Another New Poll Shows The American People Strongly Against The GOP's Childish Acts

that is not that big of a spread at all, you're hyperventilating....and the dems didn' fair much better in terms of how they are handling their jobs.

that poll, left leaning, says absolutely nothing about how any will actually vote....and i bet just like the CNN poll they polled more dems than pubs, thus skewing the results

Oh you're right...a record breaking low approval rating is nothing to fuss about. A 9% advantage among registered voters is tiny, won't notice that at all.

like i said, in a pollster that always polls more dems than pubs, it isn't that big of a deal....if rasmussen said the opposite you would say he is full of shit

polls mean shit, especially this far out
that is not that big of a spread at all, you're hyperventilating....and the dems didn' fair much better in terms of how they are handling their jobs.

that poll, left leaning, says absolutely nothing about how any will actually vote....and i bet just like the CNN poll they polled more dems than pubs, thus skewing the results

What the hell are you talking about? +9 is an absoutly massive number. As is the dems taking back the house and complete control of the senate numbers.

from a left leaning poll...:lol:

From an unbiased poll fucktard. The right wing "they are all lib conspiracies!" BS didn't work in 2012 and it doesn't work now.
What the hell are you talking about? +9 is an absoutly massive number. As is the dems taking back the house and complete control of the senate numbers.

from a left leaning poll...:lol:

I wonder what the political leanings of those interviewed were, too.

The usual +20% dimocraps? Probably.

I get calls all the time for surveys from these people. I don't take the time to bother with them because they're never a simple survey. They take way too much time and I got better things to do. Like sit here for example.

But it's also how the questions are worded....

that was the case with the CNN poll they trotted out earlier, it had more dems, of course skewing the results
And right now, dimocrap scum have an almost complete monopoly on information getting out there.

Go and look at how the actual link is even worded....

Poll: Americans reject GOP shutdown strategy

That's asking a closed end question like, "Mr obama, have you stopped being a homosexual?"

lol...funny. are the questions that were asked

38. Do you support or oppose Congress shutting down major activities of the federal government as a way to stop the health care law from being put into place?

37. Do you support or oppose Congress cutting off funding of the health care law as a way to stop it from being put into place?

And those questions are actually lies.

Republicans are only asking for a one year extension on implementation of obamacare.

I'm sorry.... You and I haven't interacted that I know of, but you need to up your game.

Took me less than 2 seconds to spot the lies :cuckoo:

It helps when you realize that....

dimocraps lie.

It's what they do
The left will come out with unending astroturfed polls that show exactly what they want to show.

Poll or not, it doesn't take a genius (so there's hope for you) to see what the Republicans are doing is politically stupid. The only people approving are the extremist terrorist Tea Baggers and we know how dangerous that group is.

If they are that dangerous, the democrats should do something about it. Not let such dangerous people run around, arrest them!
you can see what party is acting like children...nasty and hateful one's TO BOOT
this all over not FUNDING more government AGENICES folks...wake up

Democrats Turn Back GOP’s Piecemeal Funding Strategy

By Emma Dumain and Matt Fuller Posted at 8:06 p.m. on Oct. 1

Comments in post: Democrats Turn Back GOP’s Piecemeal Funding Strategy 313

House Republicans tried to soften the blow — in reality and politically — of a government shutdown Tuesday with bills that would provide funding for veterans, for national parks and for the District of Columbia. But Democrats said no.

Republicans tried to pass the three bills under suspension of the rules, in which a two-thirds majority is required. But Democrats, who characterized them as face-saving measures after forcing a government shutdown, refused.

The House rejected the veterans affairs funding bill, 264-164, with 33 Democrats joining all Republicans in support of the measure. The national parks bill was rejected 252-176, with 22 Democrats joining all but one Republican (Rep. Don Young of Alaska) in support of the measure; the D.C. funding bill was rejected 265-163, with 34 Democrats joining all Republicans in support of the measure.

