Another judge in Larry Nassar sex abuse case displays brazen bias against nassar

I'm not buying a cover up or trumped up charges in excess of 100 women over decades. That is pathetic. If he'd have had a medical defense he would have presented it. He got rich abusing these girls. The judge was fair to him i.e. she did not let him get beaten up and she was fair to the dad by warning him with no consequences, considering his daughters were abused.
Move on and let justice be done.
In this case Nassar isn't guilty, he's incredibly guilty, there is no doubt, that disappeared after the first hundred victims testified against him.

And all these "victims" have no evidence and all of them stand to collect millions for their accusations. THINK

All of these victims reported this creep to coaches, teachers, parents and US Gymnastics officials, and their concerns and complaints were dismissed as false or unfounded. They SHOULD be paid millions.

The first athlete reported this asshole less than a year after he was hired by Michigan State in 1995. Nothing was done. Imagine if people had believed her. None of this would have happened.

Your damn right these women will get millions. #timesup

The lingering question I have is out of all these victims, hundreds...where were the parents?

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind if it happened to one of ours they would tell us. Since they were very young it's been drilled into them if someone touches you tell us. That NOBODY has the right to invade their personal space.

The Nassar case is not unique. There is a similar thing going on in the UK with a football coach.
Barry Bennell 'was God', says alleged sexual abuse victim
This chap was reported several times but the football establishment covered up for him. At least 4 of his former victims have since committed suicide.

These kids perhaps dont have the experience to deal with these things. Especially in a culture where they might not be believed.

Its probably better now than it was 20 years ago but even now you open yourself up to all sorts of crap by speaking out.

I suspect that the organisation did not have procedures in place or the experience to deal with this properly at the time. 20 years on our knowledge is a lot greater .
Tommy, we had a similar case in Canada with a hockey coach. Many of his former students were in the NHL and the team this guy coached was a rung or two below NHL so the kids were oh so close to their dream.

There were shattered lives, suicides. The damage these predators do is incalulable.
Tommy, we had a similar case in Canada with a hockey coach. Many of his former students were in the NHL and the team this guy coached was a rung or two below NHL so the kids were oh so close to their dream.

There were shattered lives, suicides. The damage these predators do is incalulable.

Never heard the story, that is disgusting how these people that are looked up to take advantage of their positions. It is terrible the damage they do to others and seem to have no remorse.
Tommy, we had a similar case in Canada with a hockey coach. Many of his former students were in the NHL and the team this guy coached was a rung or two below NHL so the kids were oh so close to their dream.

There were shattered lives, suicides. The damage these predators do is incalulable.

Never heard the story, that is disgusting how these people that are looked up to take advantage of their positions. It is terrible the damage they do to others and seem to have no remorse.

Here’s the story:

Graham James (ice hockey) - Wikipedia

Sheldon Kennedy has had a troubled life in the aftermath of this abuse.
Tommy, we had a similar case in Canada with a hockey coach. Many of his former students were in the NHL and the team this guy coached was a rung or two below NHL so the kids were oh so close to their dream.

There were shattered lives, suicides. The damage these predators do is incalulable.

Never heard the story, that is disgusting how these people that are looked up to take advantage of their positions. It is terrible the damage they do to others and seem to have no remorse.

Here’s the story:

Graham James (ice hockey) - Wikipedia

Sheldon Kennedy has had a troubled life in the aftermath of this abuse.

The perp needs more than five years, he has messed up many lives and his scars will linger long after his death. Why would anyone pardon him? There is something messed up there.
Tommy, we had a similar case in Canada with a hockey coach. Many of his former students were in the NHL and the team this guy coached was a rung or two below NHL so the kids were oh so close to their dream.

There were shattered lives, suicides. The damage these predators do is incalulable.

Never heard the story, that is disgusting how these people that are looked up to take advantage of their positions. It is terrible the damage they do to others and seem to have no remorse.

Here’s the story:

Graham James (ice hockey) - Wikipedia

Sheldon Kennedy has had a troubled life in the aftermath of this abuse.

The perp needs more than five years, he has messed up many lives and his scars will linger long after his death. Why would anyone pardon him? There is something messed up there.

James had tremendous power within Hockey Canada. I think he was on the Olympic Team Selection Committee.

