Another Left Tard Fail: Stormy Daniels Crashes and Burns!

Dream on! The only crimes committed by them is that they didn't support your master. And when somebody doesn't fall in line with the master, they disappear just like in any other mob.

See how easy that was.

Next time, mind your betters.

You're just another Trumper who thinks that to start a conversation with a childish insult will give you an edge. It doesn't. When someone who voted for and still supports this den of thieves in the white house begins to discuss who is or isn't intelligent, it just makes me laugh. If intelligence is measured by degree of naivety, then that would place you firmly in the category of challenged. And so from that point forward I wear the fact that you are politically opposed to my views as a badge of honor. And when you say that these criminals in the white house should be given equal and fair treatment while you cite lies and misinformation gleaned from right wing websites to indict others, again it is laughable. The only real defense I've ever seen for all this lying and contacts with our enemies is to deflect the subject to their predecessors. That's what tyrants do to incite their base, they create bogey men and women and assign all kinds of wrongdoing to them to give their duped minions somewhere to direct their anger. Anywhere but where the blame belongs. This has obviously worked quite well with you. But, unfortunately for you the truth will come out soon and then you'll have to find someone else to tell you what to think. Good luck with all that. BTW Personal insults only reveal the child in you. That's the one common factor I've consistently seen in Trump supporters, a lack of maturity.

You can run but you can't hide.

So saith the Brown Bomber.

Did you miss this, you dunce?

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

Answer the question, or slither back under your rock.

I've already answered it. The fact that you don't get it and the second rash of stupid, childish insults just reinforces what I said previously.. Your entire rant was based on a website that is wholly owned and operated by the right. Your citing anything by the House committee and of all people, Devin Nunes, is proof positive of your total acquiescence to false narratives. Again, good luck with all that and now, my rock awaits.

No answer?


I'm glad we settled that: proving that you are nothing but a windbag, unable to think for yourself, and live by Liberal bumper stickers, the dictates of your masters.

If you had answered effort for know I would have ask you to state if any of my 20 examples was incorrect.....

.....they aren't....

.....and you'd be left looking like the fool that you are.

Now you're dismissed.

Answer your own questions much? The items on your post were from a right wing propaganda site and you accuse others of having a master? Let me ask you some. What are you gonna say when the truth is revealed and all of the crooks you support are proven guilty of collusion with our enemy to fix our elections? Will you still blame Obama and Hillary? How about when they are shown to have laundered money for those same folks in Russia? Because that's what will happen. That and widespread influence peddling and stomping all over the emoluments clause. I wonder if that will open your eyes to the blatant fact that this gang of thieves care only for themselves and the almighty dollar. Trump has shown that fact for his entire life. He's tried to make you see what a waste your vote would be if you voted for him. But as obvious as all the evidence was, you didn't see it. That's amazing. I hope we can revisit this subject matter after the truth is revealed. We'll see then what you're made of. We'll find out if you are still in denial and if you still have a case of blind faith in this flim-flam man and his cohorts. Til then, insult away and don't forget the rubber stamp idea. You could have one made for every righty talking point so you don't have to think at all.
See how easy that was.

Next time, mind your betters.

You're just another Trumper who thinks that to start a conversation with a childish insult will give you an edge. It doesn't. When someone who voted for and still supports this den of thieves in the white house begins to discuss who is or isn't intelligent, it just makes me laugh. If intelligence is measured by degree of naivety, then that would place you firmly in the category of challenged. And so from that point forward I wear the fact that you are politically opposed to my views as a badge of honor. And when you say that these criminals in the white house should be given equal and fair treatment while you cite lies and misinformation gleaned from right wing websites to indict others, again it is laughable. The only real defense I've ever seen for all this lying and contacts with our enemies is to deflect the subject to their predecessors. That's what tyrants do to incite their base, they create bogey men and women and assign all kinds of wrongdoing to them to give their duped minions somewhere to direct their anger. Anywhere but where the blame belongs. This has obviously worked quite well with you. But, unfortunately for you the truth will come out soon and then you'll have to find someone else to tell you what to think. Good luck with all that. BTW Personal insults only reveal the child in you. That's the one common factor I've consistently seen in Trump supporters, a lack of maturity.

You can run but you can't hide.

So saith the Brown Bomber.

Did you miss this, you dunce?

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

Answer the question, or slither back under your rock.

