Another question for Republicans....

Are you happy that half of Americans pay no income tax at all so that the rest of us have to take up their slack........the majority of which is paid by the super rich?

The super rich have a majority of the wealth and it's increasing with every year. The middle class can't say the same.

What entitles anyone to another person's wealth or possessions? If you have a house with 3 bathrooms and your neighbor only has 1, is he entitled to a key to your house so he can take a steamer in your excess toilet? I'm guessing no.

Of course not, but if you have to resort to ridiculous extremes to try and make your point, what does that say about your entire argument? Not very much.

You can't think outside of cliches can you? Sad.
Weird, no one actually answered the question in the OP. Everyone wants to talk about their own agenda but not the actual question.

We aren't getting a flat tax without exemptions, so let's talk about reality. The reality of one side campaigning cutting taxes on the wealthiest americans at the expense of middle class and poor americans. Are you ok with that?

Quit listening to Main Stream Media and think about what you're saying. The top 1% pay 38% of all federal income tax. 47% pay no taxes at all and many get refunds on money they never paid. Stop spending, stop refunding money never paid and quit sending money to countries that we borrow from on a daily basis.

If we taxed that 1% at 100% of their income it still wouldn't make up for the shortfall. Really, quit listening to the people that sell news and start using your own mind. This is not a partisan issue, it's over spending and spending on things that have no benefit to taxpayers.

I learned last time that replying to you is pointless since as soon as your half baked ideas are proven to be bullshit you stop responding.

Your posts are the equivalent of message board blue balls. Thanks, but no thanks.

If I stop responding it may be that I have a life beyond message boards and the topic may have slipped beyond the first couple of pages. I work, no I actually work hard, as I am a small business owner. Furthermore, I like to discuss and debate, when you start telling me my ideas are "half baked and bullshit" I see there is no room for discussion, you're right, I'm wrong so what's the point?? Name calling has never been something I usually partake in.

Would you like to show me where the bullsh*t is in my post??
Yes, we do have a revenue problem....

How clueless are rank and file Republicans that they want to pay higher taxes so the rich can pay less?

Voting against their best interest....always.
Another question for Republicans....

Are you happy paying higher taxes, so the super rich can pay less?

The middle class is paying lower taxes than ever before.

You like the idea of going back to the tax code that had the top bracket at 90% right?

Did you know that in 1951 when the top rate was 90% that the lowest rate was 20%?

That means the poorest workers were paying 20% now today the lowest tax bracket is 10%

When the top tax bracket was 90% if you made 50K a year you would have been in the 63% bracket but today you would be in the 25% bracket.

So where do you get the idea that we are paying higher taxes?
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I got a question for Democrats....

What would your list of additional entitlements look like? I mean an exhaustive list of any that you see for the future.
I got a question for Democrats....

What would your list of additional entitlements look like? I mean an exhaustive list of any that you see for the future.

Poor families, children, the old, and the sick.

Just like it is now.

Of course Republicans would rather give money to the oil companies and the super rich.
Kind of a silly argument.
Until the tax code is revised nothing will change...
The rich are paying their "fair" share now.
If the left doesn't like what they are paying,
if the left feels like paying more...Go ahead knock yourself out.
I am paying what my accountant and the IRS say what I should be paying.
Right, let's close the loopholes. Whats your point exactly?

What agenda do I have? Let's hear you actually say it. Because I'm pretty sure I make more money than you and I'm not just advocating for increased taxes on the rich because it would somehow benefit me....because it wouldn't. So lets hear it, what's my agenda? To do what's best for the country? Guilty as charged.

Cut the government a check big shot! There is nothing stopping you from doing the right thing and paying your "fair share". Let us know how much you sent them so we can decide if you were a greedy bastard or did the right thing.

Oh thats original. So on the flip side, go ahead and cut a check to the multi-millionaire of your choice if they are so in need of a bigger tax break. Go ahead! It will turn this country around as soon as they rich get more money. Right? You do love your country, right?

Give me a break with your tired, uneducated arguments with no basis in reality.

Thanks for showing your true colors. You're envious. You don't really care about manning up and doing what you want other people to do out of love of country. Lead by example. Write the government a check to do the right thing and pay your "fair share". Post it here for all to see. Your'e the one making the argument that the country needs more money and that it should come from the rich. You've state that you probably make more than others here. Put up or shut up. It isn't tired or uneducated arguments. It's calling you on your envious bullshit.

Answer the question, what entitles you or the government to a persons wealth? Simply because they have it and you don't, does that entitle you to it?
Another question for Republicans....

Are you happy paying higher taxes, so the super rich can pay less?

The middle class is paying lower taxes than ever before.

You like the idea of going back to the tax code that had the top bracket at 90% right?

Did you know that in 1951 when the top rate was 90% that the lowest rate was 20%?

That means the poorest workers were paying 20% now today the lowest tax bracket is 10%

When the top tax bracket was 90% if you made 50K a year you would have been in the 63% bracket but today you would be in the 25% bracket.

So where do you get the idea that we are paying higher taxes?

We have a $15 trillion dollar debt because of Reagan and Bush lowering taxes for the rich.

Who do you think is going to have to pay off that debt?
Another question for Republicans....

Are you happy paying higher taxes, so the super rich can pay less?

When the 49 percent of those that don't pay federal income tax start paying their fair share. I'll be happy

Federal income taxes make up less then 1/3 of total taxes. When you are honest and logical and include all taxes the results show that billionaires and millionaires pay less taxes then the middle class.
But I wont expect you to be logical

Nope people should pay the same percentage in taxes as the wealth they have, meaning the richest 1% needs to have their taxes increased by 50%

Medicare/Caid and SS are far more efficient then the private market. If it weren't for government wed being getting robbed by the inefficient private market. Also most rich people make their wealth by mooching off of workers

Medicare/Caid and SS are far more efficient then the private market.

You hear that in an efficient public school. :cuckoo:
^Medicare costs 40% less then private insurance despite Medicare providing more benefits and better quality of care

You’re in good hands with Social Security: But Privatization Proposals Would Unravel Its Ability to Insure Against Loss of Income, Disability, and Death | Economic Policy Institute
^SS provides 26% more benefits that private market counterparts

GOP Defends Higher Education Profiteers As They Line Their Pockets With Taxpayer Dollars | ThinkProgress
Which Colleges Leave Students With the Most Debt? - US News and World Report
Fast Facts
^Also private universities are less efficient then public universities

Also private k-12 schools are less efficient as well
About Those Milwaukee Vouchers | ThinkProgress
Public Schools Outperform Private Schools in Math Instruction

Have you checked your sources? Research and Ideas for Shared Prosperity????
Sounds like redistribution of wealth language, doesn't it?
Socialist or communist?

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