Another Left Tard Fail: Stormy Daniels Crashes and Burns!

Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

That's the problem with these right wingers. It seems the NEVER actually read their own links.

This is what the Judge said from the first link:

The judge declared Thursday that the request for an expedited trial and discovery to be premature, and said there are other issues that need to be addressed first.

See what I mean? He didn't say no, he basically said all the tee's need to be crossed and the I's dotted.

When you play chess, you make moves.

Stormy's lawyer is playing Poker, Trump's is playing 52 pick up.

Dear Dummy:

Today's news is what is relevant. I provided all of these other links for reference and to show how poorly their case was going. It's going poorly because she is not a credible witness and has made numerous public and private statements that she did not sleep with Trump.

It was only after she violated the NDA by trying to leverage inferences from its existence to gain more appearances and appearance fees did her and her lawyer scheme to get the NDA nullified by claiming it was an unlawful contract. She's a desperate washed up Porn Actress who's money and looks are drying up. She should have never tried to cash in on the existence of an NDA she was not supposed to talk about.

She should just downsize, reduce her expenses and accept that her whoring and gold digging days are over.

These three numb skulls, Daniels, her agent and lawyer, are used to the sleazy world of porn and cheap lawyers, and people who are easily bullied. Every legal maneuver they have attempted has failed, and will continue to fail, because like all things the Left Does, it is based on Lies.

Anyone with a brain can see what they are attempting and failing at.

Any Judge with any sense, if he thought this NDA was about anything other than appearance fees, and the NDA that went along with it, would have allowed Cohen and President Trump to be deposed.

But you are a Left Tard and too thick between the ears, to read between the lines.


Again I'll say, why are you GOP folks so afraid of honest debate? Just insult upon insult. It's really sad that a forum that's set up for adults to discuss matters of importance has become just a constant insult machine. Is this what Trump is doing to you? I've never seen anything like it and I've been on a few other forums and looked at some more. This is hands down the most hate filled and childish forum I've ever seen. Are we adults? I mean does it make you feel better about yourselves to belittle and say vile things to those who dare disagree with your point of view? Don't you ever think about how silly and petty it makes you appear? Can't we start to treat each other with a modicum of respect? It's so out of hand and control. Where the hell are the mods on this site? You shouldn't be able to treat others like this. I haven't seen any dems or liberals who deserve this shit just because they are on the other side of the isle politically from the vast majority on here. It's really disappointing and sad.

There it is. When it is Chuck Schumer claiming the GOP just doesn't want to work with him, and he just wants to be friends, it really means he wants the GOP to give in to his every demand. And here comes chief bomb-thrower Withering who has done nothing but lie and insult with most every post trolling for irritation acting surprised and mortified that he just wants reasonable debate. Yet between his ever breath, he makes Trump out as somewhere between the Boston Strangler or Jack The Ripper and Jeffrey Dahmer. By "reasonable debate" he means for you to concede to his every view otherwise you are a brain-dead, brain-washed Putin acolyte.

Funny how many Trump supporters were geniuses when they voted for Obama 5 years ago and the Democrats were all thick as thieves when they were in bed working with Russia hand over fist just a few short years ago.

Concede to my every view? No, that's how you operate. Again you accuse me of insulting and again show me where I insulted anyone who didn't attack me first. I'll give you a cookie.
Obama was ten times the man that Trump will ever be. I was talking about the insults to each other. Politicians are fair game. That's the purpose of these forums, to get your feelings about Washington out and to debate the pros and cons of each of the folks who run our lives from on high and the issues and where they stand on them. But that's not what you're here for. You want to be a big man with the stupid insults in lieu of ideas. It's silly and it's juvenile. . But to attack each other says nothing about politics, it just reveals who are the kids in the sandbox. BTW Trump is worse than Dahmer because Dahmer didn't have the lives and the well being of millions on his hands. Putin orders the killing of folks on allied soil with nerve gas and Trump invites him to the white house after congratulating him for his remarkable "victory" in the "democratic" elections in Russia. Take a breath for a minute and tell how you feel about that fact. That's if you can type a few words that don't include personal insults. C'mon! You can do it.

