Another Maga intellectual heavyweight jailed

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That's priceless irony coming from a guy who's President continuously tries to shake hands with invisible people.
Funny coming from someone whose lord and master plays golf with spies.
I never had sex with that woman...Ms Lewinsky...I just had an accident on her dress
Wow. You must really be flustered to reach back that far for right wing rhetoric.
I never thought the democrats would have the nerve to pull this shit that is clearly unconstitutional and ILLEGAL.
I never thought i'd see the day that these political prisoners for having a different political opinion have been jailed in the worst possible conditions, denied visitation, denied medical care, denied seeing their attorneys to the point that three have committed suicide, two were killed by DC cops and no investigation and no one held accountable.
now...let's hear some more of your vengeful, trollish, instigating anti america, anti law bull shit accusations.
Lol, you are a retard. Yall own the Supreme Court. I am sure they will over turn his conviction. Until then you are just a retard.
Trump supporters and conservatives are being locked up for committing crimes, real and imagined...but no democrats...have you noticed that? That's just one of many things you are ignoring.
Everything is party politics with you isn’t it. For the life of me I can’t understand why you think it’s a good argument to say that the Dems don’t get in trouble in order to defend Trump and capital rioters. Makes zero sense. If somebody committed a crime they should be held accountable. It’s pretty simple. Your issue is you’ve been told all these Dems are committing crimes but it’s BS. Political hyperbole. Don’t be so gullible
Do you think jailing these people is anything else but intimidation? Think again, or in your case, for the first time.
Of course it’s more than intimidation… there is legal precedent to arrest these people. Evidence of crimes. That’s why they are jailed.
Is there something that didn't start with believing the election was stolen or does the whole thing hinge on making America great again?
I have no clue what it hinges on for these whackos. Probably won’t be happy until the entire system crumbles and we are in anarchy
People are jailed for proof of a crime, not evidence of a crime, retard.
They are arrested on evidence and sentenced when proven guilty in court. That’s what’s happening here. People aren’t being arrested or Jailed for simple beliefs. That’s another one of your lies.
I have no clue what it hinges on for these whackos. Probably won’t be happy until the entire system crumbles and we are in anarchy

July 26 2022
Fresh from a double contempt of Congress conviction linked to his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, Steve Bannon is now calling on “4,000 shock troops” to “deconstruct” the federal government “brick by brick.”

He wants to see people “stepping forward, say[ing], ’Hey, I want to be one of those 4,000 shock troops,” Bannon said on his “War Room” podcast Monday. “This is taking on and defeating and deconstructing the administrative state,” he added.

Trump's cult are far more loyal, and delusional, than this retard.
The election was stolen you moron, Big tech silenced the Hunter Biden story, kept Joe Bidumb in his basement and when he did came out he drew a crowd over 12 people while 10s of thousands of voters turned out for President Trump.
Wait - It thought it was stolen by mules or something. Get your story straight.
THIS IS WHAT HE DID???????? HELL. Harris Supported Antifa and BLM did FAR WORSE. THEY tried to burn police in their own building, the attacked police, they threw bottles at them, they set businesses on fire, they harassed and assaulted police, citizens, children, pets. They burned cities, looted businesses, put people OUT of business, ransacked their stores, destroyed neighborhoods...and your article didn't state his actions other than HE SAID THE ELECTIONS WAS STOLEN/ILLEGitimate!!!! THIS...IS THAT double standard i mentioned above. You see it. YOU know it...but because your side is in the catbird seat and are doing all good with it. You sit there behind your computer with that smirk on your face knowing full well what is going on.
THIS IS WHAT HE DID???????? HELL. Harris Supported Antifa and BLM did FAR WORSE. THEY tried to burn police in their own building, the attacked police, they threw bottles at them, they set businesses on fire, they harassed and assaulted police, citizens, children, pets. They burned cities, looted businesses, put people OUT of business, ransacked their stores, destroyed neighborhoods...and your article didn't state his actions other than HE SAID THE ELECTIONS WAS STOLEN/ILLEGitimate!!!! THIS...IS THAT double standard i mentioned above. You see it. YOU know it...but because your side is in the catbird seat and are doing all good with it. You sit there behind your computer with that smirk on your face knowing full well what is going on.
So back in reality Harris did not do what you pretend she did and this guy actually did this….

Joshua Pruitt, 40, pleaded guilty in June to obstruction of an official proceeding after he was caught on video joining a mob pursuing police officers and smashing a sign inside the U.S. Capitol. Two U.S. Capitol Police officers wrote victim impact statements urging U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly to give Pruitt a severe sentence.
So back in reality Harris did not do what you pretend she did and this guy actually did this….

Joshua Pruitt, 40, pleaded guilty in June to obstruction of an official proceeding after he was caught on video joining a mob pursuing police officers and smashing a sign inside the U.S. Capitol. Two U.S. Capitol Police officers wrote victim impact statements urging U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly to give Pruitt a severe sentence.
*DUDE. SHE BAILED OUT and she supported these domestic terrorists. DO I HAVE TO POST THE LINKS FOR YA??? YOU MISSED THEM THE FIRST TIME???? did YA??

*caps for emphasis only.\

The lefts riots and looting protests were anything BUT peaceful.
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*DUDE. SHE BAILED OUT and she supported these domestic terrorists. DO I HAVE TO POST THE LINKS FOR YA??? YOU MISSED THEM THE FIRST TIME???? did YA??

*caps for emphasis only.\

The lefts riots and looting protests were anything BUT peaceful.
No smart guy she did some fund raising for an organization that was formed long before the the summer riots and worked towards helping poor people make bail. Then people like you come along and act like she was going down do the police station bailing out ANTIFA rioters. Give me a break. Why can’t y’all just make honest arguments? When you lie and exaggerate it just makes you look weak and uninformed
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