Another idiot politician doesn't know how old the Earth is.

My my one could get dizzy from reading all the spin here. Look unless one of us was there the moment the earth was created no one knows for sure how old it is and when you get right down to it it's a pretty irrelevant question.

Exactly what Rubio said.
I'll have to go find what Jilly posted in the other thread..

something about someone so ignorant how can they be trusted

no, typical bullshit question.

let them ask that of Obama, we'll wait
Looks like someone answered your request.

look like they did and he doesn't look any brighter so how can he be trusted?

from the other thread
why would anyone normal trust someone that ignorant with those other issues?
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I don't want to watch the video. What does he say?

edit - OK, I watched the last minute.

I do think Obama is saying that God created the earth but that it wasn't created in six days as we know it.

If you believe in a Christian God and science, that's one way to reconcile it.

Now, this is what Rubio said

“I'm not a scientist, man,” Rubio told the interviewer. “I can tell you what recorded history says, I can tell you what the Bible says, but I think that's a dispute amongst theologians and I think it has nothing to do with the gross domestic product or economic growth of the United States.”

“Whether the Earth was created in seven days, or seven actual eras,” Rubio continued, “I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries.”

So Obama is essentially saying that the earth wasn't created in seven days whereas Rubio is saying we don't know.

Though I think Obama is being more accurate, the differences between the two are a little bit more fuzzy than the liberals are making this out to be.

And FTR, the earth is 4.5 billion years old.
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Obama did not say young earth theology and science should be given equal time in the classroom.

Rubio did.

That is an important distinction.

Obama also stated unequviocally in his response that he believes in evolution.

Rubio did not.


Rubio did not say that creation should be taught in classrooms, he said that parents should be able to teach their children whatever they want. That makes you the hack here, as usual.
What did he say that was so bad?

I think you guys THINK this is some sort of Gotcha. It's a big fat zero as far as I can see...

OMG the denial runs deep. Obama and Rubio said almost word for word the same exact thing. The same thing that in another thread Rubio is getting called all sorts of names.

See g5000's answer

And no, didn't know about Rubio...

See my reply to said post.
Oh I'm sick of this shit someone ask Donald Trump to offer ten million dollars to anyone who can produce the earth's birth certificate.
Obama did not say young earth theology and science should be given equal time in the classroom.

Rubio did.

That is an important distinction.

Obama also stated unequviocally in his response that he believes in evolution.

Rubio did not.


Jesus H. Christ, G.... You make 2 statements in this post, BOTH of them BLATANT LIES, and you expect to be perceived as credible?
The left is manufacturing its next crazy because Rubio said that the economy was more important than the age of the earth!


If he had given the most accepted answer of 4.54 billion years, the left would be going absolutely nutshit calling him a hypocrite.
Strangely enough, I am willing to bet everyone who condemned Rubio will think this guy is a genius.

(2/5) Sen. Barack Obama at CNN Compassion Forum - YouTube

Slate has a nice story about the answers.

Rubio and Obama and the age of Earth: Politicians hedge about whether universe was created. - Slate Magazine

The difference in their answers is in the way they are shaped. In the case of Rubio, he believes that that the earth and man was created in six days and that God rested on the seventh. He allows for the possibility that there is another version, therefore he says he doesn't know the mystery for certain.

In the case of Obama, it is clear that he does not believe that the earth and man were created in seven days as stated in the Bible, but that those seven days are a reference to a different time frame that is much larger, but he does allow for the possibility that it was actually in seven actual days as stated in the Bible. He leaves the door open to that but that is not his belief.

We don't know as much as we think we know, but we certainly are capable of coming to reasonable conclusions based on scientific evidence. I will leave it at that.
Obama did not say young earth theology and science should be given equal time in the classroom.

Rubio did.

That is an important distinction.

Obama also stated unequviocally in his response that he believes in evolution.

Rubio did not.


You got a link to your claims?
All I will say is has anyone actually read the bible?

Do you know what it says? Just curious considering every one bashes it?
Strangely enough, I am willing to bet everyone who condemned Rubio will think this guy is a genius.

(2/5) Sen. Barack Obama at CNN Compassion Forum - YouTube

Slate has a nice story about the answers.

Rubio and Obama and the age of Earth: Politicians hedge about whether universe was created. - Slate Magazine

The difference in their answers is in the way they are shaped. In the case of Rubio, he believes that that the earth and man was created in six days and that God rested on the seventh. He allows for the possibility that there is another version, therefore he says he doesn't know the mystery for certain.

In the case of Obama, it is clear that he does not believe that the earth and man were created in seven days as stated in the Bible, but that those seven days are a reference to a different time frame that is much larger, but he does allow for the possibility that it was actually in seven actual days as stated in the Bible. He leaves the door open to that but that is not his belief.

We don't know as much as we think we know, but we certainly are capable of coming to reasonable conclusions based on scientific evidence. I will leave it at that.

Link on Rubio. Direct quote with the link.
Obama did not say young earth theology and science should be given equal time in the classroom.

Rubio did.

That is an important distinction.

Obama also stated unequviocally in his response that he believes in evolution.

Rubio did not.


You got a link to your claims?

I don't think so. I stand in awe of the Word. I read and I fall to my knees. Now I know I don't come off as the perfect Christian (been a big sinner and still working my way thru this) but the Word. I've never read anything so perfect in my life.
Anybody who thinks they can say exactly how old the earth is, is an idiot. They can only estimate and no one can prove how accurate those estimates are.

Ever hear of isotopes?

Ever hear of estimates, that's all isotopes are good for, then it's only good for the material you're testing. They don't tell you how or when that material was formed into what we call the earth. Since no one was around to witness and document that formation all you can have is an estimate.

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