Another pro cyclist “dies suddenly”.

Nope. Not in KillerPenny's mind. No jab? Shut up and die painfully, according to her. She's a fucking ghoul.
I have it from reliable sources that the woman second from the left is Penny’s Nazi grandma, just prior to her execution for murdering hundreds. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

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Of course it happens, and has always happened.

It's just happening a whole lot more now. It can't be hidden for too much longer. Soon enough, the very cardiologists, nurses and other health care pros you mention are going to also be ticked they were hoodwinked into taking this poison and will begin speaking out.

The powers that be only hope to keep us occupied with plenty of other "news".....isn't that promising?
Where is your proof of this?

More anecdotal nonsense?

My county was once a hotbed of COVID so the vaccine rate was also high because of all the government employees There are ZERO reports of any deaths due to the vaccines. My daughter is an Army commander at Fort Campbell. There are thousands upon thousands of soldiers and government employees there. Again, no reports of vaccine deaths.

Not a single person in my family has had anyone with health issues after COVID or the vaccine.

All of that proves nothing, just your alleged deaths due to vaccines. I am sorry that the CDC has lied to us about many aspects of COVID and the vaccines, but the Chicken Little attitude about the vaccines is wearing thin on a lot of people.
People who think that every time someone dies it was because of a vaccine don't know how fucking moonbatty they are.
We aren’t claiming that “every time” someone dies it’s the vaccines. Just when young people die of heart attacks and blood clots.

But go ahead and believe it’s totally normal. Go ahead and get your booster shot.
Hey Penelope, who's actually dying here?

"I'm getting sick and tired of people who are unvaccinated. I wish them to all die and also to bypass the hospitals. Die at home."--Penelope, Jan 18th 2022

BTW, isn't today a good day for you to go and get a booster?
In all fairness to that one and everyone like her and in order to not be so hypocritical, I think the same thing about all of them. Can't lie.
We aren’t claiming that “every time” someone dies it’s the vaccines. Just when young people die of heart attacks and blood clots.

But go ahead and believe it’s totally normal. Go ahead and get your booster shot.
Somehow it was out of the HYPE news but Deion Sanders who loudly ridiculed Aaron Rodgers for not getting the jabs and bragged about getting the jabs and boosters just recently had several amputations of toes and almost lost his leg and life to blood clotting that mysteriously happened.

Not much made of it in the news. Any reason you think? I mean reports of it, but not much else.
In all fairness to that one and everyone like her and in order to not be so hypocritical, I think the same thing about all of them. Can't lie.

You can’t think this way about someone who’s lost their mind. She’s fucking crazy. So, she has no control over her actions and beliefs. Don’t condemn her for being nuts.

You can’t think this way about someone who’s lost their mind. She’s fucking crazy. So, she has no control over her actions and beliefs. Don’t condemn her for being nuts.
They all think like that and most won't tell you that. They really do want the mass genocide to happen and that one, while demented is exactly what they all are anyway. All of them are demented monkeys on strings being pulled by their new world order overlords who have read and reread different versions of Robin Hood all of their lives.
They all think like that and most won't tell you that. They really do want the mass genocide to happen and that one, while demented is exactly what they all are anyway. All of them are demented monkeys on strings being pulled by their new world order overlords who have read and reread different versions of Robin Hood all of their lives.
This is a consequence of a government media complex that works to divide Americans. Unfortunately too many of us are unable to withstand the lies and propaganda.
This is a consequence of a government media complex that works to divide Americans. Unfortunately too many of us are unable to withstand the lies and propaganda.
True, we have all fallen prey to it. Then again many of my actions were and have been and are quite willfull on my part. I will have to answer for that someday. Doesn't make me comfortable at all. Perhaps "uncomfortable" is the way I ought to be.

Anyway, the American communists or "socialists" have to be the most annoying and ridiculous people that have ever walked the earth.

I mean with all of the evidence. Like you know how so many from South American socialist despots and Cuba are desperately and I mean desperately trying to here and not the other way around. Then those same people who see that and all free to go there cause there are no walls keeping them in, all want that governmental system here.

Cause of the tyranny of 7 Elevens and Burger Kings.


We are all guilty for allowing these roaches to burrow too deeply into our culture via the educational system and by extension the media and entertainment industry.

Me you all of us are guilty of being too passive and actually participating in the decadence and now judgement is upon all of us and the scoffers will laugh and laugh and laugh.

I am begging for mercy and while that is a bad thing for me to say, at this point I want to be honest cause hypocrisy I hate. My own hypocrisy I hate the most.
He died of cardiac arrest. Totally normal for a 28 year old athlete, right?

Another 28 year old cyclist died earlier this month.

Another had a heart attack at the end of a race, but did survive.

How much do you want to bet all these young, super fit guys were fully vaccinated with Safe & Effective® vaccines?
Lol, actually it is fairly common. The gene that allows for extreme muscle growth is also linked to heart issues. Growth hormone is also linked to heart issues. This is why people suffering from giantism typically have short lives.
Lol, actually it is fairly common. The gene that allows for extreme muscle growth is also linked to heart issues. Growth hormone is also linked to heart issues. This is why people suffering from giantism typically have short lives.
When you say quite common 😕 😕
Lol, actually it is fairly common. The gene that allows for extreme muscle growth is also linked to heart issues. Growth hormone is also linked to heart issues. This is why people suffering from giantism typically have short lives.
Yea, that’s what I said, it’s totally “normal”.

Can’t wait for year by year statistics on it.
Also a vaxxed versus unvaccinated would be nice. Will science dare?
He died of cardiac arrest. Totally normal for a 28 year old athlete, right?

Another 28 year old cyclist died earlier this month.

Another had a heart attack at the end of a race, but did survive.

How much do you want to bet all these young, super fit guys were fully vaccinated with Safe & Effective® vaccines?
Cycling against the bike does the heart in, should always go for a higher cadence.

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