Another Hunter Biden email released by House.

Or simply being smart enough to not get drawn into yet another protracted, ultimately fruitless expenditure of wealth, resources, international good will and human life. Shades of Viet Nam and Korea going on right here.

Why are we supposed to be the world's police force?
Our President has wisely decided not to get drawn in to the conflict.
Unlike Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq where we deployed US forces at a great loss of life, Biden has provided the resources for Ukraine to do the fighting

The Biden Doctrine is working
What does that have to do with the smackdown he administered to the one that sounds like every guy's ex?



hillary lost & she's over it.... AND she seems to be quite happy.

can't say the same 'bout yer chosen one, though.... :p:p:p
Our President has wisely decided not to get drawn in to the conflict.
Wrong, we're already involved because we're sending money and arms into a proxy war. That's always the first step, and almost always ends with Americans dying on yet another foreign battlefield. Why do you think you liberals and democrats (but I repeat myself) have been told repeatedly that you're supposed to back Ukraine? A thinking person would look at the situation and say, "Uhhhh, I don't think we want to get tangled up in that".
Unlike Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq where we deployed US forces at a great loss of life, Biden has provided the resources for Ukraine to do the fighting
For now. What are the odds it stays like that? Should Ukraine start losing badly, who thinks Quid Pro will just let the videos of the death and destruction play every night on TV without committing troops to back up his already massive investment?
The Biden Doctrine is working
This "doctrine" only works as long as Ukraine holds its own or advances on Moscow. It worked for a while in Viet Nam too. Consider, however, what happens should Ukraine start to lose badly:

1. They come begging for more billions of dollars. More wealth tossed into a war we're not "involved" in, because we don't want to see death and destruction laid on Quid Pro's desk.
2. They come begging for more arms. More wealth and resources tossed into a war we're not "involved" in, because we don't want to see death and destruction laid on Quid Pro's desk.
3. They come begging for American troops to supplement their dwindling armies. Now we're in Viet Nam again, because we don't want to see death and destruction laid on Quid Pro's desk.

Quid Pro made this inevitable by committing support to one side of the war and he won't be able to cut his losses when they come begging for more help. Of course, should Ukraine prevail without more help, this can be avoided, but who thinks that will happen? Plus, we'll lose even more international goodwill by getting a lot of people killed just so Quid Pro can duck responsibility for anything.


hillary lost & she's over it.... AND she seems to be quite happy.

can't say the same 'bout yer chosen one, though.... :p:p:p
Good, and the world wants her stay retired and out of our hair. That's task number one, and very well done.
Wrong, we're already involved because we're sending money and arms into a proxy war. That's always the first step, and almost always ends with Americans dying on yet another foreign battlefield. Why do you think you liberals and democrats (but I repeat myself) have been told repeatedly that you're supposed to back Ukraine? A thinking person would look at the situation and say, "Uhhhh, I don't think we want to get tangled up in that".

For now. What are the odds it stays like that? Should Ukraine start losing badly, who thinks Quid Pro will just let the videos of the death and destruction play every night on TV without committing troops to back up his already massive investment?

This "doctrine" only works as long as Ukraine holds its own or advances on Moscow. It worked for a while in Viet Nam too. Consider, however, what happens should Ukraine start to lose badly:

1. They come begging for more billions of dollars. More wealth tossed into a war we're not "involved" in, because we don't want to see death and destruction laid on Quid Pro's desk.
2. They come begging for more arms. More wealth and resources tossed into a war we're not "involved" in, because we don't want to see death and destruction laid on Quid Pro's desk.
3. They come begging for American troops to supplement their dwindling armies. Now we're in Viet Nam again, because we don't want to see death and destruction laid on Quid Pro's desk.

Quid Pro made this inevitable by committing support to one side of the war and he won't be able to cut his losses when they come begging for more help. Of course, should Ukraine prevail without more help, this can be avoided, but who thinks that will happen? Plus, we'll lose even more international goodwill by getting a lot of people killed just so Quid Pro can duck responsibility for anything.
So, you oppose something that hasn’t happened

The alternative is Russia conquers Ukraine
The Biden Doctrine is working
Good, and the world wants her stay retired

the world wants donny in prison ... well 'cept for the murderous autocrats he's chummed up with

and out of our hair.

let's not talk about hair when yer chosen one has a piss yellow tribble living on his head.

That's task number one, and very well done.

i wonder what jack smith's #1 task is & it shirley seems like he's getting that job done well.
the world wants donny in prison ... well 'cept for the murderous autocrats he's chummed up with

let's not talk about hair when yer chosen one has a piss yellow tribble living on his head.

i wonder what jack smith's #1 task is & it shirley seems like he's getting that job done well.
Who cares? He accomplished a remarkable feat, removing her from our presence. That's quite an accomplishment, given how ready the usual suspects were to crown her. Of course, that's why the screaming at the sky and stuff. They were soooo disappointed.
Wrong, we're already involved because we're sending money and arms into a proxy war. That's always the first step, and almost always ends with Americans dying on yet another foreign battlefield. Why do you think you liberals and democrats (but I repeat myself) have been told repeatedly that you're supposed to back Ukraine? A thinking person would look at the situation and say, "Uhhhh, I don't think we want to get tangled up in that".

For now. What are the odds it stays like that? Should Ukraine start losing badly, who thinks Quid Pro will just let the videos of the death and destruction play every night on TV without committing troops to back up his already massive investment?

This "doctrine" only works as long as Ukraine holds its own or advances on Moscow. It worked for a while in Viet Nam too. Consider, however, what happens should Ukraine start to lose badly:

1. They come begging for more billions of dollars. More wealth tossed into a war we're not "involved" in, because we don't want to see death and destruction laid on Quid Pro's desk.
2. They come begging for more arms. More wealth and resources tossed into a war we're not "involved" in, because we don't want to see death and destruction laid on Quid Pro's desk.
3. They come begging for American troops to supplement their dwindling armies. Now we're in Viet Nam again, because we don't want to see death and destruction laid on Quid Pro's desk.