House Rules Chairman Pete Sessions, R-Texas, said his panel would bring the three bills up under a rule on Wednesday, so Republicans could pass the measures with a simple majority. It’s an open question whether Sessions would allow Democrats to have a standard motion to recommit on the bills, for fear that Democrats would force Republicans to go on record opposing a “clean” CR through a procedural vote.

House Republicans had hoped to force Democrats to concede to fund the government piece by piece by putting generally noncontroversial bills on the floor, or, at least, make Democrats reject funding popular programs.

Leading up to the government shutdown, Democrats joined with Republicans in both chambers to overwhelmingly pass a bill that would ensure the troops continued to get paid in the event of lapsed appropriations.

But Democrats largely united against the mini-continuing resolutions in a statement against the Republicans’ gesture of “cherry-picking” certain programs and functions to reopen, going with the low-hanging fruits and not more contentious agencies such as the IRS and the EPA.
I wonder what the political leanings of those interviewed were, too.

The usual +20% dimocraps? Probably.

I get calls all the time for surveys from these people. I don't take the time to bother with them because they're never a simple survey. They take way too much time and I got better things to do. Like sit here for example.

But it's also how the questions are worded....

The survey actually list percentages for Republicans....
Polls are pretty much useless.

It depends on who you ask, the questions asked and who's doing the asking.

Anyone can skew a poll to say exactly what they want it to say.

Hell. I talk to loads of people everyday and not one of them has said word one about the Govt shutdown. Musn't be that important to most people.

Of course Blacky and his ilk are just itching to show that people blame the GOP for this shutdown but when push comes to shove, who cares. I sure don't. Hasn't affected me at all and I doubt it will affect most people.

Its a big non item in my book. I can live without Govt.
I wonder what the political leanings of those interviewed were, too.

The usual +20% dimocraps? Probably.

I get calls all the time for surveys from these people. I don't take the time to bother with them because they're never a simple survey. They take way too much time and I got better things to do. Like sit here for example.

But it's also how the questions are worded....

The survey actually list percentages for Republicans....

Its a lost cause, they don't like reality.
from a left leaning poll...:lol:

I wonder what the political leanings of those interviewed were, too.

The usual +20% dimocraps? Probably.

I get calls all the time for surveys from these people. I don't take the time to bother with them because they're never a simple survey. They take way too much time and I got better things to do. Like sit here for example.

But it's also how the questions are worded....

that was the case with the CNN poll they trotted out earlier, it had more dems, of course skewing the results

Learn how polls work. There are far more registered democrats then there are republicans, as to why the samples of accurate polls will have more democrats.

The right wing filth tried crying conspiracy with this and created their "unskewed" polls which were suppose to be the "real" accurate ones by sampling both parties equally. They were so far off it was downright laughable. They had Willard at +11 to win the election :lol:
Polls are pretty much useless.

It depends on who you ask, the questions asked and who's doing the asking.

Anyone can skew a poll to say exactly what they want it to say.

Hell. I talk to loads of people everyday and not one of them has said word one about the Govt shutdown. Musn't be that important to most people.

Of course Blacky and his ilk are just itching to show that people blame the GOP for this shutdown but when push comes to shove, who cares. I sure don't. Hasn't affected me at all and I doubt it will affect most people.

Its a big non item in my book. I can live without Govt.

Ask Nate Silver how useless polls are...
And right now, dimocrap scum have an almost complete monopoly on information getting out there.

Go and look at how the actual link is even worded....

Poll: Americans reject GOP shutdown strategy

That's asking a closed end question like, "Mr obama, have you stopped being a homosexual?"

lol...funny. are the questions that were asked

37. Do you support or oppose Congress cutting off funding of the health care law as a way to stop it from being put into place?

And those questions are actually lies.

Republicans are only asking for a one year extension on implementation of obamacare.

I'm sorry.... You and I haven't interacted that I know of, but you need to up your game.

Took me less than 2 seconds to spot the lies :cuckoo:

It helps when you realize that....

dimocraps lie.

It's what they do


Nobody but me has noticed that the Poll is based on fraudulent questions?

House GOP votes to delay Obamacare for one year

dimocraps lie.

It's what they do.

