Another gift from Trump......the Muslim ban

About damned time.

We have enough of the death cult in this country.

We also have all those Syrian refugees Obama forced the States to take.

People who are of no use to this country at all.

People who will cost we the taxpayer for the next decade.

Its a temporary travel bane and I wish it were a permanent ban.
Yeah, all them mean ol muslims.....walking into classrooms and shooting up kids, hiding in hotel rooms shooting up concert goers, going to the movies and killing anything that moves, running down a woman at a peaceful protest, BAN ALL OF EM....AT LEAST THEY'LL BE SAFE!!:abgg2q.jpg:

They do that now dumbass.

Guess you missed the dead in Paris.

Guess you missed the dead who got run over by a truck.

Guess you missed all the rapes in Europe.

Guess you missed the dead in San Bernardino who were killed by a co worker who knew every one of them.

Guess you missed ISIS beheading people.

Guess you missed all those rocket attacks in Israel.

Yup. We should let more of those assholes into the US.

Carry on dumbass.

Yes as I doubt most of them happened the way the right news media said.

Look it up dumbass. I did.

I don't need to.
Translation: I hope an islamic terrorist murders a lot of innocent Americans so we can blame Trump
Question....when was the last time a muslim attacked people in this country and I'm not talking about 1 or 2 people, I'm talking about that white boy type of shit.....attacks.
About damned time.

We have enough of the death cult in this country.

We also have all those Syrian refugees Obama forced the States to take.

People who are of no use to this country at all.

People who will cost we the taxpayer for the next decade.

Its a temporary travel bane and I wish it were a permanent ban.
Yeah, all them mean ol muslims.....walking into classrooms and shooting up kids, hiding in hotel rooms shooting up concert goers, going to the movies and killing anything that moves, running down a woman at a peaceful protest, BAN ALL OF EM....AT LEAST THEY'LL BE SAFE!!:abgg2q.jpg:

They do that now dumbass.

Guess you missed the dead in Paris.

Guess you missed the dead who got run over by a truck.

Guess you missed all the rapes in Europe.

Guess you missed the dead in San Bernardino who were killed by a co worker who knew every one of them.

Guess you missed ISIS beheading people.

Guess you missed all those rocket attacks in Israel.

Yup. We should let more of those assholes into the US.

Carry on dumbass.

Yes as I doubt most of them happened the way the right news media said.

Look it up dumbass. I did.

I don't need to.
About damned time.

We have enough of the death cult in this country.

We also have all those Syrian refugees Obama forced the States to take.

People who are of no use to this country at all.

People who will cost we the taxpayer for the next decade.

Its a temporary travel bane and I wish it were a permanent ban.
Yeah, all them mean ol muslims.....walking into classrooms and shooting up kids, hiding in hotel rooms shooting up concert goers, going to the movies and killing anything that moves, running down a woman at a peaceful protest, BAN ALL OF EM....AT LEAST THEY'LL BE SAFE!!:abgg2q.jpg:

They do that now dumbass.

Guess you missed the dead in Paris.

Guess you missed the dead who got run over by a truck.

Guess you missed all the rapes in Europe.

Guess you missed the dead in San Bernardino who were killed by a co worker who knew every one of them.

Guess you missed ISIS beheading people.

Guess you missed all those rocket attacks in Israel.

Yup. We should let more of those assholes into the US.

Carry on dumbass.

Yes as I doubt most of them happened the way the right news media said.

Look it up dumbass. I did.

I don't need to.

Of course you don't. You sure don't want to be proven wrong.

Carry on.
About damned time.

We have enough of the death cult in this country.

We also have all those Syrian refugees Obama forced the States to take.

People who are of no use to this country at all.

People who will cost we the taxpayer for the next decade.

Its a temporary travel bane and I wish it were a permanent ban.
Yeah, all them mean ol muslims.....walking into classrooms and shooting up kids, hiding in hotel rooms shooting up concert goers, going to the movies and killing anything that moves, running down a woman at a peaceful protest, BAN ALL OF EM....AT LEAST THEY'LL BE SAFE!!:abgg2q.jpg:

They do that now dumbass.

