Another judge in Larry Nassar sex abuse case displays brazen bias against nassar

No evidence? Why'd he plead guilty?

People being framed have no choice but to plead guilty and hope for the best.. I also doubt if he had the money to mount a defense and with the media so solidly against him, his legal fees would have been in the millions.

People being framed have no choice but to plead guilty and hope for the best..

The same can be said for those with dozens of victims.
I see ShitsSpeedos is still working hard in his defense of a child molester...

With the legal system and media so biased against him, someone has to play devil's advocate.

Do you really think it should be legal to physically attack someone in a courtroom??? THINK
Loony father in courtroom launches attack on Nassar and judge janice cunningham says he won't be charged with anything!!! Last week judge rosemarie aquilina encouraged inmates to attack Nassar in prison . When judges display such obvious bias it makes people think this whole thing is a frame-up. Lots of money here. The settlement will be hundred of millions of dollars. Are the judges getting a cut .???

Nassar Victims' Father Apologizes for Attempted Attack

feb 3 2018 (CHARLOTTE, Mich.) — A distraught father seething over sexual abuse suffered by three daughters tried to attack former sports doctor Larry Nassar in a Michigan courtroom after a judge rejected his request to confront the “demon” in a locked room, a stunning rush that reflected the anguish felt by parents who trusted him with their children.

Randall Margraves was blocked by an attorney, tackled by sheriff’s deputies and hauled out of court Friday. He later apologized, saying he had lost control. Eaton County Judge Janice Cunningham said there was “no way” she would fine him or send him to jail under her contempt-of-court powers.

“I don’t know what it would be like to stand there as a father and know that three of your girls were injured physically and emotionally by somebody sitting in a courtroom. I can’t imagine that,” the judge said.

Oh shit, I've seen it all now. Shootspeeders is defending the treatment of a sexual predator. Wow.
I am one that never wishes bad on people, pedophiles, rapists and murderers are exceptions.

I understand the father’s anger, I have been through what this father went through. The father was wrong for attempting the attack, the Judge was correct in not punishing the father. What the molester did was inexcusable, to use his position to molest children is beyond disgusting and the detriment to the victims and their families is beyond imagination. Hang the SOB, have him locked up and raped nightly for his crimes, so be it.

I have no compassion, just as he had no compassion for his victims.
The father asked the judge if he could have 5 minutes with nassar in a locked room and the judge said no and so he attacked!!! This was attempted murder but no charges!! Is there one honest judge in america.??

Speedy. You are yanking chains dude.
I understand the father’s anger, I have been through what this father went through. The father was wrong for attempting the attack, the Judge was correct in not punishing the father. .

So you think it should be legal for people to attack prisoners in a courtroom???
No, but you seem to believe that these are trumped up charges - which is unreal.

Well - the charges may be trumped up. It bothers me that the media and the legal system is so biased against nassar. It also bothers me that none of the accusers have any evidence but will now collect millions of dollars!!

People say "they can't all be lying" but yes they can. We're talking a lot of money here and most people are crooks and liars .
I understand the father’s anger, I have been through what this father went through. The father was wrong for attempting the attack, the Judge was correct in not punishing the father. .

So you think it should be legal for people to attack prisoners in a courtroom???

I didn’t say that, I understand his anger and I understand why the judge granted leniency.
No, but you seem to believe that these are trumped up charges - which is unreal.

Well - the charges may be trumped up. It bothers me that the media and the legal system is so biased against nassar. It also bothers me that none of the accusers have any evidence but will now collect millions of dollars!!

People say "they can't all be lying" but yes they can. We're talking a lot of money here and most people are crooks and liars .

Nassar admitted to his crimes, so I really think you are off base. He should have thought about the consequences before he sexually molested those girls. The money won’t heal the girls.
Nassar admitted to his crimes, so I really think you are off base.

He admitted to ten counts of abuse not 250. And he may have been framed for those 10. His accusers had no evidence and now they will collect millions!!! The outrageous behavior by the media and judges and the big money coming to the accusers should make everyone skeptical.

Have you ever questioned the authorities about anything.?
Nassar admitted to his crimes, so I really think you are off base.

He admitted to ten counts of abuse not 250. And he may have been framed for those 10. His accusers had no evidence and now they will collect millions!!! The outrageous behavior by the media and judges and the big money coming to the accusers should make everyone skeptical.

Have you ever questioned the authorities about anything.?

He admitted to ten counts of abuse not 250.

Poor guy.

His accusers had no evidence

What evidence do you think he'd have left behind after all these years?

The outrageous behavior by the media and judges and the big money coming to the accusers should make everyone skeptical.

How many times have you been falsely accused of similar crimes?
Are you required to register with your local police department?
Did your victims also lack evidence? You get convicted on their word alone?
Nassar admitted to his crimes, so I really think you are off base.

He admitted to ten counts of abuse not 250. And he may have been framed for those 10. His accusers had no evidence and now they will collect millions!!! The outrageous behavior by the media and judges and the big money coming to the accusers should make everyone skeptical.

