Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

Unemployment is well over 15%...
Let's see:
Unemployed is 9,262,000
Labor force is 155,862,000
Giving a UE rate of 9,262,000/155,862,000 = 5.9%
There are, however 6,349,000 people who are not working or looking for work (so they're not in the labor force) who say they want a job.
Add them in:
(9,262,000+6,349,000)/(155,862,000+6,349,000) = 15,611,000/162,211,000 = 9.6%
So even including everyone who says they want a job, regardless of if they're looking or could accept a job, the rate would only be 9.6%

So how are you getting 15%?
Please show your math.

You go ahead and run with 9.6.
No, I'll stick with the actual rate if 5.9%
And dumb ass the current BLS data I used showed less people working than was working in 2009

Stop conflating numbers with percentages. Of course since Obama's policies took effect after he passed Obamacares in Feb 2010 we have seen over 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created. NEARLY 7 million MORE in the PRIVATE sector work force THAN THE MONTH AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE!

Feb 2009 110,6991,000

Sept 2014 117,524,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
65.7 2009
62.7 2014

WHICH year had more people employed? lol
Which year had the most participation rate? dumb ass
We have fewer people working now,

Ignorant lying bastard
Which year you lying bitch I've posted it several times
Stop crying junior you have met your match, but the out come is always the same with obama supporter they are stupid.
Labor participation rate at a 36 year low woot!

You don't sound happy about the good news Rocko

You are not one of those rooting for the economy to fail are you?

How does me stating a fact equal rooting for the economy to fail? We all know you're not rooting for the economy, you're rooting for Obama.

I find it odd that the same conservatives who were telling us that the unemployment rate was the most important economic factor in Obamas first term are now telling us that the Labor Participation Rate is now the most important factor

You are aware that the Labor Participation Rate has been dropping for 15 years aren't you?

Whqt are you saying? The labor partician later does count anymore? The fact is a smaller percentage of Americans are working today then when Obozo took office.
Interesting question ... actually, when did it count? Can you post a link to an economist talking about the labor force participation rate before Obama became president?
You, as always!
It's a known fact throughout the board that you are a lying sack of shit.
From a LYING POS like YOU, that's a compliment.
Thank you.
Post the lie you think I said dumb ass
I hope you die a fucking painful death suffer a massive heart attack that's what liars like you deserve.

"fewer people working means you're wrong"

Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

"We have fewer people working now,"

Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

IN 2008 we had a participation of working aged American at 66 %
In 2014 we have 62.7%
Meaning to have fewer workers than we had in 2008 you need to fill the void to make of the shortage of 2014 stupid fuck

Stop conflating numbers with percentages. Of course since Obama's policies took effect after he passed Obamacares in Feb 2010 we have seen over 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created. NEARLY 7 million MORE in the PRIVATE sector work force THAN THE MONTH AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE!

Feb 2009 110,6991,000

Sept 2014 117,524,000
More people DROPPED OUT of the Labor Force than found jobs (many of those being low wage part time ones).

315,000 quit, lowering the Labor Force Participation Rate to 62.7%, the lowest level since February 1978.


From what I have read, the decline in participation rate is because those entering it for the first time has been consistently declining. Smash their X-Box and kick your kids out of the basement folks. The survival of our nation depends on you cutting the cord.
It's a known fact throughout the board that you are a lying sack of shit.
From a LYING POS like YOU, that's a compliment.
Thank you.
Post the lie you think I said dumb ass
I hope you die a fucking painful death suffer a massive heart attack that's what liars like you deserve.

"fewer people working means you're wrong"

Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

"We have fewer people working now,"

Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

IN 2008 we had a participation of working aged American at 66 %
In 2014 we have 62.7%
Meaning to have fewer workers than we had in 2008 you need to fill the void to make of the shortage of 2014 stupid fuck

Stop conflating numbers with percentages. Of course since Obama's policies took effect after he passed Obamacares in Feb 2010 we have seen over 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created. NEARLY 7 million MORE in the PRIVATE sector work force THAN THE MONTH AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE!

Feb 2009 110,6991,000

Sept 2014 117,524,000
If what you say is true the workers participation would be higher than in 2009
Labor participation rate at a 36 year low woot!

You don't sound happy about the good news Rocko

You are not one of those rooting for the economy to fail are you?

How does me stating a fact equal rooting for the economy to fail? We all know you're not rooting for the economy, you're rooting for Obama.

I find it odd that the same conservatives who were telling us that the unemployment rate was the most important economic factor in Obamas first term are now telling us that the Labor Participation Rate is now the most important factor

You are aware that the Labor Participation Rate has been dropping for 15 years aren't you?

Whqt are you saying? The labor partician later does count anymore? The fact is a smaller percentage of Americans are working today then when Obozo took office.
Interesting question ... actually, when did it count? Can you post a link to an economist talking about the labor force participation rate before Obama became president?

Conservatives have whined about the number of workers for each Social Security recipient for years now is shrinking

The ‘demographics’ story

But a number of economists are arguing that the recession is distracting people from the real story — long-run demographic trends that have nothing to do with the current economy. Baby boomers are starting to retire en masse, which means that there are fewer eligible American workers.

