Another judge in Larry Nassar sex abuse case displays brazen bias against nassar

Loony father in courtroom launches attack on Nassar and judge janice cunningham says he won't be charged with anything!!! Last week judge rosemarie aquilina encouraged inmates to attack Nassar in prison . When judges display such obvious bias it makes people think this whole thing is a frame-up. Lots of money here. The settlement will be hundred of millions of dollars. Are the judges getting a cut .???

Nassar Victims' Father Apologizes for Attempted Attack

feb 3 2018 (CHARLOTTE, Mich.) — A distraught father seething over sexual abuse suffered by three daughters tried to attack former sports doctor Larry Nassar in a Michigan courtroom after a judge rejected his request to confront the “demon” in a locked room, a stunning rush that reflected the anguish felt by parents who trusted him with their children.

Randall Margraves was blocked by an attorney, tackled by sheriff’s deputies and hauled out of court Friday. He later apologized, saying he had lost control. Eaton County Judge Janice Cunningham said there was “no way” she would fine him or send him to jail under her contempt-of-court powers.

“I don’t know what it would be like to stand there as a father and know that three of your girls were injured physically and emotionally by somebody sitting in a courtroom. I can’t imagine that,” the judge said.
It seems like every mf that is sinful and evil, you support....a liar, a pedifile, a rapist, racist.....what kind of fuckin human being are you, got damn your gonna burn in hell!!
Yup hundreds of girls all conspired to frame him right?

No conspiracy, you fool Once a couple of girls sued nassar without any evidence, then hundreds of others decided independently to do the same. That's what happens when people win lawsuits without evidence.

How many times have you been falsely accused of similar crimes?
Are you required to register with your local police department?
Did your victims also lack evidence? You get convicted on their word alone?
The perp needs more than five years, he has messed up many lives and his scars will linger long after his death. Why would anyone pardon him? There is something messed up there.

You stinking hypocrite. If a text-driver plows into a van and kills 5 kids you say "it was an accident. Give him a fine and forget it."

I never stated what you are claiming and I have no idea what rape has to do with texting while driving. :dunno:
The perp needs more than five years, he has messed up many lives and his scars will linger long after his death. Why would anyone pardon him? There is something messed up there.

You stinking hypocrite. If a text-driver plows into a van and kills 5 kids you say "it was an accident. Give him a fine and forget it."

Are you saying Nassar was texting when he rammed his hand up these girl's privates?

If Nassar was going over the speed limit that would mean the death penalty, but raping little girls they guy is shootspeeders hero, go freakin figure. Maybe shootspeeders is Nassar?
Loony father in courtroom launches attack on Nassar and judge janice cunningham says he won't be charged with anything!!! Last week judge rosemarie aquilina encouraged inmates to attack Nassar in prison . When judges display such obvious bias it makes people think this whole thing is a frame-up. Lots of money here. The settlement will be hundred of millions of dollars. Are the judges getting a cut .???

Nassar Victims' Father Apologizes for Attempted Attack

feb 3 2018 (CHARLOTTE, Mich.) — A distraught father seething over sexual abuse suffered by three daughters tried to attack former sports doctor Larry Nassar in a Michigan courtroom after a judge rejected his request to confront the “demon” in a locked room, a stunning rush that reflected the anguish felt by parents who trusted him with their children.

Randall Margraves was blocked by an attorney, tackled by sheriff’s deputies and hauled out of court Friday. He later apologized, saying he had lost control. Eaton County Judge Janice Cunningham said there was “no way” she would fine him or send him to jail under her contempt-of-court powers.

“I don’t know what it would be like to stand there as a father and know that three of your girls were injured physically and emotionally by somebody sitting in a courtroom. I can’t imagine that,” the judge said.

Nobody in their right mind thinks this is a frame-up. It shows you are not in your right mind. I would have given the father a hour with Nassar. If not then I hope he has a bad accident in prison like getting a knife up his throat.
In this case Nassar isn't guilty, he's incredibly guilty, there is no doubt, that disappeared after the first hundred victims testified against him.

And all these "victims" have no evidence and all of them stand to collect millions for their accusations. THINK

Why don't you try THINKING!! Apparently you were dropped on your head when you were a child.
No, but you seem to believe that these are trumped up charges - which is unreal.

Well - the charges may be trumped up. It bothers me that the media and the legal system is so biased against nassar. It also bothers me that none of the accusers have any evidence but will now collect millions of dollars!!

People say "they can't all be lying" but yes they can. We're talking a lot of money here and most people are crooks and liars .

What the fuck do you want? A play by play account? Most people are crooks and liars except for the crooks and liars.
And all these "victims" have no evidence and all of them stand to collect millions for their accusations. THINK

Unless Nassar is as rich as Trump, you divide his assets by 200 people, and you get bus fare.

HAHA. Did you really say that?? These gold-digging families are gonna sue michigan state and the olympics and the NCAA. Maybe they'll sue obozo since he was prez during some of this. So were bush and clinton. It's gonna be like 200 million bucks divided 200 ways. Figure it out einstein.

They are not gold-diggers. Sometimes the only way to punish big institutions that do wrong is to hit them with big money. Good for them. I hope they get hit hard with punitive damages which are meant as a punishment and to warn other institutions.
Yup hundreds of girls all conspired to frame him right?

No conspiracy, you fool Once a couple of girls sued nassar without any evidence, then hundreds of others decided independently to do the same. That's what happens when people win lawsuits without evidence.
Witness testimony is evidence, you dimwit. No lawsuits have been won either. He plead guilty in a criminal court. Can you understand anything?
Yup hundreds of girls all conspired to frame him right?

No conspiracy, you fool Once a couple of girls sued nassar without any evidence, then hundreds of others decided independently to do the same. That's what happens when people win lawsuits without evidence.

Nobody sued Nassar you idiot. They complained about his abuse for years. When nothing was done they went to the police and the media. 250 women.

Yes they’ll sue. They’ll sue the people they complained to who did nothing. It will be a class action suit and the coaches, schools and federations who ignored their complaints, who buried their concerns and continued to force victims to be abused, despite hundreds of complaints, and who are responsible for continuing to put the children they were charged with protecting, in harms way.

When you callously disregard victims complaints, you deserve to be sued and to lose everything you have.

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