Another Left Tard Fail: Stormy Daniels Crashes and Burns!

It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that? Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class. Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised. Folks are worried that that is exactly why Trump has been so reluctant to say a negative word about Putin. There are few possibilities of why that would be in light of the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy. But the obvious possibility is that Putin has something like this hanging over Trump's yellow head. And, with the fact that his bodyguard helped provide hookers to him on a trip to Moscow, the plot thickens. To give him a pass based on guys will be guys is a cop out.

Why wasn't it news when a homosexual said he had sex with Obama and snorted coke with him?

Where the fuck do you get this shit from. From where all shit comes? Amazing.
Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’

WND is a site for fruits and nuts.

You must be thinking of CNN or MSNBC.
Nope, I'm talking about a website so far detached from reality, they even post articles like this one where they claimed Al-Qaeda had as many as 70 nuclear weapons, including some inside the U.S....

Only the dumbest of rightards rely on WND for information.
Why wasn't it news when a homosexual said he had sex with Obama and snorted coke with him?

Where the fuck do you get this shit from. From where all shit comes? Amazing.
Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’

WND is a site for fruits and nuts.

You must be thinking of CNN or MSNBC.
Nope, I'm talking about a website so far detached from reality, they even post articles like this one where they claimed Al-Qaeda had as many as 70 nuclear weapons, including some inside the U.S....

Al-Qaida nukes already in U.S.

Only the dumbest of rightards rely on WND for information.

How dumb are the retards who believed Trump had advance access to the stolen emails published by WikiLeaks?
Where the fuck do you get this shit from. From where all shit comes? Amazing.
Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’

WND is a site for fruits and nuts.

You must be thinking of CNN or MSNBC.
Nope, I'm talking about a website so far detached from reality, they even post articles like this one where they claimed Al-Qaeda had as many as 70 nuclear weapons, including some inside the U.S....

Al-Qaida nukes already in U.S.

Only the dumbest of rightards rely on WND for information.

How dumb are the retards who believed Trump had advance access to the stolen emails published by WikiLeaks?
Your non-sequitur is noted and dismissed. Meanwhile, WND publishes pure nonsense and does nothing but dumb down its readers. According to WND, the U.S. was nuked more than a decade ago. :cuckoo:
The same thing happened a few months before The Election. The Left scraped the streets for every skank they could, and had them accuse The President of being a man.
All the accusations evaporated after he was elected.

The Left just rolled out another Bimbo Storm, and this too will completely disappear after The Midterms.

That's all this is.

That's all the Russia Russia Russia bullshit is about.

It's Dirty Politics. This is how The Left plays the game.

Look what they did to Bernie Sanders. That's all you need to know. Look how they talk about America and Voters. That is all you need to know. They don't give two fucks about anyone but themselves and their Elitist Masters.

The Left will continue to attack The President, everyone in his family and everyone in his cabinet every day he is in office, because they have no ideas for America. Misery is all they have to sell. Misery and Dependency.

They don't care about Illegals. They don't care about our border. They don't care about stopping Mexican Drug Cartels. They don't care about Fair Trade. They don't care about DACA. They don't care about jobs, or trying to reign in Government spending. They don't care about the Military. They don't care about Terrorism or World Peace. Everything they care about is making a buck off of someone else's misery.

They don't care about their own voters let alone you or I.
Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible.

Ooopsie again.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.

OMG... Seriously

As a 50 yr old female, I find this to be so amusing

Assuming you're a man....

Just out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed
to the multi billion dollars a year porn industry?

When you started dating, how many girls put out
that in some way, shape or form, you didn't have to shell out?

How many girls did you continue dating,
even though they didn't put out?

How many girls did you date,
soley because you knew they'd put out?

The majority of guys are guys...
they think with the head that's between their legs!

Why anything Trump did 12 years ago with a porn star,
is news at all, let alone, an issue, fucking beyond me!

#metoo for porn stars and hookers :laughing0301:

Jesus come quickly...I hate this planet of morons

It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that? Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class. Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised. Folks are worried that that is exactly why Trump has been so reluctant to say a negative word about Putin. There are few possibilities of why that would be in light of the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy. But the obvious possibility is that Putin has something like this hanging over Trump's yellow head. And, with the fact that his bodyguard helped provide hookers to him on a trip to Moscow, the plot thickens. To give him a pass based on guys will be guys is a cop out.
It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that?
He wasn't the president 12 years ago

Umm, Clinton's used to be pretty chummy with him
They didn't care about his moral high grounds,
when they, as well as other politicians, were taking his donations

I don't give a flying fuck where he sticks his dick,
just like I didn't care who was sucking Bills dick.
Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class.
Yeah, well, I expect people who have babies,
to take care of their own children, not make it
everyone else's responsibility to financially support
kids they shouldn't have and keep pumping out

Furthermore, how dare you even turn this into
a moral, high ground, common decency, argument!

