Another look at "anti-semitism".

So, there's a fact that in the US billions of animals are slaughtered every year, and the narrative of this is "meh, it's food", but in the Holocaust millions of Jews and others died, and it's considered a tragedy. Yet more animals die every year than Jews died in the Holocaust.

Now, Israel denies the Armenian Genocide, why?
You are a liar and a hater of Jews. Just an ordinary anti-Semite, nothing special.

As I've said to other people, those who want to force others to think like they think, with use insults like this in order to try and get their way.

Sorry, I'm no anti-Semite, and I'm not playing your game.

Israel is not responsible for Turkey's genocide of Armenians in any way, shape or form. It's not that Israel or other countries "deny" the Armenian genocide. Israel needs at least semi-good relations with Turkey for geo-political reasons, so it may not "officially recognize" that genocide.

No, it's not.

So why doesn't Israel just not talk about it, then?

Look at this.

Taiwanese school principal forced to resign over Nazi parade | Daily Mail Online

Taiwanese school principal forced to resign after widespread criticism over Nazi-themed parade where students waved swastika flags"

Taiwan isn't in Europe. It didn't take part in the war in Europe. It was dealing with Japanese occupation. For kids over there the Nazis are nothing much at all. Why should it be? It's like the Cambodian Genocide for people in the West. They might have heard about it, but know almost nothing about it.

"The Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei issued a statement condemning the incident as 'tasteless' and 'outrageous'."

"'It is deplorable and shocking that seven decades only after the world had witnessed the horrors of the Holocaust, a high school in Taiwan is supporting such an outrageous action,' it said in a Facebook post."

All it was, was kids dressing up and learning a little about History. Israel stepped in and got the principle fired for it.

So, when something happens that somehow threatens the narrative of the Holocaust, it's Israel's business. Even if it's on the other side of the world. But have a massacre, rather than a school reenactment, of possible more than a million people, not that far from Israel, and suddenly it has nothing to do with Israel.

Er.... come on.

I don't understand what this has to do with the Armenian genocide. The Taiwanese held a tasteless Nazi parade. That's an insult to the Jewish state.

Why is it an insult to the Jewish people and no one else?

I have family who were directly affected by Nazis. I have people in my family who were bombed, suffered rationing, had fear for a long time because of the Nazis. Why am I not offended? Maybe people lost family in WW2 who weren't Jews. Why aren't they offended?

Surely denying the Armenian Genocide is an insult to people too? Doing a parade about what the Nazis did wasn't denying anything. It was saying it actually happened. It was teaching kids it happened.

If I learn about WW2 in school, does this mean I'm insulting the Jewish people?

Come off it. That's nonsense. They're using this as a political tool.
You are a liar and a hater of Jews. Just an ordinary anti-Semite, nothing special.

As I've said to other people, those who want to force others to think like they think, with use insults like this in order to try and get their way.

Sorry, I'm no anti-Semite, and I'm not playing your game.

Israel is not responsible for Turkey's genocide of Armenians in any way, shape or form. It's not that Israel or other countries "deny" the Armenian genocide. Israel needs at least semi-good relations with Turkey for geo-political reasons, so it may not "officially recognize" that genocide.

No, it's not.

So why doesn't Israel just not talk about it, then?

Look at this.

Taiwanese school principal forced to resign over Nazi parade | Daily Mail Online

Taiwanese school principal forced to resign after widespread criticism over Nazi-themed parade where students waved swastika flags"

Taiwan isn't in Europe. It didn't take part in the war in Europe. It was dealing with Japanese occupation. For kids over there the Nazis are nothing much at all. Why should it be? It's like the Cambodian Genocide for people in the West. They might have heard about it, but know almost nothing about it.

"The Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei issued a statement condemning the incident as 'tasteless' and 'outrageous'."

"'It is deplorable and shocking that seven decades only after the world had witnessed the horrors of the Holocaust, a high school in Taiwan is supporting such an outrageous action,' it said in a Facebook post."

All it was, was kids dressing up and learning a little about History. Israel stepped in and got the principle fired for it.

So, when something happens that somehow threatens the narrative of the Holocaust, it's Israel's business. Even if it's on the other side of the world. But have a massacre, rather than a school reenactment, of possible more than a million people, not that far from Israel, and suddenly it has nothing to do with Israel.

