Another record! June was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth

talking points from the left, I asked for hard data and you post bullshit talking points, no surprise her

If you weren't so emotionally invested in your fantasy, you wouldn't get triggered so hard by simple facts.

So why are you so emotionally invested in your fantasy? Talk it through with us. We're here for you.

It's not a question that you're delusional. The topic of interest is _why_ you cling to your delusions. At this stage, the only interesting thing about you is your abnormal pscyhology.
If you weren't so emotionally invested in your fantasy, you wouldn't get triggered so hard by simple facts.

So why are you so emotionally invested in your fantasy? Talk it through with us. We're here for you.

It's not a question that you're delusional. The topic of interest is _why_ you cling to your delusions. At this stage, the only interesting thing about you is your abnormal pscyhology.
you just described yourself quite well, you and all the other "sky is falling" climate freaks. you told us in the 70s that all the oil would be gone by 2000, your prophet algore said that florida and most of the east coast would be under water and there would be no ice at either pole, didn't happen. you said acid rain would destroy all crops, didn't happen. But we should believe you about AGW????? bullshit.
you just described yourself quite well, you and all the other "sky is falling" climate freaks. you told us in the 70s that all the oil would be gone by 2000, your prophet algore said that florida and most of the east coast would be under water and there would be no ice at either pole, didn't happen. you said acid rain would destroy all crops, didn't happen. But we should believe you about AGW????? bullshit.
See? Triggered hard, and completely delusional.

Remember, you making up idiot stories about us only makes you look bad.
The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

Stop spewing lies.

It's Oppressively Hot In Dallas Right Now, But it's Not 1980 Hot.​

That Dallas sun? Not as hot as the one on June 27, 1980. Lauren Drewes Daniels
The headlines throughout North Texas this week, understandably, have been dominated by various weather-related stories. ERCOT’s power supply, excessive heat warnings from the National Weather Service and the wildly ominous sounding “heat dome” are all standard parts of our vocabulary this week. Some reports suggest the current heat wave might be deadly.

But as blazingly hot as June 27, 2023, was in Dallas, it’s not the hottest day in Dallas history. That was June 27, 1980, 43 years ago today, when Dallas endured an all-time record 113 degree high temperature. The highest heat index for Tuesday is predicted to hit "only" 111 degrees, and on Wednesday, 112, so even those scorching metrics for this week can’t match what folks in town a generation ago endured.
Stop spewing lies.

It's Oppressively Hot In Dallas Right Now, But it's Not 1980 Hot.​

That Dallas sun? Not as hot as the one on June 27, 1980. Lauren Drewes Daniels
The headlines throughout North Texas this week, understandably, have been dominated by various weather-related stories. ERCOT’s power supply, excessive heat warnings from the National Weather Service and the wildly ominous sounding “heat dome” are all standard parts of our vocabulary this week. Some reports suggest the current heat wave might be deadly.

But as blazingly hot as June 27, 2023, was in Dallas, it’s not the hottest day in Dallas history. That was June 27, 1980, 43 years ago today, when Dallas endured an all-time record 113 degree high temperature. The highest heat index for Tuesday is predicted to hit "only" 111 degrees, and on Wednesday, 112, so even those scorching metrics for this week can’t match what folks in town a generation ago endured.
But that people under the age of 40 haven't seen in their entire lives. And summer is just beginning.
Contrary to popular belief it gets hot EVERY SUMMER.

Mind blowing huh!
I'd bet a dollar to a donut that Texas's all-time record will fall this summer.

I've spent many years in Florida and as summer progresses, the heat and humidity builds and there is this growing anxiety about how and when it's all going to come crashing down on us in a Cat 4 hurricane. The stable global temperatures for the last few years felt similar. And, of course, we've seen precisely this associated with the ENSO cycle. It's very likely that the next year or two are going to be extremely hot worldwide.
See? Triggered hard, and completely delusional.

Remember, you making up idiot stories about us only makes you look bad.
which of your predictions did I misstate? Did the left not say that oil would be gone by 2000? did Gore not say that the polar ice would melt and flood all the low lying states? Did you lefties not predict that acid rain would destroy all crops?
Stop spewing lies.

It's Oppressively Hot In Dallas Right Now, But it's Not 1980 Hot.​

That Dallas sun? Not as hot as the one on June 27, 1980. Lauren Drewes Daniels
The headlines throughout North Texas this week, understandably, have been dominated by various weather-related stories. ERCOT’s power supply, excessive heat warnings from the National Weather Service and the wildly ominous sounding “heat dome” are all standard parts of our vocabulary this week. Some reports suggest the current heat wave might be deadly.

But as blazingly hot as June 27, 2023, was in Dallas, it’s not the hottest day in Dallas history. That was June 27, 1980, 43 years ago today, when Dallas endured an all-time record 113 degree high temperature. The highest heat index for Tuesday is predicted to hit "only" 111 degrees, and on Wednesday, 112, so even those scorching metrics for this week can’t match what folks in town a generation ago endured.
Summer 1980, over 100 for a couple weeks, overnight lows in the upper 80’s and low 90’s, only an attic fan and box fans for cooling. This that is happening now is nothing but an inconvenience.

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