There was also an usher at Maple Leaf Gardens who abused poor boys and gave them Leafs tickets and introduced them to players to keep them quiet.

Another decades long case where victims weren’t believed. Often because they were now drug addicts, suicide victims, and general fuckups in the wake of the abuse.
Tommy, we had a similar case in Canada with a hockey coach. Many of his former students were in the NHL and the team this guy coached was a rung or two below NHL so the kids were oh so close to their dream.

There were shattered lives, suicides. The damage these predators do is incalulable.

Never heard the story, that is disgusting how these people that are looked up to take advantage of their positions. It is terrible the damage they do to others and seem to have no remorse.

Here’s the story:

Graham James (ice hockey) - Wikipedia

Sheldon Kennedy has had a troubled life in the aftermath of this abuse.

The perp needs more than five years, he has messed up many lives and his scars will linger long after his death. Why would anyone pardon him? There is something messed up there.

James had tremendous power within Hockey Canada. I think he was on the Olympic Team Selection Committee.

There was also an usher at Maple Leaf Gardens who abused poor boys and gave them Leafs tickets and introduced them to players to keep them quiet.

Another decades long case where victims weren’t believed. Often because they were now drug addicts, suicide victims, and general fuckups in the wake of the abuse.

The damage these creeps do to kids is unreal. Some of these kids then go on to abuse others. The penalties for molesting children should be far greater than what they currently are.
Tommy, we had a similar case in Canada with a hockey coach. Many of his former students were in the NHL and the team this guy coached was a rung or two below NHL so the kids were oh so close to their dream.

There were shattered lives, suicides. The damage these predators do is incalulable.

Never heard the story, that is disgusting how these people that are looked up to take advantage of their positions. It is terrible the damage they do to others and seem to have no remorse.

Here’s the story:

Graham James (ice hockey) - Wikipedia

Sheldon Kennedy has had a troubled life in the aftermath of this abuse.

The perp needs more than five years, he has messed up many lives and his scars will linger long after his death. Why would anyone pardon him? There is something messed up there.

James had tremendous power within Hockey Canada. I think he was on the Olympic Team Selection Committee.

There was also an usher at Maple Leaf Gardens who abused poor boys and gave them Leafs tickets and introduced them to players to keep them quiet.

Another decades long case where victims weren’t believed. Often because they were now drug addicts, suicide victims, and general fuckups in the wake of the abuse.

The damage these creeps do to kids is unreal. Some of these kids then go on to abuse others. The penalties for molesting children should be far greater than what they currently are.

If you look at sex trade workers, overwhelmingly they are the adult victims of child sexual abuse. Frighteningly so: 95% of hookers, 85% of strippers, 90+% of porn workers.

The human devastation child rapists leave in their wake is wide and deep. I think these pigs need to be segregated from decent folk for as long as they live.
Its not a new phenomenon. In Victorian London child prostitution was the biggest employer in the city.
Yup hundreds of girls all conspired to frame him right?

No conspiracy, you fool Once a couple of girls sued nassar without any evidence, then hundreds of others decided independently to do the same. That's what happens when people win lawsuits without evidence.
A question i have is why didn't these organizations hire a female doctor.???
Because a male doctor should also be professional. Why only a woman doctor? Are you saying all male doctors are perverse rapists?

Hey einstein. Young female athletes should be examined by a female doctor. Preferably a married one so she's not a lezbo/tranny like you.
A question i have is why didn't these organizations hire a female doctor.???
Because a male doctor should also be professional. Why only a woman doctor? Are you saying all male doctors are perverse rapists?

Hey einstein. Young female athletes should be examined by a female doctor. Preferably a married one so she's not a lezbo/tranny like you.

That would be against the law... for gender bias. :safetocomeoutff:
The perp needs more than five years, he has messed up many lives and his scars will linger long after his death. Why would anyone pardon him? There is something messed up there.

You stinking hypocrite. If a text-driver plows into a van and kills 5 kids you say "it was an accident. Give him a fine and forget it."
The perp needs more than five years, he has messed up many lives and his scars will linger long after his death. Why would anyone pardon him? There is something messed up there.

You stinking hypocrite. If a text-driver plows into a van and kills 5 kids you say "it was an accident. Give him a fine and forget it."

Are you saying Nassar was texting when he rammed his hand up these girl's privates?

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