Another Minor Celebrity Gets Mau Maued by the Backlash

As amusing as this madness can be, ya gotta feel bad for the kids.
You dont feel bad for society being bullied into "compliance"? This nonsense happens every day in the workplace too.

I don't. Why people in 2019 continue to say anything even remotely controversial over social media is beyond me. There have been countless examples of people getting into big trouble for it and even losing their livelihoods, so why continue to do it? Because people never seem to learn, that's why. Zero sympathy from me.
When I read what he said, I couldn't even IMAGINE the POSSIBILITY of anyone challenging that statement. It's odd that ANYONE would pretend to disagree. And the left calls US the "Nazis"
As amusing as this madness can be, ya gotta feel bad for the kids.
You dont feel bad for society being bullied into "compliance"? This nonsense happens every day in the workplace too.

I don't. Why people in 2019 continue to say anything even remotely controversial over social media is beyond me. There have been countless examples of people getting into big trouble for it and even losing their livelihoods, so why continue to do it? Because people never seem to learn, that's why. Zero sympathy from me.
When I read what he said, I couldn't even IMAGINE the POSSIBILITY of anyone challenging that statement. It's odd that ANYONE would pretend to disagree. And the left calls US the "Nazis"

You just couldn't imagine it, huh? Okaaaay. You're either lying or completely obtuse. Both parties are practicing fascism these days, so who knows if they're right about the Nazi thing. It's hard to tell apart the two sides of the same shit pile sometimes.
Why people in 2019 continue to say anything even remotely controversial over social media is beyond me. There have been countless examples of people getting into big trouble for it and even losing their livelihoods, so why continue to do it? Because people never seem to learn, that's why. Zero sympathy from me.

Not everyone is a worthless, pathetic, Gillettized coward, like you; who is willing to let the most degenerate fringes of society dictate what beliefs one may hold or express.
Why people in 2019 continue to say anything even remotely controversial over social media is beyond me. There have been countless examples of people getting into big trouble for it and even losing their livelihoods, so why continue to do it? Because people never seem to learn, that's why. Zero sympathy from me.

Not everyone is a worthless, pathetic, Gillettized coward, like you; who is willing to let the most degenerate fringes of society dictate what beliefs one may hold or express.

Actions have consequences. Free speech has consequences. Don't make this about me, you retard. If you can't compose yourself like an adult, don't cry to me when the home owner throws you out on the curb after you took a shit on the floor.
Actions have consequences. Free speech has consequences. Don't make this about me, you retard. If you can't compose yourself like an adult, don't cry to me when the home owner throws you out on the curb after you took a shit on the floor.


Charlize Theron, another left wing female brainiac, raising her BOY as a GIRL.

Cause when the BOY was three (yes 3) said HE was a SHE.

When will it be ok to get violent with these demented fucking losers. Especially when they abuse their kids.

It's child sexual abuse.

Our society, pushed by the Marxists, condones it.
It's okay, bud. I already knew you have no cogent reply. Your view is bullshit, and you know it. How embarrassing for you.

You just keep believing that, if it makes you feel better. Believe what you think society allows you to believe, and express what you think society allows you to express, and keep on feeling that this somehow make you superior to those of us who think for ourselves, who prefer to believe and tell truths that the degenerate fringes do not want to be believed or told.

May the great Laurence Tureaud have compassion for you.

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