Er.... come on.

I don't understand what this has to do with the Armenian genocide. The Taiwanese held a tasteless Nazi parade. That's an insult to the Jewish state.

Why is it an insult to the Jewish people and no one else?

I have family who were directly affected by Nazis. I have people in my family who were bombed, suffered rationing, had fear for a long time because of the Nazis. Why am I not offended? Maybe people lost family in WW2 who weren't Jews. Why aren't they offended?

Surely denying the Armenian Genocide is an insult to people too? Doing a parade about what the Nazis did wasn't denying anything. It was saying it actually happened. It was teaching kids it happened.

If I learn about WW2 in school, does this mean I'm insulting the Jewish people?

Come off it. That's nonsense. They're using this as a political tool.

Once again, Israel and a host of other countries are not "denying" the Armenian genocide. They might not officially "recognize" it because they want good relations with Turkey. I have a friend who taught in an Armenian school in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem, which is controlled by Israel. There are monuments to that genocide there, it is taught in their schools, and they have a memorial day for it in their corner of Jerusalem.

I'm Jewish and my dad's entire family were killed by the Nazis--his parents, sisters and brother, and his little niece was smashed into a tree. It's cool that you're not offended by a tasteless parade like that. I am. I don't know how a parade like that is teaching about WW2 or the Holocaust. Perhaps a play depicting all sides would be a teaching tool.
So, there's a fact that in the US billions of animals are slaughtered every year, and the narrative of this is "meh, it's food", but in the Holocaust millions of Jews and others died, and it's considered a tragedy. Yet more animals die every year than Jews died in the Holocaust.

Now, Israel denies the Armenian Genocide, why?
You are a liar and a hater of Jews. Just an ordinary anti-Semite, nothing special.

As I've said to other people, those who want to force others to think like they think, with use insults like this in order to try and get their way.

Sorry, I'm no anti-Semite, and I'm not playing your game.

Israel is not responsible for Turkey's genocide of Armenians in any way, shape or form. It's not that Israel or other countries "deny" the Armenian genocide. Israel needs at least semi-good relations with Turkey for geo-political reasons, so it may not "officially recognize" that genocide.

No, it's not.

So why doesn't Israel just not talk about it, then?

Look at this.

Taiwanese school principal forced to resign over Nazi parade | Daily Mail Online

Taiwanese school principal forced to resign after widespread criticism over Nazi-themed parade where students waved swastika flags"

Taiwan isn't in Europe. It didn't take part in the war in Europe. It was dealing with Japanese occupation. For kids over there the Nazis are nothing much at all. Why should it be? It's like the Cambodian Genocide for people in the West. They might have heard about it, but know almost nothing about it.

"The Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei issued a statement condemning the incident as 'tasteless' and 'outrageous'."

"'It is deplorable and shocking that seven decades only after the world had witnessed the horrors of the Holocaust, a high school in Taiwan is supporting such an outrageous action,' it said in a Facebook post."

All it was, was kids dressing up and learning a little about History. Israel stepped in and got the principle fired for it.

So, when something happens that somehow threatens the narrative of the Holocaust, it's Israel's business. Even if it's on the other side of the world. But have a massacre, rather than a school reenactment, of possible more than a million people, not that far from Israel, and suddenly it has nothing to do with Israel.

Er.... come on.

I don't understand what this has to do with the Armenian genocide. The Taiwanese held a tasteless Nazi parade. That's an insult to the Jewish state.
israel did not exist during the nazi era
As I've said to other people, those who want to force others to think like they think, with use insults like this in order to try and get their way.

Sorry, I'm no anti-Semite, and I'm not playing your game.

Israel is not responsible for Turkey's genocide of Armenians in any way, shape or form. It's not that Israel or other countries "deny" the Armenian genocide. Israel needs at least semi-good relations with Turkey for geo-political reasons, so it may not "officially recognize" that genocide.

No, it's not.

So why doesn't Israel just not talk about it, then?

Look at this.

Taiwanese school principal forced to resign over Nazi parade | Daily Mail Online

Taiwanese school principal forced to resign after widespread criticism over Nazi-themed parade where students waved swastika flags"

Taiwan isn't in Europe. It didn't take part in the war in Europe. It was dealing with Japanese occupation. For kids over there the Nazis are nothing much at all. Why should it be? It's like the Cambodian Genocide for people in the West. They might have heard about it, but know almost nothing about it.

