Another gift from Trump......the Muslim ban

Yea, 9/11 is all I got. What do you have? Your answer to 3000 dead americans is a few dozen shootings? Really? You are one dumb mothafucka.

I clearly win this fight.

Thats the best you can do?
There have been 101 mass shootings in the US so far in 2018
I'd rather face a mob of peace loving, american seeking muslims, who by the way are among some of the most wealthiest in this country, excluding the black ones of course...than face one fuckin racist cop or some sex depraved white boy any gotdamned day!!
A sand negro I can spot and at least protect myself should I percieve danger....but a blonde blue eyed corn fed white mf that sat next to me in class one day and the next day shooting up the place....bitch please.....I'll take a sand negro over you white ass lickers any gotdamned day

Well according to you all members of the death cult should be allowed into the US.

You obviously can ignore the three thousand dead on 9-11.

You can also obviously ignore the dead all over the world.

Its all just so you can make your point.

You are one disgusting asshole.
Oh, so now you white isolationist racist are worried about the dead all over the world...uhmmm??? Words can not describe the ignorance of the white minute you love the jews, the next, your chanting Jews will not replace us...what ever the fuck that minute you hating on negro's the next, Kanye is swinging off of Trumps tiny dick....You love freedom of speech, until a negro kneels or a food owner throws one of you fuckers out...I mean what is it you nuts want, besides lice ointment and combs?? I want to help you poor bastards, talk to me, I'll listen:1peleas:

Well with each post you show how ignorant you are.

I work with blacks every day and any one of them is way smarter than you will ever be.

Every one of them served in the armed forces and they don't trust the Muslims any more than I do.

But then these men and woman are intelligent.

You are not.
Question....when was the last time a muslim attacked people in this country and I'm not talking about 1 or 2 people, I'm talking about that white boy type of shit.....attacks.
I don’t have to convince you as to why we should deny them entry.
You have to convince us as to why we would want them here... Have at it. I’m all ears.
New York City, New Jersey house some of the wealthiest muslims in the country. There's not one hospital in this country that don't host muslim doctors. They add wealth and prominence to our nation and and and without their support of our soldiers fighting overseas, our entire landscape of defeating ISIS would be useless. And thier most important contribution by far, is the man that helped give life to the greatest president of the 21st Century, Baraak Obama!! Want more, you ass wipe?
Yes. Because this nation would be better off without each of those you named. Try again.
Question....when was the last time a muslim attacked people in this country and I'm not talking about 1 or 2 people, I'm talking about that white boy type of shit.....attacks.
I don’t have to convince you as to why we should deny them entry.
You have to convince us as to why we would want them here... Have at it. I’m all ears.
New York City, New Jersey house some of the wealthiest muslims in the country. There's not one hospital in this country that don't host muslim doctors. They add wealth and prominence to our nation and and and without their support of our soldiers fighting overseas, our entire landscape of defeating ISIS would be useless. And thier most important contribution by far, is the man that helped give life to the greatest president of the 21st Century, Baraak Obama!! Want more, you ass wipe?
Yes. Because this nation would be better off without each of those you named. Try again.
I named one person you moronic simp, the rest were simply titles, gezzus you white mf's are stupid/
You were supposed to name one thing to convince me silly negro. Those that you offered were not convincing. Try again.
Trying to present a Trump nut with facts is like asking a white woman her choice of white or dark meat...I mean its a no brainer....answer most definately dark short, I'm wasting my time
Can't wait for all them muslims who are helping our soldiers defeat ISIS get wind of this latest Trump gift. Can't wait for the recruiting posters from ISIS to go up to galvanize yet another generation of Hate Americans to began. Can't wait for the Saudi's to present Trump with yet another welcoming ceremony for hating on their race....
Trump’s travel ban is legal, Supreme Court rules

Dear Donald Dumb, do you ever and I mean ever think before you react? And I'm not talking about eating!!
if its a Muslim ban how come Indonesia and Pakistan and many other Muslim countries are not on that list?....just asking....
I'm gonna take a shot at this Harry.....uh, they not as dark and and and, I gotta feeling, there's a Trump Tower, golf course or Brand lingering in the near future, just sayin.:banana:
you said Muslim ban tiger,which you know as well as i,it is not....and lots of Pakistanis are pretty dam dark....
Yea, 9/11 is all I got. What do you have? Your answer to 3000 dead americans is a few dozen shootings? Really? You are one dumb mothafucka.

I clearly win this fight.