I've already answered it. The fact that you don't get it and the second rash of stupid, childish insults just reinforces what I said previously.. Your entire rant was based on a website that is wholly owned and operated by the right. Your citing anything by the House committee and of all people, Devin Nunes, is proof positive of your total acquiescence to false narratives. Again, good luck with all that and now, my rock awaits.

No answer?


I'm glad we settled that: proving that you are nothing but a windbag, unable to think for yourself, and live by Liberal bumper stickers, the dictates of your masters.

If you had answered effort for know I would have ask you to state if any of my 20 examples was incorrect.....

.....they aren't....

.....and you'd be left looking like the fool that you are.

Now you're dismissed.

Answer your own questions much? The items on your post were from a right wing propaganda site and you accuse others of having a master? Let me ask you some. What are you gonna say when the truth is revealed and all of the crooks you support are proven guilty of collusion with our enemy to fix our elections? Will you still blame Obama and Hillary? How about when they are shown to have laundered money for those same folks in Russia? Because that's what will happen. That and widespread influence peddling and stomping all over the emoluments clause. I wonder if that will open your eyes to the blatant fact that this gang of thieves care only for themselves and the almighty dollar. Trump has shown that fact for his entire life. He's tried to make you see what a waste your vote would be if you voted for him. But as obvious as all the evidence was, you didn't see it. That's amazing. I hope we can revisit this subject matter after the truth is revealed. We'll see then what you're made of. We'll find out if you are still in denial and if you still have a case of blind faith in this flim-flam man and his cohorts. Til then, insult away and don't forget the rubber stamp idea. You could have one made for every righty talking point so you don't have to think at all.

Stop begging.

No third chance.

Get lost.
You're just another Trumper who thinks that to start a conversation with a childish insult will give you an edge. It doesn't. When someone who voted for and still supports this den of thieves in the white house begins to discuss who is or isn't intelligent, it just makes me laugh. If intelligence is measured by degree of naivety, then that would place you firmly in the category of challenged. And so from that point forward I wear the fact that you are politically opposed to my views as a badge of honor. And when you say that these criminals in the white house should be given equal and fair treatment while you cite lies and misinformation gleaned from right wing websites to indict others, again it is laughable. The only real defense I've ever seen for all this lying and contacts with our enemies is to deflect the subject to their predecessors. That's what tyrants do to incite their base, they create bogey men and women and assign all kinds of wrongdoing to them to give their duped minions somewhere to direct their anger. Anywhere but where the blame belongs. This has obviously worked quite well with you. But, unfortunately for you the truth will come out soon and then you'll have to find someone else to tell you what to think. Good luck with all that. BTW Personal insults only reveal the child in you. That's the one common factor I've consistently seen in Trump supporters, a lack of maturity.

You can run but you can't hide.

So saith the Brown Bomber.

Did you miss this, you dunce?

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

Answer the question, or slither back under your rock.

I've already answered it. The fact that you don't get it and the second rash of stupid, childish insults just reinforces what I said previously.. Your entire rant was based on a website that is wholly owned and operated by the right. Your citing anything by the House committee and of all people, Devin Nunes, is proof positive of your total acquiescence to false narratives. Again, good luck with all that and now, my rock awaits.

No answer?


I'm glad we settled that: proving that you are nothing but a windbag, unable to think for yourself, and live by Liberal bumper stickers, the dictates of your masters.

If you had answered effort for know I would have ask you to state if any of my 20 examples was incorrect.....

.....they aren't....

.....and you'd be left looking like the fool that you are.

Now you're dismissed.

Answer your own questions much? The items on your post were from a right wing propaganda site and you accuse others of having a master? Let me ask you some. What are you gonna say when the truth is revealed and all of the crooks you support are proven guilty of collusion with our enemy to fix our elections? Will you still blame Obama and Hillary? How about when they are shown to have laundered money for those same folks in Russia? Because that's what will happen. That and widespread influence peddling and stomping all over the emoluments clause. I wonder if that will open your eyes to the blatant fact that this gang of thieves care only for themselves and the almighty dollar. Trump has shown that fact for his entire life. He's tried to make you see what a waste your vote would be if you voted for him. But as obvious as all the evidence was, you didn't see it. That's amazing. I hope we can revisit this subject matter after the truth is revealed. We'll see then what you're made of. We'll find out if you are still in denial and if you still have a case of blind faith in this flim-flam man and his cohorts. Til then, insult away and don't forget the rubber stamp idea. You could have one made for every righty talking point so you don't have to think at all.

Stop begging.

No third chance.

Get lost.