Guess you missed the dead in Paris.

Guess you missed the dead who got run over by a truck.

Guess you missed all the rapes in Europe.

Guess you missed the dead in San Bernardino who were killed by a co worker who knew every one of them.

Guess you missed ISIS beheading people.

Guess you missed all those rocket attacks in Israel.

Yup. We should let more of those assholes into the US.

Carry on dumbass.

Yes as I doubt most of them happened the way the right news media said.

“The media is so biased against liberals.”

Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?

Not a all.

Well it is.

You are either dishonest or really fucking stupid.

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you might just be both.
About damned time.

We have enough of the death cult in this country.

We also have all those Syrian refugees Obama forced the States to take.

People who are of no use to this country at all.

People who will cost we the taxpayer for the next decade.

Its a temporary travel bane and I wish it were a permanent ban.
Yeah, all them mean ol muslims.....walking into classrooms and shooting up kids, hiding in hotel rooms shooting up concert goers, going to the movies and killing anything that moves, running down a woman at a peaceful protest, BAN ALL OF EM....AT LEAST THEY'LL BE SAFE!!:abgg2q.jpg:

They do that now dumbass.

Guess you missed the dead in Paris. Mowed down by Muslims.

Guess you missed the dead who got run over by a truck.

Guess you missed all the rapes in Europe.

Guess you missed the dead in San Bernardino who were killed by a co worker who knew every one of them.

Guess you missed ISIS beheading people.

Guess you missed all those rocket attacks in Israel.

Yup. We should let more of those assholes into the US.

Carry on dumbass.

I bet she thought the attacks on WTC was a Muslim BBQ!...........oh shit! It was
Yeah, all them mean ol muslims.....walking into classrooms and shooting up kids, hiding in hotel rooms shooting up concert goers, going to the movies and killing anything that moves, running down a woman at a peaceful protest, BAN ALL OF EM....AT LEAST THEY'LL BE SAFE!!:abgg2q.jpg:

They do that now dumbass.

Guess you missed the dead in Paris.

Guess you missed the dead who got run over by a truck.

Guess you missed all the rapes in Europe.

Guess you missed the dead in San Bernardino who were killed by a co worker who knew every one of them.

Guess you missed ISIS beheading people.

Guess you missed all those rocket attacks in Israel.

Yup. We should let more of those assholes into the US.

Carry on dumbass.

Yes as I doubt most of them happened the way the right news media said.

Look it up dumbass. I did.

I don't need to.
Yeah, all them mean ol muslims.....walking into classrooms and shooting up kids, hiding in hotel rooms shooting up concert goers, going to the movies and killing anything that moves, running down a woman at a peaceful protest, BAN ALL OF EM....AT LEAST THEY'LL BE SAFE!!:abgg2q.jpg:

They do that now dumbass.

Guess you missed the dead in Paris.

Guess you missed the dead who got run over by a truck.

Guess you missed all the rapes in Europe.

Guess you missed the dead in San Bernardino who were killed by a co worker who knew every one of them.

Guess you missed ISIS beheading people.

Guess you missed all those rocket attacks in Israel.

Yup. We should let more of those assholes into the US.

Carry on dumbass.

Yes as I doubt most of them happened the way the right news media said.

Look it up dumbass. I did.

I don't need to.

Of course you don't. You sure don't want to be proven wrong.

Carry on.

If you piss people off and take their land, anything can happen. All is fair in war. Most of them are exaggerations.
Translation: I hope an islamic terrorist murders a lot of innocent Americans so we can blame Trump
Question....when was the last time a muslim attacked people in this country and I'm not talking about 1 or 2 people, I'm talking about that white boy type of shit.....attacks.

3000 Americans killed September 11th, 2001. I don't need a 2nd time to say that's bad shit and these are bad fucking people and they need to be ousted from our country. Denied entry at all cost. I'd rather deny a million safe muslims than admit one fucking terrorist.