"The Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei issued a statement condemning the incident as 'tasteless' and 'outrageous'."

"'It is deplorable and shocking that seven decades only after the world had witnessed the horrors of the Holocaust, a high school in Taiwan is supporting such an outrageous action,' it said in a Facebook post."

All it was, was kids dressing up and learning a little about History. Israel stepped in and got the principle fired for it.

So, when something happens that somehow threatens the narrative of the Holocaust, it's Israel's business. Even if it's on the other side of the world. But have a massacre, rather than a school reenactment, of possible more than a million people, not that far from Israel, and suddenly it has nothing to do with Israel.

Er.... come on.

I don't understand what this has to do with the Armenian genocide. The Taiwanese held a tasteless Nazi parade. That's an insult to the Jewish state.

Why is it an insult to the Jewish people and no one else?

I have family who were directly affected by Nazis. I have people in my family who were bombed, suffered rationing, had fear for a long time because of the Nazis. Why am I not offended? Maybe people lost family in WW2 who weren't Jews. Why aren't they offended?

Surely denying the Armenian Genocide is an insult to people too? Doing a parade about what the Nazis did wasn't denying anything. It was saying it actually happened. It was teaching kids it happened.

If I learn about WW2 in school, does this mean I'm insulting the Jewish people?

Come off it. That's nonsense. They're using this as a political tool.

Once again, Israel and a host of other countries are not "denying" the Armenian genocide. They might not officially "recognize" it because they want good relations with Turkey. I have a friend who taught in an Armenian school in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem, which is controlled by Israel. There are monuments to that genocide there, it is taught in their schools, and they have a memorial day for it in their corner of Jerusalem.

I'm Jewish and my dad's entire family were killed by the Nazis--his parents, sisters and brother, and his little niece was smashed into a tree. It's cool that you're not offended by a tasteless parade like that. I am. I don't know how a parade like that is teaching about WW2 or the Holocaust. Perhaps a play depicting all sides would be a teaching tool.

So you're insulted by what happens when someone tries to teach WW2 in a slightly more interesting way. Well, I'm insulted that a principle in Taiwan gets fired because Israel feels the need to tell everyone how they should teach History.

Good, we're now all insulted.
So, there's a fact that in the US billions of animals are slaughtered every year, and the narrative of this is "meh, it's food", but in the Holocaust millions of Jews and others died, and it's considered a tragedy. Yet more animals die every year than Jews died in the Holocaust.

Now, Israel denies the Armenian Genocide, why?
You are a liar and a hater of Jews. Just an ordinary anti-Semite, nothing special.

As I've said to other people, those who want to force others to think like they think, with use insults like this in order to try and get their way.

Sorry, I'm no anti-Semite, and I'm not playing your game.

Israel is not responsible for Turkey's genocide of Armenians in any way, shape or form. It's not that Israel or other countries "deny" the Armenian genocide. Israel needs at least semi-good relations with Turkey for geo-political reasons, so it may not "officially recognize" that genocide.

No, it's not.

So why doesn't Israel just not talk about it, then?

Look at this.

Taiwanese school principal forced to resign over Nazi parade | Daily Mail Online

Taiwanese school principal forced to resign after widespread criticism over Nazi-themed parade where students waved swastika flags"

Taiwan isn't in Europe. It didn't take part in the war in Europe. It was dealing with Japanese occupation. For kids over there the Nazis are nothing much at all. Why should it be? It's like the Cambodian Genocide for people in the West. They might have heard about it, but know almost nothing about it.

"The Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei issued a statement condemning the incident as 'tasteless' and 'outrageous'."

"'It is deplorable and shocking that seven decades only after the world had witnessed the horrors of the Holocaust, a high school in Taiwan is supporting such an outrageous action,' it said in a Facebook post."

All it was, was kids dressing up and learning a little about History. Israel stepped in and got the principle fired for it.

So, when something happens that somehow threatens the narrative of the Holocaust, it's Israel's business. Even if it's on the other side of the world. But have a massacre, rather than a school reenactment, of possible more than a million people, not that far from Israel, and suddenly it has nothing to do with Israel.

