Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

The one thing that the Sequester HAS done, Dad is give you something to change the subject from when you couldn't give me an answer to my question about what Barack Obama's plan was to create jobs that the GOP was holding up.

I'm you feel any embarrassment at all to revealed as the partisan hack that you are? You come out with dozens of posts accusing the GOP of obstructing Barack Obama's policies that would have created jobs but when I ask you to name what those policy proposals can't come up with anything! It's hilarious to watch...
I know this might cause dad a coronary. I hope they don't find him face down on the keyboard still clutching his Obama doll.

Budget Explainer How Much Do Americans Pay in Federal Taxes

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

As soon as the money is given to the poor, it is immediately turned around and enters the economy. Once the wealthy get their hands on the money, it goes OUT of CIRCULATION....and the economy stagnates.


In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation


CBO: Fed tax rates hit historic low

The average tax rates for American households reached a historical low in 2009, according to a report issued by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

Indeed, federal taxes for American households averaged 17.4 percent in 2009, a historical low over the 1979 to 2009 period.


CBO Fed tax rates hit historic low - Tim Mak -

Your taxes are really low, in one chart


The average filer saw her effective tax rate drop from 22 percent in 1979 to 18.1 percent in 2010

Your taxes are really low in one chart - The Washington Post

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950

Federal, state and local income taxes consumed 9.2% of all personal income in 2009, the lowest rate since 1950

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950 -
The one thing that the Sequester HAS done, Dad is give you something to change the subject from when you couldn't give me an answer to my question about what Barack Obama's plan was to create jobs that the GOP was holding up.

I'm you feel any embarrassment at all to revealed as the partisan hack that you are? You come out with dozens of posts accusing the GOP of obstructing Barack Obama's policies that would have created jobs but when I ask you to name what those policy proposals can't come up with anything! It's hilarious to watch...

Lowering Corp tax to 28% and taking out loopholes and using the money for infrastructure. HMM. Of course the party of NO refused
The one thing that the Sequester HAS done, Dad is give you something to change the subject from when you couldn't give me an answer to my question about what Barack Obama's plan was to create jobs that the GOP was holding up.

I'm you feel any embarrassment at all to revealed as the partisan hack that you are? You come out with dozens of posts accusing the GOP of obstructing Barack Obama's policies that would have created jobs but when I ask you to name what those policy proposals can't come up with anything! It's hilarious to watch...

Lowering Corp tax to 28% and taking out loopholes and using the money for infrastructure. HMM. Of course the party of NO refused

You may not have gotten the memo on this, Dad but when Barry tried to do another "infrastructure" stimulus like he did in the first stimulus...he couldn't even get Democrats to support it! The first "shovel ready" infrastructure debacle was such a black eye for Dems back then that they absolutely RAN from his attempted "do-over".
The one thing that the Sequester HAS done, Dad is give you something to change the subject from when you couldn't give me an answer to my question about what Barack Obama's plan was to create jobs that the GOP was holding up.

I'm you feel any embarrassment at all to revealed as the partisan hack that you are? You come out with dozens of posts accusing the GOP of obstructing Barack Obama's policies that would have created jobs but when I ask you to name what those policy proposals can't come up with anything! It's hilarious to watch...

Lowering Corp tax to 28% and taking out loopholes and using the money for infrastructure. HMM. Of course the party of NO refused

You may not have gotten the memo on this, Dad but when Barry tried to do another "infrastructure" stimulus like he did in the first stimulus...he couldn't even get Democrats to support it! The first "shovel ready" infrastructure debacle was such a black eye for Dems back then that they absolutely RAN from his attempted "do-over".

Link? lol

February 26, 2014

President Obama will announce his plan to spend more than $300 billion over the next four years to fix the nation’s crumbling roads and bridges during a trip to Minnesota on Wednesday.

The proposal would represent a significant hike in expenditures on highways and mass transit, and comes as the Congressional Budget Office warned that the federal gas tax is not bringing in enough revenue to pay for road and transit projects.

Obama will call on Congress to pay for the aggressive new transportation spending with $150 billion in new revenue generated through business tax reform. The proposal is likely to be included in the president’s budget proposal, slated to be released next week.

Obama s 300B infrastructure plan TheHill

The American Society of Civil Engineers is committed to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and as such, is equally committed to improving the nation’s public infrastructure. To achieve that goal, the Report Card depicts the condition and performance of the nation’s infrastructure in the familiar form of a school report card—assigning letter grades that are based on physical condition and needed fiscal investments for improvement

America's GPA: D+

2013 Report Card for America s Infrastructure

November 3, 2011

Senate blocks $60 billion infrastructure plan, another part of Obama jobs bill

Meanwhile on Capitol Hill, all 47 Senate Republicans joined Sens. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) and Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) in opposing the Obama infrastructure measure, which would have been funded with a 0.7 percent surtax on those making more than a million dollars a year.

Senate blocks 60 billion infrastructure plan another part of Obama jobs bill - The Washington Post
As for the deficit being cut in half? That's taking place because Congress won't let Barry spend the money that he wanted do...not because of Obama's fiscal restraint! The Sequester has done more to shrink the deficit and that only came about because of the total inability of this President to craft bipartisan legislation.
Which the democrats blame the Republicans for the Sequester.
Funny how the far left blasted Bush for having an unemployment rate of 4.6%. Yet praise Obama for numbers like 10.2, 9.6, 8.2, 6.9, and 5.9..