That's what I figured. You start a fight and when you get your ass kicked to run for the exit. Just like any child would do. LOL Too bad. I was having so much fun.
There is no honest debate.

What are you going to debate?

Russian Collusion?

That’s a lie

Stormy Daniel’s?

She’s already signed false statements and perjured herself publicly.

Come back when you want to talk about Truth, Facts and Concrete Evidence.

I find it odd that you support Trump yet you invoke truth and facts. The guy lies with every exhale. His entire purpose has been to enrich himself and play strongman like his hero Putin. My bet is that mueller will find and prove money laundering, influence peddling and other financial crimes. But I'm willing to wait to get the truth. Mueller is being very thorough and neither you nor I know what he's found or who will be indicted. We can only guess using the evidence released so far and the circumstances that have presented themselves such as all the denials of Russian contacts and the lies to cover up. I've yet to hear anyone explain how Trump could openly declare that he fired Comey because he was getting too close to the truth. So, my educated guess is that obstruction will most certainly be charged.
You just demonstrated why debating anything with snowflakes is a waste of time. Everything they say is a lie, To have a debate, you have to have a set of agreed upon facts. "debating" with snowflakes goes like this "Is so! Is not! Is so!" You might as well go straight for the ridicule and personal attacks because snowflakes are immune to facts and logc.

Herr Mewler is running a witchhunt. If he's being so thorugh, then why hasn't he investigate the FISA warrent that was obtained using a bogus dossier? He's a biased hack.

Trump did not say "he fired Comey because he was getting too close to the truth." That claim alone is proof that you're a moron who isn't worth a substantive response.
You can run but you can't hide.

So saith the Brown Bomber.

Did you miss this, you dunce?

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

Answer the question, or slither back under your rock.

I've already answered it. The fact that you don't get it and the second rash of stupid, childish insults just reinforces what I said previously.. Your entire rant was based on a website that is wholly owned and operated by the right. Your citing anything by the House committee and of all people, Devin Nunes, is proof positive of your total acquiescence to false narratives. Again, good luck with all that and now, my rock awaits.

No answer?


I'm glad we settled that: proving that you are nothing but a windbag, unable to think for yourself, and live by Liberal bumper stickers, the dictates of your masters.

If you had answered effort for know I would have ask you to state if any of my 20 examples was incorrect.....

.....they aren't....

.....and you'd be left looking like the fool that you are.

Now you're dismissed.

Answer your own questions much? The items on your post were from a right wing propaganda site and you accuse others of having a master? Let me ask you some. What are you gonna say when the truth is revealed and all of the crooks you support are proven guilty of collusion with our enemy to fix our elections? Will you still blame Obama and Hillary? How about when they are shown to have laundered money for those same folks in Russia? Because that's what will happen. That and widespread influence peddling and stomping all over the emoluments clause. I wonder if that will open your eyes to the blatant fact that this gang of thieves care only for themselves and the almighty dollar. Trump has shown that fact for his entire life. He's tried to make you see what a waste your vote would be if you voted for him. But as obvious as all the evidence was, you didn't see it. That's amazing. I hope we can revisit this subject matter after the truth is revealed. We'll see then what you're made of. We'll find out if you are still in denial and if you still have a case of blind faith in this flim-flam man and his cohorts. Til then, insult away and don't forget the rubber stamp idea. You could have one made for every righty talking point so you don't have to think at all.

Stop begging.

No third chance.

Get lost.

That's what I figured. You start a fight and when you get your ass kicked to run for the exit. Just like any child would do. LOL Too bad. I was having so much fun.

Get lost, windbag.
There is no honest debate.

What are you going to debate?

Russian Collusion?

That’s a lie

Stormy Daniel’s?

She’s already signed false statements and perjured herself publicly.

Come back when you want to talk about Truth, Facts and Concrete Evidence.

I find it odd that you support Trump yet you invoke truth and facts. The guy lies with every exhale. His entire purpose has been to enrich himself and play strongman like his hero Putin. My bet is that mueller will find and prove money laundering, influence peddling and other financial crimes. But I'm willing to wait to get the truth. Mueller is being very thorough and neither you nor I know what he's found or who will be indicted. We can only guess using the evidence released so far and the circumstances that have presented themselves such as all the denials of Russian contacts and the lies to cover up. I've yet to hear anyone explain how Trump could openly declare that he fired Comey because he was getting too close to the truth. So, my educated guess is that obstruction will most certainly be charged.
You just demonstrated why debating anything with snowflakes is a waste of time. Everything they say is a lie, To have a debate, you have to have a set of agreed upon facts. "debating" with snowflakes goes like this "Is so! Is not! Is so!" You might as well go straight for the ridicule and personal attacks because snowflakes are immune to facts and logc.

