Another Idiot Thanks God

sure it did however it's a false comparison to the millions of people and cultures destroyed by so called conservative values...
btw the shit you speak of was happening to "liberals and minorities long before and far more often then to conservatives.
in other words pay back's a bitch.

So you admit its payback and not "fairness?"

Nice of you, you hateful little twat.
funny coming from MR I hate everything.
you really should learn to read English.
I admitted nothing I stated fact.
what you laughingly call fairness is in fact dodge around justice.
there can be no fairness without it.

So you are a vindictive little twat, thanks for clarifying.
false! vindictive is your middle name

Snappy comeback there, dingleberry.
yes it was, you had to answer!
dingle berry? that was a killer in grade school:lol:

Atheism & Religion:
Many Christians seem to believe that atheism is a religion, but no one with a fair understanding of both concepts would make such a mistake. Because it's such a common claim, though, it's worth demonstrating the depth and breadth of the errors being made. Presented here are the characteristics which best define religions, distinguishing them from other types of belief systems, and how atheism utterly fails to even remotely match any of them.

Belief in Supernatural Beings:
Perhaps the most common and fundamental characteristic of religion is a belief in supernatural beings - usually, but not always, including gods. Few religions lack this characteristic and most religions are founded upon it. Atheism is the absence of belief in gods and thus excludes belief in gods, but it does not exclude belief in other supernatural beings. More important, however, is that atheism does not teach the existence of such beings and most atheists in the West do not believe in them.
Sacred vs Profane Objects, Places, Times:
Differentiating between sacred and profane objects, places, and times helps religious believers focus on transcendental values and/or the existence of a supernatural realm. Atheism excludes believing in things that are "sacred" for the purpose of worshiping gods, but otherwise has nothing to say on the matter - neither promoting nor rejecting the distinction. Many atheists probably have things, places, or times which they consider "sacred" in that they are venerated or esteemed highly.

Ritual Acts Focused on Sacred Objects, Places, Times:
If people believe in something sacred, they probably have associated rituals. As with the very existence of a category of "sacred" things, however, there is nothing about atheism which either mandates such a belief or necessarily excludes it - it's simply an irrelevant issue. An atheist who holds something as "sacred" may engage in some sort of associated ritual or ceremony, but there is no such thing as an "atheist ritual."
Moral Code With Supernatural Origins:
Most religions preach some sort of moral code which is typically based upon its transcendental and supernatural beliefs. Thus, for example, theistic religions typically claim that morality is derived from the commands of their gods. Atheists have moral codes, but they don't believe that those codes are derived from any gods and it would be unusual for them to believe that their morals have a supernatural origin. More importantly, atheism doesn't teach any particular moral code.
Characteristically Religious Feelings:
Perhaps the vaguest characteristic of religion is the experience of "religious feelings" like awe, a sense of mystery, adoration, and even guilt. Religions encourage these sorts of feelings, especially in the presence of sacred objects and places, and the feelings are typically connected to the presence of the supernatural. Atheists may experience some of these feelings, like awe at the universe itself, but they are neither promoted nor discouraged by atheism itself.
Prayer and Other Forms of Communication:
Belief in supernatural beings like gods doesn't get you very far if you can't communicate with them, so religions which include such beliefs naturally also teach how to talk to them - usually with some form of prayer or other ritual. Atheists don't believe in gods so obviously don't try to communicate with any; an atheist who believes in some other type of supernatural being might try to communicate with it, but such communication is completely incidental to atheism itself.
A Worldview & Organization of One’s Life Based on the Worldview:
Religions are never just a collection of isolated and unrelated beliefs; instead, they constitute entire worldviews based upon these beliefs and around which people organize their lives. Atheists naturally have worldviews, but atheism itself isn't a worldview and doesn't promote any one worldview. Atheists have different ideas about how to live because they have different philosophies on life. Atheism is not a philosophy or ideology, but it can be part of a philosophy, ideology, or worldview.
A Social Group Bound Together by the Above:
A few religious people follow their religion in isolated ways, but usually religions involve complex social organizations of believers who join each other for worship, rituals, prayer, etc. Many atheists belong to a variety of groups, but relatively few atheists belong to specifically atheistic groups - atheists are notorious for not being joiners. When they do belong to atheist groups, though, those groups aren't bound together by any of the above.
Comparing and Contrasting Atheism & Religion:
Some of these characteristics are more important than others, but none is so important that it alone can make a religion. If atheism lacked one or two of these characteristics, then it would be a religion. If lacked five or six, then it might qualify as metaphorically religious, in the sense of how people follow baseball religiously.
The truth is that atheism lacks every one of these characteristics of religion. At most, atheism doesn't explicitly exclude most of them, but the same can be said for almost anything. Thus, it's not possible to call atheism a religion. It can be part of a religion, but it can't be a religion by itself. They are completely different categories: atheism is the absence of one particular belief while religion is a complex web of traditions and beliefs. They aren't even remotely comparable.
So why do people claim that atheism is a religion? Usually this occurs in the process of criticizing atheism and/or atheists. It may at times be politically motivated because if atheism is a religion, they think they can force the state to stop "promoting" atheism by eliminating endorsements of Christianity. Sometimes the assumption is that if atheism is simply another "faith," then atheists' critiques of religious beliefs are hypocritical and can be ignored.
Since the claim that atheism is a religion is based upon a misunderstanding of one or both concepts, it must proceed from flawed premises. This isn't just a problem for atheists; given the importance of religion in society, misrepresenting atheism as a religion can undermine people's ability to understand religion itself. How can we sensibly discuss matters like the separation of church and state, the secularization of society, or the history of religious violence if we don't adequately define what religion is?
Productive discussion requires clear thinking about concepts and premises, but clear and coherent thinking are undermined by misrepresentations like this.

