Another Hero You've Never Heard Of.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
An army major who kept careful records......records that reveal traitors to America.

1. US Army Maj. George Racey Jordan was a Lend-Lease 'expediter' who couldn't understand the volume or priority nature of the shipments to the USSR....including 'secret cargo' hidden under 'diplomatic immunity.'

a. "The President has directed that 'airplanes be delivered in accordance with protocol schedules by the most expeditious means.' To implement these directives, the modification, equipment and movement of Russian planes have been given first priority, even over planes for US Army Air Forces."
From the diaries of Maj. George Racey Jordan, supervisory 'expediter' of Soviet Lend-Lease aid, p. 20.

2. A simple businessman, in his 40's, who had flown with Eddie Rickenbacker in WWI, Jordan loved his country more than the Establishment, and became what ex-Socialist Max Eastman called the 'moral aristocracy.'
West, "American Betrayal," p.119.

3. In his capacity, he worked closely with Soviet chief, Col. Anatole Kotikov. With them at their apartment, he noticed Kotikov's wife-secretary pull her huband's "Experimental Chemicals" dossier from "a hiding place under the mattress, while her husband was pulling on his handsome boots of black leather."
Jordan, "From Major Jordan's Diaries, " p.47

a. In the file was a list of everything necessary to produce a 'brand-new and experimental atomic pile, courtesy of Lend-Lease."
West, Op. Cit.

b. [ame=]From Major Jordan's Diary - YouTube[/ame]

c. "... he was instructed by the White House and State Department to deliver parts for the atomic bomb to the Soviets – at the same time the nation was worried about Russia stealing A-bomb secrets. At first, Congress did not believe him, but his diary filled with dates, shipping manifestos, and names of pilots who flew the missions,..." Major George Jordan

4. In Jordan's book is a near-complete list of Soviet Lend-Lease material.

a. According to Jordan, shipments to the USSR via Lend-Lease continued until 1949. Victory in Europe Day—known as V-E Day or VE Day—was the public holiday celebrated on 8 May 1945 (in Commonwealth countries, 7 May 1945) to mark the date when the World War II Allies formally accepted the unconditional surrender of the armed forces of Nazi Germany

5. ATOMIC MATERIALS (sent to the USSR)

Beryllium Metals 9,681 lbs. -- $ 10,874.
Cadmium alloys 72,535 lbs. -- $70,029.
Cadmium metals 834,989 lbs. - $71,466.
Cobalt ore & concentrate 33,600 lbs. -- $49,782.
Cobalt metal & cobalt-bearing scrap 806,941 lbs. -- $1,190,774.
Uranium metal 2.2 lbs. -
Aluminum Tubes 13,766,472 lbs. -- $13,041,152.
Graphite, natural, flake, lump or chip 7,384,282 lbs. -- $812,437.
Beryllium salts & compounds 228 lbs. -- $775.
Cadmium oxide 2,100 lbs. -- $3,080.
Cadmium salts & compounds, n.e.s. * 2 lbs. -- $19.
Cadmium sulfate 2,170 lbs. -- $1,374.
Cadmium sulfide 16,823 lbs. -- $17,380.
Cobalt nitrate 51 lbs. -- $48.
Cobalt oxide 17,800 lbs. -- $34,832.
Cobalt salts & compounds n.e.s. 11,475 lbs. -- $7,112.
Cobaltic & cobaltous sulfate 22 lbs. -- $25.
Deuterium oxide (heavy water) -- $1,100 grs. -
These lists continue on page 83....
From Major Jordan's Diaries

a. BTW, Lend-Lease to Russia amounted to $300 billion in today's dollars.
Albert L. Weeks, "Russia's Life-Saver: Lend-Lease Aid to the U.S.S.R. in World War II," p.25

b. General Leslie Groves, chief of the Manhattan Project, would later testify before Congress in 1949 that his operation came under continuous pressure to release experimental atomic materials to the USSR from the Lend-Lease office.
From Hearings Regarding Shipments of Atomic Materials to Russia During WWII, HUAC, 81st Congress, December 7, 1949.