Herr Mewler is running a witchhunt. If he's being so thorugh, then why hasn't he investigate the FISA warrent that was obtained using a bogus dossier? He's a biased hack.

Trump did not say "he fired Comey because he was getting too close to the truth." That claim alone is proof that you're a moron who isn't worth a substantive response.

And this:

“I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI director for any reason, or for no reason at all,"

James Comey
There is no honest debate.

What are you going to debate?

Russian Collusion?

That’s a lie

Stormy Daniel’s?

She’s already signed false statements and perjured herself publicly.

Come back when you want to talk about Truth, Facts and Concrete Evidence.

I find it odd that you support Trump yet you invoke truth and facts. The guy lies with every exhale. His entire purpose has been to enrich himself and play strongman like his hero Putin. My bet is that mueller will find and prove money laundering, influence peddling and other financial crimes. But I'm willing to wait to get the truth. Mueller is being very thorough and neither you nor I know what he's found or who will be indicted. We can only guess using the evidence released so far and the circumstances that have presented themselves such as all the denials of Russian contacts and the lies to cover up. I've yet to hear anyone explain how Trump could openly declare that he fired Comey because he was getting too close to the truth. So, my educated guess is that obstruction will most certainly be charged.
You just demonstrated why debating anything with snowflakes is a waste of time. Everything they say is a lie, To have a debate, you have to have a set of agreed upon facts. "debating" with snowflakes goes like this "Is so! Is not! Is so!" You might as well go straight for the ridicule and personal attacks because snowflakes are immune to facts and logc.

Herr Mewler is running a witchhunt. If he's being so thorugh, then why hasn't he investigate the FISA warrent that was obtained using a bogus dossier? He's a biased hack.

Trump did not say "he fired Comey because he was getting too close to the truth." That claim alone is proof that you're a moron who isn't worth a substantive response.

Then why did you write this? BTW I almost never get a "substantive response" from the right. Just deflections and denials of the obvious.
I've already answered it. The fact that you don't get it and the second rash of stupid, childish insults just reinforces what I said previously.. Your entire rant was based on a website that is wholly owned and operated by the right. Your citing anything by the House committee and of all people, Devin Nunes, is proof positive of your total acquiescence to false narratives. Again, good luck with all that and now, my rock awaits.

No answer?


I'm glad we settled that: proving that you are nothing but a windbag, unable to think for yourself, and live by Liberal bumper stickers, the dictates of your masters.

If you had answered effort for know I would have ask you to state if any of my 20 examples was incorrect.....

.....they aren't....

.....and you'd be left looking like the fool that you are.

Now you're dismissed.

Answer your own questions much? The items on your post were from a right wing propaganda site and you accuse others of having a master? Let me ask you some. What are you gonna say when the truth is revealed and all of the crooks you support are proven guilty of collusion with our enemy to fix our elections? Will you still blame Obama and Hillary? How about when they are shown to have laundered money for those same folks in Russia? Because that's what will happen. That and widespread influence peddling and stomping all over the emoluments clause. I wonder if that will open your eyes to the blatant fact that this gang of thieves care only for themselves and the almighty dollar. Trump has shown that fact for his entire life. He's tried to make you see what a waste your vote would be if you voted for him. But as obvious as all the evidence was, you didn't see it. That's amazing. I hope we can revisit this subject matter after the truth is revealed. We'll see then what you're made of. We'll find out if you are still in denial and if you still have a case of blind faith in this flim-flam man and his cohorts. Til then, insult away and don't forget the rubber stamp idea. You could have one made for every righty talking point so you don't have to think at all.

Stop begging.

No third chance.

Get lost.

That's what I figured. You start a fight and when you get your ass kicked to run for the exit. Just like any child would do. LOL Too bad. I was having so much fun.

Get lost, windbag.

So you want to continue to get your ass kicked? Gee, I thought you didn't want to talk to me any more. Glad you're back.
Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible.

Ooopsie again.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.

OMG... Seriously

As a 50 yr old female, I find this to be so amusing

Assuming you're a man....

Just out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed
to the multi billion dollars a year porn industry?

When you started dating, how many girls put out
that in some way, shape or form, you didn't have to shell out?

How many girls did you continue dating,
even though they didn't put out?