Quid Pro made this inevitable by committing support to one side of the war and he won't be able to cut his losses when they come begging for more help. Of course, should Ukraine prevail without more help, this can be avoided, but who thinks that will happen? Plus, we'll lose even more international goodwill by getting a lot of people killed just so Quid Pro can duck responsibility for anything.
Does The Kremlin pay you for spreading this pro-Putin propaganda?

The Bidens are good at this. In fact, they’re the best.

And really, with a dad in high levels of government, and with I21 or more LLC’s which serve as empty shell companies, the Bidens are also pretty good at covering their $$$$ tracks. Well, unless and until someone smokes too much crack and loses his laptop.
Where's the NOOSE?
Where's the NOOSE?
WASHINGTON — The Ukrainian oligarch Republicans claim bribed Joe Biden said he never actually talked to Biden, according to an interview transcript made public Thursday by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.).

Mykola Zlochevsky is a co-founder of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma that employed Biden’s son Hunter for several years. Zlochevsky served as Ukraine’s energy minister, but has been in hiding since fleeing corruption charges.

Republicans claim there’s evidence Zlochevsky paid Joe Biden a $5 million bribe when he was vice president in exchange for an official favor. They’ve demanded the FBI hand over a document reflecting a confidential source’s conversation with Zlochevsky.

Raskin has now countered with a document of his own — a three-page transcript of a 2019 interview between Zlochevsky and an acquaintance of Rudy Giuliani, who at the time was publicly seeking dirt on Biden on behalf of then-President Donald Trump.

“No one from Burisma ever had any contacts with VP Biden or people working for him during Hunter Biden’s engagement” with Burisma, Zlochevsky says in the transcript.

When asked if the vice president had assisted him or his company “in any way,” Zlochevsky says no.

Politico in 2020 reported the contents of the transcript, and Democrats have repeatedly referred to it in response to Republican claims that the FBI is withholding derogatory material against Biden. Democrats obtained the transcript in 2019 in their impeachment inquiry into Trump for pressuring Ukraine to announce a sham investigation of the Bidens.

Raskin has said FBI officials told him the Justice Department assessed the derogatory material on Biden and found it wasn’t worth formally investigating, but the bureau has declined to make any public statements to that effect. So Raskin has turned to what lawmakers already have on hand from Zlochevsky.

“Despite being interviewed as part of a campaign by Mr. Giuliani and his proxies in 2019 and 2020 to procure damaging information about the Biden family, Mr. Zlochevsky explicitly and unequivocally denied those allegations,” Raskin said in a letter to House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) on Thursday.

“Mr. Zlochevsky’s statements are just one of the many that have debunked the corruption allegations against President Biden that were first leveled by Rudy Giuliani and have been reviewed by former President Trump’s own Justice Department,” Raskin said.

State Department officials have said they considered Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board during his father’s vice presidency awkward because it looked like a conflict of interest. Joe Biden at the time was the face of the U.S. government’s Ukraine policy and urged the country to root out corruption, including by firing its top prosecutor.

Trump dispatched Giuliani to find evidence that Biden’s action was designed to protect his son, but Republicans have been unable to substantiate claims that the elder Biden bent U.S. foreign policy in his family’s favor. An investigation by Senate Republicans in 2020 concluded it was “not clear” that Hunter Biden’s position with Burisma affected the U.S. government’s stance toward Ukraine.

Who cares? He accomplished a remarkable feat, removing her from our presence. That's quite an accomplishment, given how ready the usual suspects were to crown her. Of course, that's why the screaming at the sky and stuff. They were soooo disappointed.

donny did win. yep - sure did.

by +/- 75,000 votes.

hillary is hardly gone though ... living life & having fun watching donny go down in flames as he fights to stay outa prison.

neener neener.
donny did win. yep - sure did.

by +/- 75,000 votes.

hillary is hardly gone though ... living life & having fun watching donny go down in flames as he fights to stay outa prison.

neener neener.
Her political career is over. She will forever be the one that lost to TRUMP!.

Now, how is our NAVY depleting its munitions because of Ukraine?
They are re-evaluating the way ammunition is stockpiled.

Because the Navy has “expended a lot of the munitions that we do have” to support Ukraine, and have promised to keep providing support, Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro said the U.S. must “make a commitment to increasing munitions across the board.”

Navy Might Have to Choose Between Arming the Service and Aiding Ukraine Due to Ammo Delays, Officials Say​

Not supporting Ukraine is supporting Russia by default
How about not supporting either.
They are re-evaluating the way ammunition is stockpiled.

Because the Navy has “expended a lot of the munitions that we do have” to support Ukraine, and have promised to keep providing support, Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro said the U.S. must “make a commitment to increasing munitions across the board.”

Navy Might Have to Choose Between Arming the Service and Aiding Ukraine Due to Ammo Delays, Officials Say​

How about not supporting either.
Soooo, you lika the pootin
Can you point to anything that Joe Biden has done to help the Chinese?
Protect their spy balloons. Permit Chinese spy stations, aka police stations. Allow a Chinese military installation in Cuba. Permit the sale of US land a abutting military installations to the CCP. I'm sure I forgot some.
Protect their spy balloons. Permit Chinese spy stations, aka police stations. Allow a Chinese military installation in Cuba. Permit the sale of US land a abutting military installations to the CCP. I'm sure I forgot some.
I get the impression you must be a very simple person.
Do you ACTUALLY believe this shit is as simple and cut-and dry as it appears you do?

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