Another Hunter Biden email released by House.


I thought this OP was stolen from MAGAdooshbag, but the source is worse.
So tell us... what WOULD convince you that this is detrimental to our nation? Also, if the same accusations were being made against Trump, would what we've seen so far be enough to call for his impeachment as president while he was in office? Can you even be honest about it?
Nobody has proved that Trump committed any crime, either, you massive hypocrite dirty enema nozzle.
Redlining twice in the 1970's

Guilty of being a sex abuser

Ran a fraud college and charity.

Sure, nothing...
$30 Million in bribes was all it took to make Taiwan disappear from the map.

This is what happens when allow elections to be stolen.... you end up with treasonous filth stumbling around with shitty diapers that's OWNED by the CCP. Fucking humiliating.

biden you got it boss.jpg
Actually, we have three major enemies
Russia, N Korea and China

N Korea is a stalemate and we have plenty of forces to contain them
We have no military contingency to roll tanks and artillery into China. Any conflict would involve Naval and Air forces….none of which are being given to Ukraine.

That leaves Russia. The threat we have been preparing for 75 years. Ukraine is taking care of that threat without US troops
RW- how do you 'contain' NK if we had to attack their 10,000 embedded artillery pieces without popping nukes?

Russia isn't looking into a confrontation with least at the moment...between Biden and the EU NATO it may come to pass.

Now they idly sit by and watch us deplete our munitions stores in Uk, and replenishment rates, edge is on their side and US war gaming proves it.
of course the press will not touch it you gd idiot

look you mother fucker...bunch of us are getting sick of you and your faggot fellow report button pushing pussies every time we bash your son of a bitchin heads in

Oh but they are. Covered by the NYT and CBS News did a three-minute segment on it.

When that happens, Biden might as well announce he's not running. Even the MSM is after him now
The only things you can "presume" is the evidence put forth in actual criminal indictments.
Everything else is just pointless gossip designed to keep the sheeple riled up.
Distracting static.

The only thing I presumed about the Biden tell-all viral video is that he actually did threaten to use his office of Vice President (stated by him) to eliminate the entire Foreign Aid Package by way of his Democrat pals in Congress who furnished several billion dollars to the Ukraine to fight off the Rusians if they attacked their former satellite territory, but had to give it up after slaughtering one million Ukraines in WWII when no one was looking since the entire world had to join togther to get rid of Hitler in Berlin, and Russia divided Berlin, built a wall, and enjoyed the fortune Hitler heaped upon himself until Vice President GHW Bush convinced Reagan to tell Gorbachev, "Tear down this wall."
RW- how do you 'contain' NK if we had to attack their 10,000 embedded artillery pieces without popping nukes?

Russia isn't looking into a confrontation with least at the moment...between Biden and the EU NATO it may come to pass.

Now they idly sit by and watch us deplete our munitions stores in Uk, and replenishment rates, edge is on their side and US war gaming proves it.
How do you plan to use artillery against China?
The Kremlin must be very proud of you.
Oh, I get it, the old bipolar argument. "If you don't agree with me, you have to agree with my enemy". That went out of fashion about the time we turned 10 years old. The fact is, you don't have to support EITHER Ukraine or Russia.
Oh, I get it, the old bipolar argument. "If you don't agree with me, you have to agree with my enemy". That went out of fashion about the time we turned 10 years old. The fact is, you don't have to support EITHER Ukraine or Russia.

Not supporting Ukraine is supporting Russia by default
Not supporting Ukraine is supporting Russia by default
Or simply being smart enough to not get drawn into yet another protracted, ultimately fruitless expenditure of wealth, resources, international good will and human life. Shades of Viet Nam and Korea going on right here.

Why are we supposed to be the world's police force?
Oh but they are. Covered by the NYT and CBS News did a three-minute segment on it.

When that happens, Biden might as well announce he's not running. Even the MSM is after him now
They're after the proof that idiotic conservatives say they have but refuse to produce.

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