For years, the wellness of our society,
has been compromised by rewarding irresponsibility

Common decency has been redefined and replaced
with personal perversions, under the guise of 'my right'

I am living in a world, surrounded by people,
who lack basic manners, work ethics and standards.
And, you, want to make a correlation
between Trump and common decency.

We are not, nor have not, been governed by leaders
we are at the whim of crooked and corrupted politicians!

You look at Trump, well, I look at them all
Trump is the least of the problem...
The problem lies in Congress and the House,
Mayor's, governor's, state legislators and
the over bloated, out of control, negligent governing body!

But, the real problem lies with and is the fault of,
the complacency of the people!

We've got grown men and women, running our country,
into the fucking ground, who can't even get along
fight like little kids and you're looking for common decency?!
Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised
the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy.
NO, Russia DID NOT corrupt our democracy,
they took advantage of a broken and corrupted democracy!

Wake the fuck up!

We're talking about Trump and you, in true righty fashion, deflect from the subject but you took it even farther to blame the entire universe for his actions. I've never seen that move before. I assure you that I am awake. And being conscious, I see a man who has told all of us what a selfish, vile and moronic guy he is. Yet folks still thought it was a really great idea to make him ruler of the free world. I wonder what the hell these folks were thinking or better yet, if they were thinking. The Stormy Daniels thing is just a single example among many thousands that he is perhaps the worst choice in history for the job. He's proven himself to be a piker, and lowlife, a con man, a thief, a first rate narcissist, a chronic liar, and a wannabe autocrat. But, folks like you don't want anyone mentioning any of that. If it was, as you say, the complacency of the people that brought us to this point and this administration, then I suppose this is our punishment. But that doesn't mean we need to suffer this fool forever. To support this dangerous man after being shown just how foolish this brainfart was in putting him there, is to compound the error.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.

OMG... Seriously

As a 50 yr old female, I find this to be so amusing

Assuming you're a man....

Just out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed
to the multi billion dollars a year porn industry?

When you started dating, how many girls put out
that in some way, shape or form, you didn't have to shell out?

How many girls did you continue dating,
even though they didn't put out?

How many girls did you date,
soley because you knew they'd put out?

The majority of guys are guys...
they think with the head that's between their legs!

Why anything Trump did 12 years ago with a porn star,
is news at all, let alone, an issue, fucking beyond me!

#metoo for porn stars and hookers :laughing0301:

Jesus come quickly...I hate this planet of morons

It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that? Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class. Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised. Folks are worried that that is exactly why Trump has been so reluctant to say a negative word about Putin. There are few possibilities of why that would be in light of the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy. But the obvious possibility is that Putin has something like this hanging over Trump's yellow head. And, with the fact that his bodyguard helped provide hookers to him on a trip to Moscow, the plot thickens. To give him a pass based on guys will be guys is a cop out.

Why wasn't it news when a homosexual said he had sex with Obama and snorted coke with him?

Where the fuck do you get this shit from. From where all shit comes? Amazing.
Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’

I visited that website to see what you've got. Are you fuckin' serious? You look to this rag for truth? You think this is a viable source for news? The longer I'm on this forum the more I can see how Trump got elected. You folks wouldn't recognize truth if it bit you on the forehead. These "Journalists" put Fox Noise to shame in partisan horse hockey. Let me ask you straight out, Do you really believe this site is a reliable source of information?

OMG... Seriously

As a 50 yr old female, I find this to be so amusing

Assuming you're a man....

Just out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed
to the multi billion dollars a year porn industry?

When you started dating, how many girls put out
that in some way, shape or form, you didn't have to shell out?

How many girls did you continue dating,
even though they didn't put out?

How many girls did you date,
soley because you knew they'd put out?

The majority of guys are guys...
they think with the head that's between their legs!

Why anything Trump did 12 years ago with a porn star,
is news at all, let alone, an issue, fucking beyond me!

