Another mass shooting. Another assault rifle

The difference is in killing power.

Trucks & planes of other uses that killing.
IDK ISIS seems to be doing a decent enough job with cars, trucks and bombs. Matter of fact they haven't been using guns at all lately.
I'm more worried about the U.S. and the OP is about the shooting of six innocent doctors and med students going about their work at a hospital when they were gunned down by an ex coworker using an AR15, widely available in any hunting goods store and WalMart. We aren't talking about terrorists.
Well actually we are. This guy left that job in 2015. He's been stewing for a while and probably planning this for a while;its domestic terrorism of a sort. Take away the AR-15 and he still would have had his revenge. Like ISIS he could have used a bomb,knife,car,poison, the only limit is his imagination. Timothy McVeigh used a truck and made a fertilizer bomb. This isn't rocket science and this guy was a doctor so I'm thinking he could figure out by way of internet how to make a bomb. Emergency rooms have drive up access so it really would have been nothing for Dr. Bello blow shit up if he couldn't have gotten his hands on a AR-15. The terrorists in London used cars,homemade bombs and knives and so could have Bello. If this country wants to stop guys like Bello and Lanza maybe we should invest more into mental health. Clearly Bello had anger management problems and a screw loose as did Lanza. It's not the guns it's the mind of the people with the guns. Our society is producing nut jobs at an alarming rate and maybe we should also put some cash into why that is. This type of thing didn't happen with this frequency 30 years ago. Somethings gone horribly wrong in the last 30 years.

I am willing to bet that mass shootings would actually increase significantly if there were to be a total (unconstitutional) ban on firearms. Even if the ban were specific to only certain types or calibers.

Banning guns will not in any way convert insane criminals into law abiding upstanding members of a society.
Making assault type rifles illegal will make them harder to obtain, allow police to arrest them on the way to commit their slaughter, or arrest them in the planning stages.

Trucks & knives have actual uses outside of killing things. Really. Quit being sofa king stupid by declaring there are other ways to kill people. No fucking shit. It has no change ton the FACT that a AK47 has far more killing power than a knife or pistol or bolt action rifle or a baseball bast. A fact you assholes can't seem to grasp.

Why own one? It is a crappy home defense weapon.

So my semi-auto .22 that works just like the AR-15 would need to be banned too, in fact any semi-auto would need to be banned to fit your solution.
Well actually we are. This guy left that job in 2015. He's been stewing for a while and probably planning this for a while;its domestic terrorism of a sort. Take away the AR-15 and he still would have had his revenge. Like ISIS he could have used a bomb,knife,car,poison, the only limit is his imagination. Timothy McVeigh used a truck and made a fertilizer bomb. This isn't rocket science and this guy was a doctor so I'm thinking he could figure out by way of internet how to make a bomb. Emergency rooms have drive up access so it really would have been nothing for Dr. Bello blow shit up if he couldn't have gotten his hands on a AR-15. The terrorists in London used cars,homemade bombs and knives and so could have Bello. If this country wants to stop guys like Bello and Lanza maybe we should invest more into mental health. Clearly Bello had anger management problems and a screw loose as did Lanza. It's not the guns it's the mind of the people with the guns. Our society is producing nut jobs at an alarming rate and maybe we should also put some cash into why that is. This type of thing didn't happen with this frequency 30 years ago. Somethings gone horribly wrong in the last 30 years.

I am willing to bet that mass shootings would actually increase significantly if there were to be a total (unconstitutional) ban on firearms. Even if the ban were specific to only certain types or calibers.

Banning guns will not in any way convert insane criminals into law abiding upstanding members of a society.
Making assault type rifles illegal will make them harder to obtain, allow police to arrest them on the way to commit their slaughter, or arrest them in the planning stages.

Trucks & knives have actual uses outside of killing things. Really. Quit being sofa king stupid by declaring there are other ways to kill people. No fucking shit. It has no change ton the FACT that a AK47 has far more killing power than a knife or pistol or bolt action rifle or a baseball bast. A fact you assholes can't seem to grasp.

Why own one? It is a crappy home defense weapon.

Look, dickweed, if the assaut type weapons do not provide more killing power, why the fuck do you want them. Answer that. But you won't. Because you can't without proving me right.

Why own one? It is a crappy home defense weapon

You have no idea what you are talking is a great home defense weapon...