6. On Sept. 20, 1944 security officers at Great Falls reported that a C-47 left for Moscow
with 3,800 pounds of non-diplomatic records. They had not been censored and were
therefore in violation of the Espionage Act.
But local officers did not dare to remove the
shipment from the Pipeline.

Customs, Immigration, Censorship and the FBI now had staffs at Great Falls. Captain Decker had learned, as I had to, that it was possible to force the Russians to accept inspection by refusing to clear American pilots flying Soviet planes. Beyond that, nothing could be done.

Captain Decker said he had asked again and again for authority to ground any plane bearing contraband persons or freight, and to hold it until the defense was rectified. He was enlightened by a high official of the Department of Commerce, Irving Weiss, who made a trip to Great Falls. Such authority, Weiss told him, could be granted only by a top echelon decision of the State Department, the Board of Economic Welfare and the President’s Protocol Committee.

“It seemed,” Captain Decker observed ruefully, “that the power of enforcement lay at very high levels beyond the reach of us there.” [3] Needless to say, no enforcement order was issued. Ibid.

7. Always curious, and meticulous, Jordan recorded the name, rank and function of 418 Russians who entered the US illegally via planes returning from Russia.
"The list proved to be of value, I was told, in tracing Communist espionage in America during the war."

"....enforcement lay at very high levels beyond the reach of us there.”

Who would that be?

And why would the 'high levels' endorse sending atomic bomb materials and instructions to the USSR?

And how many wars and deaths could have been avoided if Stalin hadn't been able to built an atomic bomb?
Well, I'm shocked, but not surprised. There are times I wonder if FDR himself was working for Stalin since apparently everyone else in his administration was
Well, I'm shocked, but not surprised. There are times I wonder if FDR himself was working for Stalin since apparently everyone else in his administration was

Apparently so.

FDR's live-in adviser, often called the "co-President," Harry Hopkins, was

a. in charge of Lend-Lease

b. identified as a Soviet agent, code-named "Source 19" in the Venona Papers.

Either FDR was in on the machinations involving the Hopkins-Stalin axis....

....or FDR was very, very stupid.

Nor was it a coincidence that the FDR shredded the Constitution and altered the nature of the nation.
Well, I'm shocked, but not surprised. There are times I wonder if FDR himself was working for Stalin since apparently everyone else in his administration was

Apparently so.

FDR's live-in adviser, often called the "co-President," Harry Hopkins, was

a. in charge of Lend-Lease

b. identified as a Soviet agent, code-named "Source 19" in the Venona Papers.

Either FDR was in on the machinations involving the Hopkins-Stalin axis....

....or FDR was very, very stupid.

Nor was it a coincidence that the FDR shredded the Constitution and altered the nature of the nation.

Boy, when the historians find out about this, FDR will be rated worst president. The question is who is going tell the historians?
Well, I'm shocked, but not surprised. There are times I wonder if FDR himself was working for Stalin since apparently everyone else in his administration was

Apparently so.

FDR's live-in adviser, often called the "co-President," Harry Hopkins, was

a. in charge of Lend-Lease

b. identified as a Soviet agent, code-named "Source 19" in the Venona Papers.

Either FDR was in on the machinations involving the Hopkins-Stalin axis....

....or FDR was very, very stupid.

Nor was it a coincidence that the FDR shredded the Constitution and altered the nature of the nation.

Boy, when the historians find out about this, FDR will be rated worst president. The question is who is going tell the historians?

What you refer to as 'historians' is the coterie of bobble-head dolls that nod in agreement at the correct time, so that folks like you don't actually have to do any thinking.

The apologists such as yourself turn to other Liberals, 'historians,' rather than make decisions about facts that might prove.....embarrassing.

Atomic secrets and materials to the Soviet Union...fighter planes that might have saved Bataan and Corregidor...promoting Alger Hiss rather than dismissing him...

