Another pro cyclist “dies suddenly”.

It wasn't the green smoothie. The killer is the RF waves from the cell phone towers causing brain cancer. And actually you can block that radiation by simply taking sheets regular household aluminum foil from your kitchen and forming it over your head to make a sort of helmet. It will perform like a Faraday cage by diverting the death rays around you head.
Say, could you use a tube of K-Y there?
According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). From 2007 to 2019, 9,768 cyclists have died across the U.S. We took that number and divided it by 13 to get the average.

I’m telling ya….bikes are killers…
My cardiologist told me I was going to need stents in my heart. I complained that my cholesterol and blood pressure had been normal most of my life. She told me that I was lucky I had not dropped dead at any time.

She related to me a story where she ran a half-marathon. She finished the race and was cooling down when she saw another runner pass the finish line, take a few more steps and collapsed. She went to assist, of course, and the guy apparently was dead before he hit the ground. They managed to resuscitate him and got him to the ER. She became his patient. This man had been a runner his entire life and had picture perfect health. Neither of his parents had a history of heart disease and was in excellent shape. Both of them were still alive in the early 70s.

Then, they happened to ask and he admitted he was adopted as a baby, and had known his birth parents. "Had" is the key word, as both of them died in their 30s of heart attacks! It is all genetic.

My father died at the age of 75 of a massive heart attack sitting in our living room, talking to a neighbor, who happened to be a nurse. He was very active and his only heart issues were slightly elevated blood pressure and irregular heartbeat cured by a pacemaker installed in his early 70s. She had given him CPR and the paramedics arrived in just a few minutes, but nothing could bring him back.

My Mom lived until the ripe old age of 83 and had 5 coronary bypasses a few years before she died. Ironically, she fell while getting up in the middle of the night, fell and struck her head, dying of a cerebral hemorrhage because of the blood thinners she was taking.

My cardiologist said some people carry around ticking time bomb that can go off anytime your genetic code says the time has arrived, My time bomb has not gone off yet!

You can be an overweight, fat slob couch potato and die at the age of 90, and the marathon runner can drop dead in their 20s.

It happens!

Of course it happens, and has always happened.

It's just happening a whole lot more now. It can't be hidden for too much longer. Soon enough, the very cardiologists, nurses and other health care pros you mention are going to also be ticked they were hoodwinked into taking this poison and will begin speaking out.

The powers that be only hope to keep us occupied with plenty of other "news".....isn't that promising?
She has said so, iterated it and then reiterated about a hundred times. She wants me to die, and I take that quite seriously.
She might want to seek a mental health profession. She’s obviously a psychopath.

She brings to mind the female Nazi concentration camp guard.
I don’t understand a parent who vaxxes a five year. WTF!

The child who dropped dead during gym class--he was dead by the time the medics got there--he had Sickle Cell Anemia. So of course the media put the death down to that. I could immediately read through the lines--nope, but that's why he got the Death Shot, you can believe that.

Tragic. Unimaginable.

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