How many girls did you date,
soley because you knew they'd put out?

The majority of guys are guys...
they think with the head that's between their legs!

Why anything Trump did 12 years ago with a porn star,
is news at all, let alone, an issue, fucking beyond me!

#metoo for porn stars and hookers :laughing0301:

Jesus come quickly...I hate this planet of morons
There is no honest debate.

What are you going to debate?

Russian Collusion?

That’s a lie

Stormy Daniel’s?

She’s already signed false statements and perjured herself publicly.

Come back when you want to talk about Truth, Facts and Concrete Evidence.

I find it odd that you support Trump yet you invoke truth and facts. The guy lies with every exhale. His entire purpose has been to enrich himself and play strongman like his hero Putin. My bet is that mueller will find and prove money laundering, influence peddling and other financial crimes. But I'm willing to wait to get the truth. Mueller is being very thorough and neither you nor I know what he's found or who will be indicted. We can only guess using the evidence released so far and the circumstances that have presented themselves such as all the denials of Russian contacts and the lies to cover up. I've yet to hear anyone explain how Trump could openly declare that he fired Comey because he was getting too close to the truth. So, my educated guess is that obstruction will most certainly be charged.
You just demonstrated why debating anything with snowflakes is a waste of time. Everything they say is a lie, To have a debate, you have to have a set of agreed upon facts. "debating" with snowflakes goes like this "Is so! Is not! Is so!" You might as well go straight for the ridicule and personal attacks because snowflakes are immune to facts and logc.

Herr Mewler is running a witchhunt. If he's being so thorugh, then why hasn't he investigate the FISA warrent that was obtained using a bogus dossier? He's a biased hack.

Trump did not say "he fired Comey because he was getting too close to the truth." That claim alone is proof that you're a moron who isn't worth a substantive response.

Then why did you write this? BTW I almost never get a "substantive response" from the right. Just deflections and denials of the obvious.
There is no honest debate.

What are you going to debate?

Russian Collusion?

That’s a lie

Stormy Daniel’s?

She’s already signed false statements and perjured herself publicly.

Come back when you want to talk about Truth, Facts and Concrete Evidence.

I find it odd that you support Trump yet you invoke truth and facts. The guy lies with every exhale. His entire purpose has been to enrich himself and play strongman like his hero Putin. My bet is that mueller will find and prove money laundering, influence peddling and other financial crimes. But I'm willing to wait to get the truth. Mueller is being very thorough and neither you nor I know what he's found or who will be indicted. We can only guess using the evidence released so far and the circumstances that have presented themselves such as all the denials of Russian contacts and the lies to cover up. I've yet to hear anyone explain how Trump could openly declare that he fired Comey because he was getting too close to the truth. So, my educated guess is that obstruction will most certainly be charged.
You just demonstrated why debating anything with snowflakes is a waste of time. Everything they say is a lie, To have a debate, you have to have a set of agreed upon facts. "debating" with snowflakes goes like this "Is so! Is not! Is so!" You might as well go straight for the ridicule and personal attacks because snowflakes are immune to facts and logc.

Herr Mewler is running a witchhunt. If he's being so thorugh, then why hasn't he investigate the FISA warrent that was obtained using a bogus dossier? He's a biased hack.

Trump did not say "he fired Comey because he was getting too close to the truth." That claim alone is proof that you're a moron who isn't worth a substantive response.

Then why did you write this? BTW I almost never get a "substantive response" from the right. Just deflections and denials of the obvious.
How much more evidence is needed to show just how mentally unstable the right is?
Stormy Daniels is just another symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

She at least won't do the afflicted any real harm. Other manifestations of the disease--in the FBI, DOJ, and Intelligence Services are going to send some people to jail.

Peter Strzok, his concubine and Bruce Ohr, for example are sure things, probably Pussy McCabe who just lied to the FBI because he was "confused amid the chaos".

Unless these malefactors trade Jail Time for giving up some bigger fish---like Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennon.

TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME. Very good entertainment.


Stormy Daniels is just another symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

She at least won't do the afflicted any real harm. Other manifestations of the disease--in the FBI, DOJ, and Intelligence Services are going to send some people to jail.

Peter Strzok, his concubine and Bruce Ohr, for example are sure things, probably Pussy McCabe who just lied to the FBI because he was "confused amid the chaos".

Unless these malefactors trade Jail Time for giving up some bigger fish---like Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennon.

TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME. Very good entertainment.


Orange jump-suits all around!!!!!