Is Atheism a Religion

countdown to some lame ass response like that was written by an atheist or a gay atheist..

All that text that basically disproves NOTHING of what I said.

If you are ambivalent to the concept of a deity, you are agnostic, and can really claim you have no religion. If you actively believe there is no deity, guess what? religion.
already been proven false but by all means let your ignorance flag fly.

Awww, did i hurt your little atheistic feewings???
are you this delusional all the time.?

Yep, definitely feeling the butthurt off of ya.
false! that's just your fevered one live brain cell dying
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters
There are no Atheists in foxholes. If you just survived a deadly virus, perhaps during your life or death struggle, you too might ask God for saving grace.
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters
There are no Atheists in foxholes. If you just survived a deadly virus, perhaps during your life or death struggle, you too might ask God for saving grace.
It's called politely telling them "no thank you" and closing the door. A whole 30 seconds of inconvenience.
more rationalizing does not change their intent...
daws is an idiot.

Perhaps, but I prefer to think of DAWS as one of these three. Atheist, agnostic or gay. The polite "no thank you" convinced me.
you got one out of three correct.
where your bigotry and ignorance shines is lumping homosexuality in with atheism

I hate to tell you silly person but you're every bit as much of a bigot as those you rail against.
more rationalizing does not change their intent...
daws is an idiot.

Perhaps, but I prefer to think of DAWS as one of these three. Atheist, agnostic or gay. The polite "no thank you" convinced me.
you got one out of three correct.
where your bigotry and ignorance shines is lumping homosexuality in with atheism

I hate to tell you silly person but you're every bit as much of a bigot as those you rail against.
another fantasy smashed
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters
There are no Atheists in foxholes. If you just survived a deadly virus, perhaps during your life or death struggle, you too might ask God for saving grace.

Nope. Lost two people very close to me who went out bald, underweight and eaten up by cancer, and didn't convert.
There are plenty of atheists in foxholes. But you wouldn't know that because you don't know any.

But that's not the point of this thread. And there's only 1 or 2 people on here who DO get the point, and that's because they know if there is a god the people who died from Ebola are just as important and beloved to him as those who lived.
more rationalizing does not change their intent...
daws is an idiot.

Perhaps, but I prefer to think of DAWS as one of these three. Atheist, agnostic or gay. The polite "no thank you" convinced me.
you got one out of three correct.
where your bigotry and ignorance shines is lumping homosexuality in with atheism

I hate to tell you silly person but you're every bit as much of a bigot as those you rail against.

How bigotry got into the discussion is beyond me. That is not the issue. The issue is basic respect for other human beings. The idiot American survivors who have taken the mic showed NONE for the dying and dead. None.
daws is an idiot.

Perhaps, but I prefer to think of DAWS as one of these three. Atheist, agnostic or gay. The polite "no thank you" convinced me.
you got one out of three correct.
where your bigotry and ignorance shines is lumping homosexuality in with atheism

I hate to tell you silly person but you're every bit as much of a bigot as those you rail against.

How bigotry got into the discussion is beyond me. That is not the issue. The issue is basic respect for other human beings. The idiot American survivors who have taken the mic showed NONE for the dying and dead. None.
bigotry arrived when you criticized a scared got the natives restless ...
daws is an idiot.

Perhaps, but I prefer to think of DAWS as one of these three. Atheist, agnostic or gay. The polite "no thank you" convinced me.
you got one out of three correct.
where your bigotry and ignorance shines is lumping homosexuality in with atheism

I hate to tell you silly person but you're every bit as much of a bigot as those you rail against.

How bigotry got into the discussion is beyond me. That is not the issue. The issue is basic respect for other human beings. The idiot American survivors who have taken the mic showed NONE for the dying and dead. None.

Basic respect go's both ways. When you demand that someone shut up and not speak their mind, or beliefs you have just become the bigot you claim all the repubs are. Congrats, you're a moron.
daws is an idiot.