Who 'blasted' Dubya for 4.6 (even if he inherited 4%)? You mean WHY was it 4.6%? Oh right his PONZI scheme where he cheered the Banksters on. It was called a false economy

What was Dubya's final (Jan 2009) unemployment numbers? And who was responsible for the 4+ million jobs lost in Obama's first 9 months?

When Bush left office the unemployment rate was 7.8%. After the Obama Stimulus it went up to 10% and didn't come down below 9% for another TWO AND A HALF YEARS!!!

Well consider that the unemployment ACTUALLY was 8.3% in Feb 2009, since Obama got into office Jan 20th, AND by his 3rd month in, it was 9.4%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Yes, AND we were losing 800,000 jobs a month, remember? The economy contracted over 9%+ the last quarter of Dubya's term remember?

Yes, Dubya/GOP dug a WIDE and deep hole, and have worked as a disloyal opposition party against US!
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009. You keep saying unemployment is down, it's meaningless when you have fewer people in the work force.
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009.
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009.
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!

What they are "talking about" is the labor force participation rate. The percentage of Americans working is way down under this President! Part of that is simply a lack of jobs...part of it is a massive increase of people going on disability (because they can't find work?) and part of it is the Baby Boomers retiring which was expected.

Obama 8217 s Numbers January 2014 Update

"Another troubling jobs statistic is the civilian labor force participation rate, which has now declined by 2.9 percentage points since Obama became president, to the lowest point since 1978. But that’s not entirely due to “discouraged workers” dropping out because they believe no jobs are available, as some Obama critics would have you believe.

Other labor-force dropouts include members of the baby-boom generation, who are retiring in droves. They also include disabled workers gaining Social Security disability benefits (a number that has doubled in the past 17 years, and is up 20 percent just since Obama took office).

There’s a lively debate among economists about the causes — and implications — of the shrinking participation rate, which started long before Obama took office. The rate actually peaked in early 2000 and declined 1.5 percent under Obama’s predecessor. A Labor Department economist, looking at current demographic trends, predicts further declines through at least 2022 — long after the end of Obama’s presidency."
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009.
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!

What they are "talking about" is the labor force participation rate. The percentage of Americans working is way down under this President! Part of that is simply a lack of jobs...part of it is a massive increase of people going on disability (because they can't find work?) and part of it is the Baby Boomers retiring which was expected.

Obama 8217 s Numbers January 2014 Update

"Another troubling jobs statistic is the civilian labor force participation rate, which has now declined by 2.9 percentage points since Obama became president, to the lowest point since 1978. But that’s not entirely due to “discouraged workers” dropping out because they believe no jobs are available, as some Obama critics would have you believe.

Other labor-force dropouts include members of the baby-boom generation, who are retiring in droves. They also include disabled workers gaining Social Security disability benefits (a number that has doubled in the past 17 years, and is up 20 percent just since Obama took office).

There’s a lively debate among economists about the causes — and implications — of the shrinking participation rate, which started long before Obama took office. The rate actually peaked in early 2000 and declined 1.5 percent under Obama’s predecessor. A Labor Department economist, looking at current demographic trends, predicts further declines through at least 2022 — long after the end of Obama’s presidency."
However many baby boomers planed to retire have not or have returned to work.
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009.
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009
Other labor-force dropouts include members of the baby-boom generation, who are retiring in droves. They also include disabled workers gaining Social Security disability benefits (a number that has doubled in the past 17 years, and is up 20 percent just since Obama took office).
Disability awards have been declining since 2010, and disability awards rose by 48% under Bush and nobody said anything. So again we see the Right attacking Obama for doing a better job than Bush.
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009.
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009
Hey dumb ass, I posted the BLS total number of people working and there are more working now then ever in our history. There are 4,448,000 more people working now then when Obama took office in 2009.
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009.
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009
Hey dumb ass, I posted the BLS total number of people working and there are more working now then ever in our history. There are 4,448,000 more people working now then when Obama took office in 2009.
And dumb ass the current BLS data I used showed less people working than was working in 2009
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009.
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009
Hey dumb ass, I posted the BLS total number of people working and there are more working now then ever in our history. There are 4,448,000 more people working now then when Obama took office in 2009.
And dumb ass the current BLS data I used showed less people working than was working in 2009

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009.
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009

The BLS shows 142 million working as of Jan 2009.

Employment Situation News Release

The BLS shows 146.6 million working as of Sep 2014

Employment Situation News Release
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009.
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009

The BLS shows 142 million working as of Jan 2009.

Employment Situation News Release

The BLS shows 146.6 million working as of Sep 2014

Employment Situation News Release
Dumb ass from the BLS September 2014

65% in January 2009 dropped to 62.7% in september 2014 and has not went up since
No god damn wonder you support obama you are to dumb to breath without guberment help.
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009.
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009
Hey dumb ass, I posted the BLS total number of people working and there are more working now then ever in our history. There are 4,448,000 more people working now then when Obama took office in 2009.
And dumb ass the current BLS data I used showed less people working than was working in 2009

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Whose fucking lying you dumb son of a bitch
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
65% in January 2009 dropped to 62.7% in september 2014 and has not went up since

No, it does not mean that. There are more people now than there were when Bush was president, so it is 62.7% of a bigger number and the total is higher as a result.

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