on and on and on. Everyone who confirms that Orange Jesus didn't win is part of the conspiracy. It's retarded.
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Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) on Tuesday said that an audit of the state's voting machines has been completed and has found no signs of foul play.
Raffensperger is a fucking crook on the take and you know it.

UPDATE!!! This is a SECOND memory card with 2755 votes in addition to the first one with 2600 votes uncounted. This can no longer be dismissed as a "one off". There needs to be an inspection of these machines by INDEPENDENT EXPERTS not state officials!!!!!

Let's say that happens, and the independent experts say there's no problem with the machines.

Why the fuck would anyone ever think you guys would accept the findings? You guys would just make more accusations that the system was rigged.

I mean, the incessant whining goes on and on and on and on. Everyone who doesn't confirm that Orange Jesus didn't win is part of the conspiracy. It's retarded.
An expert is a drip under pressure.
Your can tell every Dem here is scared to death with the truth about these machines and software coming out. Switched votes (all going to Biden), votes that were never cast appearing for Biden, it’s getting bad enough the SCOTUS may well invalidate a lot of states.
Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend
Let’s try this again slowly so maybe you’ll understand. Though it’s doubtful. Biden has won NOTHING. Fraud has been proven and SCOTUS will decide. Until then you are to sit down and STFU. Gore bitched for 37 days, so you will shut up and let the process run it’s course. Accept that you got caught cheating.
Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend
What election are you referring to? Certainly nothing in the USA.
Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend

Why are you on the left so terrified of transparency ?

If you're so certain Biden won so handily, why would you have any concern?

Your friend,
70 million Americans who know for sure the election was fraudulent
What we found out was that 2755 votes were "lost" either by human error, or failure of a memory card to upload vote totals properly. That opens up a whole new can of worms in the 2020 election clusterfu**. The voting machines in contested states should be inspected by experts and the vote tallies from these memory cards repeated. Do we get the same number? I'd bet a lot of money we would not!

Mike, this ain't an earth shaking thing, even in Georgia and has not nor will not change the state. It is kind of like corporate annual inventory back in the day with inventory cards and tags. You may have participated whether you ran any or not. After it was over and everything in the computer before going back live, I spent hours going over the variances, know what the the computer said before and after the count, including the voided and missing tag report. Very time consuming large production factory and warehousing operation, but invariable coming back very close to what we already knew to be true. A good inventory by corporate standard did not come close to being good enough for my standard. But, nobody questioned me spending the time, money and manhours to get to my standards. If there was a variance it was rare for it to be traced back anything intentional and never anything organized and it was small. That is all you are looking at in this recount thing. Do not expect to find anything earth shaken, as it probably ain't happening.
Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend

Dear Prog wokester:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that MSM does not get to call the winner of an election and it is not over yet I have prepared this generic response.

Trump won. In a landslide.
This is all going to come out soon and you will see you have been lied to. Again.
Take it like a... whatever you are.

I don't care about your feelings so there is no need to respond. Period.

Your bestist buddy
UPDATE!!! This is a SECOND memory card with 2755 votes in addition to the first one with 2600 votes uncounted. This can no longer be dismissed as a "one off". There needs to be an inspection of these machines by INDEPENDENT EXPERTS not state officials!!!!!

Let's say that happens, and the independent experts say there's no problem with the machines.

Why the fuck would anyone ever think you guys would accept the findings? You guys would just make more accusations that the system was rigged.

I mean, the incessant whining goes on and on and on and on. Everyone who confirms that Orange Jesus didn't win is part of the conspiracy. It's retarded.

Let's get this straight......

You are concerned that Conservatives might not accept your President with open arms ??

Yeah, those "whiny" conservatives. what's wrong with them ???

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