Another "muslim rape gang " story busted.

Islam in Indonesia is very different.

Muslim shamans pray five times a day, and then commune with mystical spirits while performing rites on other Muslims to cast or remove spells.

Provincial kings and sultans, also Muslim, place offerings to the Four Guardians of the Earth on their palace grounds, and preside over ancient rituals, like the elaborate annual pageant of sacred objects in the city of Solo, where albino water buffalos, believed to possess supernatural powers, lead the procession.

Muslim cross-dressers compete to be crowned Miss Indonesian Transvestite of the year, and also pray in the women’s section of the mosque while wearing the traditional headscarf.
These practices would be considered blasphemy by many Middle Eastern Muslims.
America at a Crossroads . A Different Jihad: Indonesia's Struggle for the Soul of Islam | PBS
Islam is often associated with the Arab world and the Middle East, yet fewer than 15% of Muslims are Arab. By far, the largest populations of Muslims live in Southeast Asia (more than 60%), while the countries of the Middle East and North Africa make up only 20% of the total.

How Many Muslims Are There in the World?
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the processwill carry on.

You know the biggest reason I consider you a piece of human filth on whom I wish cancer, Tommy? You are a muslim rape-enabler/apologist. That alone makes you the subhuman coward filth of my race and gender that you are. There is no form of muslim barbarity that a cocksucking, muslim glory-hole-whore like your Eurotrash ilk won't justify. See unlike you, REAL MEN PROTECT YOUNG FEMALES. We don't hand them over to the muslim fuck machine like a treasonous column of bowel-hemmorhaged shit like you. Whose character stinks so bad, you would overhwhelmn the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork rendering plant, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike. Are you English about ANYTHING but sucking muslim cock, you aborted goblin shambling out of the darkest corners of all creation? As vast as our mutual language is, there are very few English perjoratives that are vulgar enough to accurately depict the traitor/coward you are.
I must be honest. I can go with the best of them in terms of conversation on an intelligent level. I can also go toe to toe with anyone who decides to take their chances and get into a contest of insults and vulgarities....BUT.....I got nuthin for that....That was brilliantly written.
No its racist shite. you are just a tool of the fascists.

Coming from a RAPE APOLOGIST vessel of failed manhood like yourself, that's a compliment. Because you are determined to defend every horrifying thing a muslim inbred does, you are a gamma-ray-emitting, toxic-souled testament to everything mankind has done wrong. I rank you American-hating, Islam-cocksucker, slime of my race even lower than the wheel well scrapings on a Greyhound bus filled with Jerry Springer guests. Being English, you're probably a pedophile yourself, since your culture is riddled with child-fuckers.
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the processwill carry on.
Tons of independent sources on the rape and fear culture now in Germany. And Sweden. And elsewhere in Europe. Also numerous articles as to why legal authorities do not keep or downplay the ethnicity of the perpetrators.

You, IMO, are delusional. Or you are not teachable or totally unwilling to believe the other side might be true.

So I guess there is no point in my elaborating, or in producing all kinds of documentation that says you are dead wrong!

Now go find another article of a fake allegation and call it a day. That’s all it takes for you to feel comforted apparently.
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the processwill carry on.
Here is an interesting article from 2014. It speaks of the repulsive feminist movements in the USA and what it is they care about and what it is they are forever conspicuously silent about. These are the kind echoing your garbage.
Feminists’ Failure on Rotherham, by Ian Tuttle, National Review
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the processwill carry on.

You know the biggest reason I consider you a piece of human filth on whom I wish cancer, Tommy? You are a muslim rape-enabler/apologist. That alone makes you the subhuman coward filth of my race and gender that you are. There is no form of muslim barbarity that a cocksucking, muslim glory-hole-whore like your Eurotrash ilk won't justify. See unlike you, REAL MEN PROTECT YOUNG FEMALES. We don't hand them over to the muslim fuck machine like a treasonous column of bowel-hemmorhaged shit like you. Whose character stinks so bad, you would overhwhelmn the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork rendering plant, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike. Are you English about ANYTHING but sucking muslim cock, you aborted goblin shambling out of the darkest corners of all creation? As vast as our mutual language is, there are very few English perjoratives that are vulgar enough to accurately depict the traitor/coward you are.
I must be honest. I can go with the best of them in terms of conversation on an intelligent level. I can also go toe to toe with anyone who decides to take their chances and get into a contest of insults and vulgarities....BUT.....I got nuthin for that....That was brilliantly written.
No its racist shite. you are just a tool of the fascists.

Coming from a RAPE APOLOGIST vessel of failed manhood like yourself, that's a compliment. Because you are determined to defend every horrifying thing a muslim inbred does, you are a gamma-ray-emitting, toxic-souled testament to everything mankind has done wrong. I rank you American-hating, Islam-cocksucker, slime of my race even lower than the wheel well scrapings on a Greyhound bus filled with Jerry Springer guests. Being English, you're probably a pedophile yourself, since your culture is riddled with child-fuckers.
He's Welsh.
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the processwill carry on.

