Another perspective

The Catholic Church has been around longer than you or I have been alive ... But that still doesn't mean we are going to Hell if we aren't Catholic.
It doesn't matter whether or not the whole Archdioceses agrees with the Pope ... That still won't prove we are going to Hell.

So basically you are saying that nothing written down can possibly be true unless its math then right?
NO WERE SAYING THIS IS JOT SCIENCE OR ANY SORT OF TRUTH, but opinion. Perspective. Witness testimony. Glass half full, half empty...WHO IS RIGHT?
All you can do is research and sample. There is no way youre going to be able to speak to everyone in the country.
Not according to her. She apparently can. She might as well be saying all Asians are good at math...
She said she spoke to every white person? Its not the same as saying all Asians are good at math because she is not saying all whites feel that way.
Do I really need to give you an example? Ok recently heard about an ACTUAL STUDY, from MIT, (and I’m paraphrasing) the study stayed out of x amount of subjects, studied in this specific way, under these conditions...We found that subjects can only remember a predictable finite amount of information given audibly or through text, but we’ve found that subjects retain a lot more information with no specific ceiling when we use visual illustrations to convey the same information....THATS AN ACTUAL STUDY WITH DATA. NOT OBSERVATIONS MADE FROM ONE PERSON.
She has a PHD.

In Multicultural Studies under the Liberal Arts college ... :thup:
I mean I haven't suggested she isn't a race pimp at all.

Or in other words ... The Pope has a pointy hat ... Still doesn't prove there is a God.

So basically you are saying that nothing written down can possibly be true unless its math then right?
NO WERE SAYING THIS IS JOT SCIENCE OR ANY SORT OF TRUTH, but opinion. Perspective. Witness testimony. Glass half full, half empty...WHO IS RIGHT?
All you can do is research and sample. There is no way youre going to be able to speak to everyone in the country.
Not according to her. She apparently can. She might as well be saying all Asians are good at math...
She said she spoke to every white person? Its not the same as saying all Asians are good at math because she is not saying all whites feel that way.
Do I really need to give you an example? Ok recently heard about an ACTUAL STUDY, from MIT, (and I’m paraphrasing) the study stayed out of x amount of subjects, studied in this specific way, under these conditions...We found that subjects can only remember a predictable finite amount of information given audibly or through text, but we’ve found that subjects retain a lot more information with no specific ceiling when we use visual illustrations to convey the same information....THATS AN ACTUAL STUDY WITH DATA. NOT OBSERVATIONS MADE FROM ONE PERSON.
Yes you need to give an example. I asked you like 4 times in a row. Dont you know what you want to see?

So youre saying you need more than one person that has come to the same conclusion or that they worked with her while she did her research? BTW who told you a study has to be conducted by multiple people?
NO WERE SAYING THIS IS JOT SCIENCE OR ANY SORT OF TRUTH, but opinion. Perspective. Witness testimony. Glass half full, half empty...WHO IS RIGHT?
All you can do is research and sample. There is no way youre going to be able to speak to everyone in the country.
Not according to her. She apparently can. She might as well be saying all Asians are good at math...
She said she spoke to every white person? Its not the same as saying all Asians are good at math because she is not saying all whites feel that way.
Do I really need to give you an example? Ok recently heard about an ACTUAL STUDY, from MIT, (and I’m paraphrasing) the study stayed out of x amount of subjects, studied in this specific way, under these conditions...We found that subjects can only remember a predictable finite amount of information given audibly or through text, but we’ve found that subjects retain a lot more information with no specific ceiling when we use visual illustrations to convey the same information....THATS AN ACTUAL STUDY WITH DATA. NOT OBSERVATIONS MADE FROM ONE PERSON.
Yes you need to give an example. I asked you like 4 times in a row. Dont you know what you want to see?

