Another One Of Your Boys In Blue

The OP makes a sweeping generalization about the men and women in blue.

He then claims only "pussies" or women and children would seek help from a police officer.

Does this mean if a hit and run driver runs into his new car, and damages it as well as injuring him or a passenger, he would not contact law enforcement ?
I know you have terrible reading comprehension so let me correct you. I said only pussies women, or children need cops.

Yes thats correct. I would never call a cop under any circumstances and yes I have been the victim of a hit and run accident before.

And what if your vehicle insurance company has a problem with you for not reporting the incident to the authorities ?
And if your passenger is injured and incapable of contacting the authorities, you would refuse to call them ?
What if a cow had nuts? It would be a bull.

Why would I call the police instead of an ambulance if my passenger was injured? Are you retarded or something?

Why do you have to be such an ass ?

I'm going beyond the medical issues, what do you do when your insurance company needs you to report the accident ?
Do you have house insurance ? What do you do if your house is burglarized, and items are stolen, and your insurance company won't release funds until a police report is filed ?
Because people that make up dumb scenarios that have nothing to do with anything brings out sarcasm.

Never had that happen.

If my home was burglarized (which cant happen) I'll just buy new stuff.
All these over the top antics every time a bad cop is found out remind of the way people act when there is a plane crash you go on and on about the one that crashes which is sad and tragedy but never a word said about the thousands that take off and land safely. Same with the police you rant and rave endlessly about the bad ones but never a thank you or word of praise for the ones who go out there day after day and act in decent responsible manner and do the job the right way.
Since the bad feral cops hide their behavior from the public I am going to have to accuse you of false equivalence. Basically thats a logical fallacy that assumes one thing is the same as the other when its not at all.
You can accuse me anything you want I really don't care especially since your thread is really nothing more than anti cop BS passed off as intelligence. I'm sure you can and will try spin that which I also won't care about.
All these over the top antics every time a bad cop is found out remind of the way people act when there is a plane crash you go on and on about the one that crashes which is sad and tragedy but never a word said about the thousands that take off and land safely. Same with the police you rant and rave endlessly about the bad ones but never a thank you or word of praise for the ones who go out there day after day and act in decent responsible manner and do the job the right way.
Since the bad feral cops hide their behavior from the public I am going to have to accuse you of false equivalence. Basically thats a logical fallacy that assumes one thing is the same as the other when its not at all.
You can accuse me anything you want I really don't care especially since your thread is really nothing more than anti cop BS passed off as intelligence. I'm sure you can and will try spin that which I also won't care about.
Of course you care. You responded to the thread. Practically everyone knows that.
"Your" boys in blue? Where y'all from soccer ball, some safe house in Syria?
I didnt stutter. Yes "your" boys in blue. They certainly are not mine. These are the vermin you hold to godlike status forever turning an eye away from their corruption.
So far this year 104 "boys in blue" have been killed in the line of duty (32 by gunfire) protecting your right to call them "vermin".
Sure hope you need a police officer someday. But the way things are going not many of them seem interested in getting involved with you boys in the hood any more. Why waste their time? Let the natural culling continue.
I've never needed a cop in my entire life and I wont start now. Only pussies, women and children need cops. Yes let the natural culling continue. You will be so interbred you will have to change the definition of white...again.
I give you kudos for your nerve of causing whites of interbreeding.

I missed this last part. I am assuming you meant something other than what you typed because its obvious you didnt understand my interbreeding comment.

It doesnt take nerves to state facts unless you are a sissy. Its a known fact whites have a messed up gene pool due to inbreeding which is different from interbreeding like they did with neanderthals.
"Your" boys in blue? Where y'all from soccer ball, some safe house in Syria?
I didnt stutter. Yes "your" boys in blue. They certainly are not mine. These are the vermin you hold to godlike status forever turning an eye away from their corruption.
So far this year 104 "boys in blue" have been killed in the line of duty (32 by gunfire) protecting your right to call them "vermin".
Probably 50% or more of the vermin most likely were bad cops. No loss at all to me. Since no cop has ever protected my right to call them vermin your comment doesnt make sense.
"Your" boys in blue? Where y'all from soccer ball, some safe house in Syria?
I didnt stutter. Yes "your" boys in blue. They certainly are not mine. These are the vermin you hold to godlike status forever turning an eye away from their corruption.
So far this year 104 "boys in blue" have been killed in the line of duty (32 by gunfire) protecting your right to call them "vermin".
The ACLU and the courts protect that, not the cops.
Thank goodness that blacks are curing their inbreeding by killing themselves off.
The OP makes a sweeping generalization about the men and women in blue.