The leaders of Germany, France and dozens of other countries phoned Putin to congratulate him.
We don't need anymore of your Trump-hate here you mutt!
Permanent Ignore!
That's the problem with these right wingers. It seems the NEVER actually read their own links.

This is what the Judge said from the first link:

The judge declared Thursday that the request for an expedited trial and discovery to be premature, and said there are other issues that need to be addressed first.

See what I mean? He didn't say no, he basically said all the tee's need to be crossed and the I's dotted.

When you play chess, you make moves.

Stormy's lawyer is playing Poker, Trump's is playing 52 pick up.

Dear Dummy:

Today's news is what is relevant. I provided all of these other links for reference and to show how poorly their case was going. It's going poorly because she is not a credible witness and has made numerous public and private statements that she did not sleep with Trump.

It was only after she violated the NDA by trying to leverage inferences from its existence to gain more appearances and appearance fees did her and her lawyer scheme to get the NDA nullified by claiming it was an unlawful contract. She's a desperate washed up Porn Actress who's money and looks are drying up. She should have never tried to cash in on the existence of an NDA she was not supposed to talk about.

She should just downsize, reduce her expenses and accept that her whoring and gold digging days are over.

These three numb skulls, Daniels, her agent and lawyer, are used to the sleazy world of porn and cheap lawyers, and people who are easily bullied. Every legal maneuver they have attempted has failed, and will continue to fail, because like all things the Left Does, it is based on Lies.

Anyone with a brain can see what they are attempting and failing at.

Any Judge with any sense, if he thought this NDA was about anything other than appearance fees, and the NDA that went along with it, would have allowed Cohen and President Trump to be deposed.

But you are a Left Tard and too thick between the ears, to read between the lines.


Again I'll say, why are you GOP folks so afraid of honest debate? Just insult upon insult. It's really sad that a forum that's set up for adults to discuss matters of importance has become just a constant insult machine. Is this what Trump is doing to you? I've never seen anything like it and I've been on a few other forums and looked at some more. This is hands down the most hate filled and childish forum I've ever seen. Are we adults? I mean does it make you feel better about yourselves to belittle and say vile things to those who dare disagree with your point of view? Don't you ever think about how silly and petty it makes you appear? Can't we start to treat each other with a modicum of respect? It's so out of hand and control. Where the hell are the mods on this site? You shouldn't be able to treat others like this. I haven't seen any dems or liberals who deserve this shit just because they are on the other side of the isle politically from the vast majority on here. It's really disappointing and sad.

There it is. When it is Chuck Schumer claiming the GOP just doesn't want to work with him, and he just wants to be friends, it really means he wants the GOP to give in to his every demand. And here comes chief bomb-thrower Withering who has done nothing but lie and insult with most every post trolling for irritation acting surprised and mortified that he just wants reasonable debate. Yet between his ever breath, he makes Trump out as somewhere between the Boston Strangler or Jack The Ripper and Jeffrey Dahmer. By "reasonable debate" he means for you to concede to his every view otherwise you are a brain-dead, brain-washed Putin acolyte.

Funny how many Trump supporters were geniuses when they voted for Obama 5 years ago and the Democrats were all thick as thieves when they were in bed working with Russia hand over fist just a few short years ago.