Have you ever questioned the authorities about anything.?

So he plead guilty for 10 counts? And he was set up? Lol! Sorry, I don’t buy it.
Hundreds of young girls sexually abused by Nassar....sort of hard to work up a tear for the sorry son of a bitch

Speedy thinks that Nassar was “forced” to plead guilty and that the women some of whom were 11 or 12 when the creep started abusing them, are lying whores.
This fellow, Nassar, is clearly a compulsive sexual deviant.

By that observation I'm not suggesting his conduct deserves any special consideration -- but that man is on his way to Hell. While while physically attacking him in the courtroom would have been justified if Nassar's lawyers had managed to wangle a dismissal, under the circumstances it was utterly redundant, self-serving, and worthy of appropriate punishment.
In this case Nassar isn't guilty, he's incredibly guilty, there is no doubt, that disappeared after the first hundred victims testified against him.

And all these "victims" have no evidence and all of them stand to collect millions for their accusations. THINK

All of these victims reported this creep to coaches, teachers, parents and US Gymnastics officials, and their concerns and complaints were dismissed as false or unfounded. They SHOULD be paid millions.

The first athlete reported this asshole less than a year after he was hired by Michigan State in 1995. Nothing was done. Imagine if people had believed her. None of this would have happened.

Your damn right these women will get millions. #timesup
In this case Nassar isn't guilty, he's incredibly guilty, there is no doubt, that disappeared after the first hundred victims testified against him.

And all these "victims" have no evidence and all of them stand to collect millions for their accusations. THINK

All of these victims reported this creep to coaches, teachers, parents and US Gymnastics officials, and their concerns and complaints were dismissed as false or unfounded. They SHOULD be paid millions.

The first athlete reported this asshole less than a year after he was hired by Michigan State in 1995. Nothing was done. Imagine if people had believed her. None of this would have happened.

Your damn right these women will get millions. #timesup

The lingering question I have is out of all these victims, hundreds...where were the parents?

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind if it happened to one of ours they would tell us. Since they were very young it's been drilled into them if someone touches you tell us. That NOBODY has the right to invade their personal space.
In this case Nassar isn't guilty, he's incredibly guilty, there is no doubt, that disappeared after the first hundred victims testified against him.

And all these "victims" have no evidence and all of them stand to collect millions for their accusations. THINK

All of these victims reported this creep to coaches, teachers, parents and US Gymnastics officials, and their concerns and complaints were dismissed as false or unfounded. They SHOULD be paid millions.

The first athlete reported this asshole less than a year after he was hired by Michigan State in 1995. Nothing was done. Imagine if people had believed her. None of this would have happened.

Your damn right these women will get millions. #timesup

The lingering question I have is out of all these victims, hundreds...where were the parents?

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind if it happened to one of ours they would tell us. Since they were very young it's been drilled into them if someone touches you tell us. That NOBODY has the right to invade their personal space.

Some of the parents complained and they were told this was a highly respected sports doctor who was selected as the US Olympic Team Doctor. The girls were young and many had never worked with massage therapists or sports doctors before so it was easy to sell the idea that they were misinterpreting what he was doing.

Despite all of the complaints over the years, US Gymnastics installed this perv at their Olympic Training Centre at the Karoli Ranch and funnelled victims to this creep.

Last but not least, there are parents who will simply say if that what it takes to get an Olympic Gold medal, she can deal with it.

There was a US Figure Skating coach accused of sex abuse by one young student. Some of the parents stood by the coach and suggested she seduced the coach to keep him from dumping her. A couple of years later, two of those parents filed suit against the coach for sexually abusing their daughters. This happens far too often.
Loony father in courtroom launches attack on Nassar and judge janice cunningham says he won't be charged with anything!!! Last week judge rosemarie aquilina encouraged inmates to attack Nassar in prison . When judges display such obvious bias it makes people think this whole thing is a frame-up. Lots of money here. The settlement will be hundred of millions of dollars. Are the judges getting a cut .???

Nassar Victims' Father Apologizes for Attempted Attack

feb 3 2018 (CHARLOTTE, Mich.) — A distraught father seething over sexual abuse suffered by three daughters tried to attack former sports doctor Larry Nassar in a Michigan courtroom after a judge rejected his request to confront the “demon” in a locked room, a stunning rush that reflected the anguish felt by parents who trusted him with their children.

Randall Margraves was blocked by an attorney, tackled by sheriff’s deputies and hauled out of court Friday. He later apologized, saying he had lost control. Eaton County Judge Janice Cunningham said there was “no way” she would fine him or send him to jail under her contempt-of-court powers.

“I don’t know what it would be like to stand there as a father and know that three of your girls were injured physically and emotionally by somebody sitting in a courtroom. I can’t imagine that,” the judge said.
Ohh look a local retard still complaining about a man that molested how many girls?

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