Another perspective

The problem with your opinion is that you forget that whites have forced us to address things only through the spectrum of white culture which you seem to think hasn't happened.

That isn't anything I have said.
You are free to use Dr. Deangelo's method and make anything I could do or say mean anything you want.
Screw it ... I agreed with you pages/days ago when you suggested she made all this shit up.

I have not forgotten what whites have done ... And never suggested that whites have not attempted to influence the discussion.
It is obvious that whites have attempted to influence the discussion ... You quoted a white person in your OP ... Dumbass ... :thup:

We won't even talk about the fact that simply having a discussion ... Is the way you, me or that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo could possibly influence anything through a discussion.


IM2 is a fucking retard. "address things through the spectrum of white culture" -what the fuck does that even mean?

It means she is dismissing you and calling you a racist.

Because she knows that you are right.

And she won't admit it.
You keep talking but you produce no evidence.

The fact I keep talking is evidence in itself that I am not trying to avoid a conversation with you about race.

But ... My prediction is that your fragility won't allow you to accept that.
We are following Dr. Deangelo's lead now ... And even if you think I am incorrect ... Sub-consciously you know I am correct.

I guess all I can say is post it some more ... Just so I have more data to observe.
Since I set my criteria for proof ... As anything you could possibly do ... Anything you do will prove me right.

I am not even wondering how long it will take you to figure that out.
I know you won't ... You agree with the fact you haven't ... And there really isn't anything else to say.


The fact you keep talking does not show you can engage me in a discussion of race. Let me show you how I can say this.

Whites have been the beneficiary of 241 years of racist law and policy since 1776 that for 188 years overtly denied blacks and other people of color of opportunity based on race.

What say ye?
If you are so comfortable with the discussion of race, why did you feel the need to tell me how I need to read Thomas Sowell?

I didn't tell you needed to read Thomas Sowell ... I suggested you might want to.

It is obviously is that hard to find a different meaning in the same word ... When it isn't even the same word to start with.
You are free to do as Dr. Deangelo has demonstrated ... And just make-up shit to better suit your argument.

I am willing to predict you will until the day you die ... Look at the bright side, you won't have to worry about it then ... :dunno:


And why did you suggest that I need to read Thomas Sowell?
I dont have to prove it. White people prove it for me everyday. I mean look at your reaction. Denial based on stress.

But you just proved yourself wrong ... If you deny you proved yourself wrong that would be based on stress and your inability to cope with the truth :itsok:
I am predicting you will agree with me or not ... Furthermore, if I am correct ... You will post something else or you won't.

I didnt deny anything. I said you proved the woman's research correct by virtue of your reaction. That has nothing to do with me. Thats your reaction as she predicted.
You keep talking but you produce no evidence.

The fact I keep talking is evidence in itself that I am not trying to avoid a conversation with you about race.

But ... My prediction is that your fragility won't allow you to accept that.
We are following Dr. Deangelo's lead now ... And even if you think I am incorrect ... Sub-consciously you know I am correct.

I guess all I can say is post it some more ... Just so I have more data to observe.
Since I set my criteria for proof ... As anything you could possibly do ... Anything you do will prove me right.

I am not even wondering how long it will take you to figure that out.
I know you won't ... You agree with the fact you haven't ... And there really isn't anything else to say.


The fact you keep talking does not show you can engage me in a discussion of race. Let me show you how I can say this.

Whites have been the beneficiary of 241 years of racist law and policy since 1776 that for 188 years overtly denied blacks and other people of color of opportunity based on race.

What say ye?

Black crime rates has skyrocketed since the civil rights era. Isnt that interesting?
IM2 is a fucking retard. "address things through the spectrum of white culture" -what the fuck does that even mean?

Well ... I try to have a discussion with IM2 ... But mainly because it proves that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo wrong if I do.

To ... "address things through the spectrum of white culture" ...
Would basically mean from the white point of view and under the influence of how white culture propagates that point of view.

But as far as what that means to IM2 or that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo ... It's anyone's guess as to what the fuck either one of them thinks it means ... :dunno:
Basically ... because they are comfortable making anything mean whatever they want it to.

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If you are so comfortable with the discussion of race, why did you feel the need to tell me how I need to read Thomas Sowell?

I didn't tell you needed to read Thomas Sowell ... I suggested you might want to.

It is obviously is that hard to find a different meaning in the same word ... When it isn't even the same word to start with.
You are free to do as Dr. Deangelo has demonstrated ... And just make-up shit to better suit your argument.