Perhaps, but I prefer to think of DAWS as one of these three. Atheist, agnostic or gay. The polite "no thank you" convinced me.
you got one out of three correct.
where your bigotry and ignorance shines is lumping homosexuality in with atheism

I hate to tell you silly person but you're every bit as much of a bigot as those you rail against.
another fantasy smashed

No fantasy. A fact which you so ably demonstrate every time you open your trap.
daws is an idiot.

Perhaps, but I prefer to think of DAWS as one of these three. Atheist, agnostic or gay. The polite "no thank you" convinced me.
you got one out of three correct.
where your bigotry and ignorance shines is lumping homosexuality in with atheism

I hate to tell you silly person but you're every bit as much of a bigot as those you rail against.

How bigotry got into the discussion is beyond me. That is not the issue. The issue is basic respect for other human beings. The idiot American survivors who have taken the mic showed NONE for the dying and dead. None.

Basic respect go's both ways. When you demand that someone shut up and not speak their mind, or beliefs you have just become the bigot you claim all the repubs are. Congrats, you're a moron.
false! speaking your mind is not the same as spewing platitudes to an imaginary god...
daws is an idiot.

Perhaps, but I prefer to think of DAWS as one of these three. Atheist, agnostic or gay. The polite "no thank you" convinced me.
you got one out of three correct.
where your bigotry and ignorance shines is lumping homosexuality in with atheism

I hate to tell you silly person but you're every bit as much of a bigot as those you rail against.
another fantasy smashed

No fantasy. A fact which you so ably demonstrate every time you open your trap.
There is nothing to understand with faith....That's why it's called faith and not science. Faith requires no thinking process, no choices to be made, no logic. Ask Duncan's family if they appreciate what happened to him.

Faith is supposed to be faith, it's not a science, it's not supposed to be based on any logic, and God's miracles are miracles because they happen in spite of any logic.
Last edited:
All that text that basically disproves NOTHING of what I said.

If you are ambivalent to the concept of a deity, you are agnostic, and can really claim you have no religion. If you actively believe there is no deity, guess what? religion.
already been proven false but by all means let your ignorance flag fly.

Awww, did i hurt your little atheistic feewings???
are you this delusional all the time.?

Yep, definitely feeling the butthurt off of ya.
false! that's just your fevered one live brain cell dying

Keep trying, it just gets my post count up.
It's sad that you must hurl your vitriol on this person and her statement. That probably explains why you are so miserable. I suggest you seek counseling or some other activity that will elevate you out of the pit you're so obviously in.

Take up sports, or long walks in the woods. Something, anything, to get you out from behind your computer. It is making you a sad, sad person.

Says you who is on here 24/7....

You might notice I'm a Mod here. I'm supposed to be here 24/7 to keep you silly people out of trouble. I'm also old, and retired. And I take long hikes in the Sierra Nevada mountains almost every day. I practice what I preach.

No, I didn't notice your lofty position of censor here. That's because, despite what you said, I don't spend a lot of time on this board. Got it, Swifty?

Yes, I gathered your powers of observation were as limited as your overall mental capacity. You miserable whiners seem to be afflicted in that way. What was it that got you so hostile and angry at the world?

You have to hurl insults at me because you can't rationalize the behavior of these "Christians" who ignore the fact that thousands have died while they have lived, and they say it was god who saved them. What if they had been sickened in a third world country like Liberia? Would god have loved them just as much? Or would they have been doomed to the same fate as the others?

What is your mental capacity?

You're obviously a miserable human being. I actually feel sorry for you. You so clearly do not understand the Christian faith. But it's OK because those of us that do can see right through you. Flame away if you think it makes you happy.
Says you who is on here 24/7....

You might notice I'm a Mod here. I'm supposed to be here 24/7 to keep you silly people out of trouble. I'm also old, and retired. And I take long hikes in the Sierra Nevada mountains almost every day. I practice what I preach.

No, I didn't notice your lofty position of censor here. That's because, despite what you said, I don't spend a lot of time on this board. Got it, Swifty?

Yes, I gathered your powers of observation were as limited as your overall mental capacity. You miserable whiners seem to be afflicted in that way. What was it that got you so hostile and angry at the world?

You have to hurl insults at me because you can't rationalize the behavior of these "Christians" who ignore the fact that thousands have died while they have lived, and they say it was god who saved them. What if they had been sickened in a third world country like Liberia? Would god have loved them just as much? Or would they have been doomed to the same fate as the others?

What is your mental capacity?

You're obviously a miserable human being. I actually feel sorry for you. You so clearly do not understand the Christian faith. But it's OK because those of us that do can see right through you. Flame away if you think it makes you happy.
why is it all you clowns inevitably fall back on the oldest and falsest of all the ploys used against non believers...
unless the nonbeliever was born on a different planet or a different dimension they have an understanding of Christianity or were raised in a so called Christian home
other faiths understand it too.
what you folks fail to grasp is the Christian mojo does not work on everyone.
that does not mean the don't understand it, it means they're not buying what you're selling.

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