Another Hunter Biden email released by House.

How America let's Joe and Hunter off with all their crimes just goes to show how fucked up America is in.
Have you considered that maybe Newsmax, OAN, Mark Levin, and the other Fox schills have been lying to you and in reality the ONLY real crimes out there are Donald Trump's.....the ones they are trying to distract your attention from?
Have you considered that maybe Newsmax, OAN, Mark Levin, and the other Fox schills have been lying to you and in reality the ONLY real crimes out there are Donald Trump's.....the ones they are trying to distract your attention from?
No idea, I don't view those channels, tends to be the BBC and Sky News in the UK.
Speaking of simpletons the word is dimwit, dimwit.
One word.
See? You are dim witted.

By the way. You’re off topic. The topic is the release of an email from Hunter.

This story doesn’t look good for the Biden family. So, I understand your need to deflect.
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How dim witted is the dimwit, muddledmicky?

Ok. Back on topic. What if we eventually get confirmation that Potato and Hunter had discussed that overdue Chinese payment? You know the one. The thing.

A bill for services rendered. What services were rendered. How were they rendered?
See? You are dim witted.

By the way. You’re off topic. The topic is the release of an email from Hunter.

This story doesn’t look good for the Biden family. So, I understand your need to deflect.
You finally got em' with yet.....(wait for it) ANOTHER email.
You finally got em' with yet.....(wait for it) ANOTHER email.
Yep. You’re a bore. And you’re a liar.

I didn’t say “we got him now.” I leave that legacy of oft-repeated fantasy to you libturds in your endless quest to “get” Trump.

By contrast, you lowlife lying priss, what I have noted is that the House is busy revealing (a bit at a time) information about Hunter and the alleged illegal work he did (including possible bribery) and the connection to pappy.
They've had the laptop for what, 5 years now and amazingly...another e-mail "surfaces"? I guess when you spend all day dragging your knuckles, it takes you a while to type out the "discovered" e-mails that keep getting released.
Actually they are just looking at the pics.
Have you considered that maybe Newsmax, OAN, Mark Levin, and the other Fox schills have been lying to you and in reality the ONLY real crimes out there are Donald Trump's.....the ones they are trying to distract your attention from?
Have you ever considered that career IRS special agent Gary Shapley who has come forward with information about how dirty the DOJ is might be telling the truth? At risk of his career and possibly his life, he's come public with what he has dealt with over several years investigating Hunter AND Joe Biden. I remember when whistleblowers were the darlings of the Democrats, even if they were invisible. Now all of a sudden REAL whistleblowers are fake? Is that what you are going with?
Still have nothing that Joe Biden is involved? Provide one piece of evidence that mention Joe Biden.
"I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father."
Yep. You’re a bore. And you’re a liar.

I didn’t say “we got him now.” I leave that legacy of oft-repeated fantasy to you libturds in your endless quest to “get” Trump.

By contrast, you lowlife lying priss, what I have noted is that the House is busy revealing (a bit at a time) information about Hunter and the alleged illegal work he did (including possible bribery) and the connection to pappy.
I notice that while you are busy blathering ad naseum, non stop about your BDS you are completely ignoring the fact that the last POS POTUS who you seem to worship like a kool-aid swilling cultist is currently indicted for REAL crimes against your country.
Yet...not a peep of outrage from you.
That is because you are actually nothing more than a dishonest, disingenious TROLL with too much time on your hands.
Now, if you were to devote the same amount of time to your "outrage" over Trump's (very REAL) crimes as you do to your fake news OAN and Newsmax BDS conspiracies then you MIGHT have some credibility.
But you don't.
So instead you are just a sad, transparent, lying fool.
I notice that while you are busy blathering ad naseum, non stop about your BDS you are completely ignoring the fact that the last POS POTUS who you seem to worship like a kool-aid swilling cultist is currently indicted for REAL crimes against your country.
Yet...not a peep of outrage from you.
That is because you are actually nothing more than a dishonest, disingenious TROLL with too much time on your hands.
Now, if you were to devote the same amount of time to your "outrage" over Trump's (very REAL) crimes as you do to your fake news OAN and Newsmax BDS conspiracies then you MIGHT have some credibility.
But you don't.
So instead you are just a sad, transparent, lying fool.
"I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father."
Very vague
What commitment?
What is the issue?
What is his fathers involvement?

I still don’t see a crime
Very vague
What commitment?
What is the issue?
What is his fathers involvement?
Poster asked for evidence that implicated the President. I gave it to him

I still don’t see a crime
If you remain incurious and oppose investigating these allegations, you probably won't ever "see" a crime.

At a minimum it further exposes the President's lie that he never discussed his son's business with him. Then you have to ask why was he lying.
Poster asked for evidence that implicated the President. I gave it to him

If you remain incurious and opposing investigating these allegations, you probably won't ever "see" a crime.
I notice that while you are busy blathering ad naseum, non stop about your BDS you are completely ignoring the fact that the last POS POTUS who you seem to worship like a kool-aid swilling cultist is currently indicted for REAL crimes against your country.

Hey. Welcome to America. Where an indictment is merely an accusation and has zero evidentiary value. You moron.

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