Er.... come on.

I don't understand what this has to do with the Armenian genocide. The Taiwanese held a tasteless Nazi parade. That's an insult to the Jewish state.

It's a danger to Jews.
I got called an anti-Semite by someone on this forum simply because my view of things weren't as his were. I'm certainly not an anti-Semite.

This was your first post on this thread. After several more pages, my original point is made abundantly clear.

You were called an antisemite because you express antisemitic ideas. When it was explained to you why your posts were antisemitic, rather than backing off, you doubled down and you expressed even more antisemitic thoughts.

The problem here doesn't seem to be lack of awareness or knowledge about what is antisemitic. Its that you feel justified in using antisemitism.
'The German word antisemitisch was first used in 1860 by the Austrian Jewish scholar Moritz Steinschneider (1816–1907) in the phrase antisemitische Vorurteile (antisemitic prejudices). Steinschneider used this phrase to characterise the French philosopher Ernest Renan's false ideas about how "Semitic races" were inferior to "Aryan races"'.[15]
So, I asked some time ago, "Who are considered 'semites'" in this thread:

Anti-Semitism and Zionism

I do not believe that anyone understood where I was going with that question, so I will continue here. This is one wiki definition (and ANYONE can edit Wikipedia so don't go on with that 'slant'):

Semitic people - Wikipedia

Let me get to the point here. The anti-semetic card has been thrown around to those who are anti-Israel and perhaps anti-Jews. Pro-Palestinians have been given this label as well. And its a Sunday, the first day of the week and I have nothing better to do, hehe.

Many who post here as pro-Palestinian have no peaceful solution for the Palestinians, they only want the total destruction of the NATION of Israel. That is NEVER going to happen. The end result of going down that road is not going to be good for the Palestinians.

So, yes, in my honest opinion, Pro-Palestinians are anti-Semitic, not only because they hate the Nation of Israel and/or the Jews, but also because they do not ever have any proposition for a truly lasting peace for any of the people that live in that region.

Anit-Semitism in my opinion means that they also do not care at all for the welfare of the Palestinians as well.

So because I am pro Palestinian I am anti-semitic?
So, I asked some time ago, "Who are considered 'semites'" in this thread:

Anti-Semitism and Zionism

I do not believe that anyone understood where I was going with that question, so I will continue here. This is one wiki definition (and ANYONE can edit Wikipedia so don't go on with that 'slant'):

Semitic people - Wikipedia

Let me get to the point here. The anti-semetic card has been thrown around to those who are anti-Israel and perhaps anti-Jews. Pro-Palestinians have been given this label as well. And its a Sunday, the first day of the week and I have nothing better to do, hehe.

Many who post here as pro-Palestinian have no peaceful solution for the Palestinians, they only want the total destruction of the NATION of Israel. That is NEVER going to happen. The end result of going down that road is not going to be good for the Palestinians.

So, yes, in my honest opinion, Pro-Palestinians are anti-Semitic, not only because they hate the Nation of Israel and/or the Jews, but also because they do not ever have any proposition for a truly lasting peace for any of the people that live in that region.

Anit-Semitism in my opinion means that they also do not care at all for the welfare of the Palestinians as well.

So because I am pro Palestinian I am anti-semitic?

No. Teddy is trying to say that many (not you) pro-Pallys support ideas which are ultimately anti-Pally.
So, I asked some time ago, "Who are considered 'semites'" in this thread:

Anti-Semitism and Zionism

I do not believe that anyone understood where I was going with that question, so I will continue here. This is one wiki definition (and ANYONE can edit Wikipedia so don't go on with that 'slant'):

Semitic people - Wikipedia

Let me get to the point here. The anti-semetic card has been thrown around to those who are anti-Israel and perhaps anti-Jews. Pro-Palestinians have been given this label as well. And its a Sunday, the first day of the week and I have nothing better to do, hehe.

Many who post here as pro-Palestinian have no peaceful solution for the Palestinians, they only want the total destruction of the NATION of Israel. That is NEVER going to happen. The end result of going down that road is not going to be good for the Palestinians.

So, yes, in my honest opinion, Pro-Palestinians are anti-Semitic, not only because they hate the Nation of Israel and/or the Jews, but also because they do not ever have any proposition for a truly lasting peace for any of the people that live in that region.