Would you care to explain Jordan's findings?
I didn't think so.
The Left has no answer other than maybe a personal insult.

FDR gave Stalin, one of history's 2 biggest mass murderers, components for an atomic bomb

Just fucking amazing
Apparently so.

FDR's live-in adviser, often called the "co-President," Harry Hopkins, was

a. in charge of Lend-Lease

b. identified as a Soviet agent, code-named "Source 19" in the Venona Papers.

Either FDR was in on the machinations involving the Hopkins-Stalin axis....

....or FDR was very, very stupid.

Nor was it a coincidence that the FDR shredded the Constitution and altered the nature of the nation.

Boy, when the historians find out about this, FDR will be rated worst president. The question is who is going tell the historians?

What you refer to as 'historians' is the coterie of bobble-head dolls that nod in agreement at the correct time, so that folks like you don't actually have to do any thinking.

The apologists such as yourself turn to other Liberals, 'historians,' rather than make decisions about facts that might prove.....embarrassing.

Atomic secrets and materials to the Soviet Union...fighter planes that might have saved Bataan and Corregidor...promoting Alger Hiss rather than dismissing him...

Would you care to explain Jordan's findings?
I didn't think so.

The real problem you have is trying to convince people that the nation's historians are bobble-heads. If and when that material you use is discovered to be true and goes into the history books then it becomes more believable. But so far your history is highly suspect and highly politiclal. For example, the fighter planes you speak of, if more had been sent to MacArthur they, along with the ones he had, would have been easily destroyed by the Japanese. Seems Mac left them all lined lined and the Japanese had an easy time destroying them on the ground.
Boy, when the historians find out about this, FDR will be rated worst president. The question is who is going tell the historians?

What you refer to as 'historians' is the coterie of bobble-head dolls that nod in agreement at the correct time, so that folks like you don't actually have to do any thinking.

The apologists such as yourself turn to other Liberals, 'historians,' rather than make decisions about facts that might prove.....embarrassing.

Atomic secrets and materials to the Soviet Union...fighter planes that might have saved Bataan and Corregidor...promoting Alger Hiss rather than dismissing him...

Would you care to explain Jordan's findings?
I didn't think so.

The real problem you have is trying to convince people that the nation's historians are bobble-heads. If and when that material you use is discovered to be true and goes into the history books then it becomes more believable. But so far your history is highly suspect and highly politiclal. For example, the fighter planes you speak of, if more had been sent to MacArthur they, along with the ones he had, would have been easily destroyed by the Japanese. Seems Mac left them all lined lined and the Japanese had an easy time destroying them on the ground.

FDR keep the Great Depression going until Hitler conquered France, influenced Mengele and the Nazi by experimenting on blacks with the Tuskegee experiments, backed history's great mass murderer Chairman Mao over leader of Free China, Shek, backed history's second biggest mass murderer "Uncle" Joe Stalin who would enslave hundreds of millions of people until Reagan liberated them

Yeah, that's "Great"
What you refer to as 'historians' is the coterie of bobble-head dolls that nod in agreement at the correct time, so that folks like you don't actually have to do any thinking.

The apologists such as yourself turn to other Liberals, 'historians,' rather than make decisions about facts that might prove.....embarrassing.

Atomic secrets and materials to the Soviet Union...fighter planes that might have saved Bataan and Corregidor...promoting Alger Hiss rather than dismissing him...

Would you care to explain Jordan's findings?
I didn't think so.

The real problem you have is trying to convince people that the nation's historians are bobble-heads. If and when that material you use is discovered to be true and goes into the history books then it becomes more believable. But so far your history is highly suspect and highly politiclal. For example, the fighter planes you speak of, if more had been sent to MacArthur they, along with the ones he had, would have been easily destroyed by the Japanese. Seems Mac left them all lined lined and the Japanese had an easy time destroying them on the ground.