So youre saying you need more than one person that has come to the same conclusion or that they worked with her while she did her research? BTW who told you a study has to be conducted by multiple people? has to be reproduced under the same conditions.
All you can do is research and sample. There is no way youre going to be able to speak to everyone in the country.
Not according to her. She apparently can. She might as well be saying all Asians are good at math...
She said she spoke to every white person? Its not the same as saying all Asians are good at math because she is not saying all whites feel that way.
Do I really need to give you an example? Ok recently heard about an ACTUAL STUDY, from MIT, (and I’m paraphrasing) the study stayed out of x amount of subjects, studied in this specific way, under these conditions...We found that subjects can only remember a predictable finite amount of information given audibly or through text, but we’ve found that subjects retain a lot more information with no specific ceiling when we use visual illustrations to convey the same information....THATS AN ACTUAL STUDY WITH DATA. NOT OBSERVATIONS MADE FROM ONE PERSON.
Yes you need to give an example. I asked you like 4 times in a row. Dont you know what you want to see?

So youre saying you need more than one person that has come to the same conclusion or that they worked with her while she did her research? BTW who told you a study has to be conducted by multiple people? has to be reproduced under the same conditions.
One person cant ask multiple people the same questions under the same conditions?
Not according to her. She apparently can. She might as well be saying all Asians are good at math...
She said she spoke to every white person? Its not the same as saying all Asians are good at math because she is not saying all whites feel that way.
Do I really need to give you an example? Ok recently heard about an ACTUAL STUDY, from MIT, (and I’m paraphrasing) the study stayed out of x amount of subjects, studied in this specific way, under these conditions...We found that subjects can only remember a predictable finite amount of information given audibly or through text, but we’ve found that subjects retain a lot more information with no specific ceiling when we use visual illustrations to convey the same information....THATS AN ACTUAL STUDY WITH DATA. NOT OBSERVATIONS MADE FROM ONE PERSON.
Yes you need to give an example. I asked you like 4 times in a row. Dont you know what you want to see?

So youre saying you need more than one person that has come to the same conclusion or that they worked with her while she did her research? BTW who told you a study has to be conducted by multiple people? has to be reproduced under the same conditions.
One person cant ask multiple people the same questions under the same conditions?
Did she? She certainly hasn’t shown her work. Boy I wish I could get away with that.
She has a PHD.

In Multicultural Studies under the Liberal Arts college ... :thup:
I mean I haven't suggested she isn't a race pimp at all.

Or in other words ... The Pope has a pointy hat ... Still doesn't prove there is a God.

Not getting your point and I dont see anything about it being under a liberal arts college. Not that it makes a difference but where did you get that? Are you saying her research isnt valid because of it?
She said she spoke to every white person? Its not the same as saying all Asians are good at math because she is not saying all whites feel that way.
Do I really need to give you an example? Ok recently heard about an ACTUAL STUDY, from MIT, (and I’m paraphrasing) the study stayed out of x amount of subjects, studied in this specific way, under these conditions...We found that subjects can only remember a predictable finite amount of information given audibly or through text, but we’ve found that subjects retain a lot more information with no specific ceiling when we use visual illustrations to convey the same information....THATS AN ACTUAL STUDY WITH DATA. NOT OBSERVATIONS MADE FROM ONE PERSON.
Yes you need to give an example. I asked you like 4 times in a row. Dont you know what you want to see?

So youre saying you need more than one person that has come to the same conclusion or that they worked with her while she did her research? BTW who told you a study has to be conducted by multiple people? has to be reproduced under the same conditions.
One person cant ask multiple people the same questions under the same conditions?
Did she? She certainly hasn’t shown her work. Boy I wish I could get away with that.
Why dont you write her and ask?
That's a stupid comparison. You have to die to find out if you go to hell. You are alive and there are reactions that whites have when discussing race. You show them in these posts.

Don't worry ... There is no way in Hell (no pun intended) I would expect you to be able to interpret what I meant.