It is light, so any body type can use it easily, men, women, teenagers, it holds a magazine that allows 20 rounds to deal with the threat.....even a 30 round you don't run out and don't have to change the magazine in most criminal encounters in the morons have given it a reputation, so when a criminal sees it they will react to it with more fear and will likely run away instead of challenging you the way they might if you had a snub nose .38. The weapon allows 3 points of contact with the weapon allowing you to control it and where the bullet has low recoil, and is easier to shoot than a small pistol....which means you will likely hit what you shoot at. You can also mount a light and a laser on it making it easier to shoot in the dark and low light if you need it.

And if you are facing down a riot in a democrat controlled city, where the democrat mayor has told the police to stand down and let the rioters loot and burn stores.....your AR-15 will keep your store from being burned to the ground.....without having to fire a shot....
Not as good as a pump action shotgun. is often better than a pump action have to manually rack the shotgun to load a new shell....if you have been shot in one arm or the other, or stabbed, or lost the use of a hand......racking the shotgun becomes a problem....if you have more than one attacker and have to shoot them before they shoot you, racking the shotgun between shots slows you down.......and a many women find the shotgun hard to shoot...while an AR-15 has little to no recoil, making it far easier for women and smaller shooters to fire......

YOu really should research these topics...
As it is now, carrying an assault weapon is not illegal. Police would see him & do nothing

With a ban, the guy could be arrested for carrying it. They don't need telepathy as the law is being broken.

If these assault weapons provide no advantage other than looking scary, why the FUCK do you want them?

You are sofa king stupid you think the death toll between a crazy person with an assault weapon & one with a bolt action rifle or a knife or a baseball bat is all the same.

But Dave, he doesn't need an "assault weapon" to kill people. He can use an automatic pistol and kill just as many, just as quickly. Banning a certain kind of gun isn't going to change a mentally unstable person's state of mind.

The weapons you are calling "assault weapons" are just regular guns. They have some beneficial features like a carbon fiber stock which makes them lighter. They may have a noise suppressor which helps protect the user's hearing. They may be camouflage in color so they are more beneficial to hunting wild animals. They aren't any more deadly than a regular rifle. In fact, there are regular-looking rifles that are much more powerful than an AR-15 or AK-47.

Will you please stop for a minute and think about the number of people killed in numerous attacks across the UK in the past few months? These people have the most strict anti-gun laws in the world... did it prevent people from dying? NO! Look at Chicago... a city with the most stringent gun laws in America and you have more people being shot and killed there daily than in Afghanistan and Iraq. Banning guns doesn't stop people from being killed.
You dickweeds do realize that by stating how other weapons can kill just as quickly that you are arguing there is no need for assault type weapons.

There is a need for whatever a free market demands, dipwad.
People need drugs. I agree with you they should be legalized.
As it is now, carrying an assault weapon is not illegal. Police would see him & do nothing

With a ban, the guy could be arrested for carrying it. They don't need telepathy as the law is being broken.

If these assault weapons provide no advantage other than looking scary, why the FUCK do you want them?

You are sofa king stupid you think the death toll between a crazy person with an assault weapon & one with a bolt action rifle or a knife or a baseball bat is all the same.

But Dave, he doesn't need an "assault weapon" to kill people. He can use an automatic pistol and kill just as many, just as quickly. Banning a certain kind of gun isn't going to change a mentally unstable person's state of mind.

The weapons you are calling "assault weapons" are just regular guns. They have some beneficial features like a carbon fiber stock which makes them lighter. They may have a noise suppressor which helps protect the user's hearing. They may be camouflage in color so they are more beneficial to hunting wild animals. They aren't any more deadly than a regular rifle. In fact, there are regular-looking rifles that are much more powerful than an AR-15 or AK-47.

Will you please stop for a minute and think about the number of people killed in numerous attacks across the UK in the past few months? These people have the most strict anti-gun laws in the world... did it prevent people from dying? NO! Look at Chicago... a city with the most stringent gun laws in America and you have more people being shot and killed there daily than in Afghanistan and Iraq. Banning guns doesn't stop people from being killed.
You dickweeds do realize that by stating how other weapons can kill just as quickly that you are arguing there is no need for assault type weapons.

There is a need for whatever a free market demands, dipwad.
People need drugs. I agree with you they should be legalized.

That explains EVERYTHING!
In reading this thread, the gun nuts have made it clear to me that since the doc did not use and assault rifle, but only a semi-automatic, then everything is hunky dory! doesn't...that is the lie the anti gunners use because they want to ban the weapon. The truth is that a military rifle must have select fire capability.......the AR-15 does not, and never has had this...and has never been used by the military....the definition you gave...fits most modern pistols...which is another thing the gun grabbers do...they bait and switch, here we were talking about rifles...but the definition you gave fits pistols too....which is why we don't trust anti gunners....