He then claims only "pussies" or women and children would seek help from a police officer.

Does this mean if a hit and run driver runs into his new car, and damages it as well as injuring him or a passenger, he would not contact law enforcement ?
I know you have terrible reading comprehension so let me correct you. I said only pussies women, or children need cops.

Yes thats correct. I would never call a cop under any circumstances and yes I have been the victim of a hit and run accident before.

And what if your vehicle insurance company has a problem with you for not reporting the incident to the authorities ?
And if your passenger is injured and incapable of contacting the authorities, you would refuse to call them ?
What if a cow had nuts? It would be a bull.

Why would I call the police instead of an ambulance if my passenger was injured? Are you retarded or something?

Why do you have to be such an ass ?

I'm going beyond the medical issues, what do you do when your insurance company needs you to report the accident ?
Do you have house insurance ? What do you do if your house is burglarized, and items are stolen, and your insurance company won't release funds until a police report is filed ?
Because people that make up dumb scenarios that have nothing to do with anything brings out sarcasm.

Never had that happen.

If my home was burglarized (which cant happen) I'll just buy new stuff.

It's not a dumb scenario, it's the real world, and unless you've decided to self-insure, you're going to have to fill out a police report if you wish to be reimbursed by your insurance company if your home is invaded.
I know you have terrible reading comprehension so let me correct you. I said only pussies women, or children need cops.

Yes thats correct. I would never call a cop under any circumstances and yes I have been the victim of a hit and run accident before.

And what if your vehicle insurance company has a problem with you for not reporting the incident to the authorities ?
And if your passenger is injured and incapable of contacting the authorities, you would refuse to call them ?
What if a cow had nuts? It would be a bull.

Why would I call the police instead of an ambulance if my passenger was injured? Are you retarded or something?

Why do you have to be such an ass ?

I'm going beyond the medical issues, what do you do when your insurance company needs you to report the accident ?
Do you have house insurance ? What do you do if your house is burglarized, and items are stolen, and your insurance company won't release funds until a police report is filed ?
Because people that make up dumb scenarios that have nothing to do with anything brings out sarcasm.

Never had that happen.

If my home was burglarized (which cant happen) I'll just buy new stuff.

It's not a dumb scenario, it's the real world, and unless you've decided to self-insure, you're going to have to fill out a police report if you wish to be reimbursed by your insurance company if your home is invaded.
Its a very dumb scenario. My home would never get invaded. Its not that easy of a target.
All the cop cars I have been in since the 80s the back doors don't open from the inside. Just saying

There are ways to do it...and I expect cops know most of them! I probably can't anymore, but used to be able to open the back door of a Crown Vic from inside in about three minutes.
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The OP makes a sweeping generalization about the men and women in blue.

He then claims only "pussies" or women and children would seek help from a police officer.

Does this mean if a hit and run driver runs into his new car, and damages it as well as injuring him or a passenger, he would not contact law enforcement ?

The only reason I would bother is because my insurance will want a police report.
A drug dealing deputy somehow escaped after being placed into the back of a police car in handcuffs. How do things like this happen? Probably one of his buddies helped him out. These are the people that are policing our communities that some hold as untouchable.

Arrested sheriff's deputy escapes handcuffs and squad car in California -

"Edward Tucker sat handcuffed on the back seat after fellow officers found meth, five guns and possibly explosives in his car in Bakersfield, California, on Tuesday, the Kern County Sheriff's Office said.

Standing feet away from him, the arresting deputies turned their backs, and when they turned back around, Tucker was gone."

Handcuffs properly placed can't be escaped from. And for someone familar with them if you didn't do the under the belt thing and make em tight enough sliding out was impossible, it's worth asking why.

Horseshit. Hundreds of stage magicians know that handcuffs certainly CAN be escaped. My wife can get out of handcuffs in thirty seconds, or less if she is standing. (She is limber enough to jump, tuck her knees, and slip her hands in front.)

Not to mention: he might well have had a handcuff key (or several) in his belt.

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