Orange jump-suits all around!!!!!

Dream on! The only crimes committed by them is that they didn't support your master. And when somebody doesn't fall in line with the master, they disappear just like in any other mob.

Let's see how simple it is to reveal you as a fool.
Now....a question which you will not be able to which your ilk, the bovine-brained sort, run from.
When you don't answer it, you will be proving what I have said about the "investigation."

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

And, while mulling that over, consider it as part of this rubric:

1.The Hillary campaign paid for an anti-Trump Russian creation called the dossier: they used law firm Perkins Coie to funnel money to GPS Fusion and Christopher Steele

2. The Hillary campaign screamed that they had been hacked, but refused to allow any government agencies to inspect the supposedly hacked servers

3. The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

4. A secret cabal at the highest levels of the FBI and the DoJ worked with GPS Fusion to undermine the Trump campaign...before and after the election.

5. FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weiner’s laptop….so they gave them a pass

6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed her…..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

7. Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBI….but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

8. FBI agents Strzok and Page and McCabe talked over a plan to overturn the election….an ‘insurance policy’

9. Loretta Lynch with Comey’s acquiescence, worked to benefit Hillary’s campaign

10. Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

11. BTW…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

12. The FBI offered to pay Christopher Steele if he could corroborate the dossier….so he told Yahoo New’s Michael Isikoff about the dossier, had him print the information….then told the FBI that Isikoff independently discovered the “facts”…

Steele admitted, in a British court, that he leaked the material to Yahoo. September 23 Yahoo ran the story.

The FBI took the Isikoff Yahoo story to the FISA court to get the warrant….then fired Steele for sharing it with news outlets.

13. After the FBI fired Steele, he continued to confer with Bruce Ohr and the DoJ…and Rod Rosestein and Sally Yates.

In September of 2016, this was Steele’s statement to Bruce Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

14. And in another stunning revelation, the memo asserts that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr was used to pass information from the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, to the DOJ.
Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm research firm that commissioned the dossier. Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein, passed his wife’s opposition research on Trump to the FBI, the memo says.

15. Fired by the FBI as untrustworthy, Steele is maintained by the DoJ as a contact, and all the while, Bruce Ohr’s wife is drawing a salary from the group Hillary hired to produce the dossier….GPS Fusion.

Bruce Ohr’s wife’s connections to Hillary’s paid dossier-producers, GPS Fusion, was never disclosed to the FISA court.

16. Not Hillary Clinton’s Campaign, nor the DNC, nor Christopher Steel, nor Fusion GPS, nor Bruce Ohr’s wife, the roles of none of these participants in the creation of the dossier….not a one was revealed to the FISA court.

17. The memo also says that the FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, told Congress that a FISA warrant against the campaign adviser, Carter Page, would not have been granted without use of the dossier. That despite the FBI later determining that very little of the Democrat-funded document was corroborated

18. Let’s compare the zealous and very aggressive action by Mueller against Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and Carter Page with the immunity and passes given above…..

19..The memo notes that the Papadopoulos information “triggered” the FBI investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.
It says that there is no evidence that Page and Papadopoulos engaged in a conspiracy. “
Spy Warrant Granted Based On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS

…and lots of evidence of associations of Democrats with the Kremlin….

…completely different treatment.

20. And all of the players in on the fix were demanding the Memo not be released….and lied about why it should not be released.
Holyfuckingshit! :ack-1:

What kind of pornagraphy are you into??

I Googled, "6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed her…..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.", and all that came up besides your post on USMB .... were porn sites....

Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible.

Ooopsie again.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.

OMG... Seriously

As a 50 yr old female, I find this to be so amusing

Assuming you're a man....

Just out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed
to the multi billion dollars a year porn industry?

When you started dating, how many girls put out
that in some way, shape or form, you didn't have to shell out?

How many girls did you continue dating,
even though they didn't put out?

How many girls did you date,
soley because you knew they'd put out?

The majority of guys are guys...
they think with the head that's between their legs!

Why anything Trump did 12 years ago with a porn star,
is news at all, let alone, an issue, fucking beyond me!

#metoo for porn stars and hookers :laughing0301:

Jesus come quickly...I hate this planet of morons

It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that? Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class. Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised. Folks are worried that that is exactly why Trump has been so reluctant to say a negative word about Putin. There are few possibilities of why that would be in light of the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy. But the obvious possibility is that Putin has something like this hanging over Trump's yellow head. And, with the fact that his bodyguard helped provide hookers to him on a trip to Moscow, the plot thickens. To give him a pass based on guys will be guys is a cop out.
Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible.

