Another Idiot Thanks God

Can't these people be put into some special prison until they recant?
if that were the case you'd be in a "special peoples prison till the sun explodes

They don't need to be imprisoned, they just need to use their heads. These silly nurses didn't

My commentary goes back to the old one about why god sends a bus full of children over a bridge but Bernie Madoff will probably die peacefully of old age, surrounded by his loved ones, great doctors and fantastic medical care.
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

It's sad that you must hurl your vitriol on this person and her statement. That probably explains why you are so miserable. I suggest you seek counseling or some other activity that will elevate you out of the pit you're so obviously in.

Take up sports, or long walks in the woods. Something, anything, to get you out from behind your computer. It is making you a sad, sad person.

Says you who is on here 24/7....

You might notice I'm a Mod here. I'm supposed to be here 24/7 to keep you silly people out of trouble. I'm also old, and retired. And I take long hikes in the Sierra Nevada mountains almost every day. I practice what I preach.

No, I didn't notice your lofty position of censor here. That's because, despite what you said, I don't spend a lot of time on this board. Got it, Swifty?
Can't these people be put into some special prison until they recant?
if that were the case you'd be in a "special peoples prison till the sun explodes

They don't need to be imprisoned, they just need to use their heads. These silly nurses didn't

My commentary goes back to the old one about why god sends a bus full of children over a bridge but Bernie Madoff will probably die peacefully of old age, surrounded by his loved ones, great doctors and fantastic medical care.

Well, that analogy kind of sucks because one of Madoffs sons has already committed suicide. His wife and other kids have had their wealth taken from them and are ostracized by all who knew them. But other than those facts you might have a point.
Can't these people be put into some special prison until they recant?
if that were the case you'd be in a "special peoples prison till the sun explodes

They don't need to be imprisoned, they just need to use their heads. These silly nurses didn't

My commentary goes back to the old one about why god sends a bus full of children over a bridge but Bernie Madoff will probably die peacefully of old age, surrounded by his loved ones, great doctors and fantastic medical care.

Well, that analogy kind of sucks because one of Madoffs sons has already committed suicide. His wife and other kids have had their wealth taken from them and are ostracized by all who knew them. But other than those facts you might have a point.

Oh really? If I gave you a laundry list of all the people who have escaped god's wrath while others died, then you'd have to skip the next 5 hikes into the mountains.

Unlike you and others here, I am extremely respectful of people who have suffered terrible problems and illnesses.

It's callous and insensitive to say that god saved her silly ass and let Thomas Eric Duncan and thousands of Liberians die. GOt it?
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

It's sad that you must hurl your vitriol on this person and her statement. That probably explains why you are so miserable. I suggest you seek counseling or some other activity that will elevate you out of the pit you're so obviously in.

Take up sports, or long walks in the woods. Something, anything, to get you out from behind your computer. It is making you a sad, sad person.

Says you who is on here 24/7....

You might notice I'm a Mod here. I'm supposed to be here 24/7 to keep you silly people out of trouble. I'm also old, and retired. And I take long hikes in the Sierra Nevada mountains almost every day. I practice what I preach.

No, I didn't notice your lofty position of censor here. That's because, despite what you said, I don't spend a lot of time on this board. Got it, Swifty?

Yes, I gathered your powers of observation were as limited as your overall mental capacity. You miserable whiners seem to be afflicted in that way. What was it that got you so hostile and angry at the world?
I believe she thanked a whole host of people in remarks as well. She believes her God had a hand in saving her life. If she found solace in her faith during these terrible times then who I am to take that away from her?
Can't these people be put into some special prison until they recant?
if that were the case you'd be in a "special peoples prison till the sun explodes

They don't need to be imprisoned, they just need to use their heads. These silly nurses didn't

My commentary goes back to the old one about why god sends a bus full of children over a bridge but Bernie Madoff will probably die peacefully of old age, surrounded by his loved ones, great doctors and fantastic medical care.

Well, that analogy kind of sucks because one of Madoffs sons has already committed suicide. His wife and other kids have had their wealth taken from them and are ostracized by all who knew them. But other than those facts you might have a point.

Oh really? If I gave you a laundry list of all the people who have escaped god's wrath while others died, then you'd have to skip the next 5 hikes into the mountains.

Yes really. People die. Everyone dies eventually. It is sad when kids die. It truly is, but why you care what someone else believes is beyond me. I'm a agnostic from way back. I don't care what people believe so long as they don't try and impose their beliefs on me like you miserable militant atheists do.
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

She thanks her Lord for saving her life and you are bitching about it?

Try decaff you asshole.


You just don't get it. Not surprised. You're one of the slower ones here who types before thinking.

She is insulting the very patient who died on her watch, you fucking idiot. Did god not love Eric Thomas Duncan?

If you are a Christian you believe that your silly god loves everybody equally.

Where is the insult fool?

We are to thank the Lord for any blessing bestowed on us.

Are you telling me that we are to not thank God for anything in our personal lives because others have suffered or are suffering today?

Should a Muslim today not thank Allah for a blessing his or her family has received just because a car bomb went off in Baghdad and ISIS is beheading Muslims in Syria and Iraq today?

That is idiotic. That is moronic. That is frankly insane.

That shows a complete lack of understanding of the Christian or any other faith.
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How old are you ?
You realize this is something people have done for centuries, right ?

