Another Left Tard Fail: Stormy Daniels Crashes and Burns!

Girly man.

Manlier than BLOTUS! :)

Here's an honest photo:

Snowflakes are such sleazy lying dirtbags, it's unbelievable. These are the people that whine about Trump lying.

Still fat as hell :)

Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible.

Ooopsie again.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.

Actually, it doesn't matter because the Dems have promoted the "sex is a private matter" meme for the past 20 years and NOBODY voted for Trump because he is a Paragon of Conservative Morality.

Then those who did vote for him must have thought it was pretty goddam silly for him to be trotting out the accusers of Bill Clinton (who wasn't even running) into a debate hall, must they not have? I mean even if they didn't yet know that Rump was paying off Stormy Daniels at the same time to keep quiet about something he claims never happened, they must have thought that.

Mustn't they. Have.

Which was $130,000 down the drain since if your assessment is correct (and I don't disagree with it), Stormy going public would have made no difference.

Rump should have known better too. He himself had already observed (also correctly) that he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue without losing any votes, which was a rare moment of candor as regards analysis of one's own strategies --- much as his Fraud University's mantra "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS" was.
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Actually, it doesn't matter because the Dems have promoted the "sex is a private matter" meme for the past 20 years and NOBODY voted for Trump because he is a Paragon of Conservative Morality.

Hate to break it to ya, but there is a whole bunch more to Trump's immorality than merely his penchant for pussy.
Feeling are liberals reality and their feelings got hurt when Trump won so they translate that into their "reality" that everything about Trump is factually amiss
Conservatives cannot counter this fantasy with debate, you must simply ignore it as a petulant child
Actually, it doesn't matter because the Dems have promoted the "sex is a private matter" meme for the past 20 years and NOBODY voted for Trump because he is a Paragon of Conservative Morality.

Hate to break it to ya, but there is a whole bunch more to Trump's immorality than merely his penchant for pussy.
Spits the sleazy lying dirtbag who voted for a corrupt criminal.
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Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Coehn. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Uhhhmmmm..... how exactly can she violate a contract that doesn't even have Rump's name in it?


And how exactly can Rump have a nondisclosure agreement ---- even if his name were in there --- when he's alleging no such event happened?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but --- that's impossible.

Ooopsie again.
It doesn’t even matter since we already know that Trump went out and fucked a porn star and had one of his goons pay her for her services, while Melania was at home nursing their baby. The important stuff is out there. Now I want to hear from these other hookers like McDougal that are now coming forward.

Actually, it doesn't matter because the Dems have promoted the "sex is a private matter" meme for the past 20 years and NOBODY voted for Trump because he is a Paragon of Conservative Morality.

Then those who did vote for him must have thought it was pretty goddam silly for him to be trotting out the accusers of Bill Clinton (who wasn't even running) into a debate hall, must they not have? I mean even if they didn't yet know that Rump was paying off Stormy Daniels at the same time to keep quiet about something he claims never happened, they must have thought that.

Musn't they. Have.

Which was $130,000 down the drain since if your assessment is correct (and I don't disagree with it), Stormy going public would have made no difference.

Rump should have known better too. He himself had already observed (also correctly) that he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue without losing any votes, which was a rare moment of candor as regards analysis of one's own strategies --- much as his Fraud University's mantra "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS" was.

Trump having Juanita et all in the audience was a pre-emptive move to keep hiLIARy in check. It worked.

And it was priceless just for this:

Actually, it doesn't matter because the Dems have promoted the "sex is a private matter" meme for the past 20 years and NOBODY voted for Trump because he is a Paragon of Conservative Morality.

Hate to break it to ya, but there is a whole bunch more to Trump's immorality than merely his penchant for pussy.
Spits the sleazy lying dirtbag who voted for a corrupt criminal.

I didn't vote for Hillary, but 25 years of endless investigation and still NADA.

On the flip side, we're close on Fat Donnie!
Actually, it doesn't matter because the Dems have promoted the "sex is a private matter" meme for the past 20 years and NOBODY voted for Trump because he is a Paragon of Conservative Morality.

Hate to break it to ya, but there is a whole bunch more to Trump's immorality than merely his penchant for pussy.
Spits the sleazy lying dirtbag who voted for a corrupt criminal.

I didn't vote for Hillary, but 25 years of endless investigation and still NADA.

On the flip side, we're close on Fat Donnie!
It's funny how none of the Trump hating snowflakes in here ever voted for Hillary.
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The Trump Team’s Account of the Stormy Daniels Story Is So Bad It’s Funny
So why do 41 percent of Republicans buy it?

Because they're stupid, but that sorta goes without saying, based on their comportment (or complete lack thereof.)

How could so many people believe such a cockamamie tale spun by the most mendacious political figure in modern history? It’s not (necessarily) because they’re stupid. It’s simply an example of motivated reasoning—the human tendency to discount information that conflicts with our deeply held beliefs and embrace that which supports them, no matter how ridiculous it may seem to people who aren’t invested in the same belief system. We all do this to a degree.

Okay, not necessarily stupid. What then?

But it’s important to understand the mechanism by which this cognitive process functions. It requires an alternative, ostensibly factual narrative from some seemingly credible individual or institution. There must be an alternative set of “facts” to latch onto in order to dismiss something as obviously false as the story Cohen and Trump’s staff are peddling to the American people.

Climate-change denial would not be possible were it not for a handful of “contrarian” researchers arguing that the Earth is actually cooling, or that warming is a result of solar activity. There’s an entire cottage industry devoted to writing dubious articles or producing fake—or at least misleading—charts purporting to prove that climate change is a scam.

So it is with Trump’s constant laments about “fake news.” It may seem silly and immature to those of us who don’t support the administration, but it’s no laughing matter. A Politico/Morning Consult poll conducted last October found that three out of four Republicans “think the news media invent stories about Trump and his administration, compared with only 11 percent who don’t think so.” Barrels of ink have been devoted to stories about how Trump’s core supporters have stuck with him through thick and thin—about how he really could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose their loyalty—and Trump’s constant laments about fake news is a big reason why that is.

Good read.
Actually, it doesn't matter because the Dems have promoted the "sex is a private matter" meme for the past 20 years and NOBODY voted for Trump because he is a Paragon of Conservative Morality.

Hate to break it to ya, but there is a whole bunch more to Trump's immorality than merely his penchant for pussy.
Spits the sleazy lying dirtbag who voted for a corrupt criminal.

I didn't vote for Hillary, but 25 years of endless investigation and still NADA.

On the flip side, we're close on Fat Donnie!

It must be very consoling for you to have such an active fantasy life.
Procedural as in Web Hubble, Hillary Clinton and a Turkey Baster?

That kinda procedure?
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Geraldo Rivera just said it best:

Stormy Daniels is like Al Capone’s Vault, A lot of Hype and nothing there.
Stormy is in deep shit if Trump wants to hold a grudge...She has one of the dumbest attorney's I've ever seen....
Stormy is in deep shit if Trump wants to hold a grudge...She has one of the dumbest attorney's I've ever seen....

There is no apostrophe in 'attorneys.'

That's something her attorney would know, and you don't.

You were saying?

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