FDR keep the Great Depression going until Hitler conquered France, influenced Mengele and the Nazi by experimenting on blacks with the Tuskegee experiments, backed history's great mass murderer Chairman Mao over leader of Free China, Shek, backed history's second biggest mass murderer "Uncle" Joe Stalin who would enslave hundreds of millions of people until Reagan liberated them

Yeah, that's "Great"

May I add this noble gesture of Emperor Franklin the First....

Your post brings to mind his first Supreme Court nominee:

Hugo Black, in 1937. This KKK Senator from Alabama wrote the majority decision on Korematsu v. US; in 1967, he said ‘They all look alike to a person not a Jap.” Engage: Conversations in Philosophy: "They all look alike to a person not a Jap"*: The Legacy of Korematsu at OSU

Even more destructive, he presided over the decision in which the mythical 'wall of separation' was found to exist.

" In Everson v. Board of Education (1947), the United States Supreme Court was asked to interpret the First Amendment's prohibition on laws "respecting an establishment of religion." "In the words of Jefferson," the justices famously declared, the First Amendment "was intended to erect ‘a wall of separation between church and State'...[that] must be kept high and impregnable. We could not approve the slightest breach."
The Mythical "Wall of Separation": How a Misused Metaphor Changed Church?State Law, Policy, and Discourse

Of course, this is the very antithesis of the free exercise clause of the Constitution.
There is no evidence that Hopkins was "Source 19", nor is there any corroboration for Jordan's accusations against Hopkins.

Au contraire.

But...there is no evidence that you have done any study, or have any knowledge in this area.

You'd be quite wrong about that.

Romerstein and Breindel's theories about "Source 19" are far from "conclusive".
c. "... he was instructed by the White House and State Department to deliver parts for the atomic bomb to the Soviets – at the same time the nation was worried about Russia stealing A-bomb secrets.
5. ATOMIC MATERIALS (sent to the USSR)

And why would the 'high levels' endorse sending atomic bomb materials and instructions to the USSR?

And how many wars and deaths could have been avoided if Stalin hadn't been able to built an atomic bomb?
Ya' ever wonder how the US spent what, 3 or four years building ONE bomb and testing it at Trinity site then suddenly having two more to drop on Japan?

A Uranium Gun Type Fission Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima then a different Plutonium Implosion Type Fission Bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.

Now either they were working on all three and only tested one OR:

The Soviets built one FOR us using the Lend Lease info PC provides OR:

The US and/or Soviet forces discovered a Nazi Nuclear Bomb (or bombs) when Germany surrendered in May of 1945. That would have given the "High Levels" 3 months to decide what to do.
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How's this for an historical item, the US never built the bomb, the materials needed were sent to the USSR and they built quite a number and sent three to the US. One was used at Trinity and the other two on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
There is no evidence that Hopkins was "Source 19", nor is there any corroboration for Jordan's accusations against Hopkins.

Au contraire.

But...there is no evidence that you have done any study, or have any knowledge in this area.

You'd be quite wrong about that.

Romerstein and Breindel's theories about "Source 19" are far from "conclusive".

1. The following is illustrative.

a. Their evidence is, first, that Soviet KGB defector, Oleg Gordievsky, said that Hopkins was in regular communication with top Soviet covert operative, Iskhak Akhmerov, in New York City. This was more than just a "back channel" for communication between Roosevelt and Stalin because Hopkins had existing back channels at the Soviet embassy that he used, and Akhmerov's identity as an operative was not supposed to be known to the U.S. government.

b.Second, the Venona project decrypts of Soviet communications with its spies, which came to light only in the 1990s, reveal a report on a Washington discussion between Roosevelt and Winston Churchill by an "agent 19." Only Harry Hopkins among suspected Soviet agents would have been privy to that conversation.

c. Third, former Communist Whittaker Chambers testified to Congress in 1948 about the formation of Communist "study groups" within the U.S. government from which espionage agents were recruited. One of those groups, led by Lee Pressman, was established within the Department of Agriculture in late 1933, and Hopkins was a member of that group.

d. Fourth, his policies were strongly pro-Soviet, particularly in his work as head of the Lend-Lease program.

