*Another OBAMA LIE* Thousands Call Planned Parenthood for Mammograms- TOLD NO


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
My question is, "when doesn't this President lie?" Have you ever seen a BIGGER LIAR in the White House???EVER???

Planned Parenthood DOESN'T DO MAMMOGRAMS. Gee, who knew?!

Nearly 2,000 pro-lifers called local Planned Parenthood clinics Oct. 18 to schedule mammograms, after President Obama implied the organization offers the service.

"When Gov. Romney says that we should eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood, there are millions of women all across the country who rely on Planned Parenthood for not just contraceptive care, they rely on it for mammograms,” said Obama Oct. 16 during the second presidential debate.

Planned Parenthood does not actually provide women with mammograms, but refers patients out to other facilities for the exam.

Read more: Thousands call Planned Parenthood for mammograms after Obama's claim :: EWTN News
From the FDA:

FDA Contradicts Obama: Planned Parenthood Not Licensed to Do Mammograms

Though President Obama has stated that women “rely” on Planned Parenthood for vital health procedures such as mammograms, the Food and Drug Administration denies that to be true. In fact, the FDA indicates that no Planned Parenthood facility in the United States is licensed to do mammograms.

The LYING liar in the White House!
Did you just arrive on the board? There was just a debunked thread on this a day or so ago. They do breast exams and referrals for mammograms. Should they lose all their funding because they only do the exam and referral?

No, you think they should lose all their funding because less than 3% of what they do relates to abortions...which, last time I checked, was a legal medical procedure and not funded by taxpayers.
There was just a debunked thread on this a day or so ago. They do breast exams and referrals for mammograms. Should they lose all their funding because they only do the exam and referral?

Yes. Practitioners can do breast exams and referrals. No need to tax fund a middle man.
Did you just arrive on the board? There was just a debunked thread on this a day or so ago. They do breast exams and referrals for mammograms. Should they lose all their funding because they only do the exam and referral?

No, you think they should lose all their funding because less than 3% of what they do relates to abortions...which, last time I checked, was a legal medical procedure and not funded by taxpayers.

Referrals for breast exams are now MAMMOGRAMS???? :lol::lol:

Where's Sandra FLUKED when you need her?? Oh wait, she had a 10 people campaign stop in Reno! Bwhahaha You leftist Vagina's are a hoot!
PICKET: Sandra Fluke gives get out the vote speech to 10 people in Reno - Washington Times

Planned Parenthood: “We Kept Independent Women Scared”

November 15, 2012
By Daniel Greenfield

The politics of fear. It’s how Democrats get people who ought to know better to vote for their own impoverishment.

According to Bedard of the Washington Examiner, Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of Planned Parenthood, told an EMILY’s List post-election analysis panel (in Bedard’s words) that it “kep[t] Independent women scared long enough about Romney’s agenda for Obama to win them over.”

Planned Parenthood’s strategy was to ignore women who had made their decision. Instead, beginning in June, they targeted “a whole group [of women] that, what it looked like we could do, is expand the amount of time they were willing to give the president and the economy to recover,” Laguens said. “So we could kind of hold them in ‘undecided’ by, in particularly in the presidency, by making Mitt Romney questionable in their mind on our set of issues.”

How did they keep the minds of independent women open to voting for Obama? “By warning how Romney would rob them of birth control and abortion,” according to Bedard’s paraphrase. In other words, “The effort had a simple strategy: Just get women, [who were] frustrated with the economy, to hold off deciding for Romney. ‘Don’t. Wait. Gotta learn more about this stuff,’ was the theme, said Laguens.”

Planned Parenthood does not do mammograms. It does abortions. Mostly though it is an arm of the Democratic Party and part of its election and money machine. Which is why Democrats react so hysterically when Planned Parenthood funding is threatened.

Aborting babies is secondary to the Democratic power to abort freedom and prosperity.


Planned Parenthood: “We Kept Independent Women Scared”

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