Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009

The BLS shows 142 million working as of Jan 2009.

Employment Situation News Release

The BLS shows 146.6 million working as of Sep 2014

Employment Situation News Release
Dumb ass from the BLS September 2014

65% in January 2009 dropped to 62.7% in september 2014 and has not went up since
No god damn wonder you support obama you are to dumb to breath without guberment help.
Actually, you're showing the labor force participation rate. The labor force is Employed PLUS Unemployed.
What you wanted was the Employment-population ratio, but let's stick with the labor force participation rate

January 2009 the Labor force was 154,210,000 (consisting of 142,152,000 employed and 12,058,000 unemployed)
The population was 234,739,000. So 154,210,000/234,739,000= .657

September 2014 was labor force of 155,862,000 (146,600,000 employed and 9,262,000 unemployed)
Population was 248,446,000 so 155,862,000/248,446,000 = .627

Bigger labor force, more people working, lower percent of the population
Well god damn if you dumb mother fuckers would read what is fucking posted you fucking would see I said participation rate
It's the number of working age adults in the work force it keeps dropping while obama is president

AS it did for Dubya, AND has LONG beren predicted

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009.
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009
Hey dumb ass, I posted the BLS total number of people working and there are more working now then ever in our history. There are 4,448,000 more people working now then when Obama took office in 2009.
And dumb ass the current BLS data I used showed less people working than was working in 2009

Stop conflating numbers with percentages. Of course since Obama's policies took effect after he passed Obamacares in Feb 2010 we have seen over 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created. NEARLY 7 million MORE in the PRIVATE sector work force THAN THE MONTH AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE!

Feb 2009 110,6991,000

Sept 2014 117,524,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
The one thing that the Sequester HAS done, Dad is give you something to change the subject from when you couldn't give me an answer to my question about what Barack Obama's plan was to create jobs that the GOP was holding up.

I'm you feel any embarrassment at all to revealed as the partisan hack that you are? You come out with dozens of posts accusing the GOP of obstructing Barack Obama's policies that would have created jobs but when I ask you to name what those policy proposals can't come up with anything! It's hilarious to watch...

Lowering Corp tax to 28% and taking out loopholes and using the money for infrastructure. HMM. Of course the party of NO refused

You may not have gotten the memo on this, Dad but when Barry tried to do another "infrastructure" stimulus like he did in the first stimulus...he couldn't even get Democrats to support it! The first "shovel ready" infrastructure debacle was such a black eye for Dems back then that they absolutely RAN from his attempted "do-over".

STILL waiting for the link to YOUR assertion about the Dems running away from Obama's infrastructure plan, AS I LINKED, ONLY 2 VOTED WITH THE 47 GOPers to block it in the Senate
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009

The BLS shows 142 million working as of Jan 2009.

Employment Situation News Release

The BLS shows 146.6 million working as of Sep 2014

Employment Situation News Release
Dumb ass from the BLS September 2014

65% in January 2009 dropped to 62.7% in september 2014 and has not went up since
No god damn wonder you support obama you are to dumb to breath without guberment help.
Actually, you're showing the labor force participation rate. The labor force is Employed PLUS Unemployed.
What you wanted was the Employment-population ratio, but let's stick with the labor force participation rate

January 2009 the Labor force was 154,210,000 (consisting of 142,152,000 employed and 12,058,000 unemployed)
The population was 234,739,000. So 154,210,000/234,739,000= .657

September 2014 was labor force of 155,862,000 (146,600,000 employed and 9,262,000 unemployed)
Population was 248,446,000 so 155,862,000/248,446,000 = .627

Bigger labor force, more people working, lower percent of the population
Well god damn if you dumb mother fuckers would read what is fucking posted you fucking would see I said participation rate
It's the number of working age adults in the work force it keeps dropping while obama is president

AS it did for Dubya, AND has LONG beren predicted

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post
Stupid what in the fuck is wrong with you the participation rate didn't drop below 65 and mainly stayed 66 or above
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009.
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009
Hey dumb ass, I posted the BLS total number of people working and there are more working now then ever in our history. There are 4,448,000 more people working now then when Obama took office in 2009.
And dumb ass the current BLS data I used showed less people working than was working in 2009

Stop conflating numbers with percentages. Of course since Obama's policies took effect after he passed Obamacares in Feb 2010 we have seen over 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created. NEARLY 7 million MORE in the PRIVATE sector work force THAN THE MONTH AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE!