2. Now, corroborating and entirely independent evidence of Hopkins’ likely treason has come to light in the pages of an obscure book by Emanuel M. Josephson. The title is "The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt," and while it does have a very intriguing chapter on FDR’s demise, the main subject of the book is better captured by the subtitle, A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty, America’s Royal Family. The following passage is on pp. 145-146:

a. In later years, Murray Garsson, the munitions manufacturer who was convicted for bribery and irregularities in connection with war contracts, reported that Harry Hopkins had been very helpful to him in securing and handling those contracts. In return for his help, Hopkins had demanded and received liberal payment for his influence. Garsson regularly paid Hopkins’s numerous losses on bets on the horse races. But one form of payment demanded by Hopkins stood out as most odd, Garsson said.

b. Garsson maintained quarters at the Wardman Park Hotel in Washington in connection with his war contracts. But he spent his weekends in New York with his family. Harry Hopkins demanded of Garsson that he permit him and his friends to use the quarters during the weekends, and that he defray the cost of refreshments and entertainment. Garsson permitted Hopkins and his guests to charge their expenses to his account.

c. In looking over his bills, Garsson noted the names of the persons who had signed the tabs charged to him. Among Harry Hopkins’s associates who had signed tabs were Carl Aldo Marzani and the whole array of the members of what was later proved to be the Hal Ware (Communist) cell that operated in the Government. Garsson stated that he did not become aware of the fact that he was acting as involuntary host to Hopkins’s Communist cell until after Marzani had been convicted and sent to jail for perjury in swearing in his State Department application that he was not, and never had been, a member of the Communist Party.

3. Josephson, who was hardly an admirer of Roosevelt and his New Deal, lacks references for his allegations, but many factors militate in favor of their basic accuracy. The strongest of these is that they dovetail perfectly with the other Soviet-agent charges against Hopkins and, coming much earlier, they could not have been influenced by them. In combination, the charges are much stronger than any one of them is alone.

There are those who have a political bias against connecting the dots, re:Hopkins guilt.
You may be one.

I have other incriminating evidence if you'd care to see same.
c. "... he was instructed by the White House and State Department to deliver parts for the atomic bomb to the Soviets – at the same time the nation was worried about Russia stealing A-bomb secrets.
5. ATOMIC MATERIALS (sent to the USSR)

And why would the 'high levels' endorse sending atomic bomb materials and instructions to the USSR?

And how many wars and deaths could have been avoided if Stalin hadn't been able to built an atomic bomb?
Ya' ever wonder how the US spent what, 3 or four years building ONE bomb and testing it at Trinity site then suddenly having two more to drop on Japan?

A Uranium Gun Type Fission Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima then a different Plutonium Implosion Type Fission Bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.

Now either they were working on all three and only tested one OR:

The Soviets built one FOR us using the Lend Lease info PC provides OR:

The US and/or Soviet forces discovered a Nazi Nuclear Bomb (or bombs) when Germany surrendered in May of 1945. That would have given the "High Levels" 3 months to decide what to do.

While I have not seen any evidence of this....

...I must tell you, in all seriousness, your post is the most clever and unusual connecting of several dots that I have read.

I really enjoyed reading that.
Rep on the way!
How's this for an historical item, the US never built the bomb, the materials needed were sent to the USSR and they built quite a number and sent three to the US. One was used at Trinity and the other two on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

So.....ya' down wit Major Jordan's thesis?
How's this for an historical item, the US never built the bomb, the materials needed were sent to the USSR and they built quite a number and sent three to the US. One was used at Trinity and the other two on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

So.....ya' down wit Major Jordan's thesis?

Only when the American historical community accepts the thesis; until then it goes into the nonsense trash with all the other ideas like the sun revolves about the Earth.

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