Another Hunter Biden email released by House.



hillary lost & she's over it.... AND she seems to be quite happy.

can't say the same 'bout yer chosen one, though.... :p:p:p
Hillary's just happy she ain't in jail. Yeah that'll make ya Happy Everytime.
Wait a minute now, we are talking about an alleged super corrupted DOJ at this moment in time, otherwise one that is heavily biased against Trump, so good luck on these so called indictments that were created by tainted evidence that has been formulated by these biased witch hunt investigations in which ultimately taints the grand jury's decision making. The whole thing is sitting on top of egg shells because of the huge Democrat, leftist, liberal lust to bring down Trump at all cost.
We aren’t posting about an alleged corrupted DOJ, just you whiner guckup are for loser political reasons.

Kinda like the Supreme Court ruling on a hypothetical case.
NO, I tell the truth and you wallow in lies a pig in shit. You lack of any real proof means nothing to you. All you have is lies you have been and continue to be told.

Even that lying piece of shit lawyer Sidney "The Kraken" Powell said that, "No reasonable person would have mistaken her wild claims about election fraud last November as statements of fact".

On June 21, 2022 Giuliani admitted, "We just don't have the evidence" of voter fraud.

You do not believe the truth because the truth does not live up the lie you need to believe.

Mocking mean only proves how really weak and pathetic you really are. You are just another lemming, doing as he is told. A mindless and unthinking sophomoric stain who would rather be lie to than accept the truth.
You standing behind that wall of fake news, and those alleged false narratives that has been allegedly created by Obama, Biden and his cronies for which has since got you emboldened to stick your middle finger up while standing safely behind that wall of fake news, lies and more lies to other Americans.

Be careful because the change can come in an instant with government, and you might find yourself on the short end of the stick having to roll back your positions that were built on very shakey fake news lies and more lies in order to frame a former president.
You standing behind that wall of fake news, and those alleged false narratives that has been allegedly created by Obama, Biden and his cronies for which has since got you emboldened to stick your middle finger up while standing safely behind that wall of fake news, lies and more lies to other Americans.

Be careful because the change can come in an instant with government, and you might find yourself on the short end of the stick having to roll back your positions that were built on very shakey fake news lies and more lies in order to frame a former president.
Like Supreme Court decision based on hypothetical people and religious beliefs.
Now that right there is some of the most desperate bunch of bull shite that I've heard or read lately (thanks for the laugh). You are going now with "someone planted the content on the laptop", in order to frame Hunter and his dad AKA the big guy ??? Good luck with that one... ROTFLMBO 😂

No i'm going with the opinion of 51 intelligence officials, who said if it looks and quacks like a duck.
We aren’t posting about an alleged corrupted DOJ, just you whiner guckup are for loser political reasons.

Kinda like the Supreme Court ruling on a hypothetical case.
Apparently the conservative desire to "make law" from the bench, overrode using the conventional standing requirement they adhered to for hundreds of years.
NO, I tell the truth and you wallow in lies a pig in shit. You lack of any real proof means nothing to you. All you have is lies you have been and continue to be told.

Even that lying piece of shit lawyer Sidney "The Kraken" Powell said that, "No reasonable person would have mistaken her wild claims about election fraud last November as statements of fact".

On June 21, 2022 Giuliani admitted, "We just don't have the evidence" of voter fraud.

You do not believe the truth because the truth does not live up the lie you need to believe.

Mocking mean only proves how really weak and pathetic you really are. You are just another lemming, doing as he is told. A mindless and unthinking sophomoric stain who would rather be lie to than accept the truth.
Giuliani's comment was hearsay from Rusty Bowers. It says that in YOUR OWN LINK! You idiotic, insipid Democrat talking point parrot.
You're actually using video from MSNBC, and with crazy what's her name involved ?... ROTFLMBO 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
"Crazy what's her name" would be Rachel Maddow.
Bachelor's degree in public policy from Stanford University and a Doctorate in political science from the University of Oxford.
In other words....somebody who knows WTF she's talking about when it comes to politics.
Something you wouldn't know anything about.
"Crazy what's her name" would be Rachel Maddow.
Bachelor's degree in public policy from Stanford University and a Doctorate in political science from the University of Oxford.
In other words....somebody who knows WTF she's talking about when it comes to politics.
Something you wouldn't know anything about.
Maddow believed that there was a conspiracy between Trump and the Russians. She thought the Mueller probe was a real thing. In March 2017 she ruminated that the Russians stole the election. She claimed Rex Tillerson was a Russian spy. She is deeply delusional.
Maddow believed that there was a conspiracy between Trump and the Russians. She thought the Mueller probe was a real thing. In March 2017 she ruminated that the Russians stole the election. She claimed Rex Tillerson was a Russian spy. She is deeply delusional.
Their was coordination with the Russians and the former fuckups campaign.

Explain Paul manafort and internal polling.
Wait a minute now, we are talking about an alleged super corrupted DOJ at this moment in time, otherwise one that is heavily biased against Trump, so good luck on these so called indictments that were created by tainted evidence that has been formulated by these biased witch hunt investigations in which ultimately taints the grand jury's decision making. The whole thing is sitting on top of egg shells because of the huge Democrat, leftist, liberal lust to bring down Trump at all cost.
You forget the fact that all the evidence PLUS Trumps own words and actions strongly suggest that he is guilty.
It will be up to juries to decide.
I suppose you will call those juries tainted and corrupted as well?
That makes Hillary's loss even more humiliating. Kind of like losing to the team that was beaten by the JV team.

nope. not really - because yer chosen one will be in prison


that is if he doesn't stroke out & choke out with a BIG MAC shoved down gullet as he's taking a trans fat dump first....
now that's humiliation.

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