We had a ban on assault type rifles. Where were the other bans you keep whining about?

Many LWs want to ban all guns. This forum is replete with that idea. However, shredding the Constitution isn't a practical path for them. Slowly eating away at individual rights and eroding the meaning and intent of the Second Amendment in particular works much better for them. They use words like "for the children" and "common sense" but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty it's statements that mean restricting all free citizens from exercising their natural right of self-defense.

BTW, there is not such thing as an "assault rifle" much less an "assault type rifle". It's a fabricated term used by the anti-gun left that means "scary-looking rifle".

What is the difference between these two rifles, RealDave?

Would you call CPS on the parents of this young man?

Premise one is a lie ("Many LWs want to ban all guns"); no one in authority has ever proposed legislation to ban all guns. Most of us believe guns need to be controlled, and kept out of the hands of those who have a demonstrated a lack of self control (drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, etc.).

Any tool can be an assault weapon, from a hammer or screw driver to a a knife or a gun. Assault with a Deadly Weapon is a felony, though no real harm to the victim needs to have occurred.

It is already against the law for a felon to buy, own or carry a gun. If they are caught doing any of those things they can be arrested.....this can already be done, under current law.

If you use a gun to commit an actual crime, rape, robbery, murder, attempted murder, you can already be arrested...under current law, using any type of firearm.

We already have the laws for gun crimes........yet the anti gunners want more laws that solely target law abiding people, who have not, and do not use their guns to commit crimes....

Why is that?

Q. How do felons acquire a gun.

Q. What laws are in place and enforced to prevent the sale of a gun to a felon, by a private party.

Q. The 2nd A. which you argue is clear in its "shall not be infringed" phrase, allows the state to deny this right to felons.
A. They buy it via illegal avenues from other criminals
A It is illegal to knowingly sell a gun to a felon in almost every state and more and more states are now requiring that all private gun sales be brokered by a federally licensed dealer who is obligated to run a background check and keep a record of the transaction

A. Felons are denied other rights as well
As it is now, carrying an assault weapon is not illegal. Police would see him & do nothing

With a ban, the guy could be arrested for carrying it. They don't need telepathy as the law is being broken.

If these assault weapons provide no advantage other than looking scary, why the FUCK do you want them?

You are sofa king stupid you think the death toll between a crazy person with an assault weapon & one with a bolt action rifle or a knife or a baseball bat is all the same.

But Dave, he doesn't need an "assault weapon" to kill people. He can use an automatic pistol and kill just as many, just as quickly. Banning a certain kind of gun isn't going to change a mentally unstable person's state of mind.

The weapons you are calling "assault weapons" are just regular guns. They have some beneficial features like a carbon fiber stock which makes them lighter. They may have a noise suppressor which helps protect the user's hearing. They may be camouflage in color so they are more beneficial to hunting wild animals. They aren't any more deadly than a regular rifle. In fact, there are regular-looking rifles that are much more powerful than an AR-15 or AK-47.

Will you please stop for a minute and think about the number of people killed in numerous attacks across the UK in the past few months? These people have the most strict anti-gun laws in the world... did it prevent people from dying? NO! Look at Chicago... a city with the most stringent gun laws in America and you have more people being shot and killed there daily than in Afghanistan and Iraq. Banning guns doesn't stop people from being killed.
You dickweeds do realize that by stating how other weapons can kill just as quickly that you are arguing there is no need for assault type weapons.

And you still don't get it that the average everyday semiautomatic rifle that has been around since the 1860's is NOT an "assault" weapon
As it is now, carrying an assault weapon is not illegal. Police would see him & do nothing

With a ban, the guy could be arrested for carrying it. They don't need telepathy as the law is being broken.

If these assault weapons provide no advantage other than looking scary, why the FUCK do you want them?

You are sofa king stupid you think the death toll between a crazy person with an assault weapon & one with a bolt action rifle or a knife or a baseball bat is all the same.

But Dave, he doesn't need an "assault weapon" to kill people. He can use an automatic pistol and kill just as many, just as quickly. Banning a certain kind of gun isn't going to change a mentally unstable person's state of mind.

