Another Hunter Biden email released by House.

Hey. Welcome to America. Where an indictment is merely an accusation and has zero evidentiary value. You moron.
71 felony charges so far.....with more to come in the next few months.
And yet you prefer to ASSume that all these charges are meritless right?
Uh, doesn't that make YOU the moron?
And are dead wrong.
Indictments are issued ONLY when enough EVIDENCE has been presented in an investigation to indicate a strong chance of conviction of a crime once the case goes to trial.
"Evidentiary value????"
You obviously have NO fucking idea what you are talking about!
The word "indictment" is in no way synonymous with "accusation."
So yeah, you are a clueless idiot.
But of course that never prevents you from replying with more head-up-your-ass, inane garbage.....trying to sound informed and intelligent here.
You ALWAYS seem to think you have to have the last word, and all you do is dig yourself deeper into foolishness.
So go ahead.
I'll wait.
71 felony charges so far.....with more to come in the next few months.
And yet you prefer to ASSume that all these charges are meritless right?
No ma’am. Unlike asshole unAmerican scumbags like you, however, I decline to presume guilt.
Uh, doesn't that make YOU the moron?
No. You’re the moron. Indeed, calling you a moron is a slight to simple morons.
And are dead wrong.
Indictments are issued ONLY when enough EVIDENCE has been presented in an investigation to indicate a strong chance of conviction of a crime once the case goes to trial.
False. It requires only that sufficient evidence exists to persuade a majority of a grand jury that there is probable cause that a crime of crimes have been committed and that a person or people are responsible for it. Morons and other ignorant scum like you can’t grasp that it is only an accusation. It literally has no evidentiary value.
"Evidentiary value????"
You obviously have NO fucking idea what you are talking about!

No no. You assclown, with your every keystroke you only reaffirm your abject ignorance.
The word "indictment" is in no way synonymous with "accusation."
Lol. That’s exactly what it is. And that’s all it is.
So yeah, you are a clueless idiot.
So yeah. You’re wrong yet again.
But of course that never prevents you from replying with more head-up-your-ass, inane garbage.....trying to sound informed and intelligent here.
Nah. I just absolutely know what I’m talking about. And you remain clueless.
You ALWAYS seem to think you have to have the last word, and all you do is dig yourself deeper into foolishness.
So go ahead.
I'll wait.
It’s always amusing to refute your last feeble words.

Now, because you’re a ducking piece of ignorant shit, I’ll educate you. An indictment isn’t evidence. What is evidence?

1.3 What Is Evidence
The evidence you are to consider in deciding what the facts are consists of:

First, the sworn testimony of any witness; [and]

Second, the exhibits that are received in evidence[.] [; and]

[Third, any facts to which the parties agree.]

Notice that an indictment isn’t included.

But it gets better, you ignorant imbecile.

1.2 The Charge—Presumption of Innocence
This is a criminal case brought by the United States government. The government charges the defendant with [specifycrime charged]. The charge against the defendant [is] [are] contained in the indictment. The indictment simply describes the charge the government brings against the defendant. The indictment is not evidence and does not prove anything.

No ma’am. Unlike asshole unAmerican scumbags like you, however, I decline to presume guilt.

No. You’re the moron. Indeed, calling you a moron is a slight to simple morons.

False. It requires only that sufficient evidence exists to persuade a majority of a grand jury that there is probable cause that a crime of crimes have been committed and that a person or people are responsible for it. Morons and other ignorant scum like you can’t grasp that it is only an accusation. It literally has no evidentiary value.

No no. You assclown, with your every keystroke you only reaffirm your abject ignorance.

Lol. That’s exactly what it is. And that’s all it is.

So yeah. You’re wrong yet again.

Nah. I just absolutely know what I’m talking about. And you remain clueless.

It’s always amusing to refute your last feeble words.

Now, because you’re a ducking piece of ignorant shit, I’ll educate you. An indictment isn’t evidence. What is evidence?

Notice that an indictment isn’t included.

But it gets better, you ignorant imbecile.