Concede to my every view? No, that's how you operate. Again you accuse me of insulting and again show me where I insulted anyone who didn't attack me first. I'll give you a cookie.
Obama was ten times the man that Trump will ever be. I was talking about the insults to each other. Politicians are fair game. That's the purpose of these forums, to get your feelings about Washington out and to debate the pros and cons of each of the folks who run our lives from on high and the issues and where they stand on them. But that's not what you're here for. You want to be a big man with the stupid insults in lieu of ideas. It's silly and it's juvenile. . But to attack each other says nothing about politics, it just reveals who are the kids in the sandbox. BTW Trump is worse than Dahmer because Dahmer didn't have the lives and the well being of millions on his hands. Putin orders the killing of folks on allied soil with nerve gas and Trump invites him to the white house after congratulating him for his remarkable "victory" in the "democratic" elections in Russia. Take a breath for a minute and tell how you feel about that fact. That's if you can type a few words that don't include personal insults. C'mon! You can do it.
The leaders of Germany, France and dozens of other countries phoned Putin to congratulate him.
We don't need anymore of your Trump-hate here you mutt!
Permanent Ignore!

Promise? Good.
Troll Sighting Confirmed:

See I am sneaky like that. I pick and prod and give you enough rope to hang yourself. Please do.

Mueller is a hack that knowingly allowed the Uranium One Deal to be approved despite knowing that Hillary Clinton and others were being bribed, Trollholio. Comey & Holder also knew about the bribery scheme as did McCabe and Obama. This makes them accessories to a crime, which I might argue was treason.

Here is a question for you. Do you support Obama and Clinton being put on Trial for Election Tampering, Consorting with Russian Spies, committing Espionage and Treason and then facing a firing squad if found guilty? Do you support Impeachment Proceedings for Obama Bin Lying on the basis that he knowingly paid for Russian Propaganda, which was used to File False Affidavits in the FISA Court, which Obama then used to Spy on a Rival Presidential Campaign?

Lastly: How does it feel to in every way every day, be a mouth piece for our enemies, and to do Putin's bidding?

I will place you in the Phantom Zone along with your other Fellow Russian Bots, and Trolls, and Enemies of America. Your Monologue is Over. Talk to someone else.

Two years, 6 Investigations and No Collusion.

Mueller is Investigating Nothing. He is there to continue The Resistance and should be fired.

Based on actual facts that are coming out, he and Comey should be Prosecuted along with McCabe, Ohr, Strozk, and others.

You Are a Troll or Bot, Putin Puppet. It’s obvious you don’t care about Truth or Facts because those don’t help your false narrative and agenda.

When Mueller investigates The only known documented Collusion with Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, Obama, The DNC, Clinton, Steele and Russian Spies, then talk to me about your Half Baked Conspiracy Theories.

Until then, take your favorite Putin Bobblehead Doll and shove it up your ass from whence it came from.

Feel better now little boy? Good. To call anyone a Putin puppet is pretty amazing given that Trump's nose is attached to his hind end 24/7. Your support of this destructive, anti American madman is on you. From your rant, I can see just how completely you have been taken in by this second story man. Let me just remind you again that Obama isn't the President, Hillary isn't the President, and Mueller is respected by every member of congress who isn't bought and paid for. Whereas, Trump respects no one but himself and doesn't give a rat's ass about you. BTW, you talk of Russian spies. Are those the ones Trump invited into the Oval Office after the hacking of our election and to whom he revealed the position of Israeli fighters in Syria who are battling Isis and almost got them killed? Those spies? And is that the same Putin that arms rebels in Syria to kill Americans? That Putin? Your hero's best pal? That's rich. And the only thing going near my ass is your lips. But don't get the idea you'll spend any meaningful time there. I've got some deadly gas of my own to repel any such desire. I don't like supporters of traitors. BTW, from whence it came from is some atrocious grammar.

Why would I support any action against Obama? Just because you don't like him? Because he's a black man? Like I said before, you have been completely indoctrinated by Trumpism to the point where you see crimes by others that don't exist while ignoring real crimes by the Trump mob. And that's how they've operated so far, as a mob. Using the Office to rake in the dough while those around them are either too scared or too befuddled to say word one about any of it. History will show who is right. Meantime, sayanara.
Obama was ten times the man that Trump will ever be.