I am willing to predict you will until the day you die ... Look at the bright side, you won't have to worry about it then ... :dunno:


And why did you suggest that I need to read Thomas Sowell?

comic relief
Because I’m not the one trying passing her opinion off as science...that’s her responsibility, as the one proposing the “theory” that’s just opinion. Why would I? Don’t resort to appeals to ignorance.
anyway I’m done with this thread. I’m actually someone who does believe the police are heavy handed...but apparently there’s no reason to be found here. Just mental masterbation generalizations.
Issues of the mind typically are just educated musings and observations. Police being heavy handed is typically reported and documented without having to do a study. Not even remotely the same ball park.
Nope psychology uses scientific studies like the rest of science. There is neither stats or study done in this doctors case. Just her opinion. And yes we do have stats and documentation on police shootings, as well as plenty of studies, e.g. negligent shootings went down when police were trained to keep their fingers off the trigger until it was required to fire.
Nope. Psychology cannot accurately predict what a person thinks. Its all supposition. Show me one study that can scientifically predict how a persons mind will react in a given situation.
I can’t help you because you have blinders on. I assume you’re at least college educated, and should know some of this. There are thousands of these studies, using the scientific method. And no they do not make generalizations as you suppose, that’s just silly. Your esteemed doctor on the other hand seems to think it’s ok to make generalizations. Here’s an easy test to see if what she is saying is ridiculous. Replace white with black, Hispanic, Asian etc or any other race...and see how well it rolls off of the tongue.
Just because there are studies using "the scientific method" that doesnt change my point. Thats really just a label for credibility and there is nothing scientific about it. They still cannot accurately predict what someone is thinking and how they are going to react. In other words you have fallen into the "scholarly" trap of assuming something is legit because well..people that agree it should be done this way makes it legit. If you want something scientific you need to be able to reliably and accurately reproduce the same results. You cant do that with feelings and opinions because its impossible much like testing for IQ.

Whites are pretty much the only race that reacts in this way from my observations so there would be no point in substituting another race. I've talked to other races and they never seem to have a problem with discussing race and racism and they say the same thing about whites. In light of that fact...that reality...we know the PHD speaks the truth.
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IM2 is a fucking retard. "address things through the spectrum of white culture" -what the fuck does that even mean?

Well ... I try to have a discussion with IM2 ... But mainly because it proves that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo wrong if I do.

To ... "address things through the spectrum of white culture" ...
Would basically mean from the white point of view and under the influence of how white culture propagates that point of view.

But as far as what that means to IM2 or that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo ... It's anyone's guess as to what the fuck either one of them means ... :dunno:
Basically ... because they are comfortable making anything mean whatever they want it to.


I've found lefties often trying to make the debate about the meanings of words, as though our personal opinions of words, changes reality.
Just because there are studys using "the scientific method" that doesnt change my point. Thats really just a label for credibility and there is nothing scientific about it. They still cannot accurately predict what someone is thinking and how they are going to react. If you want something scientific you need to be able to reliably and accurately reproduce the same results. You cant do that with feelings and opinions because its impossible much like testing for IQ.

You're just mad because blacks tend to score low on IQ tests.
You keep talking but you produce no evidence.

The fact I keep talking is evidence in itself that I am not trying to avoid a conversation with you about race.

But ... My prediction is that your fragility won't allow you to accept that.
We are following Dr. Deangelo's lead now ... And even if you think I am incorrect ... Sub-consciously you know I am correct.

I guess all I can say is post it some more ... Just so I have more data to observe.
Since I set my criteria for proof ... As anything you could possibly do ... Anything you do will prove me right.

I am not even wondering how long it will take you to figure that out.
I know you won't ... You agree with the fact you haven't ... And there really isn't anything else to say.


The fact you keep talking does not show you can engage me in a discussion of race. Let me show you how I can say this.

Whites have been the beneficiary of 241 years of racist law and policy since 1776 that for 188 years overtly denied blacks and other people of color of opportunity based on race.

What say ye?

not entirely true------almost but not entirely
The problem with your opinion is that you forget that whites have forced us to address things only through the spectrum of white culture which you seem to think hasn't happened.

That isn't anything I have said.
You are free to use Dr. Deangelo's method and make anything I could do or say mean anything you want.
Screw it ... I agreed with you pages/days ago when you suggested she made all this shit up.

I have not forgotten what whites have done ... And never suggested that whites have not attempted to influence the discussion.
It is obvious that whites have attempted to influence the discussion ... You quoted a white person in your OP ... Dumbass ... :thup:

We won't even talk about the fact that simply having a discussion ... Is the way you, me or that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo could possibly influence anything through a discussion.


IM2 is a fucking retard. "address things through the spectrum of white culture" -what the fuck does that even mean?

It means she is dismissing you and calling you a racist.

Because she knows that you are right.

And she won't admit it.

I a man but beyond that, if I am calling impuretrash a racist it would be due to the racist crap he has posted.

If he or you was right about anything I'd have no problem admitting it. I am not one of you white racists who cannot admit to the fact that I am fucked up in the head and lying to myself.

But I have 3 decades of fact that shows that you guys are full of shit.

Me, katsteve, Essen, and A don't need legions of others to gang up on people to help us defend our views. You guys do. That shows that what you are arguing is weak and untrue..
Just because there are studys using "the scientific method" that doesnt change my point. Thats really just a label for credibility and there is nothing scientific about it. They still cannot accurately predict what someone is thinking and how they are going to react. If you want something scientific you need to be able to reliably and accurately reproduce the same results. You cant do that with feelings and opinions because its impossible much like testing for IQ.