Thats the best you can do?
There have been 101 mass shootings in the US so far in 2018
I'd rather face a mob of peace loving, american seeking muslims, who by the way are among some of the most wealthiest in this country, excluding the black ones of course...than face one fuckin racist cop or some sex depraved white boy any gotdamned day!!
A sand negro I can spot and at least protect myself should I percieve danger....but a blonde blue eyed corn fed white mf that sat next to me in class one day and the next day shooting up the place....bitch please.....I'll take a sand negro over you white ass lickers any gotdamned day

Well according to you all members of the death cult should be allowed into the US.

You obviously can ignore the three thousand dead on 9-11.

You can also obviously ignore the dead all over the world.

Its all just so you can make your point.

You are one disgusting asshole.
Oh, so now you white isolationist racist are worried about the dead all over the world...uhmmm??? Words can not describe the ignorance of the white minute you love the jews, the next, your chanting Jews will not replace us...what ever the fuck that minute you hating on negro's the next, Kanye is swinging off of Trumps tiny dick....You love freedom of speech, until a negro kneels or a food owner throws one of you fuckers out...I mean what is it you nuts want, besides lice ointment and combs?? I want to help you poor bastards, talk to me, I'll listen:1peleas:

Well with each post you show how ignorant you are.

I work with blacks every day and any one of them is way smarter than you will ever be.

Every one of them served in the armed forces and they don't trust the Muslims any more than I do.

But then these men and woman are intelligent.

You are not.
LOLOLOL....for some goofy reason, I like you.....but then again, we all must show love and reverence for the mentally challenged....And just because you clean toilets with minorities, does not make you a hommie!!
Can't wait for all them muslims who are helping our soldiers defeat ISIS get wind of this latest Trump gift. Can't wait for the recruiting posters from ISIS to go up to galvanize yet another generation of Hate Americans to began. Can't wait for the Saudi's to present Trump with yet another welcoming ceremony for hating on their race....
Trump’s travel ban is legal, Supreme Court rules

Dear Donald Dumb, do you ever and I mean ever think before you react? And I'm not talking about eating!!
if its a Muslim ban how come Indonesia and Pakistan and many other Muslim countries are not on that list?....just asking....
I'm gonna take a shot at this Harry.....uh, they not as dark and and and, I gotta feeling, there's a Trump Tower, golf course or Brand lingering in the near future, just sayin.:banana:
you said Muslim ban tiger,which you know as well as i,it is not....and lots of Pakistanis are pretty dam dark....
I'm simply pulling at straws, there has to be a gain in it for Trump and I gave it my best shot give a sista a break!!
I don’t have to convince you as to why we should deny them entry.
You have to convince us as to why we would want them here... Have at it. I’m all ears.
New York City, New Jersey house some of the wealthiest muslims in the country. There's not one hospital in this country that don't host muslim doctors. They add wealth and prominence to our nation and and and without their support of our soldiers fighting overseas, our entire landscape of defeating ISIS would be useless. And thier most important contribution by far, is the man that helped give life to the greatest president of the 21st Century, Baraak Obama!! Want more, you ass wipe?
Yes. Because this nation would be better off without each of those you named. Try again.
I don’t have to convince you as to why we should deny them entry.
You have to convince us as to why we would want them here... Have at it. I’m all ears.
New York City, New Jersey house some of the wealthiest muslims in the country. There's not one hospital in this country that don't host muslim doctors. They add wealth and prominence to our nation and and and without their support of our soldiers fighting overseas, our entire landscape of defeating ISIS would be useless. And thier most important contribution by far, is the man that helped give life to the greatest president of the 21st Century, Baraak Obama!! Want more, you ass wipe?
Yes. Because this nation would be better off without each of those you named. Try again.
I named one person you moronic simp, the rest were simply titles, gezzus you white mf's are stupid/
You were supposed to name one thing to convince me silly negro. Those that you offered were not convincing. Try again.
Trying to present a Trump nut with facts is like asking a white woman her choice of white or dark meat...I mean its a no brainer....answer most definately dark short, I'm wasting my time
Still spoiling over losing your man to a white devil I see...
New York City, New Jersey house some of the wealthiest muslims in the country. There's not one hospital in this country that don't host muslim doctors. They add wealth and prominence to our nation and and and without their support of our soldiers fighting overseas, our entire landscape of defeating ISIS would be useless. And thier most important contribution by far, is the man that helped give life to the greatest president of the 21st Century, Baraak Obama!! Want more, you ass wipe?
Yes. Because this nation would be better off without each of those you named. Try again.
New York City, New Jersey house some of the wealthiest muslims in the country. There's not one hospital in this country that don't host muslim doctors. They add wealth and prominence to our nation and and and without their support of our soldiers fighting overseas, our entire landscape of defeating ISIS would be useless. And thier most important contribution by far, is the man that helped give life to the greatest president of the 21st Century, Baraak Obama!! Want more, you ass wipe?
Yes. Because this nation would be better off without each of those you named. Try again.
I named one person you moronic simp, the rest were simply titles, gezzus you white mf's are stupid/
You were supposed to name one thing to convince me silly negro. Those that you offered were not convincing. Try again.
Trying to present a Trump nut with facts is like asking a white woman her choice of white or dark meat...I mean its a no brainer....answer most definately dark short, I'm wasting my time
Still spoiling over losing your man to a white devil I see...

