Another Hunter Biden email released by House.

Let other countries that have been short changing the US step up.
That's what Trump realized when he became president, and that's exactly what he went after. He got us saving billions by making (what he could in this country for trade and NATO paying it's fair share), once again "fair and equal", otherwise he campaigned on it, and did it just as much as he could on it.

Better than our spineless go along to get along presidents, and this was either prior too or afterwards.
There is only one President of the United States and that is Joseph Robinette Biden.

The Fucking Rapist and Fucking Tritor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.

There exists no physically documented proof of Election Fraud, except the attempts by the Fucking Rapist and Fucking Traitor to pressure the Governor Kemp of Georgia, Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger and former Governor of Arizona Doug Ducey. All of those reported pressure by the Fucking Rapist and Fucking Traitor to change votes in their states.

Over Sixty (60) lawsuits brought by shyster's like Sidney "The Kraken" Powell and Gouhli alleging Election Fraud/Voter Fraud were filed and over Sixty (60).

The fucking Rapist and fucking Traitor fucking fired U.S. Cyber Security Chief Christopher Krebs for calling, “The my mNovember 3rd election was the most secure in American history.”

You ain't got fucking shit in the way of proof of damn thing. God you truly are pathetic.
My, My defensive much?. Potato never even campaigned, keeps falling, can’t find his way even off stage, makes in comprehensible statements, and has ruined our economy. Not to mention his crack-head son. You voted for this shit, idiot.
My, My defensive much?. Potato never even campaigned, keeps falling, can’t find his way even off stage, makes in comprehensible statements, and has ruined our economy. Not to mention his crack-head son. You voted for this shit, idiot.

NO, I tell the truth and you wallow in lies a pig in shit. You lack of any real proof means nothing to you. All you have is lies you have been and continue to be told.

Even that lying piece of shit lawyer Sidney "The Kraken" Powell said that, "No reasonable person would have mistaken her wild claims about election fraud last November as statements of fact".

On June 21, 2022 Giuliani admitted, "We just don't have the evidence" of voter fraud.

You do not believe the truth because the truth does not live up the lie you need to believe.

Mocking mean only proves how really weak and pathetic you really are. You are just another lemming, doing as he is told. A mindless and unthinking sophomoric stain who would rather be lie to than accept the truth.
That's what Trump realized when he became president, and that's exactly what he went after. He got us saving billions by making (what he could in this country for trade and NATO paying it's fair share), once again "fair and equal", otherwise he campaigned on it, and did it just as much as he could on it.

Better than our spineless go along to get along presidents, and this was either prior too or afterwards.
If we’re fair and equal does every nation get same power?

Is Turkey’s dictator at same power as US president?
Again, Wtf are you babbling about?

Everyone arrested and charged with any crime in this land is “PRESUMED to be innocent in the eyes of the law” until and unless proved guilty after a full, fair trial.

What any of this has to do with anything I’ve posted is left unstated in your drug-addled incoherent post.
From your own incoherent OP you clueless twit:

Oversight Committee released explosive evidence that detailed Hunter Biden's communication with the Chinese Communist Party-linked energy company CEFC.

The committee then pointed out that the day after this exchange, Hunter Biden's shell company, OWASCO PC, received $100,000 from the CEFC.

House Republicans should take immediate action to get the answers that the American people deserve and hold President Biden accountable.

So what?
The implication in your OP is obviously that some "gotcha now" crime has been committed here.
"Hold President Biden accountable?"
Because his son does business with China?
Guess what.
So does most of the rest of the U.S.

You really need to learn to own the things you say BullshitAgain!
There is only one President of the United States and that is Joseph Robinette Biden.

The Fucking Rapist and Fucking Tritor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.

There exists no physically documented proof of Election Fraud, except the attempts by the Fucking Rapist and Fucking Traitor to pressure the Governor Kemp of Georgia, Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger and former Governor of Arizona Doug Ducey. All of those reported pressure by the Fucking Rapist and Fucking Traitor to change votes in their states.