Wow, try reading more.
those same people have been slaughtering each other for just as long and thanking god for being on they're side.
oh the irony..
I have no problem with people doing that sparingly

The point is, who cares who they thank, and regardless, "thanking god" is older than the pyramids.
It amazes me that someone would be upset about this, and they take it so literally.
I said thank God also when I found out I wasn't castrated from 36...

When my late spouse died from cancer a few years ago I was a non-believer then, waaaay before then, just as much as I am now.

But that's not the point. It's sheer Christian arrogance to thank a god for saving her sorry ass when 15000 people have died. What an idiot. I repeat.

I am truly sorry for your loss. I am glad you stated that you are a non believer because it explains your lack of understanding of faith.

It is never arrogance to thank one's Lord or God for even the smallest of blessings. It is to be humble to appreciate what we have been given.
why do you care so much about what inspires this nurse to be grateful...?

notice you have to put words into her mouth as if you have a point... speaking of ARROGANT. :anj_stfu:

I didn't put words into her mouth. Those were her very first words when she took the mic. She thanked god more than anything else.

A better question is why do you not care about the 15000 people who died? Did they not love the big invisible man enough?

Have you ever seen an athlete thanking god at the end of a game ? I mean really dude, you are upset about this ?
Again I ask, how old are you ?
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

It's sad that you must hurl your vitriol on this person and her statement. That probably explains why you are so miserable. I suggest you seek counseling or some other activity that will elevate you out of the pit you're so obviously in.

Take up sports, or long walks in the woods. Something, anything, to get you out from behind your computer. It is making you a sad, sad person.

Says you who is on here 24/7....

You might notice I'm a Mod here. I'm supposed to be here 24/7 to keep you silly people out of trouble. I'm also old, and retired. And I take long hikes in the Sierra Nevada mountains almost every day. I practice what I preach.

No, I didn't notice your lofty position of censor here. That's because, despite what you said, I don't spend a lot of time on this board. Got it, Swifty?

Yes, I gathered your powers of observation were as limited as your overall mental capacity. You miserable whiners seem to be afflicted in that way. What was it that got you so hostile and angry at the world?

You have to hurl insults at me because you can't rationalize the behavior of these "Christians" who ignore the fact that thousands have died while they have lived, and they say it was god who saved them. What if they had been sickened in a third world country like Liberia? Would god have loved them just as much? Or would they have been doomed to the same fate as the others?

What is your mental capacity?
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Oh look, another bitter, dimwitted atheist. Take your insecurities to a shrink, brainless.
why do you care so much about what inspires this nurse to be grateful...?

notice you have to put words into her mouth as if you have a point... speaking of ARROGANT. :anj_stfu:

I didn't put words into her mouth. Those were her very first words when she took the mic. She thanked god more than anything else.

A better question is why do you not care about the 15000 people who died? Did they not love the big invisible man enough?

Have you ever seen an athlete thanking god at the end of a game ? I mean really dude, you are upset about this ?
Again I ask, how old are you ?

Why don't you answer my questions first and please....a sports analogy?
She thanks her Lord for saving her life and you are bitching about it?

Try decaff you asshole.


You just don't get it. Not surprised. You're one of the slower ones here who types before thinking.

She is insulting the very patient who died on her watch, you fucking idiot. Did god not love Eric Thomas Duncan?

If you are a Christian you believe that your silly god loves everybody equally.
Dying once isn't the worst. Dying twice is. People die from all sorts of things everyday. But everyone doesn't end up in the same eternal place. Christians have every right to be grateful to God for the chance of being a witness of His mercy while they still live. And those that reject mercy have every right to be shallow and miss the lifeboat.
I said thank God also when I found out I wasn't castrated from 36...

When my late spouse died from cancer a few years ago I was a non-believer then, waaaay before then, just as much as I am now.

But that's not the point. It's sheer Christian arrogance to thank a god for saving her sorry ass when 15000 people have died. What an idiot. I repeat.

I am truly sorry for your loss. I am glad you stated that you are a non believer because it explains your lack of understanding of faith.

It is never arrogance to thank one's Lord or God for even the smallest of blessings. It is to be humble to appreciate what we have been given.

There is nothing to understand with faith....That's why it's called faith and not science. Faith requires no thinking process, no choices to be made, no logic. Ask Duncan's family if they appreciate what happened to him.
The American doctors and nurses who have survived Ebola are hypocrites to the extreme when they thank a non-entity for their survival, and ignore the heinous deaths of those in western Africa, as if those lives don't matter.
I said thank God also when I found out I wasn't castrated from 36...

When my late spouse died from cancer a few years ago I was a non-believer then, waaaay before then, just as much as I am now.

But that's not the point. It's sheer Christian arrogance to thank a god for saving her sorry ass when 15000 people have died. What an idiot. I repeat.

I am truly sorry for your loss. I am glad you stated that you are a non believer because it explains your lack of understanding of faith.

It is never arrogance to thank one's Lord or God for even the smallest of blessings. It is to be humble to appreciate what we have been given.

There is nothing to understand with faith....That's why it's called faith and not science. Faith requires no thinking process, no choices to be made, no logic. Ask Duncan's family if they appreciate what happened to him.


That's right, no choice involved in faith.

Gads you're painfully stupid. I honestly hope that God will be merciful to the people who are just too stupid to be saved, due to whatever organic brain malformation that has crippled their ability to think.

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