Another Reason Scott Walker Will Never Get My Vote

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Aside from his backwards views on social issues, Scott Walker has no respect for our Fourth Amendment. He says it's “incredibly important” for national security that the government retain the legal authority to collect Americans’ metadata en masse without obtaining a warrant. “We need to have the capacity to collect information that can be used to identify individuals who are linked to enemy combatants who are gonna do us harm,” he claims. Which brings to mind this piece of advice handed down to us by Benjamin Franklin: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I will stand with Rand on this one.

Scott Walker I Don t Stand With Rand - BuzzFeed News
metadata does not include message content...just numbers called and durations of calls. They're not tapping your phone without a warrant.

Metadata is public information.

You are overly paranoid.
Rand Paul will not get the nomination.
For once you've said something smart.

Especially when he makes statements like this:


He's just a few steps above Cruz on the moron scale, but he's really running to grow daddy's mailing list and get bigger speaking fees.
Rand is looking best so far in my view.....

Rand is anti-science and doesn't believe in investing in our country. He can go to hell...I'd vote Cruz far before Rand...Hell, I'd put Hillary into the white house first.
Rand is looking best so far in my view.....
although Walker was always in my top three choices, I dont think he will get passed Cruz and Rubio. My gut tells me its going to be the two mexicans in the end,,lol, and maybe even the 1/2 Mexican, Jebby.
Rand Paul will not get the nomination.
For once you've said something smart.

Especially when he makes statements like this:


He's just a few steps above Cruz on the moron scale, but he's really running to grow daddy's mailing list and get bigger speaking fees.
Were you not spanked enough on the other thread dedicated to this that you need to post it again? He was right here.
Frankly anyone you consider a moron would have to be genius grade.
Rand Paul likes to pander to the stupid college kids and the libertarian freaks.
Rand Paul will not get the nomination.
For once you've said something smart.

Especially when he makes statements like this:


He's just a few steps above Cruz on the moron scale, but he's really running to grow daddy's mailing list and get bigger speaking fees.
Were you not spanked enough on the other thread dedicated to this that you need to post it again? He was right here.
Frankly anyone you consider a moron would have to be genius grade.
This is the first time I've ever posted this, dope. I just saw it on twitter yesterday.

Please link to this imaginary 'spanking'.
THe issue is that conservatives will not vote for him. Without that there is no way for him to win.
You continue your delusion that conservatives are a huge voting block.

Paul could win by getting some conservatives, some Democrats, and a whole lot of independents. And that is looking like his strategy. He's teamed up with Cory Booker on prison/sentencing reform. He's come out for a less forceful foreign policy/military posture (since abandoned), and he's come out (I think) for legalizing marijuana. All these things are partly to attract Democrats and other freedom lovers.
"Scott Walker I Don t Stand With Rand"

Those who seek to safeguard our civil liberties and advocate for responsible governance should 'stand' with neither.
Rand Paul will not get the nomination.
For once you've said something smart.

Especially when he makes statements like this:


He's just a few steps above Cruz on the moron scale, but he's really running to grow daddy's mailing list and get bigger speaking fees.
Were you not spanked enough on the other thread dedicated to this that you need to post it again? He was right here.
Frankly anyone you consider a moron would have to be genius grade.
This is the first time I've ever posted this, dope. I just saw it on twitter yesterday.

Please link to this imaginary 'spanking'.

Obviously you are full of shit, Rabbi, since you ran off like a little bitch.
Aside from his backwards views on social issues, Scott Walker has no respect for our Fourth Amendment. He says it's “incredibly important” for national security that the government retain the legal authority to collect Americans’ metadata en masse without obtaining a warrant. “We need to have the capacity to collect information that can be used to identify individuals who are linked to enemy combatants who are gonna do us harm,” he claims. Which brings to mind this piece of advice handed down to us by Benjamin Franklin: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I will stand with Rand on this one.

Scott Walker I Don t Stand With Rand - BuzzFeed News
As long as they are looking at the foreign element of the pairing, its very legal and constitutional.

However, I'd rather see the whole program go away, so go talk to the Democrats who are supporting it. One wrong viewpoint does not eliminate My consideration of voting for him.
Aside from his backwards views on social issues, Scott Walker has no respect for our Fourth Amendment. He says it's “incredibly important” for national security that the government retain the legal authority to collect Americans’ metadata en masse without obtaining a warrant. “We need to have the capacity to collect information that can be used to identify individuals who are linked to enemy combatants who are gonna do us harm,” he claims. Which brings to mind this piece of advice handed down to us by Benjamin Franklin: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I will stand with Rand on this one.

Scott Walker I Don t Stand With Rand - BuzzFeed News

I agree with you in part, but the NSA issue isn't the most important thing to me. The government still can not prosecute you without judicial approval. No one as far as I know has been prosecuted because of something the government picked up without a warrant. I would like the "Patriot Act" repealed, but there are far more important issues that need to be addressed. Walker has proven that he is willing and able to roll back liberal policy. That's the sort of guy I want in the WH.

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