Over Sixty (60) lawsuits brought by shyster's like Sidney "The Kraken" Powell and Gouhli alleging Election Fraud/Voter Fraud were filed and over Sixty (60).

The fucking Rapist and fucking Traitor fucking fired U.S. Cyber Security Chief Christopher Krebs for calling, “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.”

You ain't got fucking shit in the way of proof of damn thing. God you truly are pathetic.
And there is nothing you can do about it either. Although, yet, too many Americans are pathetic. A better people would have Bribery Biden hanging by his ankles in the Rose Garden and his dissolute son dead in a detox accident.
From your own incoherent OP you clueless twit:

Oversight Committee released explosive evidence that detailed Hunter Biden's communication with the Chinese Communist Party-linked energy company CEFC.

The committee then pointed out that the day after this exchange, Hunter Biden's shell company, OWASCO PC, received $100,000 from the CEFC.

House Republicans should take immediate action to get the answers that the American people deserve and hold President Biden accountable.

So what?
The implication in your OP is obviously that some "gotcha now" crime has been committed here.
"Hold President Biden accountable?"
Because his son does business with China?
Guess what.
So does most of the rest of the U.S.

You really need to learn to own the things you say BullshitAgain!

Yet when it come the Millions of Dollar Ivanka made in China (after the Rapist and Traitor imposed Tariffs) they do nothing. Never mind they turn their back on Two Fucking Billion Dollars Jared made off a deal Saudi Arabia...they do nothing.

Mr. Biden is NOT responsible for his son's business dealings. ReNaziKlans are desperate to deflect/misdirect/redirect attention AWAY from the 71-Counts that the Rapist and Traitor was indicted on, including 37-Counts of Violating the Espionage Act of 1917.
And there is nothing you can do about it either. Although, yet, too many Americans are pathetic. A better people would have Bribery Biden hanging by his ankles in the Rose Garden and his dissolute son dead in a detox accident.
Good one!
That's right up there with my idea of deprogramming concentration camps for Trumptard MAGAts.
And ovens for those that refuse to reform.
Good one!
That's right up there with my idea of deprogramming concentration camps for Trumptard MAGAts.
And ovens for those that refuse to reform.
If only it would happen. Actually happen. Every day I wonder if this is the day the democrats will seize and open the door to the bloodletting this nation so richly needs.
If only it would happen. Actually happen. Every day I wonder if this is the day the democrats will seize and open the door to the bloodletting this nation so richly needs.
Well you MAGAts don't actually have the stomachs for that kind of thing.
You all talk like "warrior rebels" until there are actual guv-mint guns pointing back at you....or the court system holds you accountable for an attempted coup/insurrection.
Then the snowflake bleating is almost UNBEARABLE!
Political persecution!"
Remember Ashli Babbitt?
The guv-mint actually shoots back"
Naw. All you wanna-be "rebels" better just stick to your safer, internet warrior gigs.
Well you MAGAts don't actually have the stomachs for that kind of thing.
You all talk like "warrior rebels" until there are actual guv-mint guns pointing back at you....or the court system holds you accountable for an attempted coup/insurrection.
Then the snowflake bleating is almost UNBEARABLE!
Political persecution!"
Remember Ashli Babbitt?
The guv-mint actually shoots back"
Naw. All you wanna-be "rebels" better just stick to your safer, internet warrior gigs.
If democrats couldn't rig trials like they rig elections they would lose every time. Riots belong to the depraved democrats.
Good one!
That's right up there with my idea of deprogramming concentration camps for Trumptard MAGAts.
And ovens for those that refuse to reform.
Problem is, you'll get waxed by gun totin' patriots if you try that shit.
Problem is, you'll get waxed by gun totin' patriots if you try that shit.
Not likely.
But PLEASE, PLEASE don't send buffalo horn boy this time!
He was SCARY!

My, My defensive much?. Potato never even campaigned, keeps falling, can’t find his way even off stage, makes in comprehensible statements, and has ruined our economy. Not to mention his crack-head son. You voted for this shit, idiot.
Obviously Bumbling Bribery Biden is incapable. So who is actually running the country?

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