#metoo for porn stars and hookers :laughing0301:

Jesus come quickly...I hate this planet of morons

It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that? Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class. Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised. Folks are worried that that is exactly why Trump has been so reluctant to say a negative word about Putin. There are few possibilities of why that would be in light of the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy. But the obvious possibility is that Putin has something like this hanging over Trump's yellow head. And, with the fact that his bodyguard helped provide hookers to him on a trip to Moscow, the plot thickens. To give him a pass based on guys will be guys is a cop out.

Why wasn't it news when a homosexual said he had sex with Obama and snorted coke with him?

Where the fuck do you get this shit from. From where all shit comes? Amazing.
Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’

I visited that website to see what you've got. Are you fuckin' serious? You look to this rag for truth? You think this is a viable source for news? The longer I'm on this forum the more I can see how Trump got elected. You folks wouldn't recognize truth if it bit you on the forehead. These "Journalists" put Fox Noise to shame in partisan horse hockey. Let me ask you straight out, Do you really believe this site is a reliable source of information?

Quotes are quotes, dumbass. You're attempting the standard leftwing fallacy of attacking the source. You even posted the same quote of Brennan that I posted.
Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible.

Ooopsie again.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.

OMG... Seriously

As a 50 yr old female, I find this to be so amusing

Assuming you're a man....

Just out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed
to the multi billion dollars a year porn industry?

When you started dating, how many girls put out
that in some way, shape or form, you didn't have to shell out?

How many girls did you continue dating,
even though they didn't put out?

How many girls did you date,
soley because you knew they'd put out?

The majority of guys are guys...
they think with the head that's between their legs!

Why anything Trump did 12 years ago with a porn star,
is news at all, let alone, an issue, fucking beyond me!

#metoo for porn stars and hookers :laughing0301:

Jesus come quickly...I hate this planet of morons

Can't tell which poster you're asking but (1) I contribute $0.00 to the porn industry, (2) I've never dated with the goal of a "put out" :rolleyes: , and (3) what Rump did 12 years ago with a porn tart is of no interest. The part that is of interest I've already articulated.
Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible. If there were no event, there would be nothing to not-disclose.

Ooopsie again.

How would that matter if she made a legal agreement to not talk about something and was compensated for it?
Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible. If there were no event, there would be nothing to not-disclose.

Ooopsie again.

How would that matter if she made a legal agreement to not talk about something and was compensated for it?

Once AGAIN --- how can you find a way to not-talk about something you're claiming never happened?

YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS --- if you entered into an NDA, you're saying by definition that there's an event to not-talk about. If you simultaneously claim there was no event, then there can be no valid NDA.

This is not that complicimated. It's either one or the other -- can't have both.
It's news because he is the President. You didn't think of that? Yeah, guys will be guys but when you marry and especially when you have a newborn baby, common decency expects one to have a little class. Since day one we've held our presidents to a high standard of morality and for good reason. Someone that morally bankrupt is capable of other acts of selfishness and acts for which he could be compromised. Folks are worried that that is exactly why Trump has been so reluctant to say a negative word about Putin. There are few possibilities of why that would be in light of the fact that Russia corrupted our democracy. But the obvious possibility is that Putin has something like this hanging over Trump's yellow head. And, with the fact that his bodyguard helped provide hookers to him on a trip to Moscow, the plot thickens. To give him a pass based on guys will be guys is a cop out.

Why wasn't it news when a homosexual said he had sex with Obama and snorted coke with him?

Where the fuck do you get this shit from. From where all shit comes? Amazing.
Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’

I visited that website to see what you've got. Are you fuckin' serious? You look to this rag for truth? You think this is a viable source for news? The longer I'm on this forum the more I can see how Trump got elected. You folks wouldn't recognize truth if it bit you on the forehead. These "Journalists" put Fox Noise to shame in partisan horse hockey. Let me ask you straight out, Do you really believe this site is a reliable source of information?

Quotes are quotes, dumbass. You're attempting the standard leftwing fallacy of attacking the source. You even posted the same quote of Brennan that I posted.

Quote of Brennan? WTF? When the source is clearly full o' shit then it deserves to be attacked. That site is the very definition of "Fake News" that you Trumpers like to talk about. I'll bet 90% of what they post is hogwash meant to defend the orange scourge.
How can Trump sue her for violating an NDA which Trump's lawyer just said today that Trump was not aware of?


For starters ... most employees of the Trump organization beyond the janitor .... that is anyone with any access to ANY corporate data must sign an NDA. I did work long before Trump entered politics for the Borgata in Atlantic City and had to sign one -- - - I'm sure President Trump is unaware of this and he has never heard of Mr. "GreenBean" [Borgata is one of Trumps Holdings]
Why wasn't it news when a homosexual said he had sex with Obama and snorted coke with him?

