Another Idiot Thanks God

I said thank God also when I found out I wasn't castrated from 36...

When my late spouse died from cancer a few years ago I was a non-believer then, waaaay before then, just as much as I am now.

But that's not the point. It's sheer Christian arrogance to thank a god for saving her sorry ass when 15000 people have died. What an idiot. I repeat.

I am truly sorry for your loss. I am glad you stated that you are a non believer because it explains your lack of understanding of faith.

It is never arrogance to thank one's Lord or God for even the smallest of blessings. It is to be humble to appreciate what we have been given.

There is nothing to understand with faith....That's why it's called faith and not science. Faith requires no thinking process, no choices to be made, no logic. Ask Duncan's family if they appreciate what happened to him.
Of course there is. One needs to seek the truth and have faith in it once discovered..
The American doctors and nurses who have survived Ebola are hypocrites to the extreme when they thank a non-entity for their survival, and ignore the heinous deaths of those in western Africa, as if those lives don't matter.
Those doctors and nurses are brave enough to admit that it had nothing to do with what they know about Ebola that prevented them from dying. They watched as thousands around them died and there was nothing they could do to stop it.
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters
why yes you are ..I'd ask how that makes the op a racist but you just say that shit because you "think" it sounds good
Can't these people be put into some special prison until they recant?
if that were the case you'd be in a "special peoples prison till the sun explodes

They don't need to be imprisoned, they just need to use their heads. These silly nurses didn't

My commentary goes back to the old one about why god sends a bus full of children over a bridge but Bernie Madoff will probably die peacefully of old age, surrounded by his loved ones, great doctors and fantastic medical care.

Well, that analogy kind of sucks because one of Madoffs sons has already committed suicide. His wife and other kids have had their wealth taken from them and are ostracized by all who knew them. But other than those facts you might have a point.

Oh really? If I gave you a laundry list of all the people who have escaped god's wrath while others died, then you'd have to skip the next 5 hikes into the mountains.

Yes really. People die. Everyone dies eventually. It is sad when kids die. It truly is, but why you care what someone else believes is beyond me. I'm a agnostic from way back. I don't care what people believe so long as they don't try and impose their beliefs on me like you miserable militant atheists do.
if only that were true...
if you truly didn't care what people believed then you wouldn't feel the need to defend it.
btw there are far more militant Christians then atheists and they've been imposing their beliefs on everybody and everything for a couple of millennia...
The American doctors and nurses who have survived Ebola are hypocrites to the extreme when they thank a non-entity for their survival, and ignore the heinous deaths of those in western Africa, as if those lives don't matter.
Those doctors and nurses are brave enough to admit that it had nothing to do with what they know about Ebola that prevented them from dying. They watched as thousands around them died and there was nothing they could do to stop it.

The four who have held press conferences all thanked god for saving them. What an insult to those who have died.
The American doctors and nurses who have survived Ebola are hypocrites to the extreme when they thank a non-entity for their survival, and ignore the heinous deaths of those in western Africa, as if those lives don't matter.
Those doctors and nurses are brave enough to admit that it had nothing to do with what they know about Ebola that prevented them from dying. They watched as thousands around them died and there was nothing they could do to stop it.
and by your specious "reasoning" it has to be god's work. Right?
if that were the case you'd be in a "special peoples prison till the sun explodes

They don't need to be imprisoned, they just need to use their heads. These silly nurses didn't

My commentary goes back to the old one about why god sends a bus full of children over a bridge but Bernie Madoff will probably die peacefully of old age, surrounded by his loved ones, great doctors and fantastic medical care.

Well, that analogy kind of sucks because one of Madoffs sons has already committed suicide. His wife and other kids have had their wealth taken from them and are ostracized by all who knew them. But other than those facts you might have a point.

Oh really? If I gave you a laundry list of all the people who have escaped god's wrath while others died, then you'd have to skip the next 5 hikes into the mountains.

Yes really. People die. Everyone dies eventually. It is sad when kids die. It truly is, but why you care what someone else believes is beyond me. I'm a agnostic from way back. I don't care what people believe so long as they don't try and impose their beliefs on me like you miserable militant atheists do.
if only that were true...
if you truly didn't care what people believed then you wouldn't feel the need to defend it.
btw there are far more militant Christians then atheists and they've been imposing their beliefs on everybody and everything for a couple of millennia...

Bwahahahhahaaaa....Talk about stepping in it.

You don't think standing up to a mic in front of a national press conference and dragging your Christianity out isn't imposing their beliefs on those who have died? Really? You don't think it's an insult?

Because I can't prove this but I bet Thomas Eric Duncan's family and fiance are religious people, too. Whose god is right?
How old are you ?
You realize this is something people have done for centuries, right ?

Wow, try reading more.
those same people have been slaughtering each other for just as long and thanking god for being on they're side.
oh the irony..
I have no problem with people doing that sparingly

The point is, who cares who they thank, and regardless, "thanking god" is older than the pyramids.
It amazes me that someone would be upset about this, and they take it so literally.
you've no proof that thanking god is older than the pyramids I was with you till you said that.
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I said thank God also when I found out I wasn't castrated from 36...

