Another lie debunked- The Biden corruption lie

Shokin was evil. Trump likes evil.

What’s the difference between John Wayne and Jack Daniels?

Jack Daniels is still killing Indians.

Well, that ignorant remark earned you a permanent ignore. Bye...

It's all they got my brother. This white piss boy can't refute these facts. So he turns to racism.

John Wayne never killed anything in his life. He was a Hollywood pussy that didn't fight in one war.

"America's entry into World War II resulted in a deluge of support for the war effort from all sectors of society, and Hollywood was no exception. Wayne was exempted from service due to his age (34 at the time of Pearl Harbor) and family status (classified as 3-A – family deferment)."

His name is not even real. I believe he had a "manly" name, Marion Morrison. And just like most everything else whites like that maggot believe, Marion was fake and a made up lie.

Besides Jack Daniels has killed many a white boy. Kinda like the Lakhota did at Little Bighorn.

No fucking shit John Wayne was an actor. It was a joke.

Golly, you libs are dry.
Under what non corrupt scenario would a Ukrainian energy company pay Joe Biden's clueless son $600K a year to sleep through board meetings? Did the Ukrainian energy company feel sorry for Hunter? Go ahead, let's hear your logical explanation for this.

Everything you need to know about the alcoholic, coke head, Hunter Biden. Just the kind of guy every reputable company would want projecting their image. LMAO

Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father’s Campaign?


Nobody gives a damn about Hunter Biden. You bitches talked about that video. That video was Biden talking about how he got Shokin removed.

Viktor Shokin = Corrupt
If by 'nobody' you mean the Democrats, you would be correct. Everyone else with a normal thought process gives a big damn.
Joe Biden got a corrupt prosecutor fired. He was supported in that endeavor by the EU, the IMF, the World Bank, The Ukrainian Parliament, and a bunch of Republican Senators.

Trump stepped in it here
Does anyone really believe that Trump cares about corruption?


The most corrupt president in history!

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