Where the fuck do you get this shit from. From where all shit comes? Amazing.
Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’

I visited that website to see what you've got. Are you fuckin' serious? You look to this rag for truth? You think this is a viable source for news? The longer I'm on this forum the more I can see how Trump got elected. You folks wouldn't recognize truth if it bit you on the forehead. These "Journalists" put Fox Noise to shame in partisan horse hockey. Let me ask you straight out, Do you really believe this site is a reliable source of information?

Quotes are quotes, dumbass. You're attempting the standard leftwing fallacy of attacking the source. You even posted the same quote of Brennan that I posted.

Quote of Brennan? WTF? When the source is clearly full o' shit then it deserves to be attacked. That site is the very definition of "Fake News" that you Trumpers like to talk about. I'll bet 90% of what they post is hogwash meant to defend the orange scourge.

If I had a nickle for everytime a libtard lost a debate and attacked the source I'd be a billionaire .... If you can't debate the facts ---- doesn't matter that you don't care for the source .... the facts ... well then may I politely suggest that you STFU
How can Trump sue her for violating an NDA which Trump's lawyer just said today that Trump was not aware of?


For starters ... most employees of the Trump organization beyond the janitor .... that is anyone with any access to ANY corporate data must sign an NDA. I did work long before Trump entered politics for the Borgata in Atlantic City and had to sign one -- - - I'm sure President Trump is unaware of this and he has never heard of Mr. "GreenBean" [Borgata is one of Trumps Holdings]
You are incredibly naive. No wonder you worked for Trump.

You actually bleev Trump was not notified by his lawyer that the porn star he slept with was making noises about going public.

Where the fuck do you get this shit from. From where all shit comes? Amazing.
Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’

I visited that website to see what you've got. Are you fuckin' serious? You look to this rag for truth? You think this is a viable source for news? The longer I'm on this forum the more I can see how Trump got elected. You folks wouldn't recognize truth if it bit you on the forehead. These "Journalists" put Fox Noise to shame in partisan horse hockey. Let me ask you straight out, Do you really believe this site is a reliable source of information?

Quotes are quotes, dumbass. You're attempting the standard leftwing fallacy of attacking the source. You even posted the same quote of Brennan that I posted.

Quote of Brennan? WTF? When the source is clearly full o' shit then it deserves to be attacked. That site is the very definition of "Fake News" that you Trumpers like to talk about. I'll bet 90% of what they post is hogwash meant to defend the orange scourge.

If I had a nickle for everytime a libtard lost a debate and attacked the source I'd be a billionaire .... If you can't debate the facts ---- doesn't matter that you don't care for the source .... the facts ... well then may I politely suggest that you STFU

Obama Accuser Larry Sinclair Fails Polygraph Test

Larry Sinclair admits and apologizes for fabricating Obama sex story

It's time for YOU to STFU.
Last edited:
Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible. If there were no event, there would be nothing to not-disclose.

Ooopsie again.

How would that matter if she made a legal agreement to not talk about something and was compensated for it?

Once AGAIN --- how can you find a way to not-talk about something you're claiming never happened?

YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS --- if you entered into an NDA, you're saying by definition that there's an event to not-talk about. If you simultaneously claim there was no event, then there can be no valid NDA.

This is not that complicimated. It's either one or the other -- can't have both.

If she accepted money to not talk about something, whether it happened or not, and signed a legal agreement to that effect, would she not be bound to not talk about it, and violate the agreement if she did?
Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible. If there were no event, there would be nothing to not-disclose.

Ooopsie again.

How would that matter if she made a legal agreement to not talk about something and was compensated for it?

Once AGAIN --- how can you find a way to not-talk about something you're claiming never happened?

YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS --- if you entered into an NDA, you're saying by definition that there's an event to not-talk about. If you simultaneously claim there was no event, then there can be no valid NDA.

This is not that complicimated. It's either one or the other -- can't have both.

If she accepted money to not talk about something, whether it happened or not, and signed a legal agreement to that effect, would she not be bound to not talk about it, and violate the agreement if she did?
Trump didn't sign the agreement.
You actually bleev Trump was not notified by his lawyer

Show me where I said that ... read the post fella and stop shooting from the hip ---- your aim is not that good
You just tried to claim that since Trump was unaware of some menial employees NDA, he therefore didn't know about his porn star mistresses NDA.

So yeah. You are naive enough to bleev Trump was not notified by his lawyer that his whore was getting ready to go public.

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