So that presumption of innocence must apply to Joe Biden as well.
Thank you for proving my point.
These Biden's are nothing but a bunch of swindling treasonous criminals. They're completely beholdened to the Chinese. No wonder the Usurper lawyered up this past weekend.

With this released, expect another created Trump distraction by Jack Smith 3 2 1.

I hope they throw the bums out.
Amazing how much power you assume a Vice President has
Enough power to threaten Foreign Aid Package third world countries to give him millions of dollars in less than 6 hours or else he will use his VPOTUS power to eliminate the Foreign Aid Package immediately. Joe Biden told that to his pals on a viral video going around at the time of a midterm election.
So that presumption of innocence must apply to Joe Biden as well.
Thank you for proving my point.
Of course. And I haven’t said otherwise. You lying twat rash.

Way to ignore the jury instructions which completely refute your moronic suggestion about how an indictment is evidence. You coward.
Enough power to threaten Foreign Aid Package third world countries to give him millions of dollars in less than 6 hours or else he will use his VPOTUS power to eliminate the Foreign Aid Package immediately. Joe Biden told that to his pals on a viral video going around at the time of a midterm election.
VP Biden was speaking on behalf of the President.
That is the only power a VP has
Is Congress going to investigate consulting fees for all Americans?
I know Republicans don’t want to appear to be partisan
So that presumption of innocence must apply to Joe Biden as well.
Thank you for proving my point.
So we can't presume Biden's viral videos as truth of bragging to his cronies about his extortions and other exploits of the Foreign Aid Packages that are supposed to help poor countries fight off the big bullies? Bragging about an executive branch employee committing an act forbidden by the Constitution should be ignored? In one of the videos he bragged about having them load up a billion dollars in cash onto Air Force Two when he was VPOTUS. And now the ghosts of crimes against the Constitution past are returning to bite the creep in the ass gives Biden presumption of innocent? hmmmmmmmmm....
Now just wait a minute Mister! The Communists on this site say that the Biden family is squeaky clean. And if they say so, it's gotta be true.

Just kidding. The Biden's are as corrupt as the Covid vaccine or a dog manure pie.
Strange how their “innocent” savior Joe is now lawyering up. With more and more coming out by the day, people like Newsom will be emboldened to primary Biden next year.
So we can't presume Biden's viral videos as truth of bragging to his cronies about his extortions and other exploits of the Foreign Aid Packages that are supposed to help poor countries fight off the big bullies? Bragging about an executive branch employee committing an act forbidden by the Constitution should be ignored? In one of the videos he bragged about having them load up a billion dollars in cash onto Air Force Two when he was VPOTUS. And now the ghosts of crimes against the Constitution past are returning to bite the creep in the ass gives Biden presumption of innocent? hmmmmmmmmm....
WTF are you posting about?

Pipe dreams?
And racist Otto has to pathetically try to deflect to Trump. Yawn. Your pants shitting, senile hero Xiden is a traitor and criminal. Nice to see you find taking bribes to be funny.
You have not proven any action which President Biden has taking is either criminal or traitorous.

You're just whining.
So we can't presume Biden's viral videos as truth of bragging to his cronies about his extortions and other exploits of the Foreign Aid Packages that are supposed to help poor countries fight off the big bullies? Bragging about an executive branch employee committing an act forbidden by the Constitution should be ignored? In one of the videos he bragged about having them load up a billion dollars in cash onto Air Force Two when he was VPOTUS. And now the ghosts of crimes against the Constitution past are returning to bite the creep in the ass gives Biden presumption of innocent? hmmmmmmmmm....
The only things you can "presume" is the evidence put forth in actual criminal indictments.
Everything else is just pointless gossip designed to keep the sheeple riled up.
Distracting static.

The only things you can "presume" is the evidence put forth in actual criminal indictments.
Everything else is just pointless gossip designed to keep the sheeple riled up.
Distracting static.

Sorry, Mike, but gossip as you call it does not disappear off the internet by madcap power abusers who have taken America over with no regard for the Constitution whatsoever. If you think otherwise, you're either very naive or you're an enabler of crime in high office instead of protecting the American people. I wouldn't be you for a world of money or prestige.

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