Ooopsie again.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.

OMG... Seriously

As a 50 yr old female, I find this to be so amusing

Assuming you're a man....

Just out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed
to the multi billion dollars a year porn industry?

When you started dating, how many girls put out
that in some way, shape or form, you didn't have to shell out?

How many girls did you continue dating,
even though they didn't put out?

How many girls did you date,
soley because you knew they'd put out?

The majority of guys are guys...
they think with the head that's between their legs!

Why anything Trump did 12 years ago with a porn star,
is news at all, let alone, an issue, fucking beyond me!

#metoo for porn stars and hookers :laughing0301:

Jesus come quickly...I hate this planet of morons

It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that? Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class. Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised. Folks are worried that that is exactly why Trump has been so reluctant to say a negative word about Putin. There are few possibilities of why that would be in light of the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy. But the obvious possibility is that Putin has something like this hanging over Trump's yellow head. And, with the fact that his bodyguard helped provide hookers to him on a trip to Moscow, the plot thickens. To give him a pass based on guys will be guys is a cop out.

Why wasn't it news when a homosexual said he had sex with Obama and snorted coke with him?
Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible.

Ooopsie again.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.

OMG... Seriously

As a 50 yr old female, I find this to be so amusing

Assuming you're a man....

Just out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed
to the multi billion dollars a year porn industry?

When you started dating, how many girls put out
that in some way, shape or form, you didn't have to shell out?

How many girls did you continue dating,
even though they didn't put out?

How many girls did you date,
soley because you knew they'd put out?

The majority of guys are guys...
they think with the head that's between their legs!

Why anything Trump did 12 years ago with a porn star,
is news at all, let alone, an issue, fucking beyond me!

#metoo for porn stars and hookers :laughing0301:

Jesus come quickly...I hate this planet of morons

It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that? Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class. Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised. Folks are worried that that is exactly why Trump has been so reluctant to say a negative word about Putin. There are few possibilities of why that would be in light of the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy. But the obvious possibility is that Putin has something like this hanging over Trump's yellow head. And, with the fact that his bodyguard helped provide hookers to him on a trip to Moscow, the plot thickens. To give him a pass based on guys will be guys is a cop out.

Why wasn't it news when a homosexual said he had sex with Obama and snorted coke with him?

Where the fuck do you get this shit from. From where all shit comes? Amazing.
Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible.

Ooopsie again.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.

OMG... Seriously

As a 50 yr old female, I find this to be so amusing

Assuming you're a man....

Just out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed
to the multi billion dollars a year porn industry?

When you started dating, how many girls put out
that in some way, shape or form, you didn't have to shell out?

How many girls did you continue dating,
even though they didn't put out?

How many girls did you date,
soley because you knew they'd put out?

The majority of guys are guys...
they think with the head that's between their legs!

Why anything Trump did 12 years ago with a porn star,
is news at all, let alone, an issue, fucking beyond me!

#metoo for porn stars and hookers :laughing0301:

Jesus come quickly...I hate this planet of morons

It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that? Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class. Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised. Folks are worried that that is exactly why Trump has been so reluctant to say a negative word about Putin. There are few possibilities of why that would be in light of the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy. But the obvious possibility is that Putin has something like this hanging over Trump's yellow head. And, with the fact that his bodyguard helped provide hookers to him on a trip to Moscow, the plot thickens. To give him a pass based on guys will be guys is a cop out.

Why wasn't it news when a homosexual said he had sex with Obama and snorted coke with him?

Where the fuck do you get this shit from. From where all shit comes? Amazing.
Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’
I find it odd that you support Trump yet you invoke truth and facts. The guy lies with every exhale. His entire purpose has been to enrich himself and play strongman like his hero Putin. My bet is that mueller will find and prove money laundering, influence peddling and other financial crimes
I'm sorry..has something changed, other than,
the presiding president, that I'm not aware of?
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.

OMG... Seriously

As a 50 yr old female, I find this to be so amusing

Assuming you're a man....

Just out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed
to the multi billion dollars a year porn industry?

When you started dating, how many girls put out
that in some way, shape or form, you didn't have to shell out?

How many girls did you continue dating,
even though they didn't put out?

How many girls did you date,
soley because you knew they'd put out?

The majority of guys are guys...
they think with the head that's between their legs!

Why anything Trump did 12 years ago with a porn star,
is news at all, let alone, an issue, fucking beyond me!