Dogs bark, ducks quack, babies cry.....

dimocraps lie. ALL of them
The gop owns this cklterfk, but I doubt it flips the house ....... UNLESS THE debt ceiling is not raised. If that occurs, the gop may go the way of the whigs.
Polls are pretty much useless.

It depends on who you ask, the questions asked and who's doing the asking.

Anyone can skew a poll to say exactly what they want it to say.

Hell. I talk to loads of people everyday and not one of them has said word one about the Govt shutdown. Musn't be that important to most people.

Of course Blacky and his ilk are just itching to show that people blame the GOP for this shutdown but when push comes to shove, who cares. I sure don't. Hasn't affected me at all and I doubt it will affect most people.

Its a big non item in my book. I can live without Govt.

Ask Nate Silver how useless polls are...

Nate Silver was way off-base until the very end of the cycle when circumstances changed everything to obama's favor.

He got lucky and the other polling services didn't have time to factor in the changing events.

You know, Napoleon used to promote lucky Generals. He was a big believer in luck and it kind of worked out for him. Until Waterloo

obama was lucky in both of his elections. VERY lucky.

But I wouldn't expect you to know that.... Or much else for that matter

Barack Obama and the power of good luck
Nate Silver was way off-base until the very end of the cycle when circumstances changed everything to obama's favor.

He got lucky and the other polling services didn't have time to factor in the changing events.

You know, Napoleon used to promote lucky Generals. He was a big believer in luck and it kind of worked out for him. Until Waterloo

obama was lucky in both of his elections. VERY lucky.

But I wouldn't expect you to know that.... Or much else for that matter

Barack Obama and the power of good luck

If Obama was "lucky" then GW Bush had the blessings of Athena or some crap to win his elections
Nate Silver was way off-base until the very end of the cycle when circumstances changed everything to obama's favor.

He got lucky and the other polling services didn't have time to factor in the changing events.

You know, Napoleon used to promote lucky Generals. He was a big believer in luck and it kind of worked out for him. Until Waterloo

obama was lucky in both of his elections. VERY lucky.

But I wouldn't expect you to know that.... Or much else for that matter

Barack Obama and the power of good luck

If Obama was "lucky" then GW Bush had the blessings of Athena or some crap to win his elections

Hey, it's common knowledge Nate Silver just got lucky at the end. (-: Really. If Mitt's 47% quote didn't come to light, he mighta won. LOL
Nate Silver was way off-base until the very end of the cycle when circumstances changed everything to obama's favor.

He got lucky and the other polling services didn't have time to factor in the changing events.

You know, Napoleon used to promote lucky Generals. He was a big believer in luck and it kind of worked out for him. Until Waterloo

obama was lucky in both of his elections. VERY lucky.

But I wouldn't expect you to know that.... Or much else for that matter

Barack Obama and the power of good luck

If Obama was "lucky" then GW Bush had the blessings of Athena or some crap to win his elections

Yeah, he ran against ManBearPig and a traitor.

I gotta admit, that is kinda lucky.

The thing with the 2000 election, we were at peace, the economy was booming, gas prices were low because the rapist emptied our Strategic Petroleum reserve, housing was doing well......

But they ran a bloodless robot who lifted the rapist's arm, boxing style, in the Rose Garden in celebration after he was found not guilty in his Impeachment Trial.

And John (I was in Vietnam y'know) Kerry really was a traitor.

I am NOT a Bush fan. But at least he was neither of those two scumbags

Funny..... One is a MULTI, multi millionaire who made all his money off the AGW scam and the other is taking his treasonous ways to the State Dept.

What a scumbag political party
Poll of Low Information Voters also blames Republicans for unrest in Wazaristsan which they identified as a "Moon Colony", and they feel good that Vice President Putin is "Sticking it to those Republican motherfuckers"

The real polling comes out Nov 2014
Both parties will eventually meet the same fate, it's just that the Republican's are getting there quicker. If anyone believes that the Dems are going to come out of this unscathed they are sorely mistaken.

The two party system will eventually become extinct (thank god)

2016 will be a wake up call for both parties that their "reign of terror" will be going bye bye soon.

You heard it here first....

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