Another Hunter Biden email released by House.

And there is nothing you can do about it either. Although, yet, too many Americans are pathetic. A better people would have Bribery Biden hanging by his ankles in the Rose Garden and his dissolute son dead in a detox accident.
Fascist’s aren’t better people.
Sure sure.

Tell that to Hitler.
Hitler is better than democrats. Both Stalin and Lenin are better than democrats. Kim Jong Un is better than democrats. Fidel Castro was better than democrats. Chaiman Mao, the Khymer Rouge, Ton Ton Macoute and Janjaweed, all better than democrats. Zelinskyy is so bad, he IS a Democrat. Putin is better than democrats.
Hitler is better than democrats. Both Stalin and Lenin are better than democrats. Kim Jong Un is better than democrats. Fidel Castro was better than democrats. Chaiman Mao, the Khymer Rouge, Ton Ton Macoute and Janjaweed, all better than democrats. Zelinskyy is so bad, he IS a Democrat. Putin is better than democrats.
You suffer from digital diarrhea.
Now just wait a minute Mister! The Communists on this site say that the Biden family is squeaky clean. And if they say so, it's gotta be true.

Just kidding. The Biden's are as corrupt as the Covid vaccine or a dog manure pie.
The Biden's are being set up by those evil Republicans to distract the ignorant voters from the crimes of the Trump crime family.

This is J6 all over again! Will the Republican insurrection ever end??? 😡
What pics ? Tell us what you know about the non-existent laptop.... You know, the one that's been covered up by the FBI and the DOJ for their communist leadership.
Nobody said the laptop didn't exist. The point is whether or not it could be used as evidence in bringing a case. Without an actual chain of custody, or proof that nobody else used the laptop, or nobody could have changed it's contents, it's admissibility goes out the window.
What pics ? Tell us what you know about the non-existent laptop.... You know, the one that's been covered up by the FBI and the DOJ for their communist leadership.
Which shows what exactly.
71 felony charges so far.....with more to come in the next few months.
And yet you prefer to ASSume that all these charges are meritless right?
Uh, doesn't that make YOU the moron?
And are dead wrong.
Indictments are issued ONLY when enough EVIDENCE has been presented in an investigation to indicate a strong chance of conviction of a crime once the case goes to trial.
"Evidentiary value????"
You obviously have NO fucking idea what you are talking about!
The word "indictment" is in no way synonymous with "accusation."
So yeah, you are a clueless idiot.
But of course that never prevents you from replying with more head-up-your-ass, inane garbage.....trying to sound informed and intelligent here.
You ALWAYS seem to think you have to have the last word, and all you do is dig yourself deeper into foolishness.
So go ahead.
I'll wait.
Wait a minute now, we are talking about an alleged super corrupted DOJ at this moment in time, otherwise one that is heavily biased against Trump, so good luck on these so called indictments that were created by tainted evidence that has been formulated by these biased witch hunt investigations in which ultimately taints the grand jury's decision making. The whole thing is sitting on top of egg shells because of the huge Democrat, leftist, liberal lust to bring down Trump at all cost.
Nobody said the laptop didn't exist. The point is whether or not it could be used as evidence in bringing a case. Without an actual chain of custody, or proof that nobody else used the laptop, or nobody could have changed it's contents, it's admissibility goes out the window.
Now that right there is some of the most desperate bunch of bull shite that I've heard or read lately (thanks for the laugh). You are going now with "someone planted the content on the laptop", in order to frame Hunter and his dad AKA the big guy ??? Good luck with that one... ROTFLMBO 😂
The only things you can "presume" is the evidence put forth in actual criminal indictments.
Everything else is just pointless gossip designed to keep the sheeple riled up.
Distracting static.

You're actually using video from MSNBC, and with crazy what's her name involved ?... ROTFLMBO 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
So tell us... what WOULD convince you that this is detrimental to our nation? Also, if the same accusations were being made against Trump, would what we've seen so far be enough to call for his impeachment as president while he was in office? Can you even be honest about it?
They are way off the deep end when it comes to being objective and honest.. They are rabid about Trump as this point.

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