Translation: I hope an islamic terrorist murders a lot of innocent Americans so we can blame Trump
Question....when was the last time a muslim attacked people in this country and I'm not talking about 1 or 2 people, I'm talking about that white boy type of shit.....attacks.

Do you really need to ask??

Did you ever in your wildest imaginings think 9-11 could happen??

I sure didn't.

Over three thousand people died that day and here you are thinking we should let those bastards into our country willingly??

These people have already infiltrated Europe. They don't assimilate into any country they infest. They say they want to escape from their old country for a better life yet they bring their 7th Century Sharia Law bullshit with then.

That idiot Obama brought in thousands of unvetted Syrian refugees into this country and forced States to take them.

These people are of no use to this country and are costing we taxpayers up the ass every day.

Not to mention the terrorists who have killed all around the globe.

If you can't understand what these people are capable of then you are dumber than a box of rocks.
you piss people off and take their land, anything can happen. All is fair in war. Most of them are exaggerations
And when you go to war and vow to drive the Jews into the sea and steal their land, these wild animals need to make sure they don't lose.
Translation: I hope an islamic terrorist murders a lot of innocent Americans so we can blame Trump
Question....when was the last time a muslim attacked people in this country and I'm not talking about 1 or 2 people, I'm talking about that white boy type of shit.....attacks.
I don’t have to convince you as to why we should deny them entry.
You have to convince us as to why we would want them here... Have at it. I’m all ears.
Translation: I hope an islamic terrorist murders a lot of innocent Americans so we can blame Trump
Question....when was the last time a muslim attacked people in this country and I'm not talking about 1 or 2 people, I'm talking about that white boy type of shit.....attacks.

3000 Americans killed September 11th, 2001. I don't need a 2nd time to say that's bad shit and these are bad fucking people and they need to be ousted from our country. Denied entry at all cost. I'd rather deny a million safe muslims than admit one fucking terrorist.

Thats the best you can do?
There have been 101 mass shootings in the US so far in 2018
I'd rather face a mob of peace loving, american seeking muslims, who by the way are among some of the most wealthiest in this country, excluding the black ones of course...than face one fuckin racist cop or some sex depraved white boy any gotdamned day!!

Yea, 9/11 is all I got. What do you have? Your answer to 3000 dead americans is a few dozen shootings? Really? You are one dumb mothafucka.

I clearly win this fight.

Thats the best you can do?
There have been 101 mass shootings in the US so far in 2018
I'd rather face a mob of peace loving, american seeking muslims, who by the way are among some of the most wealthiest in this country, excluding the black ones of course...than face one fuckin racist cop or some sex depraved white boy any gotdamned day!!
Translation: I hope an islamic terrorist murders a lot of innocent Americans so we can blame Trump
Question....when was the last time a muslim attacked people in this country and I'm not talking about 1 or 2 people, I'm talking about that white boy type of shit.....attacks.
I don’t have to convince you as to why we should deny them entry.
You have to convince us as to why we would want them here... Have at it. I’m all ears.
New York City, New Jersey house some of the wealthiest muslims in the country. There's not one hospital in this country that don't host muslim doctors. They add wealth and prominence to our nation and and and without their support of our soldiers fighting overseas, our entire landscape of defeating ISIS would be useless. And thier most important contribution by far, is the man that helped give life to the greatest president of the 21st Century, Baraak Obama!! Want more, you ass wipe?
Translation: I hope an islamic terrorist murders a lot of innocent Americans so we can blame Trump
Question....when was the last time a muslim attacked people in this country and I'm not talking about 1 or 2 people, I'm talking about that white boy type of shit.....attacks.

3000 Americans killed September 11th, 2001. I don't need a 2nd time to say that's bad shit and these are bad fucking people and they need to be ousted from our country. Denied entry at all cost. I'd rather deny a million safe muslims than admit one fucking terrorist.

Thats the best you can do?
There have been 101 mass shootings in the US so far in 2018
I'd rather face a mob of peace loving, american seeking muslims, who by the way are among some of the most wealthiest in this country, excluding the black ones of course...than face one fuckin racist cop or some sex depraved white boy any gotdamned day!!
You won't look in a mirror?

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