Anit-Semitism in my opinion means that they also do not care at all for the welfare of the Palestinians as well.

So because I am pro Palestinian I am anti-semitic?

No. Teddy is trying to say that many (not you) pro-Pallys support ideas which are ultimately anti-Pally.

A lot of pro-Israel could be 'tarred' with that same brush. Don't you agree?
So, I asked some time ago, "Who are considered 'semites'" in this thread:

Anti-Semitism and Zionism

I do not believe that anyone understood where I was going with that question, so I will continue here. This is one wiki definition (and ANYONE can edit Wikipedia so don't go on with that 'slant'):

Semitic people - Wikipedia

Let me get to the point here. The anti-semetic card has been thrown around to those who are anti-Israel and perhaps anti-Jews. Pro-Palestinians have been given this label as well. And its a Sunday, the first day of the week and I have nothing better to do, hehe.

Many who post here as pro-Palestinian have no peaceful solution for the Palestinians, they only want the total destruction of the NATION of Israel. That is NEVER going to happen. The end result of going down that road is not going to be good for the Palestinians.

So, yes, in my honest opinion, Pro-Palestinians are anti-Semitic, not only because they hate the Nation of Israel and/or the Jews, but also because they do not ever have any proposition for a truly lasting peace for any of the people that live in that region.

Anit-Semitism in my opinion means that they also do not care at all for the welfare of the Palestinians as well.

So because I am pro Palestinian I am anti-semitic?

No. Teddy is trying to say that many (not you) pro-Pallys support ideas which are ultimately anti-Pally.

A lot of pro-Israel could be 'tarred' with that same brush. Don't you agree?

I'm not sure. What would you use as an example?

I would suggest that Pro-Pallys who encourage violence against Jews or Israel ultimately harm Palestinians.

What would be the equivalent for Jews?
So, I asked some time ago, "Who are considered 'semites'" in this thread:

Anti-Semitism and Zionism

I do not believe that anyone understood where I was going with that question, so I will continue here. This is one wiki definition (and ANYONE can edit Wikipedia so don't go on with that 'slant'):

Semitic people - Wikipedia

Let me get to the point here. The anti-semetic card has been thrown around to those who are anti-Israel and perhaps anti-Jews. Pro-Palestinians have been given this label as well. And its a Sunday, the first day of the week and I have nothing better to do, hehe.

Many who post here as pro-Palestinian have no peaceful solution for the Palestinians, they only want the total destruction of the NATION of Israel. That is NEVER going to happen. The end result of going down that road is not going to be good for the Palestinians.

So, yes, in my honest opinion, Pro-Palestinians are anti-Semitic, not only because they hate the Nation of Israel and/or the Jews, but also because they do not ever have any proposition for a truly lasting peace for any of the people that live in that region.

Anit-Semitism in my opinion means that they also do not care at all for the welfare of the Palestinians as well.

So because I am pro Palestinian I am anti-semitic?

No. Teddy is trying to say that many (not you) pro-Pallys support ideas which are ultimately anti-Pally.

A lot of pro-Israel could be 'tarred' with that same brush. Don't you agree?

I'm not sure. What would you use as an example?

I would suggest that Pro-Pallys who encourage violence against Jews or Israel ultimately harm Palestinians.

What would be the equivalent for Jews?

Anyone who wishes the violence to continue or, more often than not, escalate. Those who shout for Palestinians to be driven out of Palestine. Those who are belligerent.

Those who think that "winning" is the destruction of the Palestinians and, well, all Muslims.

I believe that, ultimately, that harms Israel and Jews.

The belief that nuking Iran, for example, would be a good thing for Israel.

There are, for me, two things, one for each 'team' that seriously pisses me off...

Team Palestine - The non recognition and ultimate destruction of Israel
Team Israel - The belief that war and conflict are the way forward.

There are plenty examples of BOTH here posted almost daily!

Sad really.
So, I asked some time ago, "Who are considered 'semites'" in this thread:

Anti-Semitism and Zionism

I do not believe that anyone understood where I was going with that question, so I will continue here. This is one wiki definition (and ANYONE can edit Wikipedia so don't go on with that 'slant'):

Semitic people - Wikipedia

Let me get to the point here. The anti-semetic card has been thrown around to those who are anti-Israel and perhaps anti-Jews. Pro-Palestinians have been given this label as well. And its a Sunday, the first day of the week and I have nothing better to do, hehe.