Demographics have always played a big role in the rise and fall of the labor force. Between 1960 and 2000, the labor force in the United States surged from 59 percent to a peak of 67.3 percent. That was largely due to the fact that more women were entering the labor force while improvements in health and information technology allowed Americans to work more years.

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post
From a LYING POS like YOU, that's a compliment.
Thank you.
Post the lie you think I said dumb ass
I hope you die a fucking painful death suffer a massive heart attack that's what liars like you deserve.

"fewer people working means you're wrong"

Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

"We have fewer people working now,"

Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

IN 2008 we had a participation of working aged American at 66 %
In 2014 we have 62.7%
Meaning to have fewer workers than we had in 2008 you need to fill the void to make of the shortage of 2014 stupid fuck

Stop conflating numbers with percentages. Of course since Obama's policies took effect after he passed Obamacares in Feb 2010 we have seen over 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created. NEARLY 7 million MORE in the PRIVATE sector work force THAN THE MONTH AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE!

Feb 2009 110,6991,000

Sept 2014 117,524,000
If what you say is true the workers participation would be higher than in 2009

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post
More people DROPPED OUT of the Labor Force than found jobs (many of those being low wage part time ones).

315,000 quit, lowering the Labor Force Participation Rate to 62.7%, the lowest level since February 1978.


From what I have read, the decline in participation rate is because those entering it for the first time has been consistently declining. Smash their X-Box and kick your kids out of the basement folks. The survival of our nation depends on you cutting the cord.

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post
Even though unemployment number has dropped fewer people are working now than when obama took office in 2009. You keep saying unemployment is down, it's meaningless when you have fewer people in the work force.

65% in January 2009 dropped to 62.7% in september 2014 and has not went up since

No, it does not mean that. There are more people now than there were when Bush was president, so it is 62.7% of a bigger number and the total is higher as a result.

You have to remember he lied about the number of people in the workforce too! There are more people in the workforce today (155,862,000) then when Obama took office in 2009 (154,210,000).

There are also about 11 million more people in the US today than there were when Obama took office in 2009. If our population increases by 11 million and the number of people in the workforce goes up by a little over 1 million...then obviously you have an "issue".
The new retired worker awards for each year since Obama became president

View attachment 32676
What's that? We've hit the age of retiring Baby Boomers??

But thanks for showing why the labor force participation rate is dropping. According to the numbers you posted, 2,804,499 million baby boomers retired last year ... when a person retires, they fall into the "not in labor force" group when polled. During that same time frame, the "not in labor force" group grew by 2,943,000. That's a pretty good indication that retiring baby boomers are the leading cause for the drop in the labor force participation rate.

Damn, Obama! Why can't he come up with a plan to stop people from aging?? What a failure.
Hey dumb ass, I posted the BLS total number of people working and there are more working now then ever in our history. There are 4,448,000 more people working now then when Obama took office in 2009.
And dumb ass the current BLS data I used showed less people working than was working in 2009

Stop conflating numbers with percentages. Of course since Obama's policies took effect after he passed Obamacares in Feb 2010 we have seen over 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created. NEARLY 7 million MORE in the PRIVATE sector work force THAN THE MONTH AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE!

Feb 2009 110,6991,000

Sept 2014 117,524,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
65.7 2009
62.7 2014

WHICH year had more people employed? lol
Which year had the most participation rate? dumb ass
We have fewer people working now,
Poor, brain-dead, Conservatives. Math is always so fuzzy to them.

Total Employed
1/2009: 142,152,000
9/2014: 146,600,000

Earth to brain-dead Conservative ... 146.6 million is greater than 142.2 million
Post the lie you think I said dumb ass
I hope you die a fucking painful death suffer a massive heart attack that's what liars like you deserve.

"fewer people working means you're wrong"

Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

"We have fewer people working now,"

Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

IN 2008 we had a participation of working aged American at 66 %
In 2014 we have 62.7%
Meaning to have fewer workers than we had in 2008 you need to fill the void to make of the shortage of 2014 stupid fuck

Stop conflating numbers with percentages. Of course since Obama's policies took effect after he passed Obamacares in Feb 2010 we have seen over 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created. NEARLY 7 million MORE in the PRIVATE sector work force THAN THE MONTH AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE!

Feb 2009 110,6991,000

Sept 2014 117,524,000
If what you say is true the workers participation would be higher than in 2009

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post
No it has not, it remained at or above 66% until 2009 and has continued to drop ever since
Post the lie you think I said dumb ass
I hope you die a fucking painful death suffer a massive heart attack that's what liars like you deserve.

"fewer people working means you're wrong"

Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

"We have fewer people working now,"

Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

IN 2008 we had a participation of working aged American at 66 %
In 2014 we have 62.7%
Meaning to have fewer workers than we had in 2008 you need to fill the void to make of the shortage of 2014 stupid fuck

Stop conflating numbers with percentages. Of course since Obama's policies took effect after he passed Obamacares in Feb 2010 we have seen over 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created. NEARLY 7 million MORE in the PRIVATE sector work force THAN THE MONTH AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE!