When my late spouse died from cancer a few years ago I was a non-believer then, waaaay before then, just as much as I am now.

But that's not the point. It's sheer Christian arrogance to thank a god for saving her sorry ass when 15000 people have died. What an idiot. I repeat.

I am truly sorry for your loss. I am glad you stated that you are a non believer because it explains your lack of understanding of faith.

It is never arrogance to thank one's Lord or God for even the smallest of blessings. It is to be humble to appreciate what we have been given.

There is nothing to understand with faith....That's why it's called faith and not science. Faith requires no thinking process, no choices to be made, no logic. Ask Duncan's family if they appreciate what happened to him.


That's right, no choice involved in faith.

Gads you're painfully stupid. I honestly hope that God will be merciful to the people who are just too stupid to be saved, due to whatever organic brain malformation that has crippled their ability to think.
what would you know about thinking...?
How old are you ?
You realize this is something people have done for centuries, right ?

Wow, try reading more.
those same people have been slaughtering each other for just as long and thanking god for being on they're side.
oh the irony..
I have no problem with people doing that sparingly

The point is, who cares who they thank, and regardless, "thanking god" is older than the pyramids.
It amazes me that someone would be upset about this, and they take it so literally.
you no proof that thanking god is older than the pyramids I was with you till you said that.

Those people worshipped.....Isis, not Jesus. Bahahahaa. This thread is getting more fun all the time.
I said thank God also when I found out I wasn't castrated from 36...

When my late spouse died from cancer a few years ago I was a non-believer then, waaaay before then, just as much as I am now.

But that's not the point. It's sheer Christian arrogance to thank a god for saving her sorry ass when 15000 people have died. What an idiot. I repeat.

I am truly sorry for your loss. I am glad you stated that you are a non believer because it explains your lack of understanding of faith.

It is never arrogance to thank one's Lord or God for even the smallest of blessings. It is to be humble to appreciate what we have been given.

There is nothing to understand with faith....That's why it's called faith and not science. Faith requires no thinking process, no choices to be made, no logic. Ask Duncan's family if they appreciate what happened to him.
Of course there is. One needs to seek the truth and have faith in it once discovered..
false faith is faith no proof it's true, since it's faith none should be needed.
The article I've linked to below was so hard to read I didn't make it past the first six paragraphs. There is no hell anywhere like what is going on there.
If anyone read or saw the article entitled:

A Hospital From Hell, in a City Swamped by Ebola

you would see how facile and shallow the Christian survivors are in their comments before the press. It's embarrassing. Their non-existent god let's something like this happen? Who needs him?

The American doctors and nurses who have survived Ebola are hypocrites to the extreme when they thank a non-entity for their survival, and ignore the heinous deaths of those in western Africa, as if those lives don't matter.
Those doctors and nurses are brave enough to admit that it had nothing to do with what they know about Ebola that prevented them from dying. They watched as thousands around them died and there was nothing they could do to stop it.

The four who have held press conferences all thanked god for saving them. What an insult to those who have died.

You are one hell of a bigot. I've seen you sink low before but never like this.

How pray tell is thanking Christ, Jehovah or Allah or any other God and insult to anyone else?

Explain it to me bigot.
How old are you ?
You realize this is something people have done for centuries, right ?

Wow, try reading more.
those same people have been slaughtering each other for just as long and thanking god for being on they're side.
oh the irony..
I have no problem with people doing that sparingly

The point is, who cares who they thank, and regardless, "thanking god" is older than the pyramids.
It amazes me that someone would be upset about this, and they take it so literally.
you no proof that thanking god is older than the pyramids I was with you till you said that.

Those people worshipped.....Isis, not Jesus. Bahahahaa. This thread is getting more fun all the time.

Fucking idiot. You are the moron not understanding that the poster was not referring to Egyptians but a time frame.

Man oh man you are a flat out mean whack job.

You bet this thread is going to be fun because you are really unveiling what a vile piece of shit you are today.

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if that were the case you'd be in a "special peoples prison till the sun explodes

They don't need to be imprisoned, they just need to use their heads. These silly nurses didn't

My commentary goes back to the old one about why god sends a bus full of children over a bridge but Bernie Madoff will probably die peacefully of old age, surrounded by his loved ones, great doctors and fantastic medical care.

Well, that analogy kind of sucks because one of Madoffs sons has already committed suicide. His wife and other kids have had their wealth taken from them and are ostracized by all who knew them. But other than those facts you might have a point.

Oh really? If I gave you a laundry list of all the people who have escaped god's wrath while others died, then you'd have to skip the next 5 hikes into the mountains.

Yes really. People die. Everyone dies eventually. It is sad when kids die. It truly is, but why you care what someone else believes is beyond me. I'm a agnostic from way back. I don't care what people believe so long as they don't try and impose their beliefs on me like you miserable militant atheists do.
if only that were true...
if you truly didn't care what people believed then you wouldn't feel the need to defend it.
btw there are far more militant Christians then atheists and they've been imposing their beliefs on everybody and everything for a couple of millennia...

I defend the right of people to believe in what they wish without asshats telling them they're stupid, or morons, or mentally deficient. This the USA, it is NOT some country where a small group of elitists get to tell others what they can, or cannot believe.

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