The weapons you are calling "assault weapons" are just regular guns. They have some beneficial features like a carbon fiber stock which makes them lighter. They may have a noise suppressor which helps protect the user's hearing. They may be camouflage in color so they are more beneficial to hunting wild animals. They aren't any more deadly than a regular rifle. In fact, there are regular-looking rifles that are much more powerful than an AR-15 or AK-47.

Will you please stop for a minute and think about the number of people killed in numerous attacks across the UK in the past few months? These people have the most strict anti-gun laws in the world... did it prevent people from dying? NO! Look at Chicago... a city with the most stringent gun laws in America and you have more people being shot and killed there daily than in Afghanistan and Iraq. Banning guns doesn't stop people from being killed.
You dickweeds do realize that by stating how other weapons can kill just as quickly that you are arguing there is no need for assault type weapons.

And you still don't get it that the average everyday semiautomatic rifle that has been around since the 1860's is NOT an "assault" weapon
Look buttweed, I am aware of semi-automatic rifles and that would not be considered assault type weapons.

One difference is in available clip / magazine size
As it is now, carrying an assault weapon is not illegal. Police would see him & do nothing

With a ban, the guy could be arrested for carrying it. They don't need telepathy as the law is being broken.

If these assault weapons provide no advantage other than looking scary, why the FUCK do you want them?

You are sofa king stupid you think the death toll between a crazy person with an assault weapon & one with a bolt action rifle or a knife or a baseball bat is all the same.

But Dave, he doesn't need an "assault weapon" to kill people. He can use an automatic pistol and kill just as many, just as quickly. Banning a certain kind of gun isn't going to change a mentally unstable person's state of mind.

The weapons you are calling "assault weapons" are just regular guns. They have some beneficial features like a carbon fiber stock which makes them lighter. They may have a noise suppressor which helps protect the user's hearing. They may be camouflage in color so they are more beneficial to hunting wild animals. They aren't any more deadly than a regular rifle. In fact, there are regular-looking rifles that are much more powerful than an AR-15 or AK-47.

Will you please stop for a minute and think about the number of people killed in numerous attacks across the UK in the past few months? These people have the most strict anti-gun laws in the world... did it prevent people from dying? NO! Look at Chicago... a city with the most stringent gun laws in America and you have more people being shot and killed there daily than in Afghanistan and Iraq. Banning guns doesn't stop people from being killed.
You dickweeds do realize that by stating how other weapons can kill just as quickly that you are arguing there is no need for assault type weapons.

There is a need for whatever a free market demands, dipwad.
People need drugs. I agree with you they should be legalized.

That explains EVERYTHING!
I take/use no drugs. I just believe they should be legalized.
As it is now, carrying an assault weapon is not illegal. Police would see him & do nothing

With a ban, the guy could be arrested for carrying it. They don't need telepathy as the law is being broken.

If these assault weapons provide no advantage other than looking scary, why the FUCK do you want them?

You are sofa king stupid you think the death toll between a crazy person with an assault weapon & one with a bolt action rifle or a knife or a baseball bat is all the same.

But Dave, he doesn't need an "assault weapon" to kill people. He can use an automatic pistol and kill just as many, just as quickly. Banning a certain kind of gun isn't going to change a mentally unstable person's state of mind.

The weapons you are calling "assault weapons" are just regular guns. They have some beneficial features like a carbon fiber stock which makes them lighter. They may have a noise suppressor which helps protect the user's hearing. They may be camouflage in color so they are more beneficial to hunting wild animals. They aren't any more deadly than a regular rifle. In fact, there are regular-looking rifles that are much more powerful than an AR-15 or AK-47.

Will you please stop for a minute and think about the number of people killed in numerous attacks across the UK in the past few months? These people have the most strict anti-gun laws in the world... did it prevent people from dying? NO! Look at Chicago... a city with the most stringent gun laws in America and you have more people being shot and killed there daily than in Afghanistan and Iraq. Banning guns doesn't stop people from being killed.
You dickweeds do realize that by stating how other weapons can kill just as quickly that you are arguing there is no need for assault type weapons.

And you still don't get it that the average everyday semiautomatic rifle that has been around since the 1860's is NOT an "assault" weapon
Look buttweed, I am aware of semi-automatic rifles and that would not be considered assault type weapons.

One difference is in available clip / magazine size

Wrong again. My mini 14 which is not classified as an "assault" rifle can take a 30 round magazine
It isn't the triggers on the firearms, but rather in the psychology of the perpetrators. The fact, however, is that both triggers are attached to the same finger. What is the solution that society will find (for, one will be found)?
As it is now, carrying an assault weapon is not illegal. Police would see him & do nothing

With a ban, the guy could be arrested for carrying it. They don't need telepathy as the law is being broken.