Feb 2009 110,6991,000

Sept 2014 117,524,000
If what you say is true the workers participation would be higher than in 2009

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post

"Because of the decreasing labor force participation rate of youths and the prime age group, the overall labor force participation rate is expected to decline. The participation rates of older workers are projected to increase, but remain significantly lower than those of the prime age group." Labor force projections to 2022 the labor force participation rate continues to fall Monthly Labor Review U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
And dumb ass the current BLS data I used showed less people working than was working in 2009

Stop conflating numbers with percentages. Of course since Obama's policies took effect after he passed Obamacares in Feb 2010 we have seen over 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created. NEARLY 7 million MORE in the PRIVATE sector work force THAN THE MONTH AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE!

Feb 2009 110,6991,000

Sept 2014 117,524,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
65.7 2009
62.7 2014

WHICH year had more people employed? lol
Which year had the most participation rate? dumb ass
We have fewer people working now,
Poor, brain-dead, Conservatives. Math is always so fuzzy to them.

Total Employed
1/2009: 142,152,000
9/2014: 146,600,000

Earth to brain-dead Conservative ... 146.6 million is greater than 142.2 million
Hey stupid
Stop conflating numbers with percentages. Of course since Obama's policies took effect after he passed Obamacares in Feb 2010 we have seen over 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created. NEARLY 7 million MORE in the PRIVATE sector work force THAN THE MONTH AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE!

Feb 2009 110,6991,000

Sept 2014 117,524,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
65.7 2009
62.7 2014

WHICH year had more people employed? lol
Which year had the most participation rate? dumb ass
We have fewer people working now,
Poor, brain-dead, Conservatives. Math is always so fuzzy to them.

Total Employed
1/2009: 142,152,000
9/2014: 146,600,000

Earth to brain-dead Conservative ... 146.6 million is greater than 142.2 million
Hey stupid
Hey look --> 146.6 million is still greater than 142.2 million. :mm:
65.7 2009
62.7 2014

WHICH year had more people employed? lol
Which year had the most participation rate? dumb ass
We have fewer people working now,
Poor, brain-dead, Conservatives. Math is always so fuzzy to them.

Total Employed
1/2009: 142,152,000
9/2014: 146,600,000

Earth to brain-dead Conservative ... 146.6 million is greater than 142.2 million
Hey stupid
Hey look --> 146.6 million is still greater than 142.2 million. :mm:
If that were true the participation rate would not be going down.
WHICH year had more people employed? lol
Which year had the most participation rate? dumb ass
We have fewer people working now,
Poor, brain-dead, Conservatives. Math is always so fuzzy to them.

Total Employed
1/2009: 142,152,000
9/2014: 146,600,000

Earth to brain-dead Conservative ... 146.6 million is greater than 142.2 million
Hey stupid
Hey look --> 146.6 million is still greater than 142.2 million. :mm:
If that were true the participation rate would not be going down.
Your senility aside, it really is true. 146.6 million is greater than 142.2 million. :mm:
WHICH year had more people employed? lol
Which year had the most participation rate? dumb ass
We have fewer people working now,
Poor, brain-dead, Conservatives. Math is always so fuzzy to them.

Total Employed
1/2009: 142,152,000
9/2014: 146,600,000

Earth to brain-dead Conservative ... 146.6 million is greater than 142.2 million
Hey stupid
Hey look --> 146.6 million is still greater than 142.2 million. :mm:
If that were true the participation rate would not be going down.
You obviously have a very difficult time with simple statistics, you have since I joined this board.

There are more people working now than there were in 2009. The reason the LFPR has decreased is because the overall pool of the labor force has increased as well. Pretty simple stuff.
Which year had the most participation rate? dumb ass
We have fewer people working now,
Poor, brain-dead, Conservatives. Math is always so fuzzy to them.

Total Employed
1/2009: 142,152,000
9/2014: 146,600,000

Earth to brain-dead Conservative ... 146.6 million is greater than 142.2 million
Hey stupid
Hey look --> 146.6 million is still greater than 142.2 million. :mm:
If that were true the participation rate would not be going down.
Your senility aside, it really is true. 146.6 million is greater than 142.2 million. :mm:
I used to think he was fucking with us all, that he couldn't be as stupid as he came across. The stupid continues to this day.
Poor, brain-dead, Conservatives. Math is always so fuzzy to them.

Total Employed
1/2009: 142,152,000
9/2014: 146,600,000

Earth to brain-dead Conservative ... 146.6 million is greater than 142.2 million
Hey stupid
Hey look --> 146.6 million is still greater than 142.2 million. :mm:
If that were true the participation rate would not be going down.
Your senility aside, it really is true. 146.6 million is greater than 142.2 million. :mm:
I used to think he was fucking with us all, that he couldn't be as stupid as he came across. The stupid continues to this day.
Yeah, I think it's pretty much a permanent condition for that one.

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