You're just mad because blacks tend to score low on IQ tests.

Why would he be since his IQ is higher than yours?
I didnt deny anything. I said you proved the woman's research correct by virtue of your reaction. That has nothing to do with me. Thats your reaction as she predicted.

I didn't say you denied anything ... :dunno:

Like that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo has shown us as being possible ... I said it didn't matter if you denied it or not because either would prove me correct.
Like that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo ... I accurately predicted you would either agree with me or not.
Like that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo ... I used your behavior of whether or not (either would apply) you would respond with a post as criteria for my being correct.

Don't argue with me about it ... Argue with that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo (or yourself).
You are the person that keeps supporting her stupid methods ... So there is no reason they won't apply to you nor that I cannot use them.

IM2 is a fucking retard. "address things through the spectrum of white culture" -what the fuck does that even mean?

Well ... I try to have a discussion with IM2 ... But mainly because it proves that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo wrong if I do.

To ... "address things through the spectrum of white culture" ...
Would basically mean from the white point of view and under the influence of how white culture propagates that point of view.

But as far as what that means to IM2 or that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo ... It's anyone's guess as to what the fuck either one of them means ... :dunno:
Basically ... because they are comfortable making anything mean whatever they want it to.


I've found lefties often trying to make the debate about the meanings of words, as though our personal opinions of words, changes reality.
You do realize meanings are opinions unless everyone agrees on the meanings right?
The problem with your opinion is that you forget that whites have forced us to address things only through the spectrum of white culture which you seem to think hasn't happened.

That isn't anything I have said.
You are free to use Dr. Deangelo's method and make anything I could do or say mean anything you want.
Screw it ... I agreed with you pages/days ago when you suggested she made all this shit up.

I have not forgotten what whites have done ... And never suggested that whites have not attempted to influence the discussion.
It is obvious that whites have attempted to influence the discussion ... You quoted a white person in your OP ... Dumbass ... :thup:

We won't even talk about the fact that simply having a discussion ... Is the way you, me or that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo could possibly influence anything through a discussion.


IM2 is a fucking retard. "address things through the spectrum of white culture" -what the fuck does that even mean?

It means she is dismissing you and calling you a racist.

Because she knows that you are right.

And she won't admit it.

I a man but beyond that, if I am calling impuretrash a racist it would be due to the racist crap he has posted.

If he or you was right about anything I'd have no problem admitting it. I am not one of you white racists who cannot admit to the fact that I am fucked up in the head and lying to myself.


:lmao: You’re both the same.
The problem with your opinion is that you forget that whites have forced us to address things only through the spectrum of white culture which you seem to think hasn't happened.

That isn't anything I have said.
You are free to use Dr. Deangelo's method and make anything I could do or say mean anything you want.
Screw it ... I agreed with you pages/days ago when you suggested she made all this shit up.

I have not forgotten what whites have done ... And never suggested that whites have not attempted to influence the discussion.
It is obvious that whites have attempted to influence the discussion ... You quoted a white person in your OP ... Dumbass ... :thup:

We won't even talk about the fact that simply having a discussion ... Is the way you, me or that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo could possibly influence anything through a discussion.


IM2 is a fucking retard. "address things through the spectrum of white culture" -what the fuck does that even mean?

It means she is dismissing you and calling you a racist.

Because she knows that you are right.

And she won't admit it.

I a man but beyond that, if I am calling impuretrash a racist it would be due to the racist crap he has posted.

If he or you was right about anything I'd have no problem admitting it. I am not one of you white racists who cannot admit to the fact that I am fucked up in the head and lying to myself.

But I have 3 decades of fact that shows that you guys are full of shit.

Me, katsteve, Essen, and A don't need legions of others to gang up on people to help us defend our views. You guys do. That shows that what you are arguing is weak and untrue..

Your denial of using false accusations of racism is not credible.

I stated immediately in this thread that the purpose of the concept of "white fragility" was to dismiss what white people say, when you don't like it.

YOur actions have proved that. Thanks.
I didnt deny anything. I said you proved the woman's research correct by virtue of your reaction. That has nothing to do with me. Thats your reaction as she predicted.

I didn't say you denied anything ... :dunno:

Like that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo has shown us as being possible ... I said it didn't matter if you denied it or not because either would prove me correct.
Like that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo ... I accurately predicted you would either agree with me or not.
Like that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo ... I used your behavior of whether or not (either would apply) you would respond with a post as criteria for my being correct.

Don't argue with me about it ... Argue with that nit-wit Dr. Deangelo (or yourself).
You are the person that keeps supporting her stupid methods ... So there is no reason they won't apply to you nor that I cannot use them.

No. What you did is gave the extremes of the only two outcomes available. Thats not the same thing as what she predicted. She predicted one outcome about you getting stressed over the race discussion and she nailed it. :cool-45:

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