But on a side note ... How would you suggest that me discussing this topic with you since you first quoted the article in the OP ... Would support Dr. Deangelo's theory if a white person like me was possibly trying to avoid a stressful conversation about race?


Interpret what you mean easily. Now produce how yo can say this is bullshit. Because we aren't discussing race.You have yet to discuss this topic. This topic is about white self examination of how they have been socialized and how they have been socialized to see race and racism. Not about someone building a race industry and race pimping people.
Do I really need to give you an example? Ok recently heard about an ACTUAL STUDY, from MIT, (and I’m paraphrasing) the study stayed out of x amount of subjects, studied in this specific way, under these conditions...We found that subjects can only remember a predictable finite amount of information given audibly or through text, but we’ve found that subjects retain a lot more information with no specific ceiling when we use visual illustrations to convey the same information....THATS AN ACTUAL STUDY WITH DATA. NOT OBSERVATIONS MADE FROM ONE PERSON.
Yes you need to give an example. I asked you like 4 times in a row. Dont you know what you want to see?

So youre saying you need more than one person that has come to the same conclusion or that they worked with her while she did her research? BTW who told you a study has to be conducted by multiple people? has to be reproduced under the same conditions.
One person cant ask multiple people the same questions under the same conditions?
Did she? She certainly hasn’t shown her work. Boy I wish I could get away with that.
Why dont you write her and ask?
Because I’m not the one trying passing her opinion off as science...that’s her responsibility, as the one proposing the “theory” that’s just opinion. Why would I? Don’t resort to appeals to ignorance.
Yes you need to give an example. I asked you like 4 times in a row. Dont you know what you want to see?

So youre saying you need more than one person that has come to the same conclusion or that they worked with her while she did her research? BTW who told you a study has to be conducted by multiple people? has to be reproduced under the same conditions.
One person cant ask multiple people the same questions under the same conditions?
Did she? She certainly hasn’t shown her work. Boy I wish I could get away with that.
Why dont you write her and ask?
Because I’m not the one trying passing her opinion off as science...that’s her responsibility, as the one proposing the “theory” that’s just opinion. Why would I? Don’t resort to appeals to ignorance.
anyway I’m done with this thread. I’m actually someone who does believe the police are heavy handed...but apparently there’s no reason to be found here. Just mental masterbation generalizations.
I think we are running into the white denial she is speaking about. White denial effects even Black people sometimes. I mean there are Black people that honestly believe ice from a white person is colder than from a Black person. If your frame of reference depends on white ideology then you refute anything that doesnt conform to that ideology. This is an exaggerated example but this should clarify the point. If we had to show a picture of us standing in front of our home to establish our address then someone accepting a utility bill with the address on it would be less believable. In fact if we wanted to deny that person showing the utility bill their rights we would use the fact that they didnt have the photo to discredit them.
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Any psychology book would back her up. Why does she need someone elses study to back her study up?

Well some of the psychology books may back her up ... A degree in psychology can be either a Liberal Arts or Science degree.
You really don't need to guess which school Dr. Deangelo's degree falls under ... :thup:


This is how stupid you are. Does she have to get a conservative arts degree for her facts to be respected?

Because psychology doesn't change if a person has a liberal arts or science degree. has to be reproduced under the same conditions.
One person cant ask multiple people the same questions under the same conditions?
Did she? She certainly hasn’t shown her work. Boy I wish I could get away with that.
Why dont you write her and ask?
Because I’m not the one trying passing her opinion off as science...that’s her responsibility, as the one proposing the “theory” that’s just opinion. Why would I? Don’t resort to appeals to ignorance.
anyway I’m done with this thread. I’m actually someone who does believe the police are heavy handed...but apparently there’s no reason to be found here. Just mental masterbation generalizations.
Issues of the mind typically are just educated musings and observations. Police being heavy handed is typically reported and documented without having to do a study. Not even remotely the same ball park. has to be reproduced under the same conditions.
One person cant ask multiple people the same questions under the same conditions?
Did she? She certainly hasn’t shown her work. Boy I wish I could get away with that.
Why dont you write her and ask?
Because I’m not the one trying passing her opinion off as science...that’s her responsibility, as the one proposing the “theory” that’s just opinion. Why would I? Don’t resort to appeals to ignorance.
anyway I’m done with this thread. I’m actually someone who does believe the police are heavy handed...but apparently there’s no reason to be found here. Just mental masterbation generalizations.