You know the biggest reason I consider you a piece of human filth on whom I wish cancer, Tommy? You are a muslim rape-enabler/apologist. That alone makes you the subhuman coward filth of my race and gender that you are. There is no form of muslim barbarity that a cocksucking, muslim glory-hole-whore like your Eurotrash ilk won't justify. See unlike you, REAL MEN PROTECT YOUNG FEMALES. We don't hand them over to the muslim fuck machine like a treasonous column of bowel-hemmorhaged shit like you. Whose character stinks so bad, you would overhwhelmn the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork rendering plant, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike. Are you English about ANYTHING but sucking muslim cock, you aborted goblin shambling out of the darkest corners of all creation? As vast as our mutual language is, there are very few English perjoratives that are vulgar enough to accurately depict the traitor/coward you are.
I must be honest. I can go with the best of them in terms of conversation on an intelligent level. I can also go toe to toe with anyone who decides to take their chances and get into a contest of insults and vulgarities....BUT.....I got nuthin for that....That was brilliantly written.
No its racist shite. you are just a tool of the fascists.

Coming from a RAPE APOLOGIST vessel of failed manhood like yourself, that's a compliment. Because you are determined to defend every horrifying thing a muslim inbred does, you are a gamma-ray-emitting, toxic-souled testament to everything mankind has done wrong. I rank you American-hating, Islam-cocksucker, slime of my race even lower than the wheel well scrapings on a Greyhound bus filled with Jerry Springer guests. Being English, you're probably a pedophile yourself, since your culture is riddled with child-fuckers.
He's Welsh.

Damn, now I'm embarrassed because my maternal grandma had a bunch of Welsh ancestry herself!
You know the biggest reason I consider you a piece of human filth on whom I wish cancer, Tommy? You are a muslim rape-enabler/apologist. That alone makes you the subhuman coward filth of my race and gender that you are. There is no form of muslim barbarity that a cocksucking, muslim glory-hole-whore like your Eurotrash ilk won't justify. See unlike you, REAL MEN PROTECT YOUNG FEMALES. We don't hand them over to the muslim fuck machine like a treasonous column of bowel-hemmorhaged shit like you. Whose character stinks so bad, you would overhwhelmn the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork rendering plant, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike. Are you English about ANYTHING but sucking muslim cock, you aborted goblin shambling out of the darkest corners of all creation? As vast as our mutual language is, there are very few English perjoratives that are vulgar enough to accurately depict the traitor/coward you are.
I must be honest. I can go with the best of them in terms of conversation on an intelligent level. I can also go toe to toe with anyone who decides to take their chances and get into a contest of insults and vulgarities....BUT.....I got nuthin for that....That was brilliantly written.
No its racist shite. you are just a tool of the fascists.

Coming from a RAPE APOLOGIST vessel of failed manhood like yourself, that's a compliment. Because you are determined to defend every horrifying thing a muslim inbred does, you are a gamma-ray-emitting, toxic-souled testament to everything mankind has done wrong. I rank you American-hating, Islam-cocksucker, slime of my race even lower than the wheel well scrapings on a Greyhound bus filled with Jerry Springer guests. Being English, you're probably a pedophile yourself, since your culture is riddled with child-fuckers.
He's Welsh.

Damn, now I'm embarrassed because my maternal grandma had a bunch of Welsh ancestry herself!
Not to worry. Sounds like it's been watered down somewhat? :) Not so with Tommy Traitor, and all your other observations of him are spot on :beer:.
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the processwill carry on.
Here is an interesting article from 2014. It speaks of the repulsive feminist movements in the USA and what it is they care about and what it is they are forever conspicuously silent about. These are the kind echoing your garbage.
Feminists’ Failure on Rotherham, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

That is an excellent piece. I would love to see some of these supposed feminists asked about this.

"Released Tuesday, August 26, the “Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham,” commissioned by Rotherham’s Metropolitan Borough Council, details sexual abuse, including sex trafficking and gang rape, perpetrated over nearly two decades by older men against children in Rotherham. News outlets have released horrifying supplementary details. The U.K. Mirror, for instance, reports that “Emma,” a Rotherham-area girl, was raped once a week beginning when she was 13 years old. When she provided to police the names of 250 men she claimed had raped her, police ignored her. Hundreds, if not thousands, of girls in Rotherham and throughout England probably experienced the same. In Rotherham there is a real-life “rape culture.” But you will not learn anything new about it from Salon, the Daily Beast, Jezebel, or Slate. It has gone unmentioned at Feministing, Bitch Media, or the Feminist Majority Foundation. There have been no outraged op-eds from Jenny Kutner, Jessica Valenti, or Samantha Leigh Allen. These are, apparently, not the rapes they are looking for. It is hard not to interpret the feminist blogosphere’s silence on Rotherham as an indication of the movement’s ultimate lack of seriousness. Perhaps they are not interested in confronting the ethnic and religious homogeneity of many of the perpetrators: Emma and the majority of the 1,400 victims were abused by “Asian” men — i.e., Muslim men typically from Rotherham’s Pakistani community. Local government leaders, social services, and law enforcement — for fear of being labeled racist — ignored numerous reports they received."

Read more at: Feminists’ Failure on Rotherham, by Ian Tuttle, National Review
I despise hitler and his nazis. How do you feel about them lucy ? i think that you love him and cant criticise him in any way.

NO YOU DON"T DESPISE HITLER, you liar, because a piece of whinging, pompous English IRA-fodder like you continues to fellate the penis of the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating religion in history, YOUR PISSLAM WHOREMASTER. In a way, I feel sorry for leftist-English demons because the only way you can sexually get off is when your muslims are killing your fellow Westerners. What a miserable existence for a clownish phony like yourself, you odious, crybaby-whinging English savage filth of my race. Whose only "raison d'etre" is sucking more muslim dick that 100,000 clones of Obama.

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