Feb 2009 110,6991,000

Sept 2014 117,524,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
65.7 2009
62.7 2014
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009
Hey dumb ass, I posted the BLS total number of people working and there are more working now then ever in our history. There are 4,448,000 more people working now then when Obama took office in 2009.
And dumb ass the current BLS data I used showed less people working than was working in 2009

Stop conflating numbers with percentages. Of course since Obama's policies took effect after he passed Obamacares in Feb 2010 we have seen over 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created. NEARLY 7 million MORE in the PRIVATE sector work force THAN THE MONTH AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE!

Feb 2009 110,6991,000

Sept 2014 117,524,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
65.7 2009
62.7 2014
No one is arguing that the RATE is not lower. What we're trying to get through your skull is that the labor force participation rate is the percent in the labor force, NOT the percent employed (labor force is employed plus unemployed) and that the LEVEL has gone up though the RATE has gone down
What they are "talking about" is the labor force participation rate. The percentage of Americans working is way down under this President! Part of that is simply a lack of jobs...part of it is a massive increase of people going on disability (because they can't find work?) and part of it is the Baby Boomers retiring which was expected.

Yes, and also people spending more years in school. The labor participation rate includes everybody between 16 and 65 years of age, so more people finishing high school, more people going to college and more people getting graduate degrees have all steadily pushed the labor participation rate down.

It's been falling since the 1990s at a fairly steady rate, not just under Obama. Mostly for those two reasons- more people in school and baby boomers retiring before they turn 65.

Are people in school because they want to be...or are they there because they can't find work and figure they might as well get another degree? Normally there is a cost factor in choosing not to work in order to attend school full time. If there aren't jobs out there...that cost doesn't apply.
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009. You keep saying unemployment is down, it's meaningless when you have fewer people in the work force.

65% in January 2009 dropped to 62.7% in september 2014 and has not went up since

No, it does not mean that. There are more people now than there were when Bush was president, so it is 62.7% of a bigger number and the total is higher as a result.

You have to remember he lied about the number of people in the workforce too! There are more people in the workforce today (155,862,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (154,210,000).
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009. You keep saying unemployment is down, it's meaningless when you have fewer people in the work force.

65% in January 2009 dropped to 62.7% in september 2014 and has not went up since

No, it does not mean that. There are more people now than there were when Bush was president, so it is 62.7% of a bigger number and the total is higher as a result.

You have to remember he lied about the number of people in the workforce too! There are more people in the workforce today (155,862,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (154,210,000).
66% 2009 down to 62% in 2014 you fucking freak
Well god damn if you dumb mother fuckers would read what is fucking posted you fucking would see I said participation rate
LIAR!!! :eusa_liar:
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009. You keep saying unemployment is down, it's meaningless when you have fewer people in the work force.
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009
Hey dumb ass, I posted the BLS total number of people working and there are more working now then ever in our history. There are 4,448,000 more people working now then when Obama took office in 2009.
And dumb ass the current BLS data I used showed less people working than was working in 2009

Stop conflating numbers with percentages. Of course since Obama's policies took effect after he passed Obamacares in Feb 2010 we have seen over 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created. NEARLY 7 million MORE in the PRIVATE sector work force THAN THE MONTH AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE!