Well actually there hasn't been generalizations. There has been an inability for those like you to actually be able to understand the exact nature of the subject matter. Its not about the police being heavy handed or any of that.
One person cant ask multiple people the same questions under the same conditions?
Did she? She certainly hasn’t shown her work. Boy I wish I could get away with that.
Why dont you write her and ask?
Because I’m not the one trying passing her opinion off as science...that’s her responsibility, as the one proposing the “theory” that’s just opinion. Why would I? Don’t resort to appeals to ignorance.
anyway I’m done with this thread. I’m actually someone who does believe the police are heavy handed...but apparently there’s no reason to be found here. Just mental masterbation generalizations.
Issues of the mind typically are just educated musings and observations. Police being heavy handed is typically reported and documented without having to do a study. Not even remotely the same ball park.
Nope psychology uses scientific studies like the rest of science. There is neither stats or study done in this doctors case. Just her opinion. And yes we do have stats and documentation on police shootings, as well as plenty of studies, e.g. negligent shootings went down when police were trained to keep their fingers off the trigger until it was required to fire.
Not getting your point and I dont see anything about it being under a liberal arts college. Not that it makes a difference but where did you get that? Are you saying her research isnt valid because of it?

No ... I am not saying her work is invalid because it falls under the Liberal Arts college.
I am saying it invalid based on the fact it isn't properly supported ... And doesn't include a respectable criteria tolerance.

The best I can do is ask you to read what she has stated again.
This time look at the way the argument she makes is presented ... And it will become suspicious at best.

She presents her case as an absolute.
Then she tries to prove it is absolute using examples of a person's behavior as a means to support her hypothesis.
Those examples include (but are not restricted to) ...

Say something
Don't say something
Simply walk away

It is a perfectly infallible case ... She set her required criteria to meet any possible result ... :thup:
She could not have possibly proven her hypothesis wrong ... Because her criteria for being correct was any result she could possibly arrive at.

I mean you can accept that as sufficient proof of her theory/hypothesis ... But it would be kind of hard for anyone with a science background to accept it.
It wouldn't be hard to accept as a matter of race ... But as a means of faulty experimentation.

And don't bring psychology into it ... Because she uses psychological tools to facilitate irrelevant and unsupported points.
She basically states that if you doubt her theory and know damn well it doesn't apply to you ... Then it still exists in your sub-conscious and she is right anyway.

If you cannot recognize that as a bunch of self serving bullshit ... All I can say is that you just want to believe what she presents.

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Did she? She certainly hasn’t shown her work. Boy I wish I could get away with that.
Why dont you write her and ask?
Because I’m not the one trying passing her opinion off as science...that’s her responsibility, as the one proposing the “theory” that’s just opinion. Why would I? Don’t resort to appeals to ignorance.
anyway I’m done with this thread. I’m actually someone who does believe the police are heavy handed...but apparently there’s no reason to be found here. Just mental masterbation generalizations.
Issues of the mind typically are just educated musings and observations. Police being heavy handed is typically reported and documented without having to do a study. Not even remotely the same ball park.
Nope psychology uses scientific studies like the rest of science. There is neither stats or study done in this doctors case. Just her opinion. And yes we do have stats and documentation on police shootings, as well as plenty of studies, e.g. negligent shootings went down when police were trained to keep their fingers off the trigger until it was required to fire.
Nope. Psychology cannot accurately predict what a person thinks. Its all supposition. Show me one study that can scientifically predict how a persons mind will react in a given situation.

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