Many who post here as pro-Palestinian have no peaceful solution for the Palestinians, they only want the total destruction of the NATION of Israel. That is NEVER going to happen. The end result of going down that road is not going to be good for the Palestinians.

So, yes, in my honest opinion, Pro-Palestinians are anti-Semitic, not only because they hate the Nation of Israel and/or the Jews, but also because they do not ever have any proposition for a truly lasting peace for any of the people that live in that region.

Anit-Semitism in my opinion means that they also do not care at all for the welfare of the Palestinians as well.

So because I am pro Palestinian I am anti-semitic?

No. Teddy is trying to say that many (not you) pro-Pallys support ideas which are ultimately anti-Pally.

A lot of pro-Israel could be 'tarred' with that same brush. Don't you agree?

I'm not sure. What would you use as an example?

I would suggest that Pro-Pallys who encourage violence against Jews or Israel ultimately harm Palestinians.

What would be the equivalent for Jews?

Anyone who wishes the violence to continue or, more often than not, escalate. Those who shout for Palestinians to be driven out of Palestine. Those who are belligerent.

Those who think that "winning" is the destruction of the Palestinians and, well, all Muslims.

I believe that, ultimately, that harms Israel and Jews.

The belief that nuking Iran, for example, would be a good thing for Israel.

There are, for me, two things, one for each 'team' that seriously pisses me off...

Team Palestine - The non recognition and ultimate destruction of Israel
Team Israel - The belief that war and conflict are the way forward.

There are plenty examples of BOTH here posted almost daily!

Sad really.

On the face of it, you seem like a sincere and neutral guy. Like you should be mediating peace over there instead of Jared Kushner. But every once in awhile, you let things slip out that reveal your true colors. Like saying that the Liberty incident was NOT friendly fire. Or asking if Israel wants to expand its borders when it has not made any move to do so since 1967. Or saying that Jerusalem should be divided again. I used to think you were a fair guy, but not anymore. Sorry.
I got called an anti-Semite by someone on this forum simply because my view of things weren't as his were. I'm certainly not an anti-Semite.

This was your first post on this thread. After several more pages, my original point is made abundantly clear.

You were called an antisemite because you express antisemitic ideas. When it was explained to you why your posts were antisemitic, rather than backing off, you doubled down and you expressed even more antisemitic thoughts.

The problem here doesn't seem to be lack of awareness or knowledge about what is antisemitic. Its that you feel justified in using antisemitism.

No, I was called an anti-Semite because some people decide it's a good political tool for getting people to think as they want them to think.

I'm not going to be told by you or anyone else that what I said was anti-Semitic, because it wasn't. You've gone through all the reasons why you think what I said was anti-Semitic and all I can say is that it's bullshit. Simple as.

This is like blasphemy laws in the past. Forcing people to think in a certain manner because you demand that what is said cannot be said.

Had I said anything I said with another religion or race, no one would have battered an eyelid.

You say "I worked for some rich Christians", is anyone going to get their knickers in a twist?

Is it my fault the Jewish people I worked for happened to be multi-millionaires and billionaires? No.

So, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to stop saying stuff that isn't anti-Semitic, simply because some people on this forum have decided it is so.
I got called an anti-Semite by someone on this forum simply because my view of things weren't as his were. I'm certainly not an anti-Semite.

This was your first post on this thread. After several more pages, my original point is made abundantly clear.

You were called an antisemite because you express antisemitic ideas. When it was explained to you why your posts were antisemitic, rather than backing off, you doubled down and you expressed even more antisemitic thoughts.

The problem here doesn't seem to be lack of awareness or knowledge about what is antisemitic. Its that you feel justified in using antisemitism.

No, I was called an anti-Semite because some people decide it's a good political tool for getting people to think as they want them to think.

I'm not going to be told by you or anyone else that what I said was anti-Semitic, because it wasn't. You've gone through all the reasons why you think what I said was anti-Semitic and all I can say is that it's bullshit. Simple as.