Feb 2009 110,6991,000

Sept 2014 117,524,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
65.7 2009
62.7 2014
No one is arguing that the RATE is not lower. What we're trying to get through your skull is that the labor force participation rate is the percent in the labor force, NOT the percent employed (labor force is employed plus unemployed) and that the LEVEL has gone up though the RATE has gone down
Yes they are
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009. You keep saying unemployment is down, it's meaningless when you have fewer people in the work force.

65% in January 2009 dropped to 62.7% in september 2014 and has not went up since

No, it does not mean that. There are more people now than there were when Bush was president, so it is 62.7% of a bigger number and the total is higher as a result.

You have to remember he lied about the number of people in the workforce too! There are more people in the workforce today (155,862,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (154,210,000).
66% 2009 down to 62% in 2014 you fucking freak
Again you pretend to be too stupid to know the difference between "people" and a "%." :asshole:
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009. You keep saying unemployment is down, it's meaningless when you have fewer people in the work force.

65% in January 2009 dropped to 62.7% in september 2014 and has not went up since

No, it does not mean that. There are more people now than there were when Bush was president, so it is 62.7% of a bigger number and the total is higher as a result.

You have to remember he lied about the number of people in the workforce too! There are more people in the workforce today (155,862,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (154,210,000).
66% 2009 down to 62% in 2014 you fucking freak
Again you pretend to be too stupid to know the difference between "people" and a "%." :asshole:
You'll always be stuck on stupid
fewer people working means you're wrong
Where do you people come up with this bullshit?!!!!!

Not only are there more people working now (146,600,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (142,152,000), there are more people working now then ever in the history of the USA!!!!!
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009
Hey dumb ass, I posted the BLS total number of people working and there are more working now then ever in our history. There are 4,448,000 more people working now then when Obama took office in 2009.
And dumb ass the current BLS data I used showed less people working than was working in 2009

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Whose fucking lying you dumb son of a bitch
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
You, as always!
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009. You keep saying unemployment is down, it's meaningless when you have fewer people in the work force.

65% in January 2009 dropped to 62.7% in september 2014 and has not went up since

No, it does not mean that. There are more people now than there were when Bush was president, so it is 62.7% of a bigger number and the total is higher as a result.

You have to remember he lied about the number of people in the workforce too! There are more people in the workforce today (155,862,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (154,210,000).
66% 2009 down to 62% in 2014 you fucking freak
Again you pretend to be too stupid to know the difference between "people" and a "%." :asshole:
You'll always be stuck on stupid
fewer people working means you're wrong
And you are stuck on LYING!
I've postred the BLS data that calls you a lying misinformed sack of shit.
Less people are working now than when obama took office in 2009
Hey dumb ass, I posted the BLS total number of people working and there are more working now then ever in our history. There are 4,448,000 more people working now then when Obama took office in 2009.
And dumb ass the current BLS data I used showed less people working than was working in 2009

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Whose fucking lying you dumb son of a bitch
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
You, as always!
It's a known fact throughout the board that you are a lying sack of shit.
Well god damn if you dumb mother fuckers would read what is fucking posted you fucking would see I said participation rate
LIAR!!! :eusa_liar:
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009. You keep saying unemployment is down, it's meaningless when you have fewer people in the work force.
No bitch you are the lying sack of shit.
I quoted YOU! :asshole:
Well god damn if you dumb mother fuckers would read what is fucking posted you fucking would see I said participation rate
LIAR!!! :eusa_liar:
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009. You keep saying unemployment is down, it's meaningless when you have fewer people in the work force.
No bitch you are the lying sack of shit.
I quoted YOU! :asshole:
Hey dumb ass, I posted the BLS total number of people working and there are more working now then ever in our history. There are 4,448,000 more people working now then when Obama took office in 2009.
And dumb ass the current BLS data I used showed less people working than was working in 2009

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Whose fucking lying you dumb son of a bitch
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
You, as always!
It's a known fact throughout the board that you are a lying sack of shit.
From a LYING POS like YOU, that's a compliment.
Thank you.

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