If these assault weapons provide no advantage other than looking scary, why the FUCK do you want them?

You are sofa king stupid you think the death toll between a crazy person with an assault weapon & one with a bolt action rifle or a knife or a baseball bat is all the same.

But Dave, he doesn't need an "assault weapon" to kill people. He can use an automatic pistol and kill just as many, just as quickly. Banning a certain kind of gun isn't going to change a mentally unstable person's state of mind.

The weapons you are calling "assault weapons" are just regular guns. They have some beneficial features like a carbon fiber stock which makes them lighter. They may have a noise suppressor which helps protect the user's hearing. They may be camouflage in color so they are more beneficial to hunting wild animals. They aren't any more deadly than a regular rifle. In fact, there are regular-looking rifles that are much more powerful than an AR-15 or AK-47.

Will you please stop for a minute and think about the number of people killed in numerous attacks across the UK in the past few months? These people have the most strict anti-gun laws in the world... did it prevent people from dying? NO! Look at Chicago... a city with the most stringent gun laws in America and you have more people being shot and killed there daily than in Afghanistan and Iraq. Banning guns doesn't stop people from being killed.
You dickweeds do realize that by stating how other weapons can kill just as quickly that you are arguing there is no need for assault type weapons.

And you still don't get it that the average everyday semiautomatic rifle that has been around since the 1860's is NOT an "assault" weapon
Look buttweed, I am aware of semi-automatic rifles and that would not be considered assault type weapons.

One difference is in available clip / magazine size
You have to read the right magazines to realize 'clip' is soo passé!
Mass shooting in hospital where the shooter used an assault type rifle.

But hey, if only doctors were armed.
You can remove guns but they will find another means of killing people. If a person wants to kill they will find a way. This man could have used a baseball bat,knife, bomb,chemical agent,vehicle. Timothy McVeigh and the first bombing of the WTC in 1993 were both trucks with bombs. The 2001 WTC were planes loaded with jet fuel, no gun necessary.

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia
1993 World Trade Center bombing - Wikipedia
The difference is in killing power.

Trucks & planes of other uses that killing.
IDK ISIS seems to be doing a decent enough job with cars, trucks and bombs. Matter of fact they haven't been using guns at all lately.
I'm more worried about the U.S. and the OP is about the shooting of six innocent doctors and med students going about their work at a hospital when they were gunned down by an ex coworker using an AR15, widely available in any hunting goods store and WalMart. We aren't talking about terrorists.

Why are you worried.....AR-15 rifles have been used to murder fewer than 167 people...over a period of 35 years...if you really want to worry, worry about the knife in your kicthen...knives are used over 1,500 times a year to commit murder......

Do you see the difference in numbers....

And more Americans own and carry guns...our crime rate has dropped...a lot...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 15.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
We had this same reply/response a few pages ago. knives are used 1,500 times a year to commit murder and at least three times as many murders have been committed this year (half way through) using guns.
The past few days have not been good for gun huggers. The young people spraying each other with gun fire at the Arkansas concert. The 18 year old killed in a road rage incident. The six doctors and med students shot in a Bronx hospital by a disgruntled ex employee. Without guns to use, these shootings would not have taken place.
But Dave, he doesn't need an "assault weapon" to kill people. He can use an automatic pistol and kill just as many, just as quickly. Banning a certain kind of gun isn't going to change a mentally unstable person's state of mind.

The weapons you are calling "assault weapons" are just regular guns. They have some beneficial features like a carbon fiber stock which makes them lighter. They may have a noise suppressor which helps protect the user's hearing. They may be camouflage in color so they are more beneficial to hunting wild animals. They aren't any more deadly than a regular rifle. In fact, there are regular-looking rifles that are much more powerful than an AR-15 or AK-47.

Will you please stop for a minute and think about the number of people killed in numerous attacks across the UK in the past few months? These people have the most strict anti-gun laws in the world... did it prevent people from dying? NO! Look at Chicago... a city with the most stringent gun laws in America and you have more people being shot and killed there daily than in Afghanistan and Iraq. Banning guns doesn't stop people from being killed.
You dickweeds do realize that by stating how other weapons can kill just as quickly that you are arguing there is no need for assault type weapons.

There is a need for whatever a free market demands, dipwad.
People need drugs. I agree with you they should be legalized.

