Another Nightmare Aftermath,Cities With No Police.Imagine No Speed Limits,No Traffic Rules.Free For All On All Roads?

Democrats lack the common sense needed to see the consequences of their decisions. Its also why they have a bad habit of repeating mistakes.

Democrats should NEVER be trusted with making important decisions!
Democrats lack the common sense needed to see the consequences of their decisions. Its also why they have a bad habit of repeating mistakes.

Democrats should NEVER be trusted with making important decisions!

Democrats are a party which has made mental illness part of their institutional fabric. They should be expelled from public life. The higher ups who worked with Russians, like Hillary, should be deported. The ones who worked on destroying lives for political purposes should be imprisoned. The mass of jobless looters should be stripped of voting rights.
so far they have brought up what will happen if we had no cops regarding criminals on the loose, and no protection for anyone. But what about driving? Anyone wonder how many of all those on the road will be obeying the rules? Can you just imagine all of the speeding, running signs/lights, ignoring pedestrians and god knows how many crashes a day?
Would you wanna live in a place like this?
Of course they are going to replace the current shitty police with a better police force.

How about this? The new police will simply hand you a ticket if they catch you doing something wrong. They won't argue or arrest you for it. Even if you talk back. Unless of course you are a threat to society then of course they can apprehend you but many of these MURDERS are for some bullshit.

The police might even send a robot up to your car with a camera to ask for your license and registration and proof of insurance.

Let us tell our side to the judge before you arrest us and put us in jail.

So you don't need to get rid of your police. Just fix them. They've become militarized and I don't like it.
Set down the bong, Sillybooboo.
Weed out the bad apples, but, nothing else changes would be a better fit for the police force.
Robots and shit.....too funny :laughing0301:
And better training. Better tactics. Don’t be so defensive that you refuse to admit any wrong doing.

I liked my ideas where each cop gets to know the people they police and hand out a ticket to a hot head not a beat down. And learn how to de escalate better.

change is coming for the cops and it’s long overdue.
And of course, the local hothead tosses the ticket and moves on his/her merry way, racking up ticket after ticket after ticket. Although to be a bit more realistic, the local hothead is generally approached and asked what the problem is and they actually do try to de-escalate the situation. Why don't you who live in la la land go along on a police ride-along. You will see that they aren't the ones trying to escalate matters an they can't just ignore the calls. Another idea, regularly watch the reality show, Live PD. It follows cops in multiple cities, just doing their jobs.
Hey, how about peacefully handing out tickets to those that just robbed a store, or beat and robbed a pedestrian. They'll no doubt show up at a hearing.
Yes yes yes, we know all that. But white hot heads don't get killed nearly as much as black hot heads.

Bottom line is we see with our own eyes the cops need to be reformed. Don't dig in and be so blindly loyal you won't even admit that.

Yes we know the yea buts. No more yea buts.
so far they have brought up what will happen if we had no cops regarding criminals on the loose, and no protection for anyone. But what about driving? Anyone wonder how many of all those on the road will be obeying the rules? Can you just imagine all of the speeding, running signs/lights, ignoring pedestrians and god knows how many crashes a day?
Would you wanna live in a place like this?

Yeah....they're full of can never happen. Unbeknownst to most it is not actually the mayor and the city council who run the city....they are held up and basically kept functional by the banks, insurance companies and municipal agencies that compose the business structure of the municipality. They mayor and his crew are just figure heads.......the truth is no municipality would be allowed to exist in that manner. It would be disenfranchised and the geography would be equally shared out among the neighboring municipalities that were demonstrably more responsible in effect wiping that city and its name right off the map. I has happened before but not for a very long time....the businessmen who actually look after these things tend to be much more reliable than the elected politicians who are used as visible figureheads.



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