#metoo for porn stars and hookers :laughing0301:

Jesus come quickly...I hate this planet of morons

It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that? Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class. Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised. Folks are worried that that is exactly why Trump has been so reluctant to say a negative word about Putin. There are few possibilities of why that would be in light of the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy. But the obvious possibility is that Putin has something like this hanging over Trump's yellow head. And, with the fact that his bodyguard helped provide hookers to him on a trip to Moscow, the plot thickens. To give him a pass based on guys will be guys is a cop out.

Why wasn't it news when a homosexual said he had sex with Obama and snorted coke with him?

Where the fuck do you get this shit from. From where all shit comes? Amazing.
Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’

WND is a site for fruits and nuts.
Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible.

Ooopsie again.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.

OMG... Seriously

As a 50 yr old female, I find this to be so amusing

Assuming you're a man....

Just out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed
to the multi billion dollars a year porn industry?

When you started dating, how many girls put out
that in some way, shape or form, you didn't have to shell out?

How many girls did you continue dating,
even though they didn't put out?

How many girls did you date,
soley because you knew they'd put out?

The majority of guys are guys...
they think with the head that's between their legs!

Why anything Trump did 12 years ago with a porn star,
is news at all, let alone, an issue, fucking beyond me!

#metoo for porn stars and hookers :laughing0301:

Jesus come quickly...I hate this planet of morons

It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that? Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class. Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised. Folks are worried that that is exactly why Trump has been so reluctant to say a negative word about Putin. There are few possibilities of why that would be in light of the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy. But the obvious possibility is that Putin has something like this hanging over Trump's yellow head. And, with the fact that his bodyguard helped provide hookers to him on a trip to Moscow, the plot thickens. To give him a pass based on guys will be guys is a cop out.
It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that?
He wasn't the president 12 years ago

Umm, Clinton's used to be pretty chummy with him
They didn't care about his moral high grounds,
when they, as well as other politicians, were taking his donations

I don't give a flying fuck where he sticks his dick,
just like I didn't care who was sucking Bills dick.
Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class.
Yeah, well, I expect people who have babies,
to take care of their own children, not make it
everyone else's responsibility to financially support
kids they shouldn't have and keep pumping out

Furthermore, how dare you even turn this into
a moral, high ground, common decency, argument!

For years, the wellness of our society,
has been compromised by rewarding irresponsibility

Common decency has been redefined and replaced
with personal perversions, under the guise of 'my right'

I am living in a world, surrounded by people,
who lack basic manners, work ethics and standards.
And, you, want to make a correlation
between Trump and common decency.

We are not, nor have not, been governed by leaders
we are at the whim of crooked and corrupted politicians!

You look at Trump, well, I look at them all
Trump is the least of the problem...
The problem lies in Congress and the House,
Mayor's, governor's, state legislators and
the over bloated, out of control, negligent governing body!

But, the real problem lies with and is the fault of,
the complacency of the people!

We've got grown men and women, running our country,
into the fucking ground, who can't even get along
fight like little kids and you're looking for common decency?!
Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised
the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy.
NO, Russia DID NOT corrupt our democracy,
they took advantage of a broken and corrupted democracy!

Wake the fuck up!

OMG... Seriously

As a 50 yr old female, I find this to be so amusing

Assuming you're a man....

Just out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed
to the multi billion dollars a year porn industry?

When you started dating, how many girls put out
that in some way, shape or form, you didn't have to shell out?

How many girls did you continue dating,
even though they didn't put out?

How many girls did you date,
soley because you knew they'd put out?

The majority of guys are guys...
they think with the head that's between their legs!

Why anything Trump did 12 years ago with a porn star,
is news at all, let alone, an issue, fucking beyond me!

#metoo for porn stars and hookers :laughing0301:

Jesus come quickly...I hate this planet of morons

It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that? Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class. Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised. Folks are worried that that is exactly why Trump has been so reluctant to say a negative word about Putin. There are few possibilities of why that would be in light of the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy. But the obvious possibility is that Putin has something like this hanging over Trump's yellow head. And, with the fact that his bodyguard helped provide hookers to him on a trip to Moscow, the plot thickens. To give him a pass based on guys will be guys is a cop out.

Why wasn't it news when a homosexual said he had sex with Obama and snorted coke with him?

Where the fuck do you get this shit from. From where all shit comes? Amazing.
Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’

WND is a site for fruits and nuts.

You must be thinking of CNN or MSNBC.

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