This is like blasphemy laws in the past. Forcing people to think in a certain manner because you demand that what is said cannot be said.

Had I said anything I said with another religion or race, no one would have battered an eyelid.

You say "I worked for some rich Christians", is anyone going to get their knickers in a twist?

Is it my fault the Jewish people I worked for happened to be multi-millionaires and billionaires? No.

So, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to stop saying stuff that isn't anti-Semitic, simply because some people on this forum have decided it is so.

Dude, you can say as many antisemitic things as you want to. Just don't whine when you get called out on it.
Team Palestine - The non recognition and ultimate destruction of Israel
Team Israel - The belief that war and conflict are the way forward.

There are plenty examples of BOTH here posted almost daily!

Sure. I hear what you are saying. While I fully support Israel defending herself when and as necessary, I am disgusted by the calls to murder Arabs and/or Muslims. And yes, I see it here too.

That said, I do believe that Israel (rightly or wrongly) feels the military might is the only way to protect her existence and her population from those who would wish to destroy her. I don't think Israel WANTS war or escalation. I think she feels (rightly or wrongly) forced into it.

How is Israel to keep the Jewish people safe and alive without the use of the military and law enforcement? Where's the peace partner?

At a time when antisemitism is again rampant and the burning of a synagogue in Germany is considered "legitimate criticism of Israel"? If I want to "legitimately criticize" North Korea -- can I burn down a Taekwon-Do school in Canada? If I want to "legitimately criticize" China, should I burn down a couple of Chinese Restaurants in San Francisco?

I mean, what are Israel's options here? Land for peace? How's that working in Gaza? How's that working on the Temple Mount, or in Hebron? What makes you think Israel has options here?
I got called an anti-Semite by someone on this forum simply because my view of things weren't as his were. I'm certainly not an anti-Semite.

This was your first post on this thread. After several more pages, my original point is made abundantly clear.

You were called an antisemite because you express antisemitic ideas. When it was explained to you why your posts were antisemitic, rather than backing off, you doubled down and you expressed even more antisemitic thoughts.

The problem here doesn't seem to be lack of awareness or knowledge about what is antisemitic. Its that you feel justified in using antisemitism.

No, I was called an anti-Semite because some people decide it's a good political tool for getting people to think as they want them to think.

I'm not going to be told by you or anyone else that what I said was anti-Semitic, because it wasn't. You've gone through all the reasons why you think what I said was anti-Semitic and all I can say is that it's bullshit. Simple as.

This is like blasphemy laws in the past. Forcing people to think in a certain manner because you demand that what is said cannot be said.

Had I said anything I said with another religion or race, no one would have battered an eyelid.

You say "I worked for some rich Christians", is anyone going to get their knickers in a twist?

Is it my fault the Jewish people I worked for happened to be multi-millionaires and billionaires? No.

So, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to stop saying stuff that isn't anti-Semitic, simply because some people on this forum have decided it is so.

Dude, you can say as many antisemitic things as you want to. Just don't whine when you get called out on it.

I won't whine if I say anti-Semitic things. Chances of that happening is very, very low.

However I will whine if I say something and people then start telling me I can't say something that's perfectly legitimate.

It's a common tactic. I see it all over the place.

Take the NFL kneelers. Some on the right, Trump, etc said that it was disrespecting the US military. Bullshit.

Trump supports the Confederate flag wavers, the Confederacy which killed 140,000 US troops, and it's fine for him. But some people kneel, kill zero US military personnel, and somehow it's bad.

How is the national anthem the reserve of the US military? It's not.

How is the word "rich" suddenly the reserve of Jews? It's not.

I'm too intelligent to have people like you, or like Trump, attack me in such a way to make me cower.

You have a problem with that, that's your problem.

Like I said, too many people are actively looking to be offended for their own gains.

H&M apologises for image of black child wearing 'coolest monkey in the jungle' hoodie


This kid is wearing "coolest monkey in the jungle sweater", I wouldn't wear it myself, but it's about as offensive as saying "rich Jew". You'll be offended if you associate monkey with black person every time you hear the word monkey.
Sure. I hear what you are saying. While I fully support Israel defending herself when and as necessary, I am disgusted by the calls to murder Arabs and/or Muslims. And yes, I see it here too.

You're an anti-Semite.

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