View attachment 186070

The undersized bike with helmet and silly boy grin is too much

It's called a sense of humor, something Trump could use a little of. Obama is being silly in that photo unlike when Trump mimicked a disabled reporter. One is just having a little fun and the other is being an asshole and therein lies the difference between the two men.
Trump seeks arbitration in Stormy Daniels case

Trump seeks arbitration rather than a trial by jury:

''President Donald Trump asked a federal judge on Monday to order private arbitration in a case brought by a porn actress who claimed she had an affair with him.
Trump and his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, filed papers in federal court in Los Angeles asking a judge to rule that Stormy Daniels' case involving a non-disclosure agreement must be heard by an arbitrator instead of a jury.
Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, has been seeking to invalidate the agreement she signed days before the 2016 presidential election. She has offered to return the $130,000 she was paid as she tries to "set the record straight."
She's said she had sex with Trump once in 2006 and their relationship continued for about a year. Trump married his current wife, Melania Trump, in 2005, and their son, Barron, was born in 2006.
The White House has said Trump denies having an affair.'

One interesting thing about that filing is that in it Trump's attorney said that the 60 Minutes interview proved that she already freely admitted that she broke the agreement. But, stupid as his attorney is, in saying that he is admitting that what Stormy said in that interview was the truth. Otherwise, if they saw it as a "pack of lies" it would not have violated the NDA, it would be slander instead. Only by telling what actually happened between them could she have violated the terms of the agreement. Trump needs to find some lawyers with brains enough not to give up the case in a sworn court filing. It's really amazing. One can only imagine what will happen when he and his genius lawyers have to face Mueller. LOL
Obama was ten times the man that Trump will ever be.

View attachment 186070

The undersized bike with helmet and silly boy grin is too much

I always like this classic.

Obama was ten times the man that Trump will ever be.

View attachment 186070

The undersized bike with helmet and silly boy grin is too much

It's called a sense of humor, something Trump could use a little of. Obama is being silly in that photo unlike when Trump mimicked a disabled reporter. One is just having a little fun and the other is being an asshole and therein lies the difference between the two men.

ALL THIS FROM THE GUY with no sense of humor who sits in judge of what is silly and what isn't, of what is just having a bit of fun and what isn't, who is being an asshole and who isn't and who is casting insults and who isn't.
Obama was ten times the man that Trump will ever be.

View attachment 186070

The undersized bike with helmet and silly boy grin is too much

I always like this classic.

View attachment 186116




You forgot the Girlie Pitch.

Trump's tiny hands can't even reach the plate!

So please. Do keep going, This is fun.
ALL THIS FROM THE GUY with no sense of humor who sits in judge of what is silly and what isn't, of what is just having a bit of fun and what isn't, who is being an asshole and who isn't and who is casting insults and who isn't.

Ah yes, which mod are we talking here? I think I know.
Obama was ten times the man that Trump will ever be.

View attachment 186070

The undersized bike with helmet and silly boy grin is too much

I always like this classic.

View attachment 186116




Not sure what a person showing he doesn't even have any hair on his chest while playing basketball with a bunch of boys or a 70 year old putting on a little weight says about being a man or not, but I'd rather be the kind of man Trump is than the kind of man Obuma pretends to be.
Obama was ten times the man that Trump will ever be.

View attachment 186070

The undersized bike with helmet and silly boy grin is too much

I always like this classic.

View attachment 186116




Not sure what a person showing he doesn't even have any hair on his chest while playing basketball with a bunch of boys or a 70 year old putting on a little weight says about being a man or not, but I'd rather be the kind of man Trump is than the kind of man Obuma pretends to be.
Funny you waited until I posted those photos until making the comment of manliness, and not when all those other posts were made.

Uh huh. Funny.
Obama was ten times the man that Trump will ever be.

View attachment 186070

The undersized bike with helmet and silly boy grin is too much

I always like this classic.

View attachment 186116




Not sure what a person showing he doesn't even have any hair on his chest while playing basketball with a bunch of boys or a 70 year old putting on a little weight says about being a man or not, but I'd rather be the kind of man Trump is than the kind of man Obuma pretends to be.

Obabble's portrait give us an idea of the man he truly is:

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