That explains EVERYTHING!
I take/use no drugs. I just believe they should be legalized.

Did someone accuse you of USING drugs?
We had a ban on assault type rifles. Where were the other bans you keep whining about?

Many LWs want to ban all guns. This forum is replete with that idea. However, shredding the Constitution isn't a practical path for them. Slowly eating away at individual rights and eroding the meaning and intent of the Second Amendment in particular works much better for them. They use words like "for the children" and "common sense" but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty it's statements that mean restricting all free citizens from exercising their natural right of self-defense.

BTW, there is not such thing as an "assault rifle" much less an "assault type rifle". It's a fabricated term used by the anti-gun left that means "scary-looking rifle".

What is the difference between these two rifles, RealDave?

Would you call CPS on the parents of this young man?

Premise one is a lie ("Many LWs want to ban all guns"); no one in authority has ever proposed legislation to ban all guns. Most of us believe guns need to be controlled, and kept out of the hands of those who have a demonstrated a lack of self control (drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, etc.).

Any tool can be an assault weapon, from a hammer or screw driver to a a knife or a gun. Assault with a Deadly Weapon is a felony, though no real harm to the victim needs to have occurred.

It is already against the law for a felon to buy, own or carry a gun. If they are caught doing any of those things they can be arrested.....this can already be done, under current law.

If you use a gun to commit an actual crime, rape, robbery, murder, attempted murder, you can already be arrested...under current law, using any type of firearm.

We already have the laws for gun crimes........yet the anti gunners want more laws that solely target law abiding people, who have not, and do not use their guns to commit crimes....

Why is that?

Q. How do felons acquire a gun.

Q. What laws are in place and enforced to prevent the sale of a gun to a felon, by a private party.

Q. The 2nd A. which you argue is clear in its "shall not be infringed" phrase, allows the state to deny this right to felons.
A. They buy it via illegal avenues from other criminals
A It is illegal to knowingly sell a gun to a felon in almost every state and more and more states are now requiring that all private gun sales be brokered by am Federally licensed dealer who is obligated to run a background check and keep a record of the transaction

A. Felons are denied other rights as well

But, but, but the only Right not to be infringed is the Second Amendment. Isn't that what you've always posted?

You can't have it both ways, if you agree a felon can be denied this Right, it opens the door for less restrictive gun controls, such as licensing and registration.
Mass shooting in hospital where the shooter used an assault type rifle.

But hey, if only doctors were armed.
You can remove guns but they will find another means of killing people. If a person wants to kill they will find a way. This man could have used a baseball bat,knife, bomb,chemical agent,vehicle. Timothy McVeigh and the first bombing of the WTC in 1993 were both trucks with bombs. The 2001 WTC were planes loaded with jet fuel, no gun necessary.

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia
1993 World Trade Center bombing - Wikipedia
The difference is in killing power.

Trucks & planes of other uses that killing.
IDK ISIS seems to be doing a decent enough job with cars, trucks and bombs. Matter of fact they haven't been using guns at all lately.
I'm more worried about the U.S. and the OP is about the shooting of six innocent doctors and med students going about their work at a hospital when they were gunned down by an ex coworker using an AR15, widely available in any hunting goods store and WalMart. We aren't talking about terrorists.
Well actually we are. This guy left that job in 2015. He's been stewing for a while and probably planning this for a while;its domestic terrorism of a sort. Take away the AR-15 and he still would have had his revenge. Like ISIS he could have used a bomb,knife,car,poison, the only limit is his imagination. Timothy McVeigh used a truck and made a fertilizer bomb. This isn't rocket science and this guy was a doctor so I'm thinking he could figure out by way of internet how to make a bomb. Emergency rooms have drive up access so it really would have been nothing for Dr. Bello blow shit up if he couldn't have gotten his hands on a AR-15. The terrorists in London used cars,homemade bombs and knives and so could have Bello. If this country wants to stop guys like Bello and Lanza maybe we should invest more into mental health. Clearly Bello had anger management problems and a screw loose as did Lanza. It's not the guns it's the mind of the people with the guns. Our society is producing nut jobs at an alarming rate and maybe we should also put some cash into why that is. This type of thing didn't happen with this frequency 30 years ago. Somethings gone horribly wrong in the last 30 years.
No actually terrorism is for a political purpose, and none of the shootings by Americans this week fit that bill. Our frustrated doc clearly had problems, I agree. More mental health treatment and more education to eliminate the stigma associated with getting treatment and seeking help for people who need treatment both should be emphasized.

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