Another Maga intellectual heavyweight jailed

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You can't stand to see a photo of feces but you have no problem forcing J6 political prisoners to live in it. Antifa and BLM fling it but you can't stand to see it. Democrat homeless voters shit in the streets of blue cities and you have no problem with that.'s the photo of it that gags you. Nadler shat his pants but at least he was wearing didn't have to see it.

Fascists believe that they are the good guys. They are so self righteous that they don't see who the real enemy is. It is their own side...the elites on their OWN SIDE.
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Tommy is too fat to be a worm. He's really more of a slug.

Seems to me that this one will be appealed, though. The judge who handed out the sentence is obviously biased.
I'd be looking over your shoulder for an offended slug with a grudge....

I see pardons and reparations for the entire lot of J6 protesters when the humans are back in charge. Just hang in there patriots!
You can't stand to see a photo of feces but you have no problem forcing J6 political prisoners to live in it. Antifa and BLM fling it but you can't stand to see it.

Fascists believe that they are the good guys. They are so self righteous that they don't see who the real enemy is. It is their own side...the elites on their OWN SIDE.
Are you talking to an individual, or to everyone?
Jailed for having the opinion that the election was stolen. An opinion that millions of people have. Democrats have another political prisoner.
You think he was jailed for believing the election was stolen and nothing else?! Have you even looked at the case?
I never thought the democrats would have the nerve to pull this shit that is clearly unconstitutional and ILLEGAL.
I never thought i'd see the day that these political prisoners for having a different political opinion have been jailed in the worst possible conditions, denied visitation, denied medical care, denied seeing their attorneys to the point that three have committed suicide, two were killed by DC cops and no investigation and no one held accountable.
now...let's hear some more of your vengeful, trollish, instigating anti america, anti law bull shit accusations.
People are being locked up for committing crimes. There is evidence of these crimes. They get a trial and an opportunity to defend themselves. It’s is a legal process and you are ignoring facts to try and tear it down in the name of one man. That’s sad
People are being locked up for committing crimes. There is evidence of these crimes. They get a trial and an opportunity to defend themselves. It’s is a legal process and you are ignoring facts to try and tear it down in the name of one man. That’s sad
The Democratic shitholes are locking no one up.
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Incredibly he still thinks that the election was stoen. Well he now has a few years to reflect on that nonsense. Why are these people always not vaxxed ?

its good to see you admit republicans are intellectual heavyweights...looks like you are finally woke..congrats
People are being locked up for committing crimes. There is evidence of these crimes. They get a trial and an opportunity to defend themselves. It’s is a legal process and you are ignoring facts to try and tear it down in the name of one man. That’s sad
Trump supporters and conservatives are being locked up for committing crimes, real and imagined...but no democrats...have you noticed that? That's just one of many things you are ignoring.
You think he was jailed for believing the election was stolen and nothing else?! Have you even looked at the case?
Do you think jailing these people is anything else but intimidation? Think again, or in your case, for the first time.
You think he was jailed for believing the election was stolen and nothing else?! Have you even looked at the case?
Is there something that didn't start with believing the election was stolen or does the whole thing hinge on making America great again?
Trump supporters and conservatives are being locked up for committing crimes, real and imagined...but no democrats...have you noticed that? That's just one of many things you are ignoring.
That's because Trumptards are GUILTY, of committing crimes.
Just like their daddy.
That's funny to them. At that level.
Shit for brains. What do you expect?
Well, look at the man they adore. Look at the copycat politicians who have attached themselves to him.

They're angry, petulant children. Posting a huge photo of feces in a toilet and then comparing someone to that is that level of intelligence and maturity.

These people now have politicians to whom they can relate, who speak their language, in their way.
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