LOLOL.....I'm a biter, she was not!!:abgg2q.jpg:
Can't wait for all them muslims who are helping our soldiers defeat ISIS get wind of this latest Trump gift. Can't wait for the recruiting posters from ISIS to go up to galvanize yet another generation of Hate Americans to began. Can't wait for the Saudi's to present Trump with yet another welcoming ceremony for hating on their race....
Trump’s travel ban is legal, Supreme Court rules

Dear Donald Dumb, do you ever and I mean ever think before you react? And I'm not talking about eating!!
if its a Muslim ban how come Indonesia and Pakistan and many other Muslim countries are not on that list?....just asking....
I'm gonna take a shot at this Harry.....uh, they not as dark and and and, I gotta feeling, there's a Trump Tower, golf course or Brand lingering in the near future, just sayin.:banana:
you said Muslim ban tiger,which you know as well as i,it is not....and lots of Pakistanis are pretty dam dark....
I'm simply pulling at straws, there has to be a gain in it for Trump and I gave it my best shot give a sista a break!!
well from what i get from the links posted by many here....Obama and his crew picked these countries back when on his list....
I don’t have to convince you as to why we should deny them entry.
You have to convince us as to why we would want them here... Have at it. I’m all ears.
New York City, New Jersey house some of the wealthiest muslims in the country. There's not one hospital in this country that don't host muslim doctors. They add wealth and prominence to our nation and and and without their support of our soldiers fighting overseas, our entire landscape of defeating ISIS would be useless. And thier most important contribution by far, is the man that helped give life to the greatest president of the 21st Century, Baraak Obama!! Want more, you ass wipe?
Yes. Because this nation would be better off without each of those you named. Try again.
I don’t have to convince you as to why we should deny them entry.
You have to convince us as to why we would want them here... Have at it. I’m all ears.
New York City, New Jersey house some of the wealthiest muslims in the country. There's not one hospital in this country that don't host muslim doctors. They add wealth and prominence to our nation and and and without their support of our soldiers fighting overseas, our entire landscape of defeating ISIS would be useless. And thier most important contribution by far, is the man that helped give life to the greatest president of the 21st Century, Baraak Obama!! Want more, you ass wipe?
Yes. Because this nation would be better off without each of those you named. Try again.
I named one person you moronic simp, the rest were simply titles, gezzus you white mf's are stupid/
You were supposed to name one thing to convince me silly negro. Those that you offered were not convincing. Try again.
Trying to present a Trump nut with facts is like asking a white woman her choice of white or dark meat...I mean its a no brainer....answer most definately dark short, I'm wasting my time
Before you lose the frayed thread of your own tantrum, 6 muslim countries comprising 8% of the world's muslims are included in the ban. That leaves 92% of them eligible to apply for entry.

Dat's some muslim ban, right dere.
Can't wait for all them muslims who are helping our soldiers defeat ISIS get wind of this latest Trump gift. Can't wait for the recruiting posters from ISIS to go up to galvanize yet another generation of Hate Americans to began. Can't wait for the Saudi's to present Trump with yet another welcoming ceremony for hating on their race....
Trump’s travel ban is legal, Supreme Court rules

Dear Donald Dumb, do you ever and I mean ever think before you react? And I'm not talking about eating!!
Thank you Mister President! Thank you Justice Gorsuch (and Sen. McConnell)!
And thank you meathead for proving once again, nothing in that brain of yours but dust and termites
Note to Trump...with you in the white house and the GOP in charge...NOBODY WANTS TO COME TO THIS SWAMP, IE USA...ANY FUCKIN WAY.
Note to Trump...with you in the white house and the GOP in charge...NOBODY WANTS TO COME TO THIS SWAMP, IE USA...ANY FUCKIN WAY.

Then why are we capturing wetbacks by the thousands trying to sneak into our country?

Just saying shit doesn't make it true, nigga.

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