Another reason to get rid of labor unions. NY slow snow clean up deliberate!

Agreed at their best, they do however need to reform a bit within themselves.

Reform, they need to be fired like Reagan did the air traffic controllers!

Yes. Putting private interest before public duty is shamefull

Government employees should never forget who they actually work for.
To bad congress does not agree with this... umm in reality they do not since they basically work for corporations?
Has nothing to do with the reduction in the workforce, eh?

Nothing at all..


Oh..and the Post is just about as reliable as the National Enquirer..
Has nothing to do with the reduction in the workforce, eh?

Nothing at all..


Oh..and the Post is just about as reliable as the National Enquirer..

Unions are bad for this country. They demand wages and "benefits" that cannot be absorbed by the market. Hence, manufacturing is GONE from the US.
Reform, they need to be fired like Reagan did the air traffic controllers!

Yes. Putting private interest before public duty is shamefull

Government employees should never forget who they actually work for.
To bad congress does not agree with this... umm in reality they do not since they basically work for corporations?

Right. We have become a "government operating by corrupt influence; substituting the motive of private interest in place of public duty; converting its pecuniary dispensations into bounties to favorites or bribes to opponents; accommodating its measures to the avidity of a part of the nation instead of the benefit of the whole" or what James Madison called "an impostor"
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Has nothing to do with the reduction in the workforce, eh?

Nothing at all..


Oh..and the Post is just about as reliable as the National Enquirer..

Unions are bad for this country. They demand wages and "benefits" that cannot be absorbed by the market. Hence, manufacturing is GONE from the US.

Yep..that money is better spent on corporate executives like Bernie Maddoff. Heck..20 billion? No worries.
The statist demands more and more control, but takes less and less responsibility.
Has nothing to do with the reduction in the workforce, eh?

Nothing at all..


Oh..and the Post is just about as reliable as the National Enquirer..

Unions are bad for this country. They demand wages and "benefits" that cannot be absorbed by the market. Hence, manufacturing is GONE from the US.

Yep..that money is better spent on corporate executives like Bernie Maddoff. Heck..20 billion? No worries.

Sure beats a bunch of my guys sitting on the bench because my customers refuse to pay their rates, doesn't it?
Has nothing to do with the reduction in the workforce, eh?

Nothing at all..


Oh..and the Post is just about as reliable as the National Enquirer..

No, it doesn't, when it becomes obvious, they are deliberately slowing down work.

And your talk about what is reliable? :lol::lol::lol:

What else can you rely on in New York City? The New York Times??????

Has nothing to do with the reduction in the workforce, eh?

Nothing at all..


Oh..and the Post is just about as reliable as the National Enquirer..

Unions are bad for this country. They demand wages and "benefits" that cannot be absorbed by the market. Hence, manufacturing is GONE from the US.

Yep..that money is better spent on corporate executives like Bernie Maddoff. Heck..20 billion? No worries.

Stretching even further!

Not only do you claim 9/11 is Reagan's fault, now every private employer is Bernie Madoff!

And you complain about credibility???????

The Union Bosses should be charged with Negligent Homicide in the Death of the Crown Height Baby.

The Sanitation Union should be charged as accessory

The Union should be disbanded and replaced with private workers, every single last fucking one of them.
The Union Bosses should be charged with Negligent Homicide in the Death of the Crown Height Baby.

The Sanitation Union should be charged as accessory

The Union should be disbanded and replaced with private workers, every single last fucking